Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It's the trillion dollar wars stupid, not the Dept. of Education!

Some righties are exuberant over the win by tea party darling Sharron Angle, calling it a victory for Republicans and a blow to Harry Reid. But I'm downright jubilant for the upcoming campaign and then election in November. Alot of us on the left, and yes maybe some of the sane right, think Angle is extreme in her views, which include privatizing Social Security, and we all know when a rightie says that they really mean ELIMINATE, she also wants to abolish the Department of Education, God knows righties hate educating our children right? Anytime a rightwinger takes office one of the first things they cut is education blogger said eliminating the Dept of Education alone would reduce the deficit by 70 billion. OKAY, if the rightwingers are so concerned with the deficit I have an article for them to read.....

1 TRILLION DOLLARS.........As of today, that's how much we've spent just in direct costs so far on the stupid wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
One trillion dollars, gone. And we're just getting warmed up...there are trillions more in future direct and indirect costs coming.
These two wars mutilated our economy. There's no other way to say it. We've taken a huge amount of wealth and done things with it that damaged the economy. People are out of work and hurting today because we chose to launch two wars that aren't worth the cost.
The most glaring example of this dynamic is the use of hundreds of billions of taxpayer money to invade and occupy Iraq, which led to higher oil prices, which hit taxpayers again in their pocketbooks.
Many other examples exist: We pay to train American kids to kill in Afghanistan. We pay to ship them overseas where they die or get injured. We pay for medical care for the survivors. Their families lose both the wounded's income and often lose additional income when loved ones reduce work hours to stay home and care for the wounded.
The list of these vicious cycles goes on and on. In all cases, our government actually charges us for the privilege of having an even harder time making it in this tough economy.
Actually, it's worse than that. The government charges us for the privilege of having a tough economy in the first place.
According to the Center for Economic and Policy Research's (CEPR) Dean Baker:
"In standard economic models, defense spending is a direct drain on the economy, reducing efficiency, slowing growth and costing jobs. ...[S]tandard economic models...project that the increase in defense spending since 2000 will cost the economy close to two million jobs in the long run."
Baker's point in his article was that groups that scream about potential "job loss" from government "interference" never put that "loss" in any context. Government spending does stimulate economic activity during a downturn. The question is, how stimulative is one type of spending versus another? So let's make sure we're playing fair and put this in some perspective in terms of job creation.
It turns out that, excluding tax cuts for consumption, war spending is the least stimulative type of government spending.
An October 2007 study by the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) found that per $1 billion invested in the following fields, you create wildly different numbers of jobs:
  • Defense: 8,555 jobs
  • Construction for home weatherization/infrastructure: 12,804 jobs
  • Health care: 12,883 jobs
  • Education: 17,687 jobs
  • Mass transit: 19,795 jobs
So if you take $1 billion in taxpayer dollars and spend it on war versus on building energy efficient homes and other infrastructure, the opportunity cost for that spending is 4,249 potential jobs. Spending it on war versus mass transit costs you 11,240 potential jobs.
Now consider that $1 trillion is one thousand billion. Because we're spending so many billions--now trillions--of dollars on these two wars, we're losing hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, of potential jobs.
PERI concludes that:
...[B]y addressing social needs in the areas of health care,  education, mass transit, home weatherization and infrastructure repairs, we would also create more jobs and, depending on the specifics of how such a reallocation is pursued, both an overall higher level of compensation for working people in the U.S. and a better average quality of jobs.

Isn't it amazing what costs we pay to go to war, and worse, a war that means NOTHING, a war that is killing us day after day! So when Americans cry about the deficit and what it's doing to our future look no further than those in Washington who desire to continue these horrendously STUPID wars!


One Fly said...

Patraeus said we can't win in Afghanistan without the UK.

Anyone who thinks this war thing will change except for getting even bigger is living a delusion.

The dim will do nothing! And that's from the top on down.

Sue said...

Sadly Onefly, you are right.

here's some more about Sharron Angle:

It's astonishing how quickly a picture of Angle is taking shape as more and more info comes to light. Sam Stein, for instance, finds an Angle quote from 2009 in which she seems to suggest that it's wrong for a married man and woman to hold jobs simultaneously.

