Thursday, March 31, 2011

This will never happen...RIGHT??

I'm reading this for the first time, am I shocked?? Kinda, but it just sickens me and makes me want to fight harder than ever to rid our government of the evil that is trying to ruin our country!

Mar 31, 2011

Republican Leader Eric Cantor Says He Opposes Keeping Social Security Around

In an incredibly revealing moment that exposed the radical House Republican agenda, Republican Leader Eric Cantor (VA-07) said that “we have to come to grips” with the fact that Social Security “cannot exist” any longer. House Republicans have begun pushing forward on budget proposals that include privatization of Social Security on Wall Street and cuts to benefits for senior citizens. Recently, House Speaker John Boehner called for cuts to benefits.
  • Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor Opposes Continuing Social Security: “We're going to have to come to grips with the fact that these programs cannot exist if we want America to be what we want America to be.” [NPR, 3/29/11]
  • Republican Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan and House Speaker John Boehner have made clear they intend to push forward a plan that privatizes Social Security and dismantles Medicare. [AP, 3/11/11; Wall Street Journal, 3/4/11]
  • Majority Leader Eric Cantor said Paul Ryan’s roadmap and the plan to privatize Social Security and dismantle Medicare is “something we need to embrace.” [The Hill, 1/23/11]

Do you take this talk seriously? Do you believe if we had a Republican controlled Congress and White House that this shit would not come to light? They want to fundamentally CHANGE this country! The righties will say oh come on, this won't happen, well , we never thought the GOP would come back so soon after Bush did we??  If you liberals don't start paying attention and get every single person you know registered to vote and to the voting booth, we are fucked.....


One Fly said...

Liberals fight back Sue it's the dims that don't. Why is not every elected member of congress who calls themselves a democrat calling these people out for the shit they say every time it spews from their mouths. Dims are not liberals but damn near repuglican and that is a fact. They've enabled these bastards on the right to do pretty much what ever they want. Now they're helping out on a compromise with the budget. More screwing of us by the very ones that are supposed to be on our side.

Sue said...

I agree OF, I agree!! Repuglicrats, that's what they are.

Ligtstar said...

I am afraid it will happen. The Democrats have to get a backbone and start standing up and calling te Repubicans out. I cannot believe our president will not lead and get up there and call them out on these things. We lack leadership in all areas of the Democratic party. I would love to get people to stand up and vote but I am surrounde by Republicans. They look at me llke I am nuts and do not understand that tax cuts create jobs and you are only unemployed because you refuse to work. My head is bloodied from banging it against the brick wall!

Sue said...

Ligtstar I'm not so sure it will happen. But I have to highlight the absurdity that is the teabagger rethuglican party and where they stand with the American people. The teabaggers are losing support at a rapid speed, the more the country learns about their agenda the more they hate them. So if we look back at Bushes failed attempts at privatizing SS we see the country will NEVER EVER support the thugs on this issue. I just wonder, when will the republicans drop the teabaggers, why do they pander to them??

Jerry Critter said...

SS is one of the most, if not the most, successful government program ever. It has not added a single cent to the deficit and is fully funded for years to come. The only reason to change it is so Wall Street and the banksters can skim billions of dollars off the top and then funnel a few millions to the assholes who vote for it.

This alone is sufficient reason to vote all republicans out of office and never elect another one again.

Brian said...

This alone is sufficient reason to vote all republicans out of office and never elect another one again.

Lol.. Right becasue America would be a much better place with only Democrats... That's funny.

I'm deffinitely not fond of the Republicans but the above statment is pretty laughable.

Sue said...

Brian, Jerry and I like to dream of a country free of republiscums, but we know there is a percentage of the electorate who are brainwashed to vote against their own best interests. Those people will always vote republican no matter what, cuz God told them to. That's pretty sad really.

Flying Junior said...

If the republican party would just crawl into a hole and die, that would actually be the best thing that could possibly happen for our country. Then the liberal democrats could defect to the green party, the democratic party would become the establishment and the real fruitcakes could be libertarian or peace and freedom. Isn't everyone always lamenting the two party system and hoping for a viable third party as a solution to our problems? Then the majority party could actually form a coalition government with the minority parties. Then politicians could vote their minds and their consciences instead toeing the party line and whipping into shape.

