As the country and the world watches as oil gushes from a pipe 1 mile under the Gulf waters, causing a catastrophe of biblical proportion, Palin and Bachmann can't find it in themselves TO SHUT THEIR STUPID MORON MOUTHS!! Palin in her Drill Baby Drill, Mine Baby Mine STUPIDITY, and Bachmann accusing Obama and the Coast Guard of acts that are the most hideous of lies. It never ceases to amaze me that these morons have followers.....
The righties hate America, it's just that simple....
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
The stupidity of these remarks is surpassed only by the stupidity of the people that believe them.
To echo Mr Olbermann....this woman is an idiot.
And the other one is simply a disgrace.
Or..... is it the other way around?
It is all about contrariness. If Obama said something in favor of adorable kittens, the Palin-Beck-Bachmann crowd would find some reason to condemn them as minions of Satan.
By the way, the oil leak is only one mile down, not five, thank goodness.
yikes, I knew that Infidel, I'll correct it pronto!
Thanks guys, I'm feeling so guilty of not being around enough, I'll try harder this weekend!
I love how Palin, Limbaugh, Bachmann and the rest of them live in the lefties' heads rent-free 24/7. Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter are pathological fixations.
Turn off the TV and go out and enjoy the summer!
SF don't the righties hate how we magnify the stupid morons you have representing the GOP? It's just too much fun!
we are in the middle of painting our house, so I've been absent alot from blogland, I'll be back soon tho!
SF: I love how Palin, Limbaugh, Bachmann and the rest of them live in the lefties' heads rent-free 24/7. Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter are pathological fixations.
Different bloggers focus on different things. I rarely mention any of those individuals on my own blog. I don't think even Sue brings them up unless they've just said or done something spectacularly stupid or evil. Unfortunately, that is pretty much "24/7".
lisa I know your people think Obama should put on his Superman suit and dive to the bottom of the ocean and plug the hole, but you know life does go on and we have COMPETENT people handling the disaster since DAY ONE. So go ahead and party, afterall Bush did while Americans were losing their lives in his wars.
Actually Sue you are the one who thinks he's Superman. I don't idolize fictional characters.
When Bachmann stops saying crazy and hypocritical things and making a public spectacle of herself, we'll gladly stop talking about it. Unfortunately that's rather like hoping the Pope will stop being Catholic or a bear will stop.....well, you get the idea.
It is hard to see what the people who are criticizing Obama think, concretely, he should be doing. Dealing with a problem like this under a mile of water requires very specialized technology and expertise. Probably no one except oil companies has it -- not even the government. Obama is keeping the pressure up and is laying the groundwork to prosecute the living hell out of BP when this is over. Aside from that, it's hard to see what he could be doing.
This whole accident is the result of the Republican mentality of laissez-faire and weak, under-enforced regulation. One could argue that Obama should have moved faster to tighten things up in that area after he took office, but he had a lot of other things to do, and it's irrelevant to the question of what can be done now, after the accident has already happened.
I have to laugh at the right now calling for Obama to do more. These are the "small" government, "keep your hands out of my life", people, aren't they? Now there are calling for a big government takeover?
Fucking hypocrites!
JollyRoger at reconstitution 2.0 has a good post up about something we could be doing but BP's greed will probably prevent a go at it. It's all so horrifying, but the ones who keep criticizing this administration when they are doing all they can, like Palin and Bachmann, need to shut up or put on the diving gear...
thats right Jerry, give them BIG government intervention when it suits their sorry asses, otherwise leave them alone.
I don't know if this happened, but if not, then why don't democrats get on the floor and dispute the hideous lies from Bachmann with their charts and PROOF that she a liar?? Why do they let her get away with shit like that??
Clarify what you just posted my deluded right wing friend Lisa.
You're for "small government" but you think it should clean up after BP. So bailouts and clean ups are what the government is supposed to do.
Which makes sense if you're a righty because you don't really believe that small government horse shit you espouse. You believe government is to serve the rich and powerful just as Ayn Rand said.
In a twisted way Lisa, I respect your blurting out that thing about government cleaining up after BP. Very honest of you.
In case Lisa deletes her latest batch of ignorance and hypocrisy which I just addressed.
Lisa said:
"Governmnet is supposed to do cleanup not play with celebrities in the White House and take over healthcare and companies."
June 3, 2010 2:07 PM
maybe if you'd stop listening to Bachmann you would know the government is involved and as busy as they can possibly be lisa!!!
sorry Truth I deleted her before I saw you trying to kick some sense into her head. You'll only encourage her if you feed her...
