Thursday, March 3, 2011

Huckabees book tour

                                         OOH now I get it, Mike Huckabee is trying to sell his book!

 A Simple Government: Book Tour  February 27, 2011 to March 14, 2011IA, MO, KS, OK, TX, NC, SC, TN, GA, LA, MS

This is why he's talking Obama on all the rightwing TV and radio shows!  Steve Malzberg, WOR radio station had guest Huckabee on Tuesday. He asked the Huckster if he thought the people deserved to know more about President Obama, Huck said, "I would love to know more, what I know is troubling enough. And one thing that I do know is his having grown up in Kenya, his view of the Brits, for example, very different than the average American." Then this "ordained minister" said "Most of us grew up going to Boy Scout meetings, and our communities were filled with Rotary Clubs not madrassas."  So when this moron tries to set the record straight he just makes it ten times worse, now he's calling Obama a Muslim!

The former Arkansas governor took to his political action committee's blog to issue the following statement late Tuesday:
I'm not surprised the NY Times chose to sensationalize this story. In fact, the New York Times, the AP, and other news organizations ran with the "sensationalized story" despite being specifically told by [WOR radio host] Steve Malzberg himself that they were incorrect in their assessment of the sound bite. You just can't help but laugh when my simple slip of the tongue, becomes a huge story - and a certain Presidential candidate claiming to visit all 57 states, gets widely ignored.

 This is so typical of these rightwingers, they have a book out, they tour around the red states, they spew lies about our president, ALL for their teabagger base!  Huckabee, like Palin before him, is out to make big bucks with his lame book. The only way these creeps can make a buck nowadays is to bash Obama. The wingnuts/teabaggers just LOVE IT!  They can't get enough of it!

Huckabees real belief, Obama is not one of "them", he didn't grow up in your typical  Leave it to Beaver home, he didn't have Ozzie and Harriet parents, he didn't play baseball or go to Boy Scout camp outs. OH SHIT, How dare this man call himself President of the United States!! Just who does he think he is taking our country from us! This is what the rethuglicans/teabagger ass kissers, really think. And dare I say it? How dare a black family live in OUR White House! It absolutely is what they think. It's the truth, face it, embrace the truth.
Palin, Gingrich, Huckabee, Bachmann, Trump(LOL), I don't believe any of these righties will actually run against Barack Obama. It's all about the money with them, not their love of country.


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Shit. Just posted a post just like this one. Sorry. I'll delete it if you want Sue.

You can delete this comment to.

Shit. My bad.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Hey Sue: Did this post at my blog then read yours and didn't want to tread on your territory. Here's the post as a comment. I'll delete it at my morally depraved den of sin.

At Stinkhole of Moral Depravity we have great respect for anyone who's main purposes are good sex, nice pair of shoes and warm place to go to the bathroom. We would be remiss and perhaps even hypocritical if we didn't throw some of our depraved lovies at Mike Huckabee.

Mike's been on the talk shows and other media outlets claiming President Obama isn't a real American because he spent time in Indonesia and was influenced by a madrassa. I saw video of the school he attended. Cute little boys and girls in neat uniforms and looking happy. As cute as the picture was it did piss me off. Being an alum of Madmike's America, and knowing full well what's going on in the world there is no reason anyone should be running around looking cute and happy, I also can tell you this was no madrassa. Didn't see any goofball clerics like that little fat bastard Al Sadr from Iraq. Didn't see any posters of Ayatolla Khomeini either. I did notice a picture of me when I was "Ayatolla Truthmeni 101" though. At least I think I did.

Anyway, Huckabee is lying his ass off. He tried to make excuses for it on Bill O'Reilly's show by saying he was tired and busy or something. Then he continued with the lies about madrassas and birther bullshit. Their ploy is to say they need more evidence. It's akin to telling a chick you don't need to wear a rubber cause you think you're a virgin and had a vasectomy. That's how Newt Gingrich got his first piece of ass. And second. And third.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

A "slip of the tongue" is when you mess up on a word or two. Huckabee fabricated an entire scenario. It's too bad that these fellows feel the need to constantly go on these kiss-ass tours.

Sue said...

Joe will you stop that! Almost my whole bloglist of friends is talking Huckabee, you better not delete your post!! I told you before, we all write differently, and we certainly can all write about the big news story at the same time!

