Thursday, March 31, 2011

This will never happen...RIGHT??

I'm reading this for the first time, am I shocked?? Kinda, but it just sickens me and makes me want to fight harder than ever to rid our government of the evil that is trying to ruin our country!

Mar 31, 2011

Republican Leader Eric Cantor Says He Opposes Keeping Social Security Around

In an incredibly revealing moment that exposed the radical House Republican agenda, Republican Leader Eric Cantor (VA-07) said that “we have to come to grips” with the fact that Social Security “cannot exist” any longer. House Republicans have begun pushing forward on budget proposals that include privatization of Social Security on Wall Street and cuts to benefits for senior citizens. Recently, House Speaker John Boehner called for cuts to benefits.
  • Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor Opposes Continuing Social Security: “We're going to have to come to grips with the fact that these programs cannot exist if we want America to be what we want America to be.” [NPR, 3/29/11]
  • Republican Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan and House Speaker John Boehner have made clear they intend to push forward a plan that privatizes Social Security and dismantles Medicare. [AP, 3/11/11; Wall Street Journal, 3/4/11]
  • Majority Leader Eric Cantor said Paul Ryan’s roadmap and the plan to privatize Social Security and dismantle Medicare is “something we need to embrace.” [The Hill, 1/23/11]

Do you take this talk seriously? Do you believe if we had a Republican controlled Congress and White House that this shit would not come to light? They want to fundamentally CHANGE this country! The righties will say oh come on, this won't happen, well , we never thought the GOP would come back so soon after Bush did we??  If you liberals don't start paying attention and get every single person you know registered to vote and to the voting booth, we are fucked.....

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rand Paul lies to Fox viewers..

Teabagger Rand Paul is a M Effin liar.

On March 1, the United States Senate passed - by unanimous consent, no less, so that would include Sen. Rand Paul - Senate Resolution 85 which, among other things:
... urges the United Nations Security Council to take such further action as may be necessary to protect civilians in Libya from attack, including the possible imposition of a no-fly zone over Libyan territory...

 Fox Noise watchers get NO factual news. It's where all Republicans can go to lie to the people and get away with it. Until WE highlight them, that is...

Monday, March 28, 2011

The teabagger minority wants to shut down OUR government

Republicans are threatening a shutdown of the government on April 8th unless Democrats cave to their demands....
Pressure is coming from teabagger republiscums, they want MUCH BIGGER cuts than has been considered by moderate Republicans and Democrats, but this minority of teabaggers refuse to compromise. WELL, then let this minority of  GOP baggers go ahead with their plans of a shutdown. Should be interesting to see how the country retaliates!

It's scary actually when a minority can threaten our leaders, forcefully shove their agenda down the throats of our Congressmen and women and the American people. These teabaggers are a MINORITY, so why are they getting away with these threats?

This talk of less spending and smaller government is coming from a group who knows not what they are talking about, yet demand the country listen. This group of teabagger rightwingers are focusing their anger on the wrong people. They are indeed conservative republicans, even if they deny it, they are indeed blaming our countries debt on the evil liberals. When in fact it is the Republican Party, who 30 yrs ago convinced Americans tax cuts would be a good thing and they could have these tax cuts without losing any services they have come to expect in this great nation.  So because of Republican policies our public debt jumped from $997 billion when Reagan took office to over 14 times that number today. Without those tax cuts we could be enjoying a thriving economy today. In 2008 we ranked 26th out of the 30 countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in terms of our total tax burden, coming in almost 9 percentage points below the average of the group of wealthy nations.

NEW POLL OUT... 71% of teabaggers think President Obama is destroying the USA, while just 6% of non-teabagger Republicans think Obama is destroying America...

We've always been in debt, the last time the public debt decreased was in the mid-1950s, so every year since we've hit a “record high” debt in dollar terms. But a better measure is how much debt we have in relation to our economic output, and that number peaked at around 120 percent of GDP during World War II. So why now are these teabagger patriots furious about our spending and debt?? We know, we know...

The Right fearmongers about China and our debt. The Chinese are not our bankers.  The reality is that, as of last year, China held 9.5 percent of our outstanding debt. The largest lender to the U.S. government is the people of the United States – we own 42.1 percent of the national debt in the form of Treasury bills held in our pension funds, 401(K)s, etc.
And 4.6 trillion – about a third – is held by the government itself. Almost 18 percent of the T-bills outstanding are sitting in the Social Security trust fund, earning interest and making the retirement program incredibly secure despite all the claims to the contrary.

We know Republicans leave more debt than Democrats. Between 1960 and 2010, federal spending as a share of the economy has bounced around within a fairly narrow range of between 17.7 percent (under Eisenhower) and 21.8 percent (during the first George Bush's term in office). Republicans are just as happy to spend, but they run on tax cuts, and the result is that since the middle of the last century, contrary to the “tax-and-spend” label, it's been Democrats who are far more conservative when it comes to keeping deficits under control than their Republican counterparts.

