Monday, March 28, 2011

The teabagger minority wants to shut down OUR government

Republicans are threatening a shutdown of the government on April 8th unless Democrats cave to their demands....
Pressure is coming from teabagger republiscums, they want MUCH BIGGER cuts than has been considered by moderate Republicans and Democrats, but this minority of teabaggers refuse to compromise. WELL, then let this minority of  GOP baggers go ahead with their plans of a shutdown. Should be interesting to see how the country retaliates!

It's scary actually when a minority can threaten our leaders, forcefully shove their agenda down the throats of our Congressmen and women and the American people. These teabaggers are a MINORITY, so why are they getting away with these threats?

This talk of less spending and smaller government is coming from a group who knows not what they are talking about, yet demand the country listen. This group of teabagger rightwingers are focusing their anger on the wrong people. They are indeed conservative republicans, even if they deny it, they are indeed blaming our countries debt on the evil liberals. When in fact it is the Republican Party, who 30 yrs ago convinced Americans tax cuts would be a good thing and they could have these tax cuts without losing any services they have come to expect in this great nation.  So because of Republican policies our public debt jumped from $997 billion when Reagan took office to over 14 times that number today. Without those tax cuts we could be enjoying a thriving economy today. In 2008 we ranked 26th out of the 30 countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in terms of our total tax burden, coming in almost 9 percentage points below the average of the group of wealthy nations.

NEW POLL OUT... 71% of teabaggers think President Obama is destroying the USA, while just 6% of non-teabagger Republicans think Obama is destroying America...

We've always been in debt, the last time the public debt decreased was in the mid-1950s, so every year since we've hit a “record high” debt in dollar terms. But a better measure is how much debt we have in relation to our economic output, and that number peaked at around 120 percent of GDP during World War II. So why now are these teabagger patriots furious about our spending and debt?? We know, we know...

The Right fearmongers about China and our debt. The Chinese are not our bankers.  The reality is that, as of last year, China held 9.5 percent of our outstanding debt. The largest lender to the U.S. government is the people of the United States – we own 42.1 percent of the national debt in the form of Treasury bills held in our pension funds, 401(K)s, etc.
And 4.6 trillion – about a third – is held by the government itself. Almost 18 percent of the T-bills outstanding are sitting in the Social Security trust fund, earning interest and making the retirement program incredibly secure despite all the claims to the contrary.

We know Republicans leave more debt than Democrats. Between 1960 and 2010, federal spending as a share of the economy has bounced around within a fairly narrow range of between 17.7 percent (under Eisenhower) and 21.8 percent (during the first George Bush's term in office). Republicans are just as happy to spend, but they run on tax cuts, and the result is that since the middle of the last century, contrary to the “tax-and-spend” label, it's been Democrats who are far more conservative when it comes to keeping deficits under control than their Republican counterparts.

 When the Republicans talk about our national debt they always blame "entitlements" like Social Security (which hasn't added a penny to the national debt).When in fact much of our national debt payments are from past military spending.  Economist Robert Higgs calculated it like this:
I added up all past deficits (minus surpluses) since 1916 (when the debt was nearly zero), prorated according to each year's ratio of narrowly defined national security spending--military, veterans, and international affairs--to total federal spending, expressing everything in dollars of constant purchasing power. This sum is equal to 91.2 percent of the value of the national debt held by the public at the end of 2006. Therefore, I attribute that same percentage of the government's net interest outlays in that year to past debt-financed defense spending.
In 2007, when Higgs did that analysis, he came up with a figure of $206.7 billion just in interest payments on our past military adventures.

The Religious Right, the teabaggers, the Uber Conservative Republicans, are all fearmongering about our debt problem. They believe they can win elections by claiming to be fiscal conservatives, but what we are seeing out of Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio etc.  is these teabagger politicians are overstepping with the spending cuts that are harming the middle class and the poor among us. The country is not falling for the lies and deceptions, we are not afraid of their threats to shut down the government, we won't fall lockstep with this minority who are trying to take our country back to the middle ages. They are fearmongers, they don't speak for the MAJORITY of Americans.


Mary Mayhem said...