And TPM reports that Angle embraced the patriot group "Oath Keepers," which warns members to resist some sort of nefarious plot that apparently exists -- who hatched it is unclear -- to create "giant concentration camps."

She says the Gulf disaster was an "accident" and is calling for further DEregulation!

the Reid operation is gearing up to paint Angle as, well, a nutjob, as a cross between Rand Paul and Orly Taitz. There doesn't appear to be a shortage of material.

JoeBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I wonder when David Duke will crawl out of his hole and start touring wth the tea bagger express?

One Fly said...

This is the Republican party now. No matter who wins people on the right will not cross over to our side no matter now nutso their candidates are.

But this is a flea on a rhino's ass compared to the gulf.

Many things have and will change if this is not stopped.

I very much dislike taking such negative position it's just that I just think most do not realize just how big the pile of shit we are standing in is.

Good post by the way Sue!

Sue said...

Thanks Onefly!

Truth this is from Crooks and Liars...

In case any of you were confused by the Evil Librul Media's depiction of the wholesome, America-loving Tea Party Movement as somehow a hotbed of racism and radical extremism -- all because it's over 90 percent white -- have no fear.

Dr. David Duke, former Klan leader, is here to explain it all for you in his new YouTube message:

Duke: Tea Party people are called racist because the vast majority wants to stop the massive non-European immigration that will turn America into a crumbling tower of Babel. Most Tea Partiers believe that we in America have the right to preserve our heritage, language, and culture, just as every nation has that human right. The vast majority of Tea Party activists oppose affirmative action and diversity, which are nothing more than programs of racist discrimination against white people. The vast majority of Tea Party enthusiasts despise Hollywood and the mass media.
Tea Party activists are true populists who see the powers that control international finance and the Federal Reserve as the biggest threats to American prosperity and freedom.

...... The Tea Party movement is made up of American people who have watched in silent anger while the nation of our forefathers has been destroyed. The Tea Party movement, as the original Tea Party, is about preserving our heritage and our freedom.

In other words, the Tea Partiers aren't any more racist than he is.

And of course, it's the fault of the evil Jewish media that anyone should think so.

Duke also notes that the Tea Party leaders have been eagerly promoting a multiracial image, while the reality is that it is predominantly a white movement. The message of the video was to advise them to stop doing this and embrace their whiteness.

See, when David Duke whines that "pro white" organizations don't get treated the same as "pro black" organizations, he's ignoring a critical difference: "Pro black" organizations (think the NAACP) are all about lifting up people of their own color. "Pro white" organizations are all about tearing down people of other colors. That's why they call them "hate groups."

The Tea Partiers probably don't want Duke's endorsement. But he's basically right: The Tea Partiers argue from exactly the same kind of appeals that Duke and his fellow white nationalist have used for years, particularly the appeals to the "Founding Fathers" -- most of whom were, after all, white supremacists themselves.

Indeed, the Tea Party movement is nothing less than the manifestation of the agenda Duke has been pushing for years. We appreciate him pointing that out for public consumption.

Jerry Critter said...

Interesting post, Sue. One trillion spent on REPUBLICAN wars. Unfortunately, Obama seems to be continuing them.

One trillion dollars spent means one trillion dollars into someone pocket. The interesting statistic that you show is that defense spending is the lest efficient at creating jobs. So, if the money does not go to the workers through jobs, where does it go?

Right into the pockets of the people who run (CEOs) the companies and the people who own the companies.

Just another example the shows the republicans do not care about the people. They only care about the corporations.

JoeBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I should read more but I other than the headlines on Huffington Post, I pretty much just read the D list bloggers like us. And I hardly ever venture from my link list.

No surprise about Duke the Kook.

nonnie9999 said...

sharron angle also has ties to scientologists. she wanted prisoners to get massages in jail, based on some shit spewed by the scientologist loonies. she also said in the past that she doesn't like booze being legal. that ought to sit well with anyone who makes their living at nevada casinos. she wants to privatize social security and get rid of the dept of education. she's among the wingnuttiest of wingnuts. i'm sure that moronic woman who comments over here will love her. (i won't afford your moronic commenter the dignity of using her name.)