 When the Republicans talk about our national debt they always blame "entitlements" like Social Security (which hasn't added a penny to the national debt).When in fact much of our national debt payments are from past military spending.  Economist Robert Higgs calculated it like this:
I added up all past deficits (minus surpluses) since 1916 (when the debt was nearly zero), prorated according to each year's ratio of narrowly defined national security spending--military, veterans, and international affairs--to total federal spending, expressing everything in dollars of constant purchasing power. This sum is equal to 91.2 percent of the value of the national debt held by the public at the end of 2006. Therefore, I attribute that same percentage of the government's net interest outlays in that year to past debt-financed defense spending.
In 2007, when Higgs did that analysis, he came up with a figure of $206.7 billion just in interest payments on our past military adventures.

The Religious Right, the teabaggers, the Uber Conservative Republicans, are all fearmongering about our debt problem. They believe they can win elections by claiming to be fiscal conservatives, but what we are seeing out of Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio etc.  is these teabagger politicians are overstepping with the spending cuts that are harming the middle class and the poor among us. The country is not falling for the lies and deceptions, we are not afraid of their threats to shut down the government, we won't fall lockstep with this minority who are trying to take our country back to the middle ages. They are fearmongers, they don't speak for the MAJORITY of Americans.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Palin in India, for WHAT???

I stole this youtube clip of Sarah Palin from Immoral Minority. Gryphen said it best, "I am amazed that this young woman continues to smile thorough this train wreck of an interview, and does not once turn to the camera to mouth the words, "What the fuck?"  In my opinion that shows almost super human restraint on her part."

You got that right Gryphen! Palin interviews worse than an 8 yr old! She can't answer a simple question asked of her like what sights have you seen in India? And Linda would vote Palin over Obama?? This shows the mentality of our wingnut citizens.  Linda, do you cringe when you watch that woman?

"However", Gryphen said, "Palin actually avoided the Indian people like the plague, or like they HAD the plague. Remember, " Sources confirmed that the Palins had no direct interaction even with room service and that for two whole days (the entire duration of her visit) Sarah Palin confined herself to her room." Clearly Palin was only in India for a paycheck, and hoped to have to interact with as few brown people as possible while she was tossing her word salad."

Palin/Bachmann 2012..... How much fun is this gonna be!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Donald Trump wants to be OUR next President! LOL

If you are a member of the Republican Party, are you embarrassed yet? Are you humiliated, disgusted, down right MAD as hell and you're not gonna take it anymore??

 Donald Trump is gonna take a stab at the presidency, he thinks he can win the GOP nomination, And he thinks he can beat Barack Obama! He said this on the highly informative, non-biased "news" and entertainment show Fox and Friends (ugh, I hated typing those words!!)"

"I think I probably have more experience of anybody [in the GOP field] — whether I sell them real estate for tremendous amounts of money. I mean, I’ve dealt with everybody. And by the way, I can tell you something else. I dealt with Gaddafi. I rented him a piece of land. He paid me more for one night than the land was worth for two years, and then I didn’t let him use the land. That’s what we should be doing. I don’t want to use the word ‘screwed’, but I screwed him. That’s what we should be doing."

PLUS.. he's going all out to secure the looney tunes base of the rethug party by claiming to be a BIRTHER!! He is "just not convinced Obama's birth certificate is legit, he is not convinced Barack Obama was born in Hawaii"!  This supposedly "smart" man is saying President Obama and the state of Hawaii fabricated Obama's birth certificate, and the Honolulu newspapers fabricated his birth announcement in 1961, in order to help elect Obama by fraudulent means 47 years later!
Eeeegads, how embarrassing is THAT??

Now Michele Bachmann has decided she will form an exploratory committee because she's thinking of putting her name in the hat for Prez. of the USA. Accomplishments please Michele?? Got any?? I mean besides forming a teabagger caucus and studying the Constitution and American History 101 (LOL!). Yikes, super embarrassing for sane moderate republicans....

Actually I believe Bachmann is trying to fill Sahara Palin's red patent leather high heels. Palin has been kinda quiet lately, 'course she has been on a whirlwind trip around the globe. Hmmmm, maybe she is running and needs to bone up on her world leaders.

Seriously people, the list of potential GOP candidates for POTUS is the worst I have seen in all my years of voting. If liberals are asking what the hell happened to the republican party, you gotta believe the common folk righties are asking the same thing.