Wake up! Drizzle, Droozle, Drazzle, Drone! Time for this one to come home! Oh well, I can dream.

When I was in Italy in 1968, all over Rome were these huge banners, VOTA SOCIALISTA, VOTA COMUNISTA. I'm surprised I didn't see VOTA FASCISTA!

Jolly Roger said...

Cantor thinks he can enact laws all by himself, too, so he might just outlaw SS.

Mordechai said...

If I remember right Bush and the repugs HAD control of congress in 2005 when Bush stated he was gonna use his "po-lit-i-kal kap-i-tal" to "reform (read privatize) SS.

The repugs have HATED SS since Roosevelt beat them and introduced it.

The asshats never change and still want to return to the gilded age where a few owned most everything and the rest worked their fingers to the bone till they died.

The stupid gopers who support them and vote for them are just to ignorant to understand.

Infidel753 said...

Do you believe if we had a Republican controlled Congress and White House that this shit would not come to light?

Nothing these ding-dongs tried to do if they were in power would surprise me at this point.

Unfortunately the far-left idiots who didn't vote in 2010 because Obama hadn't quite delivered on their pet issue (whatever it was), and thus let the nihilists take over the House and half-a-dozen states, are still out there. If they could blunder like that just two years after the experience of Bush, nothing they did would surprise me, either.

We're at least lucky that the Republicans are so stupid. By threatening Social Security, they alienate not only a huge bloc of older voters, but also millions of middle-aged people who see their parents financial security at stake.

these programs cannot exist if we want America to be what we want America to be.

And what is that, exactly?

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes once again a democratic party groupie informs us that it was THE LEFT that is to blame for all our country's woes now...

Where is the data?

Americans wanted healthcare reform, they wanted to increase taxes on the wealthy, they wanted to punish Wall Street...and what exactly did the democrats in Congress give the people and Obama?

In fact the republicans can count on enough democratic votes that they could privatize social security right now!

The 2010 election was lost because the old farts in congress represent the same interests that the republicans serve: Big Business and Wall Street.

The senate democrats and republicans are like two peas in a pod and there is no political center there. Not that I want to enlighten democrats, as they are so brillant and need no assistance from me, but it might help if you started to think of "independents" not as voters that lie somewhere in between the two parties but actually voters who are expressing "NONE OF THE ABOVE"

Papamoka said...

Social Security is the third rail of politics. Every politician that has tried to mess with the program has not faired well in the next election. You have to remember that it is the elderly who vote on a regular basis and their memory of who tried stealing their wallet is just fine.

Awesome post Sue!

Les Carpenter said...

Chuckling to myself :)

Sue said...

FJ, I'm liking your idea alot!

the liberal democrats could defect to the green party, the democratic party would become the establishment and the real fruitcakes could be libertarian or peace and freedom.

Who needs republiscums?? THEY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT GOVERNING!!

Sue said...

In fact the republicans can count on enough democratic votes that they could privatize social security right now!

In the House I believe it could happen TAO, but not the Senate and God help us NOT Obamas pen....

Papamoka is right, no way, no how, will the seniors let those thugs mess with their SS checks.

This is proof the GOP are stupider than dog shit. They keep bringing up these budget remedies which are the opposite of what the people have demanded, yet still claim the people sent the teabaggers to Washington to make those changes. Idiots, all of them. The more they talk the dumber they look.

Flying Junior said...

Thanks for posting the inaugural address quote as your header Sue. Forgive me, but it was actually January 20, 2009. How could I forget? I went whale-watching on Dennis Connor's boat, the Spirit of America that day.

okjimm said...

RN... you must think you are a funny guy..... and so do I. Chuckle.

Just a quick note from Wisconsin.... petitions for recall of two State Republican Senators have successfully completed,,, with six more to go and, with 45 days left to complete the petitions, well within reach. What is important to remember.... only 8 of 19 republican Senators were eligible for recall. Without boring anyone here with a lot of math....if all recall campaigns get the gathered signatures.... it would represent 25% of signatures needed to recall the Governor in JAN. 2012. This in districts now controlled by REPUBLICANS!! It does not consider the population heavy districts of Madison and Milwaukee.... usually heavy Democratic strongholds. So... where ever you are, whomever the douche is in your district.... keep on blogging, marching, petitioning.... The Truth Goes Marching On!!

