Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Todays headlines...... the right is on a roll, straight to LaLaLand

 Sharron Angle is against abortion in the case of rape or incest, says it would interfere with God's "plan"...

 Marco Rubio argues for making the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy permanent, says we must start "doing it now"....

John Boehner weeps for big business, he says the financial crisis was an 'ant' that Congress killed with a "nuclear weapon"...

 Rand Paul refuses to say how old the earth is, "I think I'm just gonna have to pass on that one" he says...

Michelle Bachmann pushes for a future where America is run by Rep. Steve King and his allies...

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (R) says gay men and women should be excluded from the 14th amendment's protections...


 These are headlines at Think Progress, scary to think these righties have followers isn't it?? I have never seen our country in such a mess as I have witnessed since the election of Barack Obama. The right has become the party of insanity. Not only these headlines but go to any conservative blog and you will read the most hideous of lies and distortions directed at liberals and our president. Amazing times we are living in....click the link and read the stories if you dare! :-)


Edited to add this from a conservative blog Maggies Notebook:

 Obama Admin Actively Working with Hamas: Musa Abu Marzook the Hamas-Obama Connection?

News is out that the Obama administrative is actively working with Hamas, and specifically with exiled Hamas official in Damascus. That person is likely Musa Abu Marzook. Marzook was a darling of Jeremiah Wright during the time the Obama family attended Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. In fact, Wright reprinted a Marzook manifesto in one of his Sunday bulletins. Marzook, also known as Mousa Abu Marzook (Marzouk, Marzouq, Marzuq) is a founder of the precursor to CAIR, and the Deputy Chief of Hamas' political bureau which is based in Damascus. He was directly involved with The Holy Land Foundation which provided funding for Hamas with the help of the U.S. Treasury.  Marzook is American educated and had permanent residency status here. He is a force to be reckoned with.


Jerry Critter said...

These headlines should be at the top of every ad for every Democrat running for office.

Leslie Parsley said...

Lisa must have written them.

Jerry Critter said...

Lisa will vote for the people who say such things.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The idiots that believe that horseshit are the same idots that thought Archie Bunker was a genius and not a TV character.

You can never change their minds. We all have morons in our families that hate Obama because Sean Hannity told them to.

I make plans to not be at home when certain relatives visit because I'm sick of their mindless sheep quoting of right wing bullshit.

TOM said...

Just a reminder:

Who elected these idiot Congresspeople?

The people vote for a person they know was involved in corruption, bribery, and the like, or vote for a KKK member, bigot, and the like.

We usually get the government (quality of representation) we vote for.

TomCat said...


An ant, huh? I vever saw a 200 ton ant before.


I didn't dare go to read those stories because I knew I'd have to take a blood pressure pill if I did.

I think too many people end up parroting the words of the media, and when you've got such nut-cases as Hannity or Limbaugh out there, you've got trouble.

I was stunned when my OWN DAUGHTER, had a party and she wrote (in chalk) on her sidewalk, 'Glenn Beck is God'. I didn't go to that party because I live 2600 miles from her, but if I had gone, I'd have grabbed up the water-hose and quickly cleaned off those words of ignorance. It is very hard for me to accept that 'one of my own', is actually going to join the TEA party - she's completely out of touch, and it's a good thing she and I don't talk politics on the phone....

Strangely, my daughter's name is Lisa Marie, so when one of your people commented that 'Lisa must have written them", I thought - "Wow, does this person know my daughter?"

Nuf said - thanks for your post! Diane

Sue said...

Jerry I hope they do, and the few ads I've seen so far are pretty damn good.

Leslie the things lisa and Linda gab about are unbelievable, I think Linda has stolen my troll, finally!!

Truth I have those relatives too, they are like talking to brick wall but are proof the right listens ONLY to Foxfucksnoise!

Tom, I've been saying that, we have some of the stupidest people in this country with voting rights, it is their fault!

TC, UGH s right!

Sue said...

welcome Diane! I take BP pills everyday anyway, but I have to go back and at least read Boneheads story, the guy is a whacko!

I have a conservative fanatic brother, he will be so offended when he sees I called him a fanatic, but it's true! My daughter is apolitical and my son is a repub I guess you would call him. He says Obama is a socialist and O'Reilly is his fav show! Bunch of rednecks in my family! LOL

lisa is my troll but I think she found a new home with someone who will agree with her stupidity!

Sue said...

a couple comments from a conservative blog praising Beck, told ya they were insane!!

Blogger Teresa said...

Glenn Beck is helping to restore our nation back to good health. He is revealing the Commies and spreading the truth. We must continue to fight against the disease called liberalism.
10:47 AM

Blogger Thoughtfully blended hearts said...