Trump??? Bachmann??? Paw...Paw...Lenty???   ick..... Christie, Huckabee.....Jindal...Gingrich...Cain...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Who will care about our dying citizens

When asked, "what are we doing in Libya?", most commentators will say we are trying to save the Libyan people from slaughter at the hands of dicktator Muammar Qaddafi,  OKAY, that's good, Americans should be proud right? Yes dicktators do slaughter their own people and it's open for all to see, they don't hide it or pretend it's not happening. Well what about us, what about Americans who die by the thousands at the hands of our countries leaders, not by gunshot or missile fire, but by legislation and laws that are passed without regard for human life.

Our lack of good affordable health insurance for ALL Americans results in thousands dying every year. Leaders will say nobody is turned away, they can get care in the emergency room of your local hospital. Sure that's fine if you have the flu, or a sprained ankle, but what about those with cancer who need chemo and surgery? What about those who need a kidney transplant or open heart surgery? Yes we have death panels but not the ones Palin and Angle were talking about. Thousands will die for lack of preventative care. Thousands will die because states are claiming they can't AFFORD to keep citizens alive.

When you have government defunding organizations like Planned Parenthood it takes away health screenings for low income women and children. Thousands will die without the care they get from such organizations.

When you have government stripping away laws that protect our water and air and food chain from pollution, the results are environmental health issues like cancer clusters, and childhood cancers.  Thousands do die from lack of environmental protections.

Besides the thousands who die for health reasons, there are the innocent citizens who die for lack of gun control laws. We are the only nation on earth where guns are in almost every citizens homes. What is our obsession with guns? Gun shows, gun shops, guns on the web, guns on the streets, guns that shoot 31 rounds, machine guns... gun lovers say guns don't kill, people kill. Yea, that makes it ok. Americans murder Americans, and I for one think this can be controlled if our gun laws were adequate.

Without your health you have nothing. The homeless, the uninsured, the ignored veterans and mentally ill sleeping on the street, the poverty stricken poor, the babies, the elderly, thousands are dying every day. Our government needs to pay attention to us, WE should be top priority.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Who wants to defend the rich?? Anyone?? I can't hear you......

I don't believe I had one conservative come and defend the evil-doings of Rick Snyder in my last post. Proof they can not come to the defense of these teabagger governors and their agendas to eliminate the middle class. If they could defend the acts wouldn't you think they'd want to share? We're open to hearing from them. For the record my brother did comment on FB, his defense of Snyder was "the state is bankrupt and Snyder is trying to fix it". OKAY nuff said...

First was Walker, then Snyder, now we have 12 states that have plans to shift the tax burden onto the middle class while cutting taxes for corporations and the wealthy. In 3 states conservatives are proposing massive estate tax cuts for millionaires as income equality is at its worse since the 1920's. Here are the details as documented by Think Progress:

MAINE: Tea Party Gov. Paul LePage’s (I) tax reform package would raise the state’s estate tax exemption from $1 million to $2 million — allowing four hundred of the state’s wealthiest estates to escape taxation. At the same time, the tax plan would raise property taxes on middle class Mainers while freezing health care funding for working parents, cutting money for schools, and raising the retirement age for public workers. Republican legislators want to go even further, and are currently considering eliminating the estate tax altogether. 

OHIO: In January, House Speaker William Batchelder (R) called Gov. John Kasich’s (R) proposal to completely eliminate the estate tax one of the Republican-controlled legislature’s “top priorities.” But already, the bill has garnered strong opposition from local governments, who depend on estate tax revenue and are already concerned state spending cuts. Even while finding room for estate tax reductions, Kasich’s proposed budget cuts 25 percent of funding for local schools, $427 million for nursing homes, $1 million for food banks, $12 million from children’s hospitals, and $15.9 million from an adoption program for children with special needs.
NEW JERSEY: In his 2011 budget proposal, Gov. Chris Christie called for raising the state’s estate tax exemption from $675,000 to $1 million even while proposing cuts to the state’s Earned Income Tax Credit and homestead rebates for working poor families. And last year Christie vetoed a bill passed by the Legislature that would have raised taxes on the state’s millionaires to help fund property tax relief for Main Street.
Last December, the federal government set the precedent for estate tax cuts when the bi-partisan tax deal signed by President Obama cut the estate tax rate to its second lowest level since 1931.

 Nothing makes my blood boil more than to read this crap. These conservatives (I will hold my tongue) don't even try to hide their evil plans any more, they are wide open for all of us to read about and enjoy. How can anyone defend these teabagger governors? They are arrogantly throwing into the faces of working middle class citizens, telling them they need to do more to save the states from bankruptcy! What are people like Linda and silverfish thinking when they(I'm assuming they are middle class, but maybe not, maybe they are a part of the elite class) have to pay more in taxes while their governors are handing the fat cat rich fuckers more and more loot to line the pockets of their silk smoking jackets.

I want someone to prove to us little folks this giving of more and more to the rich will one day benefit us. It's been over 2 yrs and we are still hearing the same old worn out "we're just not convinced yet, .... we're just not comfortable investing in America, .....Obama hasn't shown us the economy is improving enough for us to get up off our billions and help out a wee bit"  Baaaa Boooo Hooo!  Oh cry me a river you sick bastards who hate our country.....

