Sen. Bernie Sanders voted against the House budget because it made
devastating cuts to Head Start, Pell grants, community health centers,
LIHEAP, the Social Security Administration and many other programs that
are vitally important to millions of middle-class families.
“The Republicans want to move toward a balanced budget by slashing
programs for working families at exactly the same time as they want more
tax breaks for the rich. I find it ironic that, at a time when poverty
is increasing because of the recession, the Republicans want to cut
programs for low income children, the sick and the elderly," Bernie
said. "At the same time, while the rich are getting richer, they want
more tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires. Clearly, any serious
deficit reduction proposal must include shared sacrifice. The wealthiest
people in this country must be asked to pay a little more in taxes to
help this country move toward a balanced budget. It cannot just be the
poor and working families who are asked to sacrifice.”
Where is the sacrifice from the rich??? What the hell is going on in this country?? We all know from the past we need to pull together , we need to work together! What is ONE sacrifice the rich have made in the past 3 years?? NAME ONE!!
Republiscums hate children, unless they are still in the womb.....The Republican House budget would slash Head Start by 20 percent, or
$1.1 billion, forcing 218,000 children from the education and nutrition
program and causing 55,000 layoffs nationally.
Rethuglicans love denying healthcare for all, they say it's a privilege not a right to have good health.....Community health centers and community support programs would be
decimated throughout the country. The Republican
House budget slashes $1.3 billion in funding for community health
centers denying primary health care to 11 million patients.
Rushpubliscums HATE the well-educated, they LOVE to deny Americans the chance for a higher education......As a result of $5.7 billion in proposed cuts to Pell Grants, tuition
assistance would fall an average of 17 percent, reducing or eliminating
Pell Grants for 9.4 million low-income college students across the
Rethuglicans do not want Americans to go back to work, they don't want us on the path to recovery because that would reflect positively on President Obama, God-Forbid.....The cuts included in the Republican House budget would further harm the
economy which continues to have trouble recovering from the recession
which began more than three years ago in December 2007. Overall, the
legislation passed by the Republican House is estimated to cause 700,000
job losses nationally.
Republiscums HATE needy people, disabled and seniors...... the House budget slashes the Community Services Block Grant
program by $405 million which could reduce or eliminating emergency
food, housing and heating assistance to 20 million seniors, families
with children and the disabled.
Democrats are not without fault, I will condemn them when follow those slugs in Congress too! God Bless Bernie Sanders......he said this...“I voted against the Democratic proposal because, if the Democrats
are serious about deficit reduction
they have to raise revenue along
with spending cuts. As part of an Emergency Deficit Reduction Fund,
will be introducing legislation that calls for a 5.4 percent surtax on
millionaires as well as eliminating tax breaks for big oil companies,”
he said.
“At a time when the gap between the very, very wealthy and everyone
else is growing wider, will we try to balance the budget on the backs of
the poor, the elderly, the sick, and the children? That is the question
that we have to address right now,” Bernie said. “In the midst of a
major a recession, it is morally wrong—and economically bad policy—to
balance the budget on the backs of people who are already hurting.”
Get with the program Democrats! We have the upper hand because WE are listening to the people. All across the country is proof of what the GOP wants to do to this country, all over the internet people are furious, fed up with those lying hypocrites! "Give us a chance we will do better" the GOP said!
'Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me'
Republicans just opposed a motion that would ensure funds are NOT used
to privatize Social Security or voucherize Medicare. .....assholes