Sue said...

DL, love your take on the Huckster, now go post it on your morally depraved blog!

Will, you're right, the Kenya slip was not even the whole story. The story is Huckabee is turning his back on moderate republicans and fawning all over the extremists to sell books! The guy is morally depraved...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Too late. Deleted the last part that apparently didn't take here. Too bad. It was great.

Sue said...

it'll come back to ya, concentrate...

Jerry Critter said...

No surprise here. The right is all about the money, particularly their own money. They don't give a shit about you or me...unless there is profit in it.

Flying Junior said...

Here it is.

Sarah Palin is smarter, more interesting and a nicer person than Mike Huckabee. And he's a boring musician.

How could they elect a kook like him governor after having a kick-ass governor like Clinton?

Speaking of book tours. That son-of-a-bitch Karl Rove was actually at Warwick's Bookstore in La Jolla, a location I have known for over 40 years. I could have made a sign and just bopped over there right after work. Only I found out a day too late!!

Jolly Roger said...

Well.... with Huck in charge, the "simple" part of government would be fulfilled.. With Mama Grifter in charge, the "simple" would be the ONLY part of that fulfilled.

B.J. said...

As I noted on DemWit, this “cover your ass” statement by Huckabee’s spokesman made me mad as hell:

“The governor would, however, like to know more about where President Obama's liberal policies come from and what else the president plans to do to this country – as do most Americans."

Now, think about it. The suggestion is that liberal ideas couldn’t possibly come from America. Then, the twit includes “most Americans” in his statement.

Goebbels would be proud.


Shaw Kenawe said...

I blogged on this as well.

I also turned Huckabee's words on himself.

Huckabee implies Americans need to be concerned about Obama because of the influences he had in his childhood.

Mr. Obama spent exactly 4 years in Indonesia [ages 6 to 10] and then returned to Hawaii where he was raised by his maternal grandparents, and where he was accepted into Hawaii's most prestigious high school.

Huckabee OTOH grew up in a part of the country where murdering Americans because of the color of their skin was an acceptable practice up until as recently as the 1960s. America should be more worried about THAT influence on a potential presidential candidate than the influence of loving grandparents who encouraged excellence in scholarship and good citizenship in their bi-racial grandson.

Infidel753 said...

The CYA statement is an obvious lie. Growing up in Indonesia would not logically give a person any particular "view of the Brits" -- Indonesia was never a British colony, as Kenya was. When he said Kenya, he meant Kenya.

Dave Dubya said...

The Huckster's Christo-fascist-racist lies and deceptions are worthy of all our contempt and condemnation. And there's always plenty to go around.

okjimm said...

Well.... it can't be worse than Sahara Palin's Crook Tour.

Hey.... just something readers here might want to wrap a thought or two around

oh... and Whazzint Huckleberry that blue cartoon dog??

... n have a good weekend.

Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...

Huckabees real belief, Obama is not one of "them", he didn't grow up in your typical Leave it to Beaver home, he didn't have Ozzie and Harriet parents, he didn't play baseball or go to Boy Scout camp outs.

Yeah well look who his 2 fathers were
(sounds pretty typical to me)

Dave Miller said...

More false facts Lisa?

You did claim once that you use a mixture of true and false facts didn't you?

Care to clarify that?

I am sure we'd all love to hear it...

Lisa said...

Come on Dave I thought it was all out there in the open.

Lisa said...

Dave his natural father and his step father or Frank Marshall Davis,or Rev Wright or Bill Ayers. Take your pick,or better yet or you can pick one of his books to find out.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Because they can't win any argument on facts, people like Lisa introduce lies, as in her insinuation that Mr. Obama's father is unknown.

We know who his father was. And we also know who his step father was.

I would love to have heard people like Lisa and their rampaging bigotry go after Alexander Hamilton--on of our great Founding Fathers.

She would have been all over the place wondering about who his father was as well.


Lisa, who was Hamilton's father?

Is he less of a great American?

Your statements are pure bottom-feeding bigotry.

BTW, they won't harm Mr. Obama in the least. Not. One. Iota.

The person most harmed by bigotry is the one who lives with it.

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...