They [tea party conservatives] don't believe in/are not concerned with qualitative/certifiable/quantitative facts...They believe that when you keep saying the same pre-written diatribe/moot talking points courtesy of Fox News, Conservative Hate Radio, and Conservative Blogs, over and over becomes the truth/fact...They also like to rewrite or metamorph history a la 1984.

Les Carpenter said...

The reality is we are broke. At this point it no longer matters who got us here. The fact we have arrived is now the only real issue.

It must be dealt with eventually. Or we become a third world country.

And oh, Mr Obama just added 600 million or so to the American taxpayers bill in just one week of his Libyan intervention. We'll see how that shakes out in the end.

Ah, the hypocrisy of it all.

Locomotive Breath... the train, it just won't slow down.

Seems it doesn't matter who the conductor {president} is. The train, it just won't slow down.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"At this point it no longer matters who got us here." RN-USA

I think it does matter very much.

We need to think about the policies of tax cuts for the wealthy while conducting two unpaid-for wars that got us here.

The policies of allowing multi-national, multi-billion dollar corporations to pay NO TAXES while labeling working class people like teachers, cops, firemen, nurses as "greedy parasites" [GOP pundit Mary Matlin].

That's in great part what got us here, and the philosophy behind what got us here will continue to inform the policies that GOP governors are hell-bent on enacting in their states--making the working people and the poor pay more and more while the billionaire classes plunder what's left of this country's wealth.

Lisa said...
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Flying Junior said...

The reality is we are broke.

The economy of the United States is the world's largest national economy. Its nominal GDP was estimated to be nearly $14.7 trillion in 2010, approximately a quarter of nominal global GDP. Its GDP at purchasing power parity was also the largest in the world, approximately a fifth of global GDP at purchasing power parity. The U.S. economy also maintains a very high level of output per capita. In 2009, it was estimated to have a per capita GDP of $46,381, the 6th highest in the world…[The U.S.] remains the world's largest manufacturer, representing 19% of the world's manufacturing output.

About 30% of the entire world's millionaire population reside in the United States (in 2009). Furthermore, 34% of the world's billionaires are American (in 2011). The US is also home to the world's largest stock exchange, the New York Stock Exchange. It also boasts the world's largest gold reserves and the world's largest gold depository, the New York Federal Reserve Bank. The United States is also home to 139 of the world's 500 largest companies, which is almost twice that of any other country. A large contributor to the country's success has also been a very strong and stable currency. The US dollar holds about 60% of world reserves, as compared to its top competitor, the euro, which controls about 24%.

The US is by far the most heavily invested-into country in the world, with foreign investments made in the US measuring almost $2.4 trillion, which is more than twice that of any other country. The US is also by far the largest investor in the world, with US investments in foreign countries totaling over $3.3 trillion, which is almost twice that of any other country

Once again, our hero, Sue, the Bugs Bunny of Blogging hits a homer! Outta the park! Not to mention since the economy is growing again, the largest GDP in the history of the world is occurring two years in a row under President Obama. Seems to be a tax code problem to me. Still maybe I had better sell my truck and use some of the money to get a new bike and some bus passes.

Sue said...

Bugs Bunny, that needs some 'splaining...

It does come down to tax code fairness, revenue, revenue, revenue! But the wing nuts hate taxes, they hate the government to collect taxes so we can live the American dream. Look, there are tons of problems in our HUGE country of over 300 million people. But the GOP policies are just WRONG on every front. Their policies do nothing but make the poor poorer and the rich richer.

Sue said...

When Republicans are out of power they turn into hysterical, fearmongering, blathering idiots! NONE of this talk of End Times, government shut downs, entitlement reforms, etc happens when the GOP has the White House.

Flying Junior said...

Bugs Bunny of blogging

Well, back when the Giants baseball organization was based in New York City, Warner Bros made a Bugs Bunny cartoon where Bugs played the entire team single-handedly, pitching, fielding... Of course, the Giants were all huge, tall athletes. Every time Bugs was at bat, he would swat another home run against the NY Giants, calling out, "A homer!"

Lisa said...
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Sue said...

okay I like it!

Shaw Kenawe said...

No to blogwhore--but oh heck, here I go anyway, and I don't think Sue minds. I've posted some interesting facts over at my place from a great piece by Glenn Greenwald.

Here is something for the people who have continuously called Mr. Obama a Anti-business, Marxist, Socialst. It's all a LIE!

