Wednesday, March 9, 2011

They have SEX, go ahead say it

This video goes hand in hand with my previous 'suppressing the young vote' post.  Republicans just DON'T GET IT! They are hurting the 18 to 35 group by taking away funding for Planned Parenthood. These young people use the services provided by Planned Parenthood and I DO NOT mean ABORTION! These young people VOTE, They will VOTE in the 2012 presidential election. If you take away their rights they will punish you at the polls. Wake up Republican Party..... and Democrats who don't stand with the American people. Listen to the young people, their votes are the ones that will COUNT!


Malcolm said...
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Malcolm said...

The Republican's political bucket list:

* Piss off Hispanics by voting against the Dream Act, check.

* Drive blacks away from their party by continuing to employ the Southern Strategy, check.

* Alienate the LGBT community by wanting to bring back DADT, check.

* Wage a war on women by trying to redefine rape, check.

Now this. The Dems frustrate me sometimes, but I get the feeling that for the most part they at least give a damn about the average American. It seems as if the GOP goes out of their way to prove how loathsome they can be.

Shaw Kenawe said...

And the most loathsome apparently are in the Wisconsin legislature--except for one.

Get ready for more protests this weekend after what happened this evening in Wisconsin.

John Myste said...

I read your site regularly, but rarely comment, as you pretty much sum things up. If I have nothing to dispute, than I have nothing. However, I wanted to congratulate you on this idea because it is actually very forward thinking.

If the Republican Party intends to survive on the votes of older citizens, how can it survive? Older citizens become deceased citizens, and the Party dies. That is a very profound question.

Sue said...

Malcolm, Shaw, and John, I am feeling so down tonight, its late and I will get 6 hours sleep tonight if I fall asleep at all. We can not let those fuckin slugs do to America what they have planned. It's very scary, but we must organize and vote, vote vote! There are more of us, our young people proved that in '08.

Thanks John, glad to have you here, I appreciate it!

Pamela Zydel said...
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Pamela Zydel said...

Sue: I would like to say that I am in agreement that PP is more than an abortion factory. I know this first hand. They gave me the pill for free when I was a teenager, even though I HAD insurance through my dad. But I didn’t want my dad to know I was having sex but I also didn’t want to get pregnant! They also gave me my yearly exams for free. They do this not just for teens, but for ADULT women who don’t have insurance. These women may have jobs but don’t get paid well, so sometimes the services are free or they charge them on a sliding scale. (Many of you probably already know this and I apologize for the repetition).

I have also stated, somewhere in the blogosphere, that I believe the Republicans need to get with the 21st Century, i.e. gay-marriage, for one. If they don’t, they are sure to be left behind, because the youth GETS IT and it’s the youth that is going to GROW UP and one day become SENIORS.

Sue said...

thanks for sharing your story Pam!! Yes, the GOP seems to forget the seniors who follow them with unwavering trust and vote consistently, will not be here forever. They really do a bad job of attracting the young vote.