Shaw you really like to take something and turn into something else. I know who his fathers were,that was exactly my point.
Bigotry? Of course you would take that away from what I wrote. The point was not who is or isn't his father as much as the influences they had on him.
Like his grandparents for instance and his mentor Frank Marshall Davis and his mother.

Dave Dubya said...

Yes, Lisa. It's about the influence a father or father figure could have on someone. If someone's father went on invoking the New World Order, you'd never let the guy's kid be president would you?

Unless, of course, they were oily Republican aristocrats like the Bushes.

But that would be different, though, right? They have a lot of money. And as we all know, Riches make Right.

There it is, the essence of Radical Right Republicanism.

Riches make Right.

As we know, you cannot tell us of one case where you don't side with the radical and powerful rich over the public's interests. You always side with plutocracy over democracy, with the elite economic
royalists over We the People.

We remember Jesus warned us about the servants of mammon, and they are your masters. You cannot oppose them, because to you, Riches make Right.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I think that we're missing a huge part of, not just Mr. Huckabee's depravity here but the overall public's response to this subject. No, Mr. Obama didn't grow up in Kenya. But what if he did? How in the hell would that make him unfit to be President?......It's like with that whole Muslim thing. No, he's not a Muslim but, SO! A peaceful, patriotic, God-loving Muslim can't be President?......I hope that that's not what it means.

Flying Junior said...

Baby steps Will. That idiot Traitor Joe blew his chance to be the first Jewish president!

How does everyone feel about a Mormon president?

I guess a nice Muslim would be preferable to, God forbid, an atheist!! </just kidding

Les Carpenter said...

Palin, Gingrich, Huckabee, Bachmann, Trump(LOL), I don't believe any of these righties will actually run against Barack Obama. It's all about the money with them, not their love of country.

And can anyone be sure Obama loves his country?

Hucksters on the left and Hucksters on the right. And the worlds goes round and round. But with a leftist tilt.

Sue said...

Will I think alot of people did ask that question a few years ago, SO WHAT if Pres. Obama is a Muslim. This is where the bigotry and racism comes into play. Just like the republican party won't put a Mormon in the White House. Republiscums are racists, homophobes, Muslim bashers, etc...NOT ALL republiscums, but enough of a majority to make a difference.

Sue said...

yes Les, Obama and Dems love their country. When I used the phrase "it's all about the money not their love of country" I meant they are putting themselves out there for the money, NOT because they want to make a difference in this country by running for president.

Dave Dubya said...


If the world goes round and round with a leftist tilt, then the laws of physics side with liberals. No wonder the Right hates public education and wants the Bible taught in science classes.

In our world of corporate government Big Money's "free speech" has the most influence, and it definitely tilts to the right. Everything BUT the military industrial complex and the surveillance state is on the chopping block. The economic elites pay lower tax rates than ever while public services and programs are being dismantled and infrastructure is neglected.

Bush/Cheney treason, torture and war crimes go uninvestigated and the Patriot Act continues to assault our Bill of Rights. The surveillance state targets peace groups as a threat to our country. Unions are being crushed and workers rights denied.

That's some tilt alright, but it aint to the left.

Rational Nation USA said...

I do not know Obama loves his country. I hope he does. If Obama loves his country so did Bush. It's just a matter of who hates who. And the left is filled with hate for Bush. I on the other hand do NOT hate Obama, I just vehemently disagree with many {although not all} of his policy decisions. There are more qualified Black Americans out there that I hope run for the presidency. Would be nice if a true conservative with the ability to see the military industrial complex is on the cutting table along with domestic programs.

I for one am not sure Obama isn't a Muslim, but I'll take him at him word. if he were a Muslim that truly had this countries best interests at heart I wouldn't give a rat's behind if he were Muslim. As long as he was a US citizen, which by the way I believe he is.

As to dem's in general, I have never doubted that there are 10's of millions that love their country. Just like 10's of millions republicans, libertarians, conservatives, moderates love theirs. As to labels here's my take.... Demicans and Republicrats. It seems to me in many ways the parties merely prop each other up so as to maintain power.

Give me a good independent conservative and a good classical liberal any day of the week and I would get along with both! Great heated debate's on political philosophy and governance might happen but I suspect "republiscums" or "libtards" wouldn't be sprinkled in the vocabulary.

As I said hucksters on the right and hucksters on the left. Perhaps both major parties ought to focus on improving there preformance.

