when I wish I was a writer and could put into words how proud of President Obama I am today. This picture is from my very first blog post last August and it's time to use it again!
This was in my inbox, this is what happened today at the meeting with BP.....
News Alert: BP apologizes for oil spill, sets up worker compensation fund
02:47 PM EDT Wednesday, June 16, 2010
BP apologizes to the American people for the damage caused by a gushing leak from a blown-out oil well in the Gulf of Mexico and announces the creation of a $100 million compensation fund for oil workers who are out of work because of the catastrophe.
The oil giant also said it would work to fix all environmental damage to the gulf and will not pay its quarterly dividend to stockholders as part of its commitment to pay for damage.
Earlier today, BP and the administration agreed on a $20 billion escrow fund to compensate claims brought against the company for oil-related damage.
All you rightwinger's who criticized President Obama's speech can eat crow today. They really should have waited til after this meeting to post about how stupid, and terrible a president Obama is. They must be so embarrassed! Ya think? Nah, nothing embarrasses them and they would NEVER admit their mistakes anyway. But today President Obama showed BP who is boss, I hope I don't hear the word arrogant from the wingnuts, if I do it will only prove their desperate need for the president to fail. Barack Obama will not fail, get over it!!
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
I was thinking this very same thing when I read about BP. What is it about the Democrats these days?
Leslie even tho the left did some criticizing last night, this post is really for the hateful conservatives who NEVER have one positive thing to say about the president. Some of the righty blogs I peeked at today are sickening in their hate. They are foaming at the mouth, talking dirt on the president for his handling of the gusher. But after today will they go back in their rat holes? I'm sure not. They will have a spin to what happened in todays meeting. Sadly...
I made some corrections. I never intended for any liberals to think I was referring to them. yes we can critique our president but the hate is on the right, not the left.
I'm not about to apologize. Democrats need to grow up.
yes, I agree, the dems criticizing the speech were not reasonable. But this post was aimed at the right for their unceasing, unreasonable, hateful bashing of the president. There is a difference in the way the left and right criticizes Obama. Theirs comes from a very deep evil hatred.
"Theirs comes from a very deep evil hatred."
That's true. But it is also true that a good many of them are incapable of expressing their hatred in anything other than the most juvenile and illiterate prose.
It is actually entertaining to read some of their stupid rants. One of them in particular is so hilariously dumb that at times I believe it is actually a parody of a rightwing-gone-beserk blog.
Mr. Obama is doing just fine.
The screaming, unhinged ninnies have absolutely no impact on him.
The rightwingers will undoubtedly claim the President had nothing to do with BP's actions, or quyite the opposite - they will claim he forced the company to so against their will and attacked the free market...
People like Michele "The Idiot" Bachmann was out making statements that the federal government is probably positioning itself to buyout the British company.
No matter what it is, the administration will be under attack from the lunatic right...
i don't think it was trashing obama to say the speech sucked. it really did. that said, he could have spoken words from heaven above, and the rethugs would have trashed it.
happily, he more than made up for it today, which shows that actions speak louder than words. i wish he had waited one more day to make the speech. he could have touted the progress he had made with bp instead of wasting a valuable opportunity the other night.
Well... at least he provides comic relief. I keep waiting for someone to come out shouting "smile America! You're on candid camera!"
Oh, fiddley-dee, Silverfiddle. Lighten up would ya?
Maybe the timing was deliberate.
Hey, the empty suit looked good.
I'm just wodering if Obama gets all the credit for this. Perhaps George Soros gave BP a call...
Nonetheless it's too soon to know for sure whether the big O ultimately fails are not.
If I were a betting man I would say the odds are about 3 in 5 he fails.
But then again anyone's luck can change.
SilverFiddle... LMAO at that one!
when you think about the enormity of this disaster and then pile on HC, energy, immigration, rightwing delusional hate and fearmongering, it's a wonder this president can drag himself out of bed each morning with all that weight on his shoulders. Those who hate him and dream of his failure are relentless in their loathing of our president. It's hurting them and killing their party, and Martha would say "That's a GOOD thing"
Shaw I think we are talking about the same guy, he has definitly gone off the deep end and his last post proves it. I feel sorry for his kids. This type of person is dangerous because his hate is so deep and twisted. As each passing day goes by with Obama succeeding and progressing, they get more and more enraged.
welcome Kevin! Is this your first visit?
I'm anxious to hear what the righties have to say about this good news. So far Joe Scarborough has praised Obama, that was kind of him! Yes the extremists like Bachmann and Limpy will distort this and scream buyout, or like they already said, "redistribution of wealth". That should make the victims feel good to hear these MORONS defend BP and their massive wealth! UGH...
nonnie that's what Olbermann said last night. Maybe he's feeling guilty for his bashing the speech? He was a little harsh I think.
silvercleaner, that's exactly what we said when Bush would try to give a speech, or try to be presidential...
RN, of course the right won't give the president ANY credit. they are the MORON right afterall...they only make themselves look like the assholes that they are.
"Yes the extremists like Bachmann and Limpy will distort this and scream buyout, or like they already said, 'redistribution of wealth'".
Apparently Limbaugh was at it again on his show doing what he does best--making fun of preteen girls.
