When asked, "what are we doing in Libya?", most commentators will say we are trying to save the Libyan people from slaughter at the hands of dicktator Muammar Qaddafi, OKAY, that's good, Americans should be proud right? Yes dicktators do slaughter their own people and it's open for all to see, they don't hide it or pretend it's not happening. Well what about us, what about Americans who die by the thousands at the hands of our countries leaders, not by gunshot or missile fire, but by legislation and laws that are passed without regard for human life.
Our lack of good affordable health insurance for ALL Americans results in thousands dying every year. Leaders will say nobody is turned away, they can get care in the emergency room of your local hospital. Sure that's fine if you have the flu, or a sprained ankle, but what about those with cancer who need chemo and surgery? What about those who need a kidney transplant or open heart surgery? Yes we have death panels but not the ones Palin and Angle were talking about. Thousands will die for lack of preventative care. Thousands will die because states are claiming they can't AFFORD to keep citizens alive.
When you have government defunding organizations like Planned Parenthood it takes away health screenings for low income women and children. Thousands will die without the care they get from such organizations.
When you have government stripping away laws that protect our water and air and food chain from pollution, the results are environmental health issues like cancer clusters, and childhood cancers. Thousands do die from lack of environmental protections.
Besides the thousands who die for health reasons, there are the innocent citizens who die for lack of gun control laws. We are the only nation on earth where guns are in almost every citizens homes. What is our obsession with guns? Gun shows, gun shops, guns on the web, guns on the streets, guns that shoot 31 rounds, machine guns... gun lovers say guns don't kill, people kill. Yea, that makes it ok. Americans murder Americans, and I for one think this can be controlled if our gun laws were adequate.
Without your health you have nothing. The homeless, the uninsured, the ignored veterans and mentally ill sleeping on the street, the poverty stricken poor, the babies, the elderly, thousands are dying every day. Our government needs to pay attention to us, WE should be top priority.
Some good news:
* From the Lincoln Project*
*"Trump's in full retreat today as his poll numbers slip:*
*He convened the cabinet to limit Elon after voters pressured C...
3 hours ago
Lisa G - Oh, Lisa, go back under the rock you slimed out from under.
Sue - You are absolutely right - one of the biggest flaws of the healthcare bill is that it takes so long for key portions to exact. Not only that, but we have governors running around acting like they ARE dictators, taking away people's rights and in the case of MI, replacing them with unelected officials. WTF is up with that.
You got yourself a really great blog here - a couple of posts ago, I saw 74 comments - that's unbelievable! You go girl! And I like the way you spelled dicktator today - it make me LMAO every time I read it! Hilarious!
Oh, and I'd like to smack that Jan Brewer bitch right in the face for cutting transplants. I think she's using that money for facelifts because she sure could use a couple.
"Our government needs to pay attention to us, WE should be top priority."
It's not going to happen ever. We have absolutely no control over anything. The populace is dumb as hell and proud of it. This is what they and this is what we're getting and will get more of in the future!
I'm not really going after the guns and ammo business as a dollar amount. It's just a small piece of the pie. I'm just making a point. There is enough money in the manufacture and sale of weapons and ammo that it has become a force to be reckoned with. It is in the interests of the manufacturers that their weapons enter the black market as quickly as possible. This un-penalized crime helps them keep prices low for mega weapons dealers like Wal-Mart and even mom and pop businesses along the border that fatten their wallets with straw purchases on their way to Mexico and beyond. Even the enterprising and highly moral end-user can make big pocket money at gun shows. Lots of money for everybody. Great fun. It's somewhere between selling cars and selling weed. Talk about a cottage industry. The gun lobby ain't goin' nowhere baby! It's a way of life.
nice to see you Lisa G, been awhile! Thanks for the compliment, my readers that take the time to comment make my blog posts, they are the ones who deserve recognition!
Yes the teabagger govs., a hideous bunch, but their days are numbered with all the recalls and elections coming up. Good riddance to old trash! Jan Brewer and her ilk could care less about suffering people.
And to you lisa, there is no such thing as a broke USA, that is a perverted lie started by wingnuts so they can end entitlements and give tax breaks to their rich friends.
I hope you are wrong OF, but the way things look now, we are on our own. That's how the wingnuts believe it should be anyway, only the strong shall survive(and the rich)
its sad FJ, really sad. Money rules
just some casual math....price of two fighter jets could solve Wisconsin budget crisis....