.... BIFF ....

Rational Nation USA said...

Dave - Hold those thoughts.

Because I actually agree with much of what your saying. Although, I no doubt would find different solutions.

I oppose corporatism, crony capitalism, government subsidies to corporations, and the current tax structure. You might be surprised at my positions.

As to teaching religion as a science... Science is science and faith is faith. The Bible, the Koran, the Book of Moran, or any other faith based text has no business being taught as science. The thought is a contradiction in terms. But being an advocate of Ayn Rand's objectivism I suppose I do have a bias.

But then don't we all?

.... BIFF ....

Malcolm said...

Until Huckabee's recent comments about President Obama, I thought he was a serious candidate for POTUS. I now think he's only interested in selling more books and increasing the ratings for his Fox show. This "Obama is anti-American" strategy won't work on most of the American people, which I think would doom Huckabee if he ran for president. However, this pandering will work on Huckabee's intended target: the gullible GOP base who want to believe the worst about President Obama.

I find it interesting that the right (when they talk about the influences on President Obama) never go into detail about his maternal grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham (who Obam lived with for several years while growing up). Could it be due to the fact that Dunham served honorably in the U.S. Army during WW II and that would conflict with the sleazy narrative they are trying to paint?

Cynthia said...

Is Lisa really a person or is she a plant here just for the sake of debate?

One one can reall y be that stupid.... Or can they?

Sue said...

Les I don't believe libs HATE Bush. What we hate is him and his cronies lied us into WAR. It's the wars we hate.

Sue said...

Cynthia lisa is a troll who bugs the shit outta me. I have begged her to leave me alone and I have begged my visitors to ignore her. Yes, she is that stupid and we surely do not need her here for debate!

Sue said...

Malcolm thank you for bringing up Obamas maternal grandfather and lets not forget his grandmother. THEY were his influences, and his worldly Mother too. He was a lucky young man!!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Lisa is several people posting as Lisa. They meet at a coffee shop on Long Island NY and troll blogs.

The CDM said...

Huck used to be my governor and I can tell you he is STILL a real douchebag. I noticed his latest Portman comment could and should include Bristol Palin, but I believe he conveniently forgot of her existence and that of her illegit child.

Did I mention he was a douchebag?

Sue said...

C!! Of course, Huck DID forget about princess B!!! An ordained minister should read his Bible, God said do not judge lest you be judged. Do I have that right Linda?

Sue said...

I know MDL, how can we get our friends to understand this and ignore "it"??

Dave Dubya said...

As a small "d" democratic social libertarian and Constitutional conservative, I admit I have my own bias as well. It's not easy finding friends as a card-carrying member of the ACLU and a supporter of the Second Amendment.

I read your linked post and agree that we need a simplified tax structure. If corporations benefit from our public infrastructure then they should help us pay for it. They won’t do it willingly so taxing them is the only way to do it.

I don't have a tax plan of my own, but swelling our debt to accommodate tax cuts for the rich really bugs me.

I wish you would express a more balanced position on "regulation". While I can understand how certain over-regulation can frustrate business, allowing Big Money to operate above the law and without rules helps nobody but the economic elite. And that would only be for the short term until the next inevitable collapse.

Limited government sounds good, but government must have enforceable power over Big Money interests for a democratic republic to survive. I rarely hear protests from the Right about the surveillance state and unending wars. Those are hallmarks of unaccountable Big Government.

Restoration of year 2000 tax rates, minus the marriage penalty, raising the cap on Social Security, ending Patriot Act and other surveillance state violations of our Bill of Rights, and curbing our foreign military adventurism would go a long way towards putting us on a sustainable track.

I have my own humble suggestions for a course away from the impending train wreck of unaccountable corporatism. Sadly the two corporatist parties are entrenched against all these remedies.

Anonymous said...

This forum is really awesome! I’m lucky to have found it.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

From the high-minded debates of William F. Buckley and Daniel Patrick dueling Nazi metaphors and the use of such words as "republiscums" and "libtards", you're absolutely right, RN, we have devolved.

Sue said...

Dave, run for president please!