You don't have to point out the part where Obama signed the tax deal which cut estate tax rate to it's second  lowest level since 1931. I have typed it twice, I know and I'm not happy about it. I can criticize my president when he deserves it, can conservatives criticize their party when their elected put forth legislation that hurts the majority of Americans? No, I never hear it, never...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

What the Hell is Rick Snyder Doing to Michigan??

If you thought Scott Walker was a dictator out to destroy Wisconsin then you need to pay attention to Michigan and it's dictator, Rick Snyder! While the country was focused on Japan and Wisconsin, the Michigan state legislature quietly passed a bill giving Snyder martial control over the state!

From Extreme Liberal:
This governor  passed legislation that will give state government the power not only to break up unions, but to dissolve entire local governments and place appointed “Emergency Managers” in their stead. But that’s not all — whole cities could be eliminated if Emergency Managers and the governor choose to do so. And Snyder can fire elected officials unilaterally, without any input from voters. It doesn’t get much more anti-Democratic than that.

Except it does. The governor simply has to declare a financial emergency to invoke these powers — or he can hire a private company to declare financial emergency and take over oversight of the city. That’s right, a private corporation can declare your city in a state of financial emergency and send in its Emergency Manager, fire your elected officials, and reap the benefits of the ensuing state contracts.
Michigan’s new Republican governor is cutting funding to municipalities, and if they struggle financially as a consequence, he will have the power to simply take over those municipalities if he believes he should.
And once Snyder does take over these local governments, by virtue of his own whims, he can impose a local dictator — called an “Emergency Manager” — who will have the authority to undo collective bargaining agreements, scrap contracts, and even undo the results of elections.
And if that weren’t quite enough, the local dictator, at the behest of the new Republican governor or a designated corporate ally, can even “disincorporate or dissolve” an entire municipal government — effectively making a local government disappear — without any input from the public whatsoever.

 The Tea Party crowd — those folks who worry about excessive government overreach and power-grabs — thinks all of this is just great.
One of the Republican state lawmakers who supports this effort characterized the plan as “financial martial law” — and as far as he’s concerned, that’s not a criticism, that’s a defense for this little scheme.

All the stories are the same with these extremist governors. They ran as moderate republicans promising to put states on a fiscal path to recovery but what we're seeing is dictatorships destroying the middle class while handing the states over to multi-millionaires from Wall Street!

Look at Snyder's budget... This fraud is going after ordinary citizens pensions. He wants to tax these pensions, some are only $20,000 a year, and give the money to businesses by cutting corporate income taxes by 81%!  In order to do this thievery he has to increase taxes on the poor, elderly and middle class by 36%! See the pattern? These evil-doers(yes I said it!) CLAIM their states are broke yet they DO NOT propose raising corporate taxes, which would remedy their "situations".

 As David Sirota noted in a recent column, cities and states can never really go bankrupt as they always retain the ability to raise revenue by increasing taxes. By eschewing any discussion of this as an option, Snyder and his like attempt to disappear the concept from the publics mind, instead focusing on budget cuts as the only possible source of income for the state.

I didn't think anyone could be worse than Scott Walker, but Rick Snyder has surpassed Walker on the evil radar...
Snyder has said repeatedly that his budget plan represents "shared sacrifice" and puts Michigan on the path to a better future because it helps to solve the fiscal woes of the state, which is facing an estimated $1.4 billion shortfall. His $45.9 billion proposal includes spending cuts for schools and would eliminate many personal tax breaks while slashing business taxes. Among the proposals: ending exemptions from the state income tax for most pension income.
The governor reiterated Monday that his overall budget proposal, while containing some "difficult cuts," is necessary.
"Those are tough calls," he said. "But I'm making those decisions on the basis of what's good for all of us in the long run so we can all win together."

Look at the budget cuts, look who they hurt, look how these thugs refuse to raise taxes on the rich to balance their budgets but have no problem whatsoever raising taxes on poor and middle class! How can conservatives in their right minds turn a blind eye to this activity??  Rick Snyder is a liar, a fraud, a scumbag rethuglican and I believe the good people of Michigan will prevail in their recall efforts, just like Wisconsin!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

UGH.....GOP Govs.=Apocalyptic

The four horsemen of the Apocalypse.....