I don't listen to them Sue . I don't need someone to point out the obvious.
But you guys always need your villains.
You actually think this admin is accountable to the people? They are using you,the media and people like Paul McCartney to push their agenda.
I want government to server the people not intrude on them.
In other words they want us to be transparent but this admin is the most non-transparent we ever had.
It's not so much big government or small government to libertarians. It is the federal government confining itself to duties listed in the constitution and doing them efficiently and competently.
Managing oil and mineral extraction is one of those duties, and our government failed miserably.
Obama Superman? I'm still waiting for evidence he is smarter than the average person.
Don't hold your breath SF, it's all smoke and mirrors.
AHA! As I continue to say and the righties prove me correct every time. Before the day is over every one of them will demand government do someting about something. Silverfiddle just demanded it do something about the oil leak. But this poor deluded right wing fool was too blinded by Limbaugh propaganda to demand government do something like REGULATE before the oil leak.
Lisa: you're an amateur baby. But it was nice of you to agree with Silverfiddle on government intervention to make another righty who proves me correct. As usual.
Being a Republican means never having to worry about being a lying rank hypocrite.
The goal of the Punk Ass Bitches of the Republican Party is to deregulate, underfund and render useless Government agencies and then when those impotent agencies can not stop rampant corporate negligence and malfeasance to whine about the failure of Government.
The Republican Party whole purpose is to serve their Plutocratic Capitalist Masters who hate Democracy and America and wish to return the Poor and Middle Class to Slavery and early graves.
Amateur truth? I think you should look to the amateur in the White House before you accuse anyone else.
Call me an amateur but it doesn't take a law degree to see the BS going on.
Poor and Middle Class to Slavery and early graves.
That makes no sense Grunge. You guys always use that like now that the democrats are in control everyone is well off yet I haven't seen any evidence contrary to the fact,and at the rate of government spending we are doing I can't see any room for improvement.
Maybe Obama has the masses convinced that "they are the ones we were waiting for" but those of us who are paying attention know different.
Even Olberman can be bought and sold ,and at the rate this admin is going that is ne thing I can see happening. You know , tossed aside once they are done with you.
Keep voting Republican lisa.. It befits a woman like you to be led about with a collar around your neck.
The Republicans serve Their Money Masters and hate Democracy and America.
Collar around her neck and blinders over her deluded, right wing eyes.
That describes Lisa perfectly.
I was being nice when I called you "amateur" Lisa. "Rank amateur" would have been more accurate.
This kind and gentle nature of mine can be a curse.
Now heel girl! Heel!
@ Troof 101:
"Silverfiddle just demanded it do something about the oil leak.
No I didn't. Your statement is demonstrably false to anyone who can read.
I guess I confused you by mentioning the constitution.
BTW, I'm still waiting for someone to provide evidence that Obama's intelligence is above-average.
So let's see you get a job as an operations manager and after 2 years anything that goes wrong and wastes compnay money you blame on the previous operations manager.
How long until your boss gets sick of your whining instead of doing the job you hired to do?
I would say that is an amateur,yes?
They can't find his IQ SF because there is no record of it or him.
They talk about conservaive women yet Nancy Pelosi in all her dyanmics makes herself sound like she didn't take her lithium when she speaks.
Just listn to her it's so God awful painful.
I'll blame Obama for W's purposefully mismanaged governance as soon as the Punk Ass Bitch Republicans stop blaming Clinton. i.e. Never.
you mean Nixon and Reagan don't you Grung?
Gene suffers from PABROB Syndrome (Punk Ass Bitch Republicans on the Brain).
See how anger and hatred are eating these people alive, Lisa?
Actually, Gene, Clinton was a good president. I don't really care about him molesting barely-legal girls on government time (although a CEO would have been fired for what he did.)
He didn't take terrorism seriously, but Bush didn't either until 9/11.
What made Clinton a great president is that he continued Reagan's economic and monetary policies. Thanks to President Clinton's wisdom , we enjoyed the longest economic boom in the history of the country.
Then along came Bush and wrecked it all. Life is full of ironies...
Here's what you said Silverfiddle:
"Managing oil and mineral extraction is one of those duties, and our government failed miserably."
Just as I said. You called for the government to do something.
What else I find humorously ironic is that you deluded right wing fools are so pissed President Obama can't correct Bush's screw ups faster when it is your precious obstructionist republican party that is doing all it can to keep him from doing so.
Newsflash righties: Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman are not going to sleep with you or show you their naughty bits because you schill for them on blogs. Put your tongues back in your mouth and pay attention to the damage Bush and Cheney did and will continue as long as there are slimy republicans in Congress to obstruct, lie and mislead our Nation even closer to third world status and a feudalistic society.