Will, as long as the republicans continue to work against the wishes of the people they will be called republiscums by me. They need to grow up and do their job. Every proposal they have made so far has been against the middle class and poor. Their priorities do not lie with us. And by us I mean working class and poor conservatives too, when will those people wise up and see their party for what it is. When will they stop defending those scums...

Rational Nation USA said...

Sue - When will the obscene wealthy Democrats {as in the Kennedy's et all} and the Hollywood crowd, George Soros, and big business Dem's etc. stop pretending to be for the poor and downtrodden.

It's merely a facade the disingenuous wealthy on folks that by their s*it.

But you all have ben buyingit for years and will continue. At your own expense.

You want real change? The kind that will rally help America. Shed the useless Democratic party and the useless Republican party.

Vote for people like Ron Paul or Representative West to name jut two. Or else just expect more of the same ole BS.

.... BIFF ....

Commander Zaius said...

Huckabee is trying to sell his book!

Yeah and Dick Morris let slip a comment Thursday morning brimming with envy about all the publicity Huck was getting for his book with his going mostly unnoticed.

Sue said...

Come on RN, we know dems are for the little guy, always have been. Even the Hollywood crowd, George Soros and the Kennedy's are fighters for the middle class. You are fooling yourself if you believe otherwise. Now sure there are some in the party, we call them Blue Dogs, who go off course and have to be reigned in, if not voted out. The rethuglicans have made it very clear who they are for, or should I say who they have to make payment to.

Sue said...

ain't it funny BB??! lol

TOM said...

RN's cultist, blind following of Rand is an example of what's wrong with Americans. They follow, without questioning, or really knowing what the hell they are even supporting.
And worse, think one ideology, or person has all the correct answers.
That's even worse than a Republican who has doubts about the varasity of his party, but supports them anyways.
But what can be expected of one (RN) is low life enough to attack blogs and instruct his minions to attack blogs (my blog for one) that's a good example of his brainwashed beliefs.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

There's a lot of hypocrisy on the left, too, Sue. You've got Biden and Gore talking about helping the poor people and then giving precious little. You've got Gore talking about the dangers of global warming and then building his house right on the frigging ocean. You've got the entire Kennedy clan talking about the need for green energy but then opposing windmills off of Cape Cod. You've got the entire Democratic party railing against GITMO but then voting against its closing when it looks like some of these scuz-balls just might end up in their state.......I think that RN makes an excellent point when he says that each party really ought to heal itself first.

Dave Dubya said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence. Unfortunately anyone running for, and winning, the presidency in the present system must participate in the corrupted process.

Real change needs to start with the people, as our brothers and sisters in places like Madison, Columbus, and Lansing are showing us. We need to raise the level of consciousness and conscience in this country. We are in a political stupor of misinformation and ignorance. Democracy is of, by, and for the people. The US government is fast becoming a plutocracy of, by, and for Big Money.

I agree that the Republican Party is totally in cahoots with Big Money, but the Democratic Party is crippled by it's "Me too" dependence and pandering to the economic elites. This two party system has been corrupted by Big Money. There's no doubt about it. The only way out are Constitutional changes that I posted. Our mantra as a people needs to be "Corporations are not people. Money is not free speech."

I'm fine with corporate interests being represented, but not at the cost of safety nets, infrastructure, public services and democracy. Allowing the interests of the Military Industrial Complex to overrule democracy simply results in the endless wars that ensnare us now. Allowing Wall Street greater political power and immunity from its reckless greed will never bring prosperity to the people.

I love America more than money. I wish more of us did.

Sue said...

The GOP HAS to propose cuts to education, infrastructure, Planned Parenthood, Food Safety!, healthcare, environment...ALL these things that make America the America I want to live in, ALL because they have to pay for the perks they give their rich friends and corporations! When will people like RN wise up to the fact the GOP does not care about a clean healthy America?

Sue said...

Tom I don't know how people like RN can't see the GOP for the frauds they are. I'm not delusional, we do have problems with both parties, Will, we liberals admit to that, but the right holds their party up like they are saviors come to take their country back from the evil liberals! What we on the left do is take our country back from the wingnuts not because of superiority but because we don't like watching our country fall to the depths of Hell.

Sue said...

Dave we are seeing the left rise up for the first time since Vietnam protesting, it needs to spread across America and we'll see much needed changes. All those GOP govs. who claim to be in office because the country spoke against the dems is hilarious! Their days are numbered!

