Friday, June 18, 2010

Limbaugh, Limpballs, Limpy, Drugster,

Limbaugh: "[T]his is going to be used as a little miniature slush fund." On his radio show, Rush Limbaugh claimed, "When we last heard from the leader of the regime, he said that an independent, third-party person will be handling the $20 billion payout to people in the Gulf of Mexico." After noting that Special Master for TARP Executive Compensation Kenneth Feinberg would oversee the escrow fund, Limbaugh said, "The guy works for Obama, he's a czar, but somehow this thing is going to be sloughed off as some sort of independent agency he's going to head up? How stupid do they think we are, folks?" Limbaugh later added:
Look, the government's in charge of this. I want to know who's going to get it. Who's going to get this money? Union activists? ACORN people? Who's going to get this money? Let's keep a sharp eye on who Feinberg gives this money to, because I'm telling you, this is another bailout fund called something else, and we'll see who gets it. If Obama's past is prologue -- and it is -- then this is going to be used as a little miniature slush fund. [The Rush Limbaugh Show, 6/16/10]

Who's going to get this MONEY???  LIMPBALLS wants to know!!!
Union activists??? ACORN PEOPLE??? 

HOLY FUCKIN' SHIT!!!  Is this asshole serious???

Did you read Immoral Minority? Its on my sidebar, check out his post on Bill Randall. Here's some of it.......

Bill Randall, a North Carolina Republican candidate for Congress, is calling for a "thorough investigation" into whether President Barack Obama's administration colluded with BP to allow the Gulf oil spill.

"There were procedures that were violated by BP that the federal government signed off on, safeguards that decades of engineering wherewithal and knowledge told them that this way the way to do it," Randall told reporters earlier this week. "They intentionally bypassed that and the safety was compromised."

Randall continued: "I’m not necessarily a conspiracy person, but I don’t think enough investigation has been done on this. Someone needs to be digging into that situation. Personally, and this is purely speculative on my part and not based on any fact, but personally I feel there is a possibility that there was some sort of collusion."

What's going on with those teabagging morons?? I don't listen to Limbaughs show but I can bet this will be his next subject !


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

No kidding. Rush MUST be on drugs again. ACORN, as everyone well knows, went under following the pulling of their funding by Congress after the James O'Keefe undercover video showed how corrupt they were. Or, more accurately, after James O'Keefe smeared ACORN with a "heavily edited" and deceptive splice job.

BTW, Mr. Feinberg administered the "September 11 Victim Compensation Fund", and was appointed to that position by bush administration Attorney General John Ashcroft.

So, the bush administration trusted Mr. Feinberg with the 9/11 fund, but now he's so completely corrupt that he'll stand by while ANY of the BP money goes to Union Activists?

Sue said...

there are no more words to describe the wackos, I'm speechless this fuckin moron could actually say these things on public radio, I'm speechless....

Jerry Critter said...

"Is this asshole serious???"

I don't know, but I do know that he is a serious asshole.

Les Carpenter said...

Sue said... there are no more words to describe the wackos, I'm speechless this fuckin moron could actually say these things on public radio, I'm speechless....

Well now, the beauty of the our constitution is that it protects politically offensive speech. It insures that all perspectives have the right to be heard.

Our founders knew that free speech and a free press were the safeguard of our liberties.

Are you suggesting he shouldn't have the right offend you and others that share your views?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

RN-USA, I don't believe anyone suggested that Rush Limbaugh's Constitutional rights should be done away with, we were only exercising OUR free speech rights to disagree with Mr. Limbaugh's blatant lies/free speech.

Personally I hope he and his fellow Conservatives keep expressing their true feelings regarding the Gulf state residents and BP, which is screw 'em and we're so sorry you're being victimized (respectively).

Maybe some Republican voters will wake up and realize which party really has their back.

Sue said...

Surely Limpy can say whatever he pleases for all the country to hear. If he wants to say idiot things like he did in this post then fine, we all need to wake up to the way the rightwing nuts are acting, we all need to hear it every day. SO Speak Limpy and friends and maybe one day your followers will WAKE UP and see the truth about you!! We will continue to highlight you on our blogs, do not fear.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Rush Limbaugh is an infection on this nation.

He broadcasts his demagoguery for one reason alone: To enrich himself.

He cares nothing for America. And this latest lie from the coward only proves it.

Here's what the truth is:


"The escrow fund idea was proposed by BP itself, at the prodding of Republicans who endorsed the idea well before President Obama ever heard of it.

This story is another example of the harm done by allowing talk radio & Fox – rather than elected officials and aspiring candidates – to define the GOP. Anybody heard any objection to the escrow fund from Mitt Romney?

Has Mitt Daniels termed it a “shakedown”? Bobby Jindal seems cool with the idea, ditto Mitt McConnell. But these real leaders are crowded out by people trying to bump ratings a point or two by inciting another prime time hour’s worth of anti-Obama indignation."

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Are you suggesting he shouldn't have the right offend you and others that share your views?"

Actually, no. People like Sue and me are astounded that he has become as rich as he has by his cynicism and lying--and that so many people listen to the fraud.

Despite his prodigious size, he really is a small man.

Les Carpenter said...

A different perspective... one shared by tens of millions of Americans.

Watch the future!

Shaw Kenawe said...

"The progressive collectivists will argue that they are not socialists, certainly not communist, and most definitely not fascist. Of course they are wrong on all three..."--RN USA

Anyone hoping to learn something valuable from the link you provided would stop reading after that statement because it is extreme and foolish.

