Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Who wants to defend the rich?? Anyone?? I can't hear you......

I don't believe I had one conservative come and defend the evil-doings of Rick Snyder in my last post. Proof they can not come to the defense of these teabagger governors and their agendas to eliminate the middle class. If they could defend the acts wouldn't you think they'd want to share? We're open to hearing from them. For the record my brother did comment on FB, his defense of Snyder was "the state is bankrupt and Snyder is trying to fix it". OKAY nuff said...

First was Walker, then Snyder, now we have 12 states that have plans to shift the tax burden onto the middle class while cutting taxes for corporations and the wealthy. In 3 states conservatives are proposing massive estate tax cuts for millionaires as income equality is at its worse since the 1920's. Here are the details as documented by Think Progress:

MAINE: Tea Party Gov. Paul LePage’s (I) tax reform package would raise the state’s estate tax exemption from $1 million to $2 million — allowing four hundred of the state’s wealthiest estates to escape taxation. At the same time, the tax plan would raise property taxes on middle class Mainers while freezing health care funding for working parents, cutting money for schools, and raising the retirement age for public workers. Republican legislators want to go even further, and are currently considering eliminating the estate tax altogether. 

OHIO: In January, House Speaker William Batchelder (R) called Gov. John Kasich’s (R) proposal to completely eliminate the estate tax one of the Republican-controlled legislature’s “top priorities.” But already, the bill has garnered strong opposition from local governments, who depend on estate tax revenue and are already concerned state spending cuts. Even while finding room for estate tax reductions, Kasich’s proposed budget cuts 25 percent of funding for local schools, $427 million for nursing homes, $1 million for food banks, $12 million from children’s hospitals, and $15.9 million from an adoption program for children with special needs.
NEW JERSEY: In his 2011 budget proposal, Gov. Chris Christie called for raising the state’s estate tax exemption from $675,000 to $1 million even while proposing cuts to the state’s Earned Income Tax Credit and homestead rebates for working poor families. And last year Christie vetoed a bill passed by the Legislature that would have raised taxes on the state’s millionaires to help fund property tax relief for Main Street.
Last December, the federal government set the precedent for estate tax cuts when the bi-partisan tax deal signed by President Obama cut the estate tax rate to its second lowest level since 1931.

 Nothing makes my blood boil more than to read this crap. These conservatives (I will hold my tongue) don't even try to hide their evil plans any more, they are wide open for all of us to read about and enjoy. How can anyone defend these teabagger governors? They are arrogantly throwing into the faces of working middle class citizens, telling them they need to do more to save the states from bankruptcy! What are people like Linda and silverfish thinking when they(I'm assuming they are middle class, but maybe not, maybe they are a part of the elite class) have to pay more in taxes while their governors are handing the fat cat rich fuckers more and more loot to line the pockets of their silk smoking jackets.

I want someone to prove to us little folks this giving of more and more to the rich will one day benefit us. It's been over 2 yrs and we are still hearing the same old worn out "we're just not convinced yet, .... we're just not comfortable investing in America, .....Obama hasn't shown us the economy is improving enough for us to get up off our billions and help out a wee bit"  Baaaa Boooo Hooo!  Oh cry me a river you sick bastards who hate our country.....

You don't have to point out the part where Obama signed the tax deal which cut estate tax rate to it's second  lowest level since 1931. I have typed it twice, I know and I'm not happy about it. I can criticize my president when he deserves it, can conservatives criticize their party when their elected put forth legislation that hurts the majority of Americans? No, I never hear it, never...


Frodo, staring into the eyes of a dragon, said...

The realignment of public funds in order to reduce the costs to business is philosophically desirable. In context however, when said realignment requires an imposition on the smallest and the weakest, then you stand on the precipice that launched Frodo. "The Ring" it was called by Lord Tolkien. Frodo is more banal. He knows that simply calling the conservatives "America's assholes," is an understatement.

Sue said...

Frodo those people raise my BP on a daily basis. I don't know how we will survive this...

Mary Mayhem said...

Boiling blood is an understatement...they have made my blood evaporate....I've had to replace it all with motor oil...

Dave Miller said...

add nevada to your list... our esteemed governor is trying, it seems, to bring state spending to about zero, while pushing as many expenses as he can to the cities and counties, yet he is keeping their tax dollars to balance his budget.

this effectively pushes the locals to raise the taxes or eliminate services and keeps this new slimeball inoculated against charges he broke his campaign promise to not raise taxes.

he will one of the first latinos voted out by the new incoming latino majority in nevada...

Dave Dubya said...