I got here from a blog called Pedaling Fast and Trying to Keep Up...but had heard of you on the Glenn Beck show...keep up the good work...we need all the help we can get!!!


Jolly Roger said...

You know what's the worst thing of all? Beck is taking these idiots for a ride, just like Caribou Barbie is-and they're too stupid to get it. They get ass-raped daily, and they smile and bend over, begging for more.

Infidel753 said...

Rand Paul refuses to say how old the earth is

And this is why I consider the fundamentalist right to be crazy, not just wrong. Policy differences on government spending are one thing, but what can you say about people who reject the most solidly-established facts in all of human knowledge?

Actually I suspect that Rand Paul does know that the Earth is billions of years old, but he doesn't want to risk alienating the ignorantsia.

Sharron Angle is against abortion in the case of rape or incest

Whenever the righties claim they're against intrusive government, ask them about that one (and this). How is control over your own uterus less of a fundamental right than the "right" to discriminate against black people at lunch counters? How is trying to ban consenting-adult sexual behavior in private not governmental intrusion?

Silverfiddle said...

A politician refusing to answer a simple question about the age of the earth is particularly egregious.

Why, it's way more important than
the cowards in congress refusing to do their job and pass a budget resolution.

Pelosi' favorite flying monkey said...

Congress will not pass a budget resolution this year because the issue of the soaring national debt hangs over every policy debate in Washington, House Majority Steny Hoyer said today, and it will be impossible to pass a realistic long-term budget until the nation's structural deficit is addressed. (CBS News)

So the Demogogic party will run the other way from this fiscal catastrophe and hope the nation doesn't collapse before they can all Charlie Rangel their ill-gotten gains out of the country.

Anonymous said...

we have to pass a 2000 page bill that no one has read to find out what's in it.
There are 57 States in the US
Don't be a smart ass
This is F****ing huge
Working with Hamas is nothing new for the president. You know like Bill Ayers is just a guy from the neighborhood. Where have you been?
Breathalyzers are used for asthma.
No tax increases on the middle class....not until 2011 that is and that ain't just those making over $200,000.00.
The white man will never be your brother.
I never heard anything like that said in church in all my 20 years there.
I hardly know Blago.
I'm so concieted I gave the Queen of England a CD that was formatted wrong.
I'm so smart my speeches speak for themselves.
Unemployment will not go over 8%.
Now stop bloviating and and pay my mortgage and gas for my car.

Anonymous said...

the 10 Russian spies were also Amrican educated.

TOM said...

McCarthyism is alive and well - exposing the commies within our government!?

Infidel753 said...

Standard right-wing tactic -- when you can't respond to the substance of the post, change the subject, change the subject, change the subject.....

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The conspiracy theories are going into overdrive. If the Republicans retake the House the investigations will begin immediately. They wasted $80 million investigating Clinton, and in the end all they could nail him on was cheating on his wife... which, of course any man would lie about.

I keep hearing about a possible double dip recession. Paul Krugman is worrying about another depression. If the Republicans retake the House they will be investigating and impeaching as the economy burns. Are the American people intelligent enough to realize this and not let it happen? Polls suggest they are not. I am quite worried.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dear Anonymous,

Life must be very difficult for you.

Sue said...

hey guys thanks for commenting today! It's been a busy one for me and will be til sometime Friday. I need someone to send me some spare time, anyone have a few minutes to spare??

w-dervish, the voters dumbed down worry me too. The thugs did say they will look into impeachment if they win back the majority, fuck 'em all to hell!!

TOM said...

Blog at 2AM.

Sue said...

Tom I would if I didn't have to get up at 6 am for Amelia. But on my days off I will try it!

mommapolitico said...

I know it shouldn't surprise me by now, but the RWNJs still amaze me with the amount of ignorance and poison they throw into the world. Good God.

Nice post - really says it all!

Jolly Roger said...

the 10 Russian spies were also Amrican educated.

But not you, right, Lis.... anonymous? You are one of those homeschooled ones, aren't you?

Jolly Roger said...

w-dervish, the voters dumbed down worry me too. The thugs did say they will look into impeachment if they win back the majority, fuck 'em all to hell!!

One word: relax. This isn't 1994. The demographics have changed, markedly, and the Rushpubliscums are whipping up an anti-Hispanic racism that is going to detract measurably from their percentages in 1994. Boehner might believe what the MSM is so desperate to sell us, but.... he's a drunk.

Anonymous said...

the demographics have changed.The dems think that if they grant amnesty it's an election win because they are losing the rest of the country with their stupid radical, anti jobs policies. If they do that they will lose even more people especially during this recession. Imagine that is the only way they think they can win? Sounds pretty desperate.The last time I checked we were still the majority.
Not to mention the "passing of bills to find out what's in them"
cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.