Sue said...

thanks FJ, I fixed it.

jimm so glad this recall process is working and you all are NOT giving up in the fight. Even if the press has quited down you are still out there fighting! It's gonna spread across the country, liberals have had enough!

Infidel753 said...

Anybody who says there's no difference between the parties is an idiot and part of the problem. Read this and this.

In Wisconsin every Democrat went into hiding rather than cooperate with the Republicans' union-busting.

the liberal democrats could defect to the green party, the democratic party would become the establishment

No, if the liberal Democrats defected to the Greens, the Republicans would win every election held thereafter because the left and moderate vote would be split, and everything you object to would become law.

That's the reality of the situation.

Leslie Parsley said...

Maybe we should all take a deep breath and read this:

Anonymous said...

Infidel, so who made Leslie a knowledgeable unbiased expert?

All those two links prove to me is that Repbulicans play to win and to hell with the opposition.

Democrats sit and whine about the fact that the voters let Obama down! Brillant!

Too bad the democrats can't find a Karl Rove or Lee Atwater...too bad the democrats got Harry Reid, who can't twist arms or count votes for shit...and the republicans have Mitch McConnell.

I really feel sorry for Barack Obama...trying to revive a party that has no clue who its base is and is so accustomed to being the minority party that once given control they blew it.

If you don't want to see a split in the moderate and liberal democrats then you better find a way to change the DNC....

Voters don't owe a party a damn thing its the party that owes the voters....its obvious that in 2008 Obama campaigned from the LEFT and in 2010 he was forced to campaign from the RIGHT....if you want turn out like you had in 2008 better move to the LEFT....its a shame that Obama is actually LEFT of all the old farts in the Senate....

Jerry Critter said...

Well, of course, Cantor is going to say he will not touch benefits for those of us 55 and over. The man may be an idiot, but he is not stupid. We are too big of a block of voters, and we vote, to piss us off.

The fact remains that he and the republican corporate shills want to turn over billions of dollars in SS contributions to Wall Street and the crooked banksters.

SS is fine. Even if nothing is done, NOTHING, it will continue to pay full benefits for years to come and at worse, it will only pay 75 to 80% of the schedule benefits.

Nothing, I tell you. That's if we do NOTHING!

Dave Dubya said...

Politifact often bends toward giving the benefit of the doubt, usually to the right. They are part of the corporate media after all.

But come on, we know the Right is, and always has been, opposed to social programs. Bush tested the waters for SS "reform" and was forced to relent. This only means they will return to their agenda at a more opportune moment. Cantor is running up trial balloons. We all know the GOP and their Wall Street cronies want to profit from our Social Security money. This is a fact, if not a "politifact".

Too bad liberals are not as organized as the Right. Yes Big Money has a lot to do with it. But unless progressives get out the votes in both primaries and general elections, our slide into a totalitarian plutocracy of the Right will continue. This is a choice between moderate Right and radical Right parties. Third party votes are wasted, especially if nobody wants to get out for the primaries.

Yeats had this pegged.

"The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity."

Leslie Parsley said...

Dave: It's all in the eyes of the beholder - and I totally disagree with you about Politifacts alledged right-wing slant.

All I'm suggesting is people read the post and the text that came before and right after the statement in question. I think it's called taking words out of context - the same thing we're - justifiably - always accusing FoX News of doing. It is also something I think we should try to avoid as much as posible. Just my ignorant opinion.

Sue said...

Infidel it was just a dream scenario where the republicans were non-existent.

Sue said...

Leslie I saw the press conference and I don't believe his words were taken out of context. Maybe he backtracked later but he did say what I posted. He and his fellow teabagger freshmen want nothing more than to end SS as we know it. I think the bloated arrogant teabaggers believe they have a hold on Congress and can get all their demands met. This might be why they are bringing it up again even tho Bush failed at it.