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN-USA wrote: "I do not know Obama loves his country. I hope he does. If Obama loves his country so did Bush."

And this:

"I for one am not sure Obama isn't a Muslim, but I'll take him at him word."

It's interesting that I've never heard anyone question a president's love of his country--even the opposition's. Did you RN-USA ever question Clinton's or Carter's love of their country?

Nor did I ever remember hearing anyone in the opposition question a president's religious faith.

Does anyone remember the opposition questioning Reagan's faith even though it was a well-known fact that he and Nancy were not regular church goers?

But here we have our first bi-racial president with an exotic-sounding name,and the recurring theme of the opposition is that he's an America-hating secret Muslim.

Let's not be cute about this. Everyone here knows why the opposition keeps hammering on this theme--they keep questioning Mr. Obama's patriotism and religious affiliation because it makes him look like "the other," it plants the seed of suspicion in weak-minded people's brains that he's not "one of us." All one has to do is read what a former governor of one of the US states said about him this week in terms of framing Mr. Obama as "not one of us."

Do I have to draw a picture to explain why people like Les and others are characterizing Mr. Obama in this way?

Les, I know a lot about Mr. Obama because I've read about him over the last 3 years--I've read his book "Dreams From My Father," and another one dealing with his early years in Chicago "The Young Mr. Obama."

There is no question in my mind that Mr. Obama loves his country and that he's a self-professed Christian.

OTOH, I know absolutely NOTHING about you, Les. I'm wondering if YOU love your country, since you and others like you keep promoting the idea that our duly elected president may not be a good citizen nor true to his faith.

That is a shameful and unAmerican way to undermine and demonize someone the American people chose to represent them.

No one objects to going after a president's policies and ideas. Why do you and your friends question Mr. Obama's patriotism, love of country, and religious beliefs? Can you honestly answer that?

Sue said...

Democrats didn't question Reagans or the Bushies, or ANYONES faith because we accept people of all faiths into our country. We not only take Obama for his word, we see by his works he is a patriotic American and a Christian man who loves his God, country, family, and the world. We have a worldly president who cares about all the people, all the different faiths, all the different colors....

Les Carpenter said...

First Tom I instruct no one to attack any other blog, yours or anyone else's. If a differing opinion upsets you, well, I fell sorry for you. That's all.

Another point, I have no minions. However, I suppose there are those who agree with me, as there are those who agree with you.

Have a nice Day Tom

Les Carpenter said...

Sue - Indeed you obviously know nothing about me, you are so wrapped in the liberal ideology that you failed to notice that I am not a republican nor am I a democrat. Both parties are corrupt and I support neither, I am an independent conservative that happens to have libertarian as well as classical liberal leanings.

As to wealthy, filthy rich democrats. Well, like wealthy filthy rich republicans they play to there base. People just like you and people like Joe the plumber. Because that is how they stay in power.

We can all toss grenades, and yes I admit to having done that, who that blogs hasn't? But at the end of the day this country still has huge problems. Problems created by both the republican sand the democrats. And they won't go away by themselves.

So keep doing what you do, as you do it well. Perhaps, and this is a big maybe, someday we'll get it right.

Frodo, who'd get more votes than Daniels, said...

George Will does not include Huckleberry in his list of potential Republican Presidential candidates capable of running a "lemonade stand much less controlling nuclear weapons."
Please refer Lisa (the Howler Monkey) to Will's most recent nationally-syndicated column, and have someone read it to her. She should note that George was overly generous in his inclusion of five names therein (Frodo is struggling with one), while George lists two Mormons and a fan of Nathan Bedford Forrest, CSA) to go along with Carlton, the Doorman, and a walking ad for Sominex).

TOM said...


Indeed you did attack my blog, the evidence is in the archives of my blog.
Some of the people on this thread saw it, and called you out on it at the time. And indeed some of the regular visitors to your blog, came to my blog with nothing but nasty words for me. Nothing to do with the post, or having never been to my blog before.
And if Democracy Central lets you write for their blog, well that's why I canceled my Democracy Central membership.
Guys like you and Bluepitbull go around attacking blogs, yet, some blogs allow them to post. That's their business. I will point out when I see your comments, that you are nothing but a blog trol, insincere trouble maker, and asshole.
By the way, which party candidates did you vote for in national elections the last 30 years?
There is/was no Rand party, and facts of History tell us who is responsible for the mess we have. Blaming both sides is easy for someone (you) being insincere and ducking the issues. You are an ideological, political wimp.
Don't know if Obama is a Muslim? How stupid are you?
You are a racist.
As most racists today, trying (unsuccessfully) to sound reasonable.

