I liked the Oval Office speech last night.... I was disappointed to hear all the criticism from the left especially MSNBC hosts like Olbermann. Fox used Palin as their expert analysis .....a half-term, half-assed dimwit...Goodfuckingrief!
What did they expect from a 15 minute speech? He said all that needed to be said in that time frame. The one thing he could have reminded the people listening is that Congress is full of oil sucking whores and they are the reason we have no Energy Bill! Other than that, I liked it.....
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
3 hours ago
Sue - I agree with everything but Olbermann. I really can't stand him. A reporter friend of mine from way back when wrote on his blog:
"Olbermann is a clumsy, would-be clown who mimics Fox and other far-right personalities in a silly voice that has about as much entertainment value as taking out the garbage."
In other words, he ain't giving us intelligent news - just entertainment.
I just watched an AP video where residents along the Gulf were interviewed right after Obama's speech. Other than a couple of mild criticisms they were satisfied.
I also spent some time reading comments after the stories in the MSM. Sadly, I couldn't tell the righties from the lefties.
I don't think it was his greatest moment but much of the criticism is petty bullshit.
Nothing wrong with Olbermann. He tell it like it is.
Obama is doing the best he can but he can't plug the leeak. I'm glad he stood up for hard working Americans on those dredgers and didn't let the foreigners come in and take our work. We have almost 10% unemployment. Need to put AMERICANS to work!
Olbermann's "drama" takes away from any message he might have.
Leslie I didn't like Keiths critique either, I was surprised he was so harsh. I didn't hear what Rachel had to say tho. Mika on Joe this morning got mad at all those criticizing every word of the speech too and she is right, whats wrong with the lefties? Come on people he did what he had to do give him a break, not a JFK moment but good enough for me!!
So you finally see Oberman for what the rest of saw in him.
Don't you hate your own medicine?
Palin as an expert analyst? She hasn't done anything long enough to be considered an expert in anything except maybe picking colleges. Didn't she go to 4 or 5 different ones before getting a BA?
"So you finally see Oberman for what the rest of saw in him.
Don't you hate your own medicine?"--Anon
Earth to Anon: What you read was liberals not being afraid to criticize a liberal pundit--something we've never seen from the conservatives who think Glenn Beck is an incisive commentator, instead of the cynical and deranged jerk that he truly is.
The wingers detest anything this president says or does, so I ignore everything they say about him. Most of them are incapable of rational criticism anyway and default to their usual inane "Marxist! Socialst! Communist! Fascist!" idiocy.
BTW, it is interest to note a recent study that the highest rates of college education as a percentage of population are in the blue state. The lowest? You guessed it: The always rightwing dependable southern strategy states, with So. Carolina, Mississippi, and Alabama among the lowest.
I'll be putting up a post on this in the next day or so.
It is interesting to remember that those with the least amount of education, high school and less, were the group that supported Sarah Palin the most.
When the great ones demand more from the president, my hat is off to them. The president himself would expect nothing less. Mindless detractors, on the other hand, have nothing to add to the conversation. Almost everything I read these days seems to be complaining or condemning Obama's performance in office. There is no value in that. It's nice just to hear the big guy lay it all out the way he sees it as opposed to second-hand commenting and second-guessing.
I'm not going to say, "I loved his speech!" It's not about cheerleading. I think he said some very important thngs that needed to be said. I appreciate his leadership in this time of peril. I'm sure that I would crumple like an aluminum can under the intense pressure that he faces every day. I wonder how the poor guy is doing with defeating the nicotine? Wrong week? I'd be smoking L&Ms if I were him.
most likely anon is lisa, no reason to comment back to the loon.
Shaw it's absolutely a fact dems/liberals are far more intelligent then the righties. That is obvious on so many fronts.
Jerry I guess the best they have is the half term nitwit. I did see somewhere Billo didn't quite enjoy her analysis last night, I'll have to check on that.
Junior the right has made it their platform, Condemn EVERY single word the president speaks. I pray it backfires on them. At least the sane part of our population is on to their hideous game playing. The rest, they can suffer the consequences of bringing more GOP back to power. We ALL will suffer I should say if that happens.
I too thought the president was spot on last night.
I have read some harsh criticism and think it is at best disingenuous. As for a JFK moment... what did JFK do that was so monumental.. Don't get me wrong, I think he was great and we lost someone who could have been one of the greatest presidents ever... but when he made his speech about going to the moon... there were no details... it was just he vowed to have someone on the moon in 10 years... No details at all...
This president did the same thing last night.. He laid out the promise and the goal of getting us off fossil fuels and starting us on the path to clean energy... This speech wasn't about the details in that promise, this speech was about reassuring the people he is on top of things and that he will do whatever it takes to hold BP responsible and get money for those whose lives have been disrupted by the gusher in the Gulf.
That's what he did... and I think there were a lot of people who expected way too much in a 15 minute speech...
Details will be coming soon for the clean energy,
BTW... MSNBC just announced BP is putting $20 BILLION in the escrow account... The president couldn't really say how much would go in until he had a firm deal with them.. Now he does and we see the details.
thanks for the update Annette. That's good news about the escrow money. Won't it be such a blessing for the lefties if Obama works with BP and they cooperate fully with the White House, leaving the righties with NOTHING to complain about!!? I hope it happens....
Scarborough was talking about the JFK moment he hoped would happen in the speech last night. He actually this morning said he thought the speech was good! He is just about the only rightwinger I can listen too. He is not all about criticizing and has said many positive things about the president. We need more like him, but I don't see it happening...
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