The previous was not to imply that our friend Lisa (The righty one) is a lesbian. She hates lesbians. In regards to her, Sean Hannity won't sleep with you or show you his weanie.
good lordy what fun! SF, glad to hear you liked Clintons job performance, and glad you recognize Bushies inadequacies as a president also. Truth is right on, the righties want the country fixed and fixed NOW but they just don't friggen care for the way Obama is doing it. Mad that a liberal has to clean up the conservative mess ONCE AGAIN? It's gonna take awhile kids, things were really bad out there so hold onto your hat and tell your Senators and representatives to give the left a chance. If we quit now and bring back the incompetents who have NO NEW IDEAS and want the same old same old, where will that put us???
Sue credited Reagan? I need to back ad read that again.
This is a statement, not a call for government to do something:
"Managing oil and mineral extraction is one of those duties, and our government failed miserably."
Maybe English isn't your first language?
Anyway, you're confused. As I previously stated, the federal government has enumerated powers and responsibilities as detailed in the US Constitution. Is it unreasonable to expect they be carried out efficiently and effectively, regardless of which party's grubby hands are on the levers of power?
In this case it's up to BP. Government doesn't have the capability or technology, despite Obama thundering "Plug the damn hole!"
Didn't he try to command the seas to recede a few years back?
Keep smokin' that hopium, Troof!
Government is about force and coercion. About defining what you may and may not do with your own life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
Government is about control. It is about taking at the point of a gun that which belongs to the individual and redistributing it to those it believes will best serve it's goals which is more government.
Rand had it exactly right. But to fully understand Rand one actually needs to understand her Objectivist Philosophy. That requires more than snippets on blogs or sound bites bites in a video.
Rand would have despised both GWB and BHO for their policies and the growing fascism both represent. Neither GWB nor BHO are hero's. Both are in fact just politicians and neither understood what is needed for America to regain it's preeminence in the World.
And so the world turns.
While economic growth under Reagan was the best of the republican presidents since WWII, he has been beaten by (1)FDR, (2)LBJ, (3)JFK, and (4) Clinton.
Jerry. I agree!
JFK, Clinton and Reagan all followed the same low tax, free market principles, so they reaped similar rewards for the economy.
FDR started in a very deep hole. His Keynesian stimulus failed, but gearing up for WW II is where the growth came from. Look at the numbers closely and you will see that all the growth came in 41-45.
Actually the greatest growth was during FDR and LBJ's terms when the top marginal tax rate was 70% or above. Kennedy lowered it from over 90% to 70%.
Obama Superman? I'm still waiting for evidence he is smarter than the average person.
I don't know if you're a parent, SF, but if you are, I'd like to hear you tell your family and friends that if your child had the good fortune to be accepted into Harvard Law School, you'd be ashamed that your child graduated magna cum laude from one of our country's most prestigious institutions of learning.
Your disdain for his accomplishments says more about your ignorance than it does Mr. Obama's academic accomplishments.
After graduating high school from Punahou School in Hawaii, Barack Obama attended Occidental College for two years, then got his B.A. from Columbia University. He later got his law degree from Harvard Law School (where he became the Harvard Law Review's first African American president), graduating magna cum laude. Obama was also a lecturer of constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School. Then he ran for president in 2008. After the election in November 4, 2008 he was elected President of the United States.
He most certainly is smarter than the average person in this country, and head and shoulders above the dimwit half-term governor who didn't know Africa was a continent and couldn't name a publication she regularly read.
Palin is the darling of the anti-intellectual right.
They hate Mr. Obama because he's an above average academic achiever who was not from a privileged family.
Frodo watched as the reporter asked Governor Bobby Jindal how he could reconcile his stated opinion to continue off-shore drilling with the pelican trapped in the sludge just beyond the grasp of either of their hands. Jindal's response nerely underscored the message of Fair Sue: All Republican are Pussies (even if they ain't got one).
thank you Shaw! The righties have a terrible time accepting our half black president as the super intelligent scholar that he is. They are indeed intimidated by his education and his intelligence. They are not accustomed to someone of Barack Obama's stature, they have no comparisons from their party, sadly.
Frodo the righties are certifiably insane. How they can stand in the oily waters and say lift the moratorium now so their state does not suffer more job loss, is laughable!!
Critter: Tax rates aside, the growth you and I both admire happened when government created a business-friendly climate (Businesses are where the jobs are last time I checked), and got out of the way.