He was mocking president Obama's daughter--remember when he compared Chelsea Clinton to a dog?
Oh he's such a manly man guy, isn't he? And admired by such brilliant minds.
There's a reason big-mouthed slobs like him ridicule defenseless children--and it is very, very small.
Sue - You said...
"RN, of course the right won't give the president ANY credit. they are the MORON right afterall...they only make themselves look like the assholes that they are."
Of course you are right, the left always is. Or I should say they think they are.
Yup, anybody who has a different view and legitimate opposing political and economic philosophy is just nuts, crazy, dangerous, a kook, or anyone of dozens of different names.
I for one am quite satisfied that the progressive collectivist philosophy is so ingrained in the majority of the left that there is no point in attempting reasonable dialogue. What most (and please note I did not say all)progressive collectivist want is complete agreement with their misguided and destructive views.
On the other hand many of the conservative to Libertarian advocates speak openly about the failures of the prior administration. From it's failed budgetary and fiscal policy to it's unwise and costly interventionist foreign policy.
However the progressive collectivist left give no acknowledgement as to this fact. The only thing it hears is the criticism of their chosen President and then the attacks start.
To lose of us on the "right" the issues are fiscal responsibility, sound monetary policy, and yes a more limited role for the federal government with more responsibility going to the individual states, greater economic freedoms and increased individual liberty, a reading of the constitution more consistent with it's construction and original intent to name a few.
If you really believe that Individuals like myself are dangerous then I respectfully submit that you must find Thomas Jefferson's ideals and writings a danger to you and the society you desire.
Read carefully the words if you will that were spoken by Jefferson with respect to government. They are at the top of Yesterday's post at RN USA. Jefferson was the embodiment of enlightened thinking, he was a progressive and in fact radical for his day. Today it seems his views and words are just as radical. And in certain peoples minds... dangerous.
It is indeed ironic that the progressive liberal views Jefferson held are so scorned by the progressives today.
I find a certain lack of consistency in the thought train of modern progressives. I can not help but wonder what has happened to the philosophies that guided the truly great thinkers that founded this republic, and I can not help but think they would be amazed to see what modern progressives have done to real liberalism.
And Sue, If you actually believe that the principals and philosophy of free men and women as understood by our framers is a dangerous thing... I will wear that which you and others label me as with great pride.
I also know the dangers to liberty and freedom, and the rights of individual comes not from the believers of Jeffersonian principals. Rather it rests with the collectivist (progressive) ideology. It always has. Rather it comes from the right or the left.
Thank you for allowing me to stte my case. Hopefully the day will come when the left stops hating the right and vice versa. I am beginning to think it unlikely.
And for whatever it's worth... I personally do not hope Obama fails. However, I can not support the political, philosophical, or governing principals he believes in. I am opposed not to the man, but what I see as flawed policy.
I will give you this one last time... GBW was as flawed as Obama is in some very similar ways. To save some progressive collectivist from pointing it out yes I voted for him. Given the same alternatives again I would vote third party. But as they say that is water under the bridge.
Have a good day. Sorry for the length of my comment.
RN, you are correct, your sides opposing political and economic views surely are different, but there is no proof in our country's history that tells us you are on the "right side".
You are doing it again, every sentence you write I can erase the word left and insert right.
"I for one am quite satisfied that the conservative collectivist philosophy is so ingrained in the majority of the right that there is no point in attempting reasonable dialogue. What most (and please note I did not say all)conservative collectivist want is complete agreement with their misguided and destructive views."
yes we do hear you when you criticize Bush's failed attempt at the presidency. But I can't understand the criticism of Obama, his policies are just beginning to work, the country has come back(yes slowly) but you can't expect miracles when we were on the brink of a depression! Economists are saying that and are in agreement these policies are beginning to take hold. Remember your history, republicans destroy, dems fix!
You surely must see the dangerous element coming from libertarians especially, but the rightwingers are full of rage and alot of them don't even know why. I believe it comes from the fearmongering on TV and radio from the idiots like Bachmann, Limbaugh, Beck, Palin, Hannity, Armey, Angle, Paul, etc...etc...these people are a menace to society and should gather up all their followers and find a deserted island. They HATE America!
I have a brother who is totally berserk, he was behind Obama til the hypnosis took hold. I don't know if he'll ever come back to reality.
Shaw, for men like Limpy to be so cruel to President Obama and his family says alot about the rightwing of this country. People who follow him and listen to his filthy mouth are dispicable and unAmerican in their hate. We are America people!!! Why are we hating each other?? All I can gather from this hate is one group of people want this country destroyed, and they are doing it...
I notice progressives usually ignore mentions of the founding fathers.
Sue, do you indeed believe in a Wilsonian view of the constitution, regarding Jefferson's view as outdated?
I'm not picking a fight, I just like to know where you and your readers stand.
well SF as for Founding Fathers Friday, and Becks hate for Wilson, I believe you are of the same mindset. So I'll just say I feel the exact opposite of you and Beck!
Thanks for your honesty, Sue. This outlook explains a lot, and it is the reason that probably 80% of our views are irreconcilable.
I will simply pose Dr. Walter E. Williams' famous question to you:
"How would you like to play poker with me if the rules were 'living rules,' and I were the one who decided when they change?"
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