Scott Walker
John Kasich
Rick Snyder
Chris Christie

Hell, why not...The Anti-Christ......
Mike Huckabee
                                                                                                              Good night, sleep tight

ADDED addition:

Minnesota Republicans say: Poor people with money should be outlaws

By Staff |
March 15, 2011
Read more articles in
St. Paul, MN – Minnesota Republicans are pushing legislation that would make it a crime for people on public assistance to have more $20 in cash in their pockets any given month. This represents a change from their initial proposal, which banned them from having any money at all.

here's some good news for a change..the wingnuts will LOVE this ! NOT!!! HUGE RECALL OF A THUGLICAN!
After a recall vote kicked Miami mayor Carlos Alvarez out of office yesterday, 2 Live Crew leader Luther "Uncle Luke" Campbell has become a favorite to win the position in the upcoming election. The once-controversial rapper and label executive has a chance after Norman Braman, a billionaire businessman, orchestrated the first successful recall in the history of Dade County. More than 88 percent of voters wanted Alvarez out.

 House Republicans had an "emergency" meeting yesterday....not on jobs...but to schedule a vote to defund NPR!! dumbfucks....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

God Bless Bernie!

Sen. Bernie Sanders voted against the House budget because it made devastating cuts to Head Start, Pell grants, community health centers, LIHEAP, the Social Security Administration and many other programs that are vitally important to millions of middle-class families.
“The Republicans want to move toward a balanced budget by slashing programs for working families at exactly the same time as they want more tax breaks for the rich.  I find it ironic that, at a time when poverty is increasing because of the recession, the Republicans want to cut programs for low income children, the sick and the elderly," Bernie said. "At the same time, while the rich are getting richer, they want more tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires. Clearly, any serious deficit reduction proposal must include shared sacrifice. The wealthiest people in this country must be asked to pay a little more in taxes to help this country move toward a balanced budget. It cannot just be the poor and working families who are asked to sacrifice.”

Where is the sacrifice from the rich??? What the hell is going on in this country?? We all know from the past we need to pull together , we need to work together! What is ONE sacrifice the rich have made in the past 3 years?? NAME ONE!!

Republiscums hate children, unless they are still in the womb.....The Republican House budget would slash Head Start by 20 percent, or $1.1 billion, forcing 218,000 children from the education and nutrition program and causing 55,000 layoffs nationally.

Rethuglicans love denying healthcare for all, they say it's a privilege not a right to have good health.....Community health centers and community support programs would be decimated throughout the country. The Republican House budget slashes $1.3 billion in funding for community health centers denying primary health care to 11 million patients.

Rushpubliscums HATE the well-educated, they LOVE to deny Americans the chance for a higher education......As a result of $5.7 billion in proposed cuts to Pell Grants, tuition assistance would fall an average of 17 percent, reducing or eliminating Pell Grants for 9.4 million low-income college students across the country.

Rethuglicans do not want Americans to go back to work, they don't want us on the path to recovery because that would reflect positively on President Obama, God-Forbid.....The cuts included in the Republican House budget would further harm the economy which continues to have trouble recovering from the recession which began more than three years ago in December 2007. Overall, the legislation passed by the Republican House is estimated to cause 700,000 job losses nationally.

 Republiscums HATE needy people, disabled and seniors...... the House budget slashes the Community Services Block Grant program by $405 million which could reduce or eliminating emergency food, housing and heating assistance to 20 million seniors, families with children and the disabled.

Democrats are not without fault, I will condemn them when follow those slugs in Congress too! God Bless Bernie Sanders......he said this...“I voted against the Democratic proposal because, if the Democrats are serious about deficit reduction they have to raise revenue along with spending cuts.  As part of an Emergency Deficit Reduction Fund, I will be introducing legislation that calls for a 5.4 percent surtax on millionaires as well as eliminating tax breaks for big oil companies,” he said.
“At a time when the gap between the very, very wealthy and everyone else is growing wider, will we try to balance the budget on the backs of the poor, the elderly, the sick, and the children? That is the question that we have to address right now,” Bernie said.  “In the midst of a major a recession, it is morally wrong—and economically bad policy—to balance the budget on the backs of people who are already hurting.”

 Get with the program Democrats! We have the upper hand because WE are listening to the people. All across the country is proof of what the GOP wants to do to this country, all over the internet people are furious, fed up with those lying hypocrites! "Give us a chance we will do better" the GOP said!

'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me'

House Republicans just opposed a motion that would ensure funds are NOT used to privatize Social Security or voucherize Medicare. .....assholes

Monday, March 14, 2011

In Contempt??

Sen. Fitzgerald: Email re: Senate Democrat voting privileges in standing committees

From: Sen.Fitzgerald
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 3:52 PM
To: *Legislative Senate Republicans
Subject: Senate Democrat voting privileges in standing committees

Dear Members,

With the return of the Senate Democrats this weekend, questions have arisen regarding Democrat members’ participation in Senate standing committee public hearings and executive sessions.

Please note that all 14 Democrat senators are still in contempt of the Senate. Therefore, when taking roll call votes on amendments and bills during executive sessions, Senate Democrats’ votes will not be reflected in the Records of Committee Proceedings or the Senate Journal. They are free to attend hearings, listen to testimony, debate legislation, introduce amendments, and cast votes to signal their support/opposition, but those votes will not count, and will not be recorded.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact my office.