Sue said...

TAO I am guilty of flying off the handle with Obama and some of his choices. But luckily for me and my readers most of those outbursts are in draft form. It takes a day then I calm down and see reality. I am so thankful for our president, I wish the hard left(which I don't believe I am but some do) would stop looking at Obama with blinders on. Like the anti-war group, I hate war but we have to be reasonable about it. There is a difference between what Obama did in Libya and what Bush did in Iraq, But the peace patrol can't see beyond the mission.

Dave Dubya said...


Politifact's bias is in their selection of statements they judge.

At politifact they rightly call out the most outrageous liars like Beck, Limbaugh and Savage. (Although Beck was judged half, barely and true almost as much as false.)

George Will never said anything false.

Nothing Olbermann said was completely true.

Ed Schultz also said nothing completely true.

Rachel Maddow was false 4 times and true once, with two half truths and a mostly true.

See my point?

Leslie Parsley said...

Look, I know the guy's a bastard and I know he's been aiming at destroying SS since day one, but in this one instance I'm just suggesting that maybe it's true his words were taken out of context. You didn't provide a link to the press conference and I'm having a hard time finding one. And even if I do, will it be the press conference in it's entirety or just a soundbite?

Leslie Parsley said...

Dave, you may have a point. I have to confess that I've never looked at it that way but will start paying more attention.

Jerry Critter said...

I googled "Politifacts alledged right-wing slant" and the first reference that pops up is this one, Study finds significant pro-Democrat bias by PolitiFact.

It says in part:
"...finds a significant bias on the part of PolitiFact in favor of statements made by Democrats: “That means a supermajority of falsehoods documented by PolitiFact over the last year – 76 percent – were attributed to Republicans, with just 22 percent of such statements coming from Democrats.”

They are finding it favors Democrats because most of the falsehoods were attributed to republicans.


Well, of course, they were. The republicans lie a lot more than the Democrats.


But that's not bias. That's truth!

Leslie Parsley said...

God bless ye, Jerry - again and again. I remember seeing this or hearing about it. The Republicans accuse FactCheck of being biased, too. I think it's as you say - the Republicans just lie a hell of a lot more.

Mordechai said...

Study finds significant pro-Democrat bias by PolitiFact.

The actual study;

Selection Bias? PolitiFact Rates Republican Statements as False at 3 Times the Rate of Democrats

A Smart Politics content analysis of more than 500 PolitiFact stories from January 2010 through January 2011 finds that current and former Republican officeholders have been assigned substantially harsher grades by the news organization than their Democratic counterparts.

In total, 74 of the 98 statements by political figures judged "false" or "pants on fire" over the last 13 months were given to Republicans, or 76 percent, compared to just 22 statements for Democrats (22 percent).

First, it should be acknowledged that the number of public officials subjected to PolitiFact's Truth-O-Meter lens from each party is fairly even during the period under analysis.

Of the 511 statements put through the Truth-O-Meter test from January 1, 2010 through January 31, 2011, PolitiFact devoted 74 percent of its attention to current and former political officeholders and elected officials (379 statements), 17 percent to ideological organizations and individuals not holding political office (85 statements), and 9 percent to other groups and individuals without a partisan or ideological agenda (28 statements). Another 20 statements came from chain e-mails, public opinion polls, bumper stickers, or "bloggers" generally (4 percent).

For those current or former political officeholders, PolitiFact has generally devoted an equal amount of time analyzing Republicans (191 statements, 50.4 percent) as they have Democrats (179 stories, 47.2 percent), with a handful of stories tracking statements by independents (9 stories, 2.4 percent).

Assuming for the purposes of this report that the grades assigned by PolitiFact are fair (though some would challenge this assumption), there has nonetheless been a great discrepancy regarding which political parties' officials and officeholders receive the top ratings and those that are accused of not telling the truth.

It is really simple, honestly, republiscum just ain't interested in the FACTS, just spin and deception for their political benefit and their corporate masters bottom line.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Republicans have been sticking it to future generations since reaganomics and tax cuts for the rich and deficits became their policy.

