Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rand Paul lies to Fox viewers..

Teabagger Rand Paul is a M Effin liar.

On March 1, the United States Senate passed - by unanimous consent, no less, so that would include Sen. Rand Paul - Senate Resolution 85 which, among other things:
... urges the United Nations Security Council to take such further action as may be necessary to protect civilians in Libya from attack, including the possible imposition of a no-fly zone over Libyan territory...

 Fox Noise watchers get NO factual news. It's where all Republicans can go to lie to the people and get away with it. Until WE highlight them, that is...


Mary Mayhem said...

Ah Rand Paul...delightfully idiotic, not to mention a hypocrite..only libertarian when it's convenient for him, or to mask his intense, deep seeded racism...

I wonder if his toilet paper (for his high flow, non environmentally savvy toilet) has the constitution printed on it...I mean he wants us to think he eats, sleeps and sh!ts the constitution...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Mr. Paul has evidently never heard of videotape, the public record, etc..

Les Carpenter said...

"... or to mask his intense, deep seeded racism..."

So typical of the left. Grab the "R" card and make empty accusations for which there is no proof, even when doing so has no relevancy to the topic at hand.

The fact is racism is quite familiar with the progressive movement as well, since you brought it up.

Les Carpenter said...

Will - It is unfortunate that Paul, who I absolutely agree with in principle with respect to the our interventionist policy in Libyan civil war, made decisions that now put him in a hypocritical light. Consistency is important, especially if you are a politician and elected official.

That is unless you are the POTUS and then I guess it's okay to change position when felt expedient.

Mary Mayhem said...

RN USA, So what do you call the endorsement of allowing private businesses to discriminate against people based on skin color? I call it racism. And when you say, "Well they are private businesses and the Government can't tell them what to do..." I call that hiding behind Libertarianism.

Relevance is a cop-out.

Mary Mayhem said...

Relevance: Rand will say whatever he can to garner Tea Party votes, be it brazenly racists statements, such as going on Rachel Maddow and announcing that the Civil Rights act of 64 was unconstitutional and he would not have voted for it had he been there, or Obama violated the constitution by invading Libya, even though he affirmed the Senate Resolution....

Good nuff for you?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

True, RN. Mr. Obama definitely stepped into it big-time with that "Gadhafi must go" proclamation.

Mary Mayhem said...

...except for the Sec of State made that proclamation...

Lisa G. said...

What else would you expect from a Repub?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

No, I heard President Obama say it. Should have listened to Gates and Biden, and not Hillary.

Flying Junior said...

I think it's wonderful. Rand Paul is a very good fit for FOX. I do believe that the older republican propaganda addicts will be seeing a great deal of him in the days to come. Maybe Palin could do a segment about his meteoric rise to fame? That would be awesome! And unilateral is such a big word for FOX viewers. Too bad the host didn't quite get the definition. Maybe he could start a new feature where FOX viewers learn a new word everyday!

okjimm said...

sheesh.... I would not believe Fox on anything, anytime, anywhere....their idea of real news is documenting what drugs Charlie Sheen took for breakfast and if Brittany Spears slipped a nipple out...

Sue said...

I'm a little surprised by the positive comments. I thought I would get some war arguments with this post.

A CNN poll released Wednesday morning showed that the tea party movement is now viewed as unfavorably as the Democratic and Republican parties are.

The poll showed that 32 percent of respondents view the tea party movement favorably, while 47 percent view it unfavorably; 21 percent either had never heard of the tea party or had no opinion.

These teabagger freshmen get on TV and with such arrogance still spew their stupid talking points about how "the people have spoken, they sent the TP GOPPERS to Washington and expect them to change the way government has worked."
Makes me puke every time I hear one...
Those teabaggers are there ONLY because the Democrats sat out the last election!! It won't happen again. Buyers remorse is on the rise and so are liberals!

okjimm said...

oh.... speaking of Fox.... check this out

Enquiring Minds Want to Know said...

Republicans and Democrats alike are asking if President Obama really thought about an exit strategy from Libya. Or did he just go in without one?
And I think that's a reasonable question to ask.

Sue said...

How about the republicans and democrats who supported the Shrub and his NON-exit strategy wars, which are still going on today, be a little more patient. President Obama did not go into Libya alone, we are not AT WAR with Libya. At this point I am trusting the president, if things change for the worse I'll get back to ya.

Sue said...

that is some pretty sick stuff jimm, but will Fox viewers be turned off by this? I doubt it, they'll probably laugh and shrug it off..or just blame liberals!

Anonymous said...