Jerry Critter said...

You say you are neither a republican nor a democrat. That's immaterial. What is important is who you vote for. If you vote for republicans, you support republicans. If you vote for democrats, you support democrats.

Les Carpenter said...

Shaw - Yes, I in fact did question Bill Clinton's commitment to the historical basis on which this country was founded. It is todsy a moot point.

As to Carter, as a young man I voted for him. I still regret having done so. He was inept and out of his league. In my opinion he was an honest man. Aside from growing peanuts he should have been a preacher.

As to Obama, I find it interesting that you feel you must refer to him as the first bi-racial president. Apparently his bi-racial genetics is of more importance to you than it is me. His bi-racial background, his birthplace, nor his religion has no importance nor bearing on my views as to whether he ought to be president. His political proclivities and his general view on governance does. Simple put, I disagree with most of his views. A RIGHT I BELIEVE WE ALL HAVE UNDER OUR CONSTITUTIONAL LAW.

It is interesting that someone of your obvious intelligence views those who differ with your views weak minded. Well, so be it, I am weak minded then. But please refer to me, and other independently minded conservatives as the same when we criticize GWB and his misguided policies with respect to Iraq and ultimately his policies in Afghanistan later. At least if you are going to make generalized statements apply your generalities consistently.

I admire your love for Obama. It shines through like a beacon of hope. Misguided perhaps but honest nonetheless.

I had my doubts about Obama's citizenship initially. I was unable to fine any substantial evidence that he isn't. Issue was out to bed in my mind.

Understand please that faith is not something I believe should be a determinate with respect to Presidential politics or any other for that matter. In so long as the person can keep religion from affecting their policy decisions. I am reminded of JFK as I write this. It is one reason {NOT THE ONLY ONE} that I will not take either Sarah Palin or Mike Huckabee seriously as presidential candidates.

I respect the rights of all to worship as they see fit, as long as they respect the rights of all other to worship, or not, as they choose. Obama's personal religion is of no consequence to me. Although I admit to not being totally comfortable that he doesn't allow his religious convictions to affect his judgement on policy.

Thanks for your frankness, I respect that.

Les Carpenter said...

Dave - I appreciate what I considered to be your balanced balanced approach.

Thank you for checking my article out. Unfortunately when I attempted to publish it in two conservative publications it was rejected. Hm, figure that.

My thoughts on regulatory control and oversight is constantly evolving. I hear your comment on a "more balanced" stand and assure you I will keep your comment in mind as I continue to analyze the issue.

I have not yet visited your sight today. However, I certainly plan to do so later. If I find what I believe I will find I likely will visit often.

Les Carpenter said...

Jerry - I vote for who I perceive to be the best candidate OVERALL. Without regard to race, gender, or religious affiliation.

Unfortunately I have been burned from time to time.

2012 isn't looking all that promising either. Unless perhaps Dave runs. ;)

Sue said...

RN, I like Dave for president too, with Frodo as VP, or the other way around if they so choose!

RN you said: I admit to not being totally comfortable that he (Obama)doesn't allow his religious convictions to affect his judgement on policy.

But you also said this: Understand please that faith is not something I believe should be a determinate with respect to Presidential politics or any other for that matter. In so long as the person can keep religion from affecting their policy decisions.

Am I reading this right, you are contradicting yourself? Is my brain misreading?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Les, I wrote this:

"Everyone here knows why the opposition keeps hammering on this theme--they keep questioning Mr. Obama's patriotism and religious affiliation because it makes him look like "the other," it plants the seed of suspicion in weak-minded people's brains that he's not "one of us."

I did not call YOU weak-minded. Please re-read that passage. I referred to people who continue to make insinuating statements that plant doubts and fears in the minds of people who cannot think for themselves [i.e. weak-minded].

When I read statements such as this:

"I do not know Obama loves his country. I hope he does." --RN-USA

and this,

"I for one am not sure Obama isn't a Muslim, but I'll take him at him word."