I am a liberal and I am not a Communist, Socialist, or Fascist, and neither are my friends and family who identify with the liberal point of view.

To keep repeating that nonsense is to keep you out of the realm of rational debate.

We can't debate someone who makes erroneous sweeping generalizations that you have not backed up with evidence. They're your opinion, and everyone knows the the definition of opinions.

TomCat said...

While the First Amendment gives the de facto head of the GOP, Rush Limbaugh,to spout whatever hateful drivel he may choose, as long as in so doing he does not conspire to commit a criminal act. That same First Amendment gives us the right to inform his sponsors that we shall not contribute to the broadcast of that free speech by patronizing their businesses.

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

Do Progressives believe in taking over most of the economy and taking over businesses ? No.

Obama's Policies are more Socialist than Progressive. Being it could never happen at once due to the size of the country we are having it fed to us in small doses and small doses of Socialism is a dangerous path to Communism no matter how much in denial you may be about it.
I actually heard you hero George Soros say that on Bill Moyers once so you can debate it with him if you don't want to take my word for it and the fact that he is the man pulling the strings I will agree have to agree with him this time.

Pretending it isn't possible or that we may be on that path won't prevent it from happening.

Shaw Kenawe said...
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Shaw Kenawe said...

"Being it could never happen at once due to the size of the country we are having it fed to us in small doses and small doses of Socialism is a dangerous path to Communism no matter how much in denial you may be about it."--lisa

lisa, you're wrong. Please explain Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Italy, and Japan. All of those countries, for example, have forms of socialism,socialist programs and none are a Communist country--they are all countries that are democracies.

Even America has forms of socialism that you have accepted all your life, but apparently are unaware of it.

As for your claim that Soros is "pulling the strings," let's see some evidence to back up that claim, otherwise you're making statements based on nothing more than gossip, innuendo, and rumor and repeating extreme rightwing talking points.

You will not be able to back up that claim because it's not based in fact--only in tinfoil conspiracy claptrap, which you choose to believe.

Sue said...

talking to lisa is the same as talking to Mal. Their brick wall is ten feet deep! lisa is a Beck girl, I can't explain Mal...:-)

Lisa said...
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Shaw Kenawe said...

Good for them. And they are all doing so well aren't they?

Why, yes. Yes they are as a matter of fact:

"In the Nordic countries, the State is involved in financing and organizing the welfare benefits available to the citizens to a greater extent than in most other European countries. The system is universal, covering everyone. In Denmark the government even has a constitutional duty to ensure all citizens can have a home and enough to eat.

There are three major pillars of the modern Nordic welfare state: social security, health care and free education. Health care and social security ensure a high minimum living standard for all citizens regardless of their economic situation. The free education maximizes the social mobility, and strives to make it possible for everyone to better themselves, without relying on economic support from their families.

Compared with other European welfare models, the benefits given are more generous and evenly distributed than in the British Beveridge model, which offers more benefits to those with greater need. In combination with the taxation system, the wealth redistribution is greater than in the Bismarck model, which is aimed rather at maintaining the present status.[5]

Despite the expectations of its critics the Nordic countries have strong economies, a high standard of living, low crime rates and are democracies.

LISA: "I would feel more comfortable if we didn't have a president who goes on national TV and demonizes individuals and businesses ..."

Unless you produce specific examples of Mr. Obama "demonizing" individuals and businesses, this is rightwing bullshyte. It is meaningless and of no merit unless you produce a specific example.

And even if you could produce an example, there is nothing undemocratic about a president calling dishonest individuals or business sons of bitches for ruining an entire coastal area and all the individuals' livelihood. He has free speech rights, even while being president.

But still, you haven't given an example in your accusation.

LISA: "...and not kissing dictators asses like the Honduran Chavez wanna be or the Ecuadoran President that Hillary is kissing up to now."

More bullshyte. Do you ever have an original thought, lisa? Practicing diplomacy is not kissing ass.

LISA: "Obama would also like to control the media."

Oh? So now you also know what Mr. Obama "would like" to do? Do you live in his head? Again, lisa, you make a claim without any evidence. We're drowning in your juvenile bullshyte here.

LISA: "As for Soros Shaw are you the only one who isn't aware of his influence or are you just pretending to get me to prove something that everyone already knows?"

Really? You get your information from what "everyone already knows?"

Find me a serious study or report, backed up with evidence that Soros is running the country.

You really are naive and easily led by the Right's leading nincompoops: Beck, Palin, and Limbaugh.

If one doesn't have a mind, one uses other people's to do one's hard thinking.

Lisa said...

Shaw well maybe not just Soros but a group of World Bankers who want to see the destructionn of the have a centralized world governmnet.

Obama is the same ol same ol they are all controlled by the big corporations.

Lisa said...

You really are naive and easily led by the Right's leading nincompoops: Beck, Palin, and Limbaugh.

Is that all you got? I don't have a chance to listen to any of the above.
You think they are the people we get information from?
I get all my information from MSNBC.

Sue said...

thanks Shaw, excellent comment!

lisa of course you listen to Beck, Limpy and Hannity to name a few. You said the exact thing my brother said to me Saturday!! Remember him??

"maybe not just Soros but a group of World Bankers who want to see the destructionn of the have a centralized world governmnet."

yup, Bud said the same thing. wonder who they were watching this weekend??