The old salesman in me does have to admire the republican sales and propaganda machine. Millions of tea baggers on Social Security. A huge number of them government workers or former. And the republicans have these dupes convinced that they're going to save them from the only thing that can save them from republicans.

Shaw Kenawe said...


You haven't proved anything with that comment. And the quotes say nothing to discredit Politifact.

Perhaps there's a predominance of Republican liars because Republicans lie the most.

Live with that fact.

Sue said...

Leslie I found a video and saved it but it won't play, it says error. I have been reading for hours the comments by Cantor and I believe him when he says he wants to leave 55 and older seniors benefits alone but those 54 and under will see changes if its up to the GOP. Paul Ryan is another one who talks about privatization of SS. Even if we are reading between the lines, I'm convinced they want to privatize to benefit Wall Street. That is just who the GOP is.

Bamboo said...

Election 2012:

"The article provided a revealing glimpse into the campaign’s early strategy for 2012—woo wealthy donors and sell T-shirts to the masses."

If democrats are expecting a massive repeat of 2008 don't bank on it...

Brian said...

Theres really know way to know who lies the most. Republicans and Democrats alike in politics all basically lie, speak mis-truths or bend facts to suit there agendas.

Your close mindedness and bias is quite humerous though

Sue said...

first of all Brian, this post isn't about comparing the two parties and which one lies the most. This about Eric Cantor telling the truth of what his plans are for Social Security in the future. I am calling him out on it so people can be informed when it comes to which party they think will protect their best interests.

You need to be careful not to disrespect the blog host too! This is a liberal blog, if you don't like what we say then read somewhere more suited to your tastes.

Brian said...

So my reply to Shaw Kenawe was out of line....How was that disrespecting you?

I understand this is a liberal blog, I apologize if I assumed that anyone who commented didnt neccessarily have to be a liberal with your ideology.

I agree with somethings said but because I dont agree with it all and comment on said things then I'm not welcome.

Leslie Parsley said...

Hmm, Sue - looks like you have yet another right-wing troll who cannot spell or write grammatically. Imagine that.

Mordechai said...

Shaw Kenawe we agree, if you read my last comment;

It is really simple, honestly, republiscum just ain't interested in the FACTS, just spin and deception for their political benefit and their corporate masters bottom line.

BTW republiscum are anti science because science can debunk most of their made up crapola they spew especially thru their bought and promoted propaganda network Fox.

Like how the tobacco institute used to attack the science of smoking health hazzards,

or how the Koch suckers fund anti science to attack AGW and pollution regulations so they can keep dumping their toxic crap on all of us.

Sue said...

Excuse me Bri Bri(thats what I called my Brian when he was a wee tot), I assumed you were speaking to me because you didn't address Shaw in your comment. Yes I do allow righties to comment if they are polite. Carry on ...

Brian said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Sue said...

Brian I'm gonna delete your last comment because you didn't have to say those things about my friend. Just stick to the subject of the post and you'll be fine.

Brian said...


So your friend can call me a right wing troll and write how I can't spell or form a sentence but I can't do the same is what your telling me.

If your going to delete my comment where I point out your friend can't do the same, why not remove her post? She didn't stick to the subject but apparently gets a pass.

Jerry Critter said...

Hey! Friends get privileges. It is a fact of life.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Yes. Sue and me. Friends with benefits.

Jerry Critter said...

I did not say benefits. I said privileges. Different things!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Rights,benefits, priviledges, what's the difference?

In keeping with the theme of the post, Eric Cantor is using his republican self proclaimed right to screw over the millions who depend on Social Security by using the priviledges of being a powerful Congressman while enjoying the benefit of government health insurance.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

@ April 1, 2011 1:20 PM (above): “so who made Leslie a knowledgeable unbiased expert?

FOUL! Who makes anyone in these forums ”a knowledgeable unbiased expert?” And what makes you think you are so damn knowledgeable, special, or better than any other commenter?

Just because a blogger objects to your hijacking of her comment thread and kicks you off her forum, this does not give you a license to engage in pettiness, taunting, or stalking; or to make personal reference with any name other than her screen moniker, which is a clear violation of her confidentiality. This is despicable, toxic, unethical, and shameful!