Les Carpenter said...

Jerry said...

Interesting post, Sue. One trillion spent on REPUBLICAN wars.

To classify as REPUBLICAN is foolish as there was democratic support for both.

That aside it is incredible that the warnings of Dwight David Eisenhower,a Republican president, with respect to the military industrial complex were essentilly ignored by his party the democratic party. Hence we have the precise conditions that exist today.

Defense is one thing... Interventionist foreign policy which is what this nation has essentially maintained since WW II is quite another.

Supposting and defending the tiny state of Israel,whose homeland has always rightfully been in the midle east is the right and moral thing to do. I point this out to save spare those who do not believe this and would endeavor to take me to task in light of my remarks above.

Jolly Roger said...

Supposting and defending the tiny state of Israel,whose homeland has always rightfully been in the midle east is the right and moral thing to do. I point this out to save spare those who do not believe this and would endeavor to take me to task in light of my remarks above.

I also believe in the right of Israel to exist, but I don't believe in the Israel that presently exists. They're worse than we are. It wouldn't be worth the blood of one American kid to prop up Bibi.

Sue said...

yes Jerry unfortunately Obama is continuing the wars, Friggin pisses me off! You are right about rethug priorities!

Sue said...

Truth, we're D list?? I guess if it's good enough for Kathy Griffin then it's good enough for us! She's awesome, along with Janeane Garafolo, Joy Behar, I see a pattern here. Some would say I sound like a stand up comedian! :-)

Sue said...

Nonnie the list is extensive. Angle is gonna be fun to watch. She's pure teabaggery!

Sue said...

RN, yes it's unfortunate dems share some resposibility for these wars of Bush's.

So, what's your opinion of Sharron Angle? Do ya think she can beat Harry? I'm thinking the people voted her in because they wanted the win for Harry to be an easy one, sound good? :-)

Sue said...

I agree JR! How are ya sweetie, long time no see!

Leslie Parsley said...

I think it's a hoot. The loonier the GOP candidates are the better it is for the Dems. Just think, if Lisa the Loon ran for office, the Dems would get 99% of the vote.

The "Right" might not cross over to our side but mainstream Republicans possibly will. There are some recent polls showing a high percentage are dissatisfied with their Congressmen - probably a reflection of the reliable NO vote.

I don't believe the Duke has ever been elected to anything, has he?

I detest war as much as anyone else. And while I think we should voice our opposition using any means we can, I think we need to remember that Nixon's campaign pledge was to get us out of Vietnam. It took him six or seven years.

Leslie Parsley said...

Correction: It was under Ford that the war came to an end.

Sue said...

It's true Leslie, I'm excited as hell about Angles win.

I'm not so sure mainstream righties will cross over, if they do it will be in total silence. NEVER would they admit to such a thing! I'm such a partisan Dem I know I would NEVER cross over, EVER!!

Leslie Parsley said...

Not even if Lisa switched parties and ran in your district?

TomCat said...

Jerry was correct for classifying them as Republican wars.

In Afghanistan, Democrats supported going after OBL and cleaning out AQ, not installing a corrupt Unocal employee as puppet in the attempt to wrest control of gas from the Stans, while ignoring OBL.

In Iraq, Democratic support was based on intentionally duplicitous intelligence about WMD.

Getting out of wars is always more difficult than getting in. Obama is doinbg so in Iraq on schedule. He should be doinbg so in Afghanistan, but he's not.

Anonymous said...

If we ended all foreign entanglements, we still would not have enough money to pay for all of our social programs.

Lisa said...

Tell me one republican the left doesn't call a right wing loon?
Maybe we just need to "reform" the education system.
Wasn't that the liberal mantra how our education system sucks and how our kids can't compete in the world?
Maybe we should stop giving out condoms and making all the students "winners",give them all uniforms and make them pay attention and teach them actual math and science instead of singing mmmmm,mmmmmm,mmmmmm.