I have to dig out the stats, but the US-Hey is building 10 new Aircraft carriers.... first will not be launched until 2015... estimated cost each(currently) is $40BB each.... and over runs continue.
see jimm, the TB govs are liars and the people are falling for this bankruptcy crap! tax the fuckin corporations like they should be taxed and the rich too and there wouldn't be a problem. Wise up voters!
read this if you think our government with the help of insurance thieves don't kill Americans!
The figure tossed around by the politicians of the number of those who die do to lack of medical care, is 45,000.
That's criminal!
The Republicans take the "that's to bad attitude." Sick MF's.
That's 45,000 a YEAR!
Every year, and that's an average, some years it's more and I'm sure there are many that escape the statistics.
thanks for that Tom, it is criminal! And those sick MF'ers don't give a shit cuz they have the best coverage around!
Who cares about our dying citizens? Well, it certainly is not the republicans. They are doing everything they can to take away money and benefits from the average citizen to give them to the top 1 or 2 percent of citizens, the ones who have seen their incomes skyrocket while most peoples incomes have stagnated.
On the other hand, here is a list of things that the Democrats have given us:
# The GI Bill
# Endangered Species Act
# Environmental Laws
# The Space Program
# The Peace Corps
# Americorps
# The Civil Rights Movement
# Earned Income Tax Credit
# Family & Medical Leave Act
# Consumer Product Safety Commission
# Americans With Disabilities Act
# Freedom of Information Act
# Women's right to control their reproductive future
# Allowing citizens to view their own credit records
# The Internet
# Balancing the federal budget
# The Brady Bill (5-day wait on handgun purchases for background checks)
# Lobbying Disclosure Act
# "Motor-Voter" Act
# The Voting Rights Act
# Unemployment Insurance
# Medicare/Medicaid
# Food Stamps/WIC
# Social Security
# Peace between Israel and Egypt
# Peace between Israel and Jordan
# The Department of Education
# The Department of Energy
# The Department of Transportation
# The Department of Housing and Urban Development
# Labor Laws
# The Marshall Plan
# Winning World War II
# Food Safety Laws
# Workplace Safety Laws
# The Tennessee Valley Project
# The Civilian Conservation Corps
# The Securites and Exchange Commission
# Women's Right to Vote
# Universal Public Education
# National Weather Service
# Product Labeling Laws
# Truth in Advertising Laws
# Morrill Land Grant Act
# Rural Electrification
# Public Universities
# Bank Deposit Insurance (FDIC)
# Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
# Public Broadcasting
# Supporting the establishment of Israel
# The United Nations
From Here.
We are telling our teachers, our cops, and our firemen that we can't do anything more for them, and in fact that they must start giving up with benefits they have.
In the meantime, we've had no problem at all ladling out ever-more goodies for billionaires, nor do we seem to ever have any problem getting into another war.
I cannot, and I do not, support this war on Libya. I'm not a Qaddafi fan, but I am a fan of all the people being told they have to sacrifice so that we can fling cruise missiles at a petty tyrant. Enough is enough.
Well, over the last couple of months the Arabs have shown the world that large masses of people gathered together and demanding change can achieve that change, even in countries where the political situation had seemed hopelessly frozen and stagnant.
Some Europeans are picking up on this, and in Madison, Wisconsin, a rally in a small city over a local issue drew more people than any national teabagger event has ever managed to do.
What Egyptians and Tunisians could do, we can do. 2010 just showed what can happen when cynicism and apathy get the upper hand. If we can banish those enemies within the gates, we can be successful.
Thank you for simply deleting Lisa the Loon. She serves no purpose.
Here is a link to learn what HC Reform is doing for you. You can see how it impacts on your state or how it helps the nation as a whole.
That is an impressive list Jerry! For those who think there is no difference in the 2 parties take a gander!
Thanks JR, I AGREE!
I'm seeing changes in the dems Infidel, I think we can and will do it! YAY!!
Thanks Leslie, great link!
To be fair, the Democrats and Republicans of this era are nothing like or similar in anyway to the Republicans or Democrats of the past.
what Brian said....
//the Democrats and Republicans of this era are nothing like or similar in anyway to the Republicans or Democrats of the past.//
.... sorta... the Republi9cans have veered further off central than the Dem's.... mostly.
that's fair to say jimm
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