Thank you,

Scott Fitzgerald
Senate Majority Leader
 13th Senate District           

OKAY, so how long will the thugs hold the 14 Democrats "in Contempt"?  Long enough to pass all their contemptuous legislation?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The fascists are here!

The fascists are here!
 Many liberal bloggers have talked about the Republican Party and the similarities to fascism. It's really quite interesting especially when rightwingers call President Obama a fascist. With all this talk of debt and budget crises these past few months and with more Republicans in governorships, it's more obvious now how the republicans resemble the fascists from the 1920's and 30's. The European fascists used the poor economy to gain power, so goes the GOP. This is the reason we had a deluge of GOP governors elected and the GOP takeover of the House. This is afterall what the rethugs will tell you, it's the economy, stupid.
    They CLAIM the people spoke and wanted them(the GOP) to DO SOMETHING about JOBS and the ECONOMY since Obama and the Dems were fucking up big time. BUT Mr. Bonehead where ARE the jobs? All we're hearing is talk of budget crises, so what's the first thing Republicans do?, give tax breaks to the rich so they WILL therefore hire. Well Mr. Bonehead, where are the jobs?

 Here are some examples of how the Republicans are indeed  fascists......
Fascism is the ultimate manifestation of social change and moral revolution,  Republicans are all about culture wars and  preaching morality. Fascists, like Republicans today, reject democracy and liberalism. Many Republicans called for violently overthrowing the government if the 2010 midterm elections didn’t go their way and have viciously attacked liberalism. Fascists also reject internationalism and pacifism and support militarism and war. Republicans have been calling for the United States to pull out of the United Nations since the 1950′s and have since 2001, been the party of war as evidenced by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the calls to attack Iran, North Korea, and most recently Libya. Fascists also promote heroism and violence.

Republicans claim to be the party of family values(cough,cough), this is what fascists believe too! Fascists believe a womans role is homemaker, Mother, wife....Fascists, I mean Republicans, killed any chance for equality in the workplace when it comes to wages. They like their women barefoot and pregnant...which brings us to birth control. Fascists banned literature on birth control and increased penalties for abortion in Italy1926, declaring both crimes against the state. Republicans will deny this but they want to ban birth control too, they think the pill is aborting a fetus. And we all know their stance on abortion and the justifiable murders of abortion doctors.

Fascists pushed policies designed to reduce the number of women in the workforce. Republicans are assaulting unions that represent professions held by mostly women, like nurses and teachers, and are highly critical of single Mothers who work.

 Republicans and fascists have education in common too.
Fascist states pursued policies of social indoctrination through propaganda in education and the media and seek to regulate the production of educational and media materials. We see Republicans doing this every day. They have their own news network that uses blatant lies and misinformation to paint liberalism as evil.  The GOP's attempts to destroy public education is nothing more than an effort to create private schools designed to do their ideological bidding. Private schools can deny an education to anyone and can discriminately hire any teacher they wish which means an army of conservative teachers that will only teach the Republican ideology and their view of history. Fascists created their systems of education to glorify their movement and sought to inform students of its historical and political importance to the nation. In Texas and the South the Confederacy is being glorified and Joe McCarthy is portrayed as a hero!

Republicans cut millions from public education every chance they get. It's their number one priority, after abortion that is...They want to abolish the Department of Education! Republicans and fascists hate the well-educated, they want their followers to be stupid in order to manipulate them.  Fascism tends to be anti-intellectual and so does the Republican Party.

Another major aspect of fascism is its relationship with corporations. In 1925 the Fascist regime in Italy  created a Ministry of Corporations that organized the Italian economy into 22 sectoral corporations, banned workers’ strikes and lock-outs. Even Hitler banned unions.  Republicans are attempting to reintroduce the idea that corporations should run states and the government.  Fascists dismantled working-class organizations, significantly reduced wages in certain areas, abolished taxes on inheritance and war profits. Republicans seek to do ALL of these things. They have called for an end to the minimum wage, are ending union rights state by state, most recently in Wisconsin where Republicans slammed through an anti-union bill illegally, and seek to destroy any and all corporate taxes and taxes on the wealthy.

Republicans and fascists share a hatred of gays and anyone different than themselves.  Just as fascists banned homosexuality in 1931 and hated certain groups like gypsies and Jews, Republicans seek to make homosexuality illegal and have made it clear that they intend to persecute those they feel are inferior such as Muslims, African-Americans, Hispanics, and other ethnic groups. The current hearings in Congress specifically targeting Muslims is sufficient proof of that, not to mention their constant racial attacks on President Obama and the laws being passed against Hispanics in Arizona.