LBJ's growth? His economy wasn't bad, but it doesn't hold a candle to Reagan-Bush I-Clinton.
You just described the academic experience of literally hundreds of thousands of people. Getting through college does not demonstrate a great intellect.
He's written no scholarly papers, he's solved no great problem, he's invented nothing. His only accomplishment is getting elected, and as you point out, some pretty dumb people have managed that.
I'm not calling the guy dumb, I'm just observing that evidence of his great intelligence is lacking.
Nice try. No dice.
LBJ's economic growth in terms of real GDP/capita was greater than Reagan, either Bush, and Clinton. The only president that beat LBJ was FDR.
So Jerry... Perhaps Obama should raise the top marginal tax rate to 100%, regulate the hell out of business even more, really squeeze the productive capacity of the country and perhaps then Obama will have growth numbers that exceed even the most optimistic views of his most loyal flock.
He might even exceed the hero ofthe left FDR.
It might even come to pass Obama will find his war to pull us back to prosperity just as WW II finally did for the USA. The vehicle that brought the great depression top an end, gave us the military industrial complex,and began explosive government expansion that has not stopped.
Ah... for the god old days.
Jerry, I followed your links back to the blog. I then went back to BEA.
Again, Kennedy and Johnson are easily explainable. Kennedy cut the tax rate and economic activity took off.
Johnson ushered in the "Great Society," greatly boosting statistical GDP, since certain categories of government spending boost GDP. Same with FDR. Increasing government spending increases statistical GDP.
You are a thinking man, so I recommend this article to you from Shadow Statistics.
He shows how both democratic and republican administrations fiddle with the numbers to get what they want.
I also recommend to you this article: Government and GDP.
This shows how government is spending more and more, with no appreciable gain in its contribution to GDP, which explains why we are falling behind. Bigger national debt, without the increase in economic activity.
See also Contribution to GDP.
GDP is not a simple measure, like how much people spent last quarter. It is a model, and therefor susceptible to political manipulation. As I pointed out earlier, a government can manipulate it by choosing how to spend.
Also, many respected economists contend that government contribution is overmodeled, since much of what government does is not real economic activity.
Government provides needed services, like defense, police, fire and infrastructure, but much of it is not economic activity as defined in the classical sense.
Don't believe it? OK. Why doesn't government just hire everybody who is unemployed? That would solve the problem, right?
Why doesn't government just spend the hell out of money, pumping up the GDP?
These are the illogical conclusions the GDP model leads us to.
The point here is that GDP is a model that is easily manipulated by governments for political purposes, and often does not reflect reality on the ground.
The cognitive dissonance during the Bush II years was real: We kept hearing about GDP growth, but things felt flat. Johnson did similar manipulations.
I am just reporting the facts. I'm sorry if you don't like them, but the economy has done better under Democratic control and with higher marginal tax rates.
Stop being silly RN. You do have a reputation as a righty who's not a nutcase to remember.
With Reagan the distribution of income became totally skewed towards the wealthy. While deficits, supply side, union busting and shipping jobs overseas by America hating right wingers is good for the rich, it sucks for the rest of us.
I remember Reaganomics well SF. I had to work several part time jobs because business decided workers were nothing more than a resource, like pens or forklifts, to be had as cheap, and treated as cheaply as possible. That is one of the remnants of Reaganomics. Don;t tell me the 80's were some kind of boon to real America because they weren't.
Real income grew at unprecedented rates during the 80 and 90's, can't deny it.
I also cannot deny what you said about jobs. Jobs also grew, but there was a lot of turnover, what Schumpeter calls "creative destruction." It suck at the micro level but keeps an economy vibrant and competitive.
Protectionism ends up killing everybody's job.
I remember the early 80's as well. Instead of following my dad into the factory I went into the military. Unemployment was around 18% and Billy Joel's Allentown was playing my tune...
Facts disconnected from a larger context mean nothing.
Jimmy Carter created 10 million jobs, but his economy stunk.
Why? The jobs were makework stuff like CETA. So the government took money from productive sectors of the economy and created makework jobs that created no economic activity and kept the economy mired in misery.
Facts and statistics are great, but it's all about context.
Kennedy did, indeed, cut the tax rate. He cut it from above 90% to 70%. However, he also eliminated some tax loopholes and as a result many of the top earners, including himself, ended up paying more in taxes.
I agree about Carter. His presidency was not one of the top performers. That is why I did not mention Carter. But, since you brought him up, he did beat all Republican presidents except Reagan, so he did not do that bad.
Beat them in what? double digit inflation? Interest rates so high people couldn't sell their houses?
Growth in GDP per capita.
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