From Greenwald's post:

The Dow Jones has increased more than 50% -- from 8,000 to more than 12,000;

The wealthiest received a massive tax cut;

The top marginal tax rate was three times less than during the Eisenhower years and substantially lower than during the Reagan years;

Income and wealth inequality are so vast and rising that it is easily at Third World levels;

Meanwhile, "the share of U.S. taxes paid by corporations has fallen from 30 percent of federal revenue in the 1950s to 6.6 percent in 2009."

Some Anti-Business Marxist, Socialist, Communist, Kenyan, eh?

Sue said...

thanks Shaw and FJ for adding to my post. I told ya my commentors are smart and MAKE my blog! :-)

Mary Mayhem said...

Fellow comrades, don't forget to mention how his admin has plans for the privatization of NASA launches and has gotten rid of my (and my fellow Red military vets') Post 9/11 GI Bill break Pay...that commy...

Anonymous said...

The only money available is "funny money".
The economy stinks,13% of homes are vacant,unemployment is still at record highs and you all believe there is just tons of money just waiting to be distributed to everyone.
The fed is going to pull the plug and soon. Maybe then you will hear that little Glen Beck in your heads saying "Told you".

Shaw Kenawe said...

Glenn Beck saying "I told you so?"

What sort of drugs is anon on?

The economy is not great, but it has improved vastly from what it was when Dubya ran it into the ground.

Glenn Beck is a self-identified "rodeo clown" and "recovering dirt bag" who said that anyone who took seriously what he said is an idiot.

And anony takes him seriously?

I see.


Les Carpenter said...

@ FJ... You said:

"Still maybe I had better sell my truck and use some of the money to get a new bike and some bus passes."

Probably a good idea. You might better.

I think I may just do that as well.

Anonymous said...

The economy is not great, but it has improved vastly from what it was when Dubya ran it into the ground.


Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

We have a 14 trillion dollar debt, Sue. Back when Dick Cheney said that "deficits don't matter", I called him an idiot. I like you too much to use that word for you.

Jerry Critter said...

We have a GDP of over $15 trillion dollars. How many people, particularly homeowners, have a debt that is less than their annual income?

Jerry Critter said...

And calling Sue an idiot is beneath you. Stick to the facts.

Les Carpenter said...

Figures don't lie, but liars figure.

Both political parties have mastered the trade.

Let us not forget about the 106+ trillion dollars of unfunded liabilities.

But hey, lets PARTY!

Murr Brewster said...

Every time I hear groups crying they're going to "take our country back" I think: from whom? Those of us who voted the man into office in a legitimate election?

When I was growing up I couldn't imagine how the power of propaganda would work in a free country. Let alone how easy it would turn out to be.

The key is keeping people uninformed and uneducated. Which, incidentally, is what the NPR flap is about.

TOM said...

"The reality is we are broke. At this point it no longer matters who got us here."

Nice cop out to avoid your responsibility for the support of the party whose policies made us bankrupt.
It is important not only to define the policies that broke us, but to clarify those who instituted those failed policies. Otherwise we do not learn from our mistakes.
But then you are a fence sitter. Everything is everyone's falt. Sorry Mr. Know It All, but there are clear mistakes that got us here, and they should be highlighten, even though that highlighting makes you look bad, or even one of the liars you talk about. Look in the mirror bud.

Jolly Roger said...

Will, as I have always told you, has an agenda. He might try to mask it in politesse, but he has one. And we can see it, plainly.

As far as "it doesn't matter who," excuse me? The freeloading rich have had a gravy train ride on the rest of us for 30 years. I believe it is WAY past time that they got the bill for their freeloading ways.

The people who say we can't balance the budget on the rich are liars, pure and simple. If the Government got the proper amount of tax revenue, we could actually begin to repair our infrastructure, which leads to-yep-economic activity. Making the rich pay their fair share is good for all aspects of economic life. I realize that if Paris Hilton had to pay her fair share that she might actually think twice about that extra kilo of coke, but I've been told we all need to tighten our belts.

Les Carpenter said...

"At this point it no longer matters who got us here."

The point is... the finger pointing {and class warfare rhetoric} will not solve the problem.

Understanding the problem is multifaceted and that there actually is responsibility to be shared is a good start.