Fascists and Republicans share in an obsession with Christianity. The Republican party is one with the Christian Right today. Their goal is to make Christianity the national religion in order to create a Christian state. Republicans hate separation of church and state and have vowed to destroy it. Republicans have even gone so far as to make up quotes and falsely attribute them to the Founding Fathers to make it seem like they wholeheartedly agree with them. They actually do not agree. This obsession with religion is very familiar, in fact its Hitleresque.

The time for compromise with Republicans is over. The time for tolerance of them is also over. Republicans are fascists? Looks obvious to me.....
You can read the rest here...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Democracy was kicked in the face tonight

My thoughts and prayers are with the good and decent Wisconsin citizens tonight. The Democratic Party has taken all they are gonna take, middle class working Americans will take to the streets tomorrow like you have never seen in the history of our country. Please do all you can to support the fight against the Republiscums. All across Northern America, from NJ to Alaska, states are coordinating their efforts to destroy the middle class. The thugs have taken the South, now their efforts are in the North. They won't get away with this hijacking of our rights.  Remember, take your fight to the voting booth, this is the way we win. And we will WIN!

They have SEX, go ahead say it

This video goes hand in hand with my previous 'suppressing the young vote' post.  Republicans just DON'T GET IT! They are hurting the 18 to 35 group by taking away funding for Planned Parenthood. These young people use the services provided by Planned Parenthood and I DO NOT mean ABORTION! These young people VOTE, They will VOTE in the 2012 presidential election. If you take away their rights they will punish you at the polls. Wake up Republican Party..... and Democrats who don't stand with the American people. Listen to the young people, their votes are the ones that will COUNT!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Suppressing the Vote

Conservatives are scared shitless, they are so scared for the coming of the 2012 elections and the liberal onslaught that they want college kids, the elderly and the disabled banned from voting!

This from Alan Colmes  in it's entirety.....
Republican New Hampshire House Speaker William O’Brien is part of a nationwide effort to deny voting rights to students, the disabled, and the elderly. In O’Brien’s case, it’s because college students tend to be liberal.
He said that Plymouth, a college town, experiences 900 same-day voter registrations.
“They are kids voting liberal, voting their feelings, with no life experience,” he said.
So, “life experience” must mean you’re a conservative. Right, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates?  Think Progress notes 22 statehouses in America where conservatives are similarly working to disenfranchise voters. Some examples:
NORTH CAROLINA: Republican legislators have introduced a photo ID bill that the Institute for Southern Studies estimates will cost taxpayers more than $20 million…the legislation’s target is phantom “voter fraud” — even though in 2008 authorities reported only 40 voting irregularities out of 4.3 million votes cast.
SOUTH CAROLINA: Despite dying in the state senate last year, a bill requiring voters to present a photo ID has passed both legislative houses in contentious party-line votes. The two houses will now have to resolve their two different versions. One local NAACP official called the legislation “Jim Crow Jr.”
TEXAS: Despite facing a $10-11 billion budget shortfall, Gov. Rick Perry prioritized a voter ID bill as an “emergency item” last month — forcing the Texas legislature to act on the bill before dealing with the state’s budget crisis. Since then the Senate has passed a voter ID law that would be the most restrictive in the nation…
KANSAS: Monday the State Senate approved legislation, originally proposed by Secretary of State Kris Kobach, that would require proof of citizenship upon registering to vote…
TENNESSEE Two weeks a go, the State Senate passed a bill requiring voters to present a driver’s license before voting. The bill would create a significant burden to voting for the state’s more than 500,000 adults without a driver’s license.
Funny that with states crying poverty and the need for budget cuts that they are promoting voter ID plans that would cost millions of dollars.

OKAY, I know some will boo hoo this post, they will say this is liberal hysterics. But no, it is about conservatives realizing they can not win elections fair and square, there is just not enough Americans who vote republican, so they MUST suppress the vote! They do it every fuckin' time! This NH House Speaker is saying what he truly believes, young voters vote Democrat in hoards, and for 2012 this will destroy the GOP's plans to take the White House back from the evil liberals.

From a Yahoo news article..
Targeting students is nothing new: The "arguments against student voting" have been around for decades, says Susan Milligan in U.S. News & World Report. And they're still bunk. If students spend at least three-quarters of the year living, often working, and even paying taxes in their college town, they deserve the right to vote there. And that "lack of life experience" complaint? Funny you don't hear it when the GOP wants to send 18-year-olds off to war.
"New Hampshire Republicans wrong to attack college student voting"
Who's next... older voters? The GOP is right that "college students tend to be liberal and not think about consequences," says Alexandra Petri in The Washington Post. But so what? That's better than conservative elderly voters, who have "no incentive to make any sacrifices or enact any reforms, well, ever." So "where are the campaigns that scream, 'Don't let old people vote! They're conservative!'"
"Before limiting college students' voting rights, stop old people!"

