Wednesday, March 16, 2011

UGH.....GOP Govs.=Apocalyptic

The four horsemen of the Apocalypse.....

Scott Walker
John Kasich
Rick Snyder
Chris Christie

Hell, why not...The Anti-Christ......
Mike Huckabee
                                                                                                              Good night, sleep tight

ADDED addition:

Minnesota Republicans say: Poor people with money should be outlaws

By Staff |
March 15, 2011
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St. Paul, MN – Minnesota Republicans are pushing legislation that would make it a crime for people on public assistance to have more $20 in cash in their pockets any given month. This represents a change from their initial proposal, which banned them from having any money at all.

here's some good news for a change..the wingnuts will LOVE this ! NOT!!! HUGE RECALL OF A THUGLICAN!
After a recall vote kicked Miami mayor Carlos Alvarez out of office yesterday, 2 Live Crew leader Luther "Uncle Luke" Campbell has become a favorite to win the position in the upcoming election. The once-controversial rapper and label executive has a chance after Norman Braman, a billionaire businessman, orchestrated the first successful recall in the history of Dade County. More than 88 percent of voters wanted Alvarez out.

 House Republicans had an "emergency" meeting yesterday....not on jobs...but to schedule a vote to defund NPR!! dumbfucks....


Jolly Roger said...

People allowed these pieces of shit into office. They could easily have been stopped, if the 2008 people had come back out in 2010. But they sat on their hands to show that damned Obama!

WHO did you show, dumbasses?

Lisa said...

you and red faced "Ed" are so delusional. Your think our would ever get enough money from the rich to fulfill the democrats wish list? The money is going to have to come for the largest pool of people which are the middle class.
You act like it's the republicans who want to wipe out the middle class but all this spend that this admin has done(and in record numbers might I add)is what is going to make us all the same.....poor and dependent. Isn't' that really the goal?
Oh we will still have our elitists in Washington,confiscating everyone's wealth while rewarding themselves living like royalty,not far from a third world nation with rulers.

Commander Zaius said...

Minnesota Republicans are pushing legislation that would make it a crime for people on public assistance to have more $20 in cash in their pockets any given month.

Holy shit! I keep wondering what the Hell is some people drinking water?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Lisa conveniently leaves out this fact:

The policies of the GOP under George W. Bush set up and were responsible for the financial catastrophe that we are experiencing.

Mr. Obama didn't create this mess.

Tell us, Lisa, about your degree in economics that makes you an expert on how a nation of 350+ million people get out of a near catastrophic depression?

It's always easier for people to stand on the sidelines and squawk about what's happening instead of doing the work and making decisions to save this country from actual financial ruin.

The GOP's solution to our financial crises? Jail poor people for having cash in their pockets.

Yes. That's nuts, and even people in their own party have woken up to the Tea Party crazies.

Leslie Parsley said...

Obviously people who can't write clearly can't think clearly: "Your think our would ever get enough money..." Huh? Duh, what?

Lisa said...

hey Shaw Obama was the one who said They are the ones we've been waiting for. We're still waiting.
Remember Obama was the only one who would be able to get us out of this mess and all he has done is spent more money,had more parties,more golf outings more than any other president in this amount of time.
Not to mention he showed zero interest in fixing the economy instead of this ridiculous unsustainable health care bill and union paybacks.

Lisa said...

Are we seeing the same things or are you just so happy Obama is the president that you see past everything?

Jerry Critter said...

The republicans said that the 2010 election was all about jobs. So, republicans, where are the jobs? So far all they have done is propose legislation that will cut hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Oh wait!! Is that what they meant. They want to destroy jobs, not create jobs?

Elite said...

Who else buy you would know what a HIDEOUS, EVIL, MOTHERFUCKER is?

It takes one to know one

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Who else buy you would know what a HIDEOUS, EVIL, MOTHERFUCKER is?

It takes one to know one"

Is that you Ralphie? (a/k/a "tha[sic]malcontent. LOL!

LISA: "Remember Obama was the only one who would be able to get us out of this mess and all he has done is spent more money,had more parties,more golf outings more than any other president in this amount of time."

Of course you're wrong AGAIN. GM was on the verge of collapsing. It just announced a profit for the first time since 2004. If GM had failed, it would have taken thousands of jobs down with it. It didn't--that's a WIN.

You obviously are so deranged with your hatred of Obama that you refuse to see in front of your adorable nose the FACT that jobs have been RECOVERING since Mr. Obama took office. It's not fantastic, but Obama has ADDED jobs not lost them since he's been president, and the unemployment rate is dropping.

LISA: "Not to mention he showed zero interest in fixing the economy instead of this ridiculous unsustainable health care bill and union paybacks."

Again, you're wrong, Lisa, see above. The economy is recovering inch by inch--even if we suffer from the effects of natural disasters in Japan, and man-made ones from BP.

One of the most damaging costs in our budget was HEALTH CARE. This ACA will, in the long run, bring down those costs.

But children and teenagers don't undertand long-term strategy, wanting instead gratification NOW!

When you become a grown-up, Lisa, you'll understand.

Shaw Kenawe said...

But don't take just my word for it. Here're some facts to counter Lisa's irrational ranting, which is always based on her extreme dislike of President Obama:

Economic activity as measured by real (inflation-adjusted) gross domestic product (GDP) was contracting sharply when policymakers enacted the financial stabilization bill (TARP) and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, but the economy has now grown for six straight quarters.

Private Sector Has Added Jobs for 12 Straight Months


Jerry Critter said...

"It takes one to know one "

There's a good grade school argument.

Sue said...

I think I will use this post to add additional facts on why I believe the GOP govs. are hideous MFers. I'll be deleting lisa and Mal from now on tho.

Dave Miller said...

Lisa "I use a mix of true and false facts", remember as you criticize President Obama for working towards health care reform that he said in his campaign that was what he was going to do and America elected him knowing that!

Wasn't that the will of the people?

Sue said...

sorry about the language Dave, Ed does that to me :-)

Malcolm said...

Wow, I didn't know that Luther had a shot at becoming mayor of Miami-Dade County! He's certainly come a long way from the days of "Me So Horny".

The Repubs concentrating on defunding an organization they consider far left instead of focusing on getting Americans back to work... no surprise there. In case you haven't heard, O'Keefe has released his latest expose' in an effort to defund NPR:

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous said...

"He won thanks to the media,stop kidding yourself"

Hey Anon, can we apply your brilliant analysis of how Mr. Obama won to how the GOP governors of Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, New Jersey, and Florida won?

Or do the media only help out Democratic candidates?

I'm wondering, do you get your information off your Cheetos bags?


Did you see that O'Keefe doctored the NPR tapes just like his ACORN and just like his mentor Breitbart did on the Sherrod tape?

O'Keefe cheated, again, and the media fell for the lying fraud.

The GOP can't win an argument on its merits, so they use fraud and trickery to get their way.

Reminds me of the frauds and tricksters who set up fake blogs and then steal other people's id photos and plagiarize.

They have nothing of value to add to any dicussions so they cheat.

Malcolm said...

Shaw: I saw Cenk Uygur debunk O'Keefe's latest video earlier this week. Anytime I see O'Keefe's name attached to anything, I'm wary. Even though O'Keefe has been proven to be a dishonest fraud, there are still people who sadly think he is some crusading journalist. Like I was telling some of my relatives when we were talking about politics, we live in the Misinformation Age.