Next comes addressing the problem(s), which requires cooperation.

But when minds are closed to everything that doesn't fit the partisan agenda{s} then nothing will happen.

Speaking of mirrors. Then there is something about glass houses.

Sue said...

States could balance their budgets if they stop giving unnecessary tax breaks to the wealthy, Congress could go a long way to solving our debt problems by changing the tax code, going after tax evaders and ending subsidies. Instead, teagaggers in Congress want to starve children, freeze the elderly, and kill women by defunding womens programs....WOW these things will surely help us all. The teabaggers are on the road to making our future BRIGHT!!

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...


I go away for a month and you're still raisin' hell!

How goes it Sue?

Flying Junior said...

That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. Our nation is at war against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. Homes have been lost, jobs shed, businesses shuttered. Our health care is too costly, our schools fail too many -- and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet.
These are the indicators of crisis, subject to data and statistics. Less measurable, but no less profound, is a sapping of confidence across our land; a nagging fear that America's decline is inevitable, that the next generation must lower its sights.
Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this America: They will be met.

Barack Hussein Obama, Inaugural Address January 21, 2009

Sue said...

Hugh! ESP! I was thinkin' about you today as I was reading all the Chris Christie crap in my paper!

Sue said...

thanks for reminding us what a great president we have FJ!!

Lisa said...
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Sue said...

shut TFU...

okjimm said...

"Unless a man has the talents to make something of himself, freedom is an irksome burden...We join a mass movement to escape from individual responsibility, or, in the words of an ardent young Nazi, 'to be free from freedom.' It was not sheer hypocrisy when the rank-and-file Nazis declared themselves not guilty of all the enormities they had committed. They considered themselves cheated and maligned when made to shoulder responsibility for obeying orders. Had they not joined the Nazi movement in order to be free from responsibility?"

Eric Hoffer...True Believer 1951

I really believe this applies to the Teabaggers..... They really do not want to exercise their own freedom as want others to do it for them..... they really are too busy watching American Idol....or that aptly named, America's Biggest Loser.

Jerry Critter said...

You are absolutely right. Just like teabaggers and republicans do not take responsibility for the joblessness, homelessness, poverty, and misery their policies have caused millions of Americans.

No, they say that these people are lazy freeloaders.

Dave Dubya said...

The reality is "we" are not broke. The economic elites are reaping huge gains while the rest of the country loses. Of course it is class warfare. Warren Buffet even said his side is winning. The GOP's primary donors are not disturbed in the least if they create a third world economy for the 95% of us that don't profit from Republican rule.

There's another front in this war going on too. It is the deliberate "starving the beast" by Republicans. They cut taxes for the rich, start wars on credit, and then tell us we all need to sacrifice. By "all" they of course mean the bottom 95%.

The pattern has been clear for decades. The GOP cuts taxes while continuing the spending to raise more debt. This manufactures the "need" to cut programs for the public and cut oversight and regulations on Big Money.

By the time Dems retake the congress or White House it falls on them to compensate for the financial problems deliberately created by the GOP, or lose to the same bunch that intend to continue the dismantling of a government of, by and for the people.

It's all really that simple. It is the Great RepubliCON.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Hey, JR, piss off, you loathsome partisan lowlife. I'm one of the very few people in this cesspool of a blogosphere who goes after and exposes the hypocrisy/idiocy of both sides. You? You wouldn't frigging know a nuanced position if it knocked you in the frigging teeth, asshole. My agenda? What's my frigging agenda, Sherlock/partisan stooge? I just called Cheney an idiot and I've referred to Senator McCain many times as "Bush on steroids". That, and I've defended Mr. Obama many times against these stupid charges of socialism. Face it, dude. You've lived so long in this cartoon like universe of good and evil that you literally cannot function.......I'm sorry, Sue. But this asshole has been mischaracterizing my record and impugning my motivation for quite a while now and I really needed this opportunity to finally tell him to, "fuck you, asshole!!"

Flying Junior said...

Maybe that Boehner isn't as dumb as he looks. This budget deal has him coming out smelling like a rose with Obama as his cheerleader. Now the tea partiers will feel justified and more people will believe all they have to do to lower their taxes is vote republican.

Curse the fates! How did this happen?