Monday, March 7, 2011


If you love Michael Moore like I do then take some time and watch this clip of him speaking at the Madison protest.

"Contrary to what those in power would like you to believe so that you'll give up your pension, cut your wages, and settle for the life your great-grandparents had, America is not broke. Not by a long shot. The country is awash in wealth and cash. It's just that it's not in your hands. It has been transferred, in the greatest heist in history, from the workers and consumers to the banks and the portfolios of the uber-rich." -- Michael Moore

How they did it, and how Wisconsin taught us to fight back, at:

Fuck the Rethuglican Party

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fox and Hell talk

from Think Progress...

Fox "News" had as guest today the Westboro Baptist "church" "attorney" margie phelps. This dreadful person is the daughter of "church" "leader" fred phelps. here's her analysis of the Supreme Court justices and President Obama.

QUESTION: Are the nine justices going to Hell?
PHELPS: I have no objective indicator otherwise. The default for mankind is Hell. [...]
 QUESTION: So the justices are going to Hell? The President is going to Hell?
PHELPS: Absolutely on the President. That’s a big ten-four. I already answered on the justices. The President is going to be king of the world before this is all said and done and he is most likely the Beast spoken of in the Revelation.

It’s telling that in a week which featured deeply manipulative anti-worker tactics by the Ohio GOP, growing unrest in the Middle East, a court decision allowing implementation of the Affordable Care Act to move forward, and the Main Street Movement’s first steps to recall eight anti-worker lawmakers in Wisconsin, Fox decided to ignore these stories in order to focus on the important question of whether President Obama is the Antichrist.

Fox likes to keep us informed on stories like the Anti-Christ and hateful church people. Why would a national "news" show put those hideous satanic people on for all to see? It's shameful, but everything Fox does is shameful. Just sowing some is Spring afterall

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Huckabees book tour

                                         OOH now I get it, Mike Huckabee is trying to sell his book!

 A Simple Government: Book Tour  February 27, 2011 to March 14, 2011IA, MO, KS, OK, TX, NC, SC, TN, GA, LA, MS

This is why he's talking Obama on all the rightwing TV and radio shows!  Steve Malzberg, WOR radio station had guest Huckabee on Tuesday. He asked the Huckster if he thought the people deserved to know more about President Obama, Huck said, "I would love to know more, what I know is troubling enough. And one thing that I do know is his having grown up in Kenya, his view of the Brits, for example, very different than the average American." Then this "ordained minister" said "Most of us grew up going to Boy Scout meetings, and our communities were filled with Rotary Clubs not madrassas."  So when this moron tries to set the record straight he just makes it ten times worse, now he's calling Obama a Muslim!

The former Arkansas governor took to his political action committee's blog to issue the following statement late Tuesday:
I'm not surprised the NY Times chose to sensationalize this story. In fact, the New York Times, the AP, and other news organizations ran with the "sensationalized story" despite being specifically told by [WOR radio host] Steve Malzberg himself that they were incorrect in their assessment of the sound bite. You just can't help but laugh when my simple slip of the tongue, becomes a huge story - and a certain Presidential candidate claiming to visit all 57 states, gets widely ignored.

 This is so typical of these rightwingers, they have a book out, they tour around the red states, they spew lies about our president, ALL for their teabagger base!  Huckabee, like Palin before him, is out to make big bucks with his lame book. The only way these creeps can make a buck nowadays is to bash Obama. The wingnuts/teabaggers just LOVE IT!  They can't get enough of it!

Huckabees real belief, Obama is not one of "them", he didn't grow up in your typical  Leave it to Beaver home, he didn't have Ozzie and Harriet parents, he didn't play baseball or go to Boy Scout camp outs. OH SHIT, How dare this man call himself President of the United States!! Just who does he think he is taking our country from us! This is what the rethuglicans/teabagger ass kissers, really think. And dare I say it? How dare a black family live in OUR White House! It absolutely is what they think. It's the truth, face it, embrace the truth.
Palin, Gingrich, Huckabee, Bachmann, Trump(LOL), I don't believe any of these righties will actually run against Barack Obama. It's all about the money with them, not their love of country.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Will of the People.... Yes WE Have Spoken...Loud and Clear!

                                              NBC/WALL STREET JOURNAL 

81%  of Americans say TAX MILLIONAIRES

68% of Americans say ELIMINATE THE BUSH TAX CUTS

74% of Americans say CUT OIL/GAS TAX BREAKS

77% of Americans  support PUBLIC UNION BARGAINING

36% of those polled described themselves as conservative,  24% were liberals.

Republicans consistently spew the same 'ole same 'ole... "The American people sent us to Washington, we are doing the will of the people".  NO THEY ARE NOT! This poll shows the will of the people and it sure as hell ain't pointing RIGHT!!