We can only hope the behavior of the radical Right Wing governors will wake up enough voters to make a differrence. This is nothing less than democracy v. totalitarianism.

There's always something to be pissed off about. Like:

Last Friday Google took down my blog without notice.

Talk about a Kafkaesque experience. No warning, no explanation, no accusation even. I guess a lot of blogger world goes down because of misidentification as spammers. They also have a very Kafkaesque system of hoops and loops to jump through for a review.

I get a sick sense of foreshadowing from this that all politically incorrect blogs and information sources may meet the same fate when net neutrality is lost and corporatist government clamps down.

I'll take my davedubya.com elsewhere; Wordpress looks pretty good in comparison. I'm glad I saved all my posts and links.

Sue said...

hey Mary! I like your sense of humor, you need to pop in more often!

Dave we're gonna see more and more of it, until these thugs are recalled or taken care of at the voting booth. "this effectively pushes the locals to raise the taxes or eliminate services". This is their pattern. Claim the state is bankrupt, cut spending and raise taxes on the middle class. The states are bankrupt because of tax breaks to rich and corporations! Raise taxes on the rich and problem solved!! DUH!!!

Sue said...

Dave D, I can't believe that! I would be horrified not to mention I wouldn't know how to get the blog back up and intact, LOL!

I hope you are wrong about politically incorrectness and the fate of our blogs! Maybe the tide is turning and our voices are being heard. Thank God for Wisconsin!

Sue said...

Dave you weren't kidding! Your blog is gone!!

Anonymous said...

Okay Sue, let me play devils advocate for once and I will defend the rich...

Its actually very simple and there is the old saying, "He who owns the gold makes the rules...."

There, I defended the rich....

Now, think Sue, if you were an elected official and you needed to raise campaign funds to keep your really cool job would you:

1. Have bake sales and chili suppers to raise a couple of thousand dollars? Where you have to sit for days and listen to all the unwashed masses come in and tell you about their kids, and how they want their streets paved...

2. Go to a swanky retreat hosted by some Wall Street Hedge Fund where you get to socialize with some really important people and raise a couple of million dollars in a weekend?

We all claim to love principles and values and we always cheer the little guy in the movie that wins over immense odds (think ROCKY!)

But in reality we like winners and you can't win by going to garage sales and pot lucks...

Before you know it you find yourself doing things you never thought you would do (unless you are Newt Gringrich then the issue becomes if there is anything he WOULDN'T do)

Politics is kind of like a Frat Party....you get drunk on your ass and then you find yourself waking up the next afternoon wondering what in the hell did you do....

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Dave, the same thing happened to me once before. I don't recall exactly what I did, but it wasn't too hard to restore my blog. To this day I have no idea why blogger did what they did.

BTW, while they didn't offer a defense for everything Rick Snyder is doing -- Lisa pointed out that the unions are greedy and bankrupting the states, and Silverfiddle claimed that if we kowtow to rich people and corporations America will somehow be transformed into a utopia.

Dave Dubya said...

Good news. The blog is back. I had a feeling it was in the group that went down for no reason on the same day.

We know the agenda of the economic elite and radical Right is taking us into neo-feudalism where we the people are serfs under the boot of the economic elite.

Mordechai said...

Covert Operations

An interesting read about two of the richest brothers, (Koch suckers if you will) who inherited hundreds of millions from daddy but that wasn't enuf for the Koch sucker brothers, they have used their unearned inherited wealth to steal more by buying right wing politicoes and funding liars in their self created right wing unthink tanks (IE CATO, heritage, ET AL)and spin meisters to promote their un-american new uber wealthy aristrocracy class views of how the country should be run,

Thomas Jefferson, Benjaman Franklin Paul Revere and the rest of the founding fathers all really would be so proud of how the current crop of unpatriots are destroying this once great country, so the Koch suckers and their allies can create a small aristocracy class to run the country for their benefit against the rest of the poipulation.

Much of what is pushed by the delusional right begins in the mis-info campaigns funded by the Koch sucker brothers, and pushed by greedy unscrupulous people they pay to decieve those whom the Koch sucker brothers view as rubes. The right wing astro turf movement the Koch sucker brothers created in order to sell their self serving crap to the tea baggers and other delusional fox watching fools who vote against their economic interests.

IE since ronnie reagan began destroying the middle class, people like the Koch sucker Brothers have gotten more obscenely wealthy (then all the unearned wealth they got for free) while the rubes they spend millions to fool have gotten much poorer by comparison, but for some reason the right wing shills and their fellow travelors will continue to defend them.

Actually a good long term study in cognitive dissonance if you will.