I consider that a back-handed way of undermining Mr. Obama's legitimacy as an American and a Christian.

Why would you say such a thing if not to plant the seed of doubt in people's mind that Mr. Obama loves his country. Or that Mr. Obama means what he says when he professes to be a Christian.

I for one am not sure Les is not a Westboro Baptist follower, I'll just have to take him at his word.

I do not know that Les of Rational Nation-USA loves his country. I hope he does.

Anyone can see the insidious way that puts suspicion into those statements by expressing doubts and even fear. One SHOULD be afraid of the leader of one's country if there is doubt that that leader does NOT love it.

This is a troubling statement you made, Les:

"I admit to not being totally comfortable that he doesn't allow his religious convictions to affect his judgement on policy."

Where in our Constitution does it say a president's religious convictions should inform his policies???? You can't be serious. Our LAWS should affect a president's judgment on policies NOT his religion. That is a most assuredly unAmerican idea! It's difficult for me to understand why you wrote it.

BTW, I do not "love" Mr. Obama. That word is used in my life for people I know intimately. I like Mr. Obama's policies, for the most part, not everything. And that's why I voted for him.

As for my referring to the fact that Mr. Obama is bi-racial, I will continue to do so to show that this man, this president, this American has been slandered and defamed about things other presidents--Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson have not.

I cannot remember anyone doubting any of those presidents' love of their country. You have expressed your doubt in this thread, and it is a recurring theme of the TP and most of the GOP. It was never done to the other presidents to the extent it has been done to President Obama.

I maintain there is a racial reason for this. I cannot find any other.

Les Carpenter said...

Sue- What I mean is... I am not convinced Obama doesn't allow his faith to affect his policy decisions. It shouldn't.

I can make it no clearer.


.... BIFF ....

Les Carpenter said...

Shaw - I question all politicians, I trust few. It is a mark of our times.

Please understand, and I state it one more time, hopefully clearer.

1) The president of the United States should NOT, I REPEAT NOT, allow their FAITH to affect policy. Now read my response to Sue.

Continue to see race in everything with respect to Obama and anyone else of color. For in my judgment that in and of itself is racist. I am not calling you a racist, I just believe anyone who dwells an race and color, rather than ability and competence is being trapped into the whole racist thing. JMHO.

I have come out in support of many black Americans. Because I support their positions. The same is true of many many others as well.

Again thanks for you thoughts. And by the way, just for the record I am not a Westboro Baptist follower. I am an atheist. You can now judge me on another level.

.... BIFF ....

Les Carpenter said...

Shaw - I question all politicians, I trust few. It is a mark of our times.

Please understand, and I state it one more time, hopefully clearer.

1) The president of the United States should NOT, I REPEAT NOT, allow their FAITH to affect policy. Now read my response to Sue.

Continue to see race in everything with respect to Obama and anyone else of color. For in my judgment that in and of itself is racist. I am not calling you a racist, I just believe anyone who dwells an race and color, rather than ability and competence is being trapped into the whole racist thing. JMHO.

I have come out in support of many black Americans. Because I support their positions. The same is true of many many others as well.

Again thanks for you thoughts. And by the way, just for the record I am not a Westboro Baptist follower. I am an atheist. You can now judge me on another level.

.... BIFF ....

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I like RN. Anyone that's willing to sit down with me and enjoy a glass of fine wine and a good cigar can't be all bad.

(Actually I like cheap wine from Hermann Mo. called Stone Hill.)

And beer.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Les, I guess there were too many double negatives in that statement on your comfort level and Obama's policy decisions vis-avis his religion.

It was hard for me to believe you would expect him, or any president, to make decisions based on religious convictions. Now I understand--I misread your statement.

I am not seeing racism in everything having to do with Obama. I do not see racism in attacking his Health Care plan, I do not see racism in attacking his DOMA decision, I do not see racism in attacking how he handled the Egyptian revolution, nor in the revolution ongoing in Libya.

I do feel there is an undercurrent of racism in people who continue to doubt his love of country. Why do people believe that of this particular president?

And I do believe there is an undercurrent of religious racism in doubting this president's professed Christianity. No man or woman should have to prove their faith. Saying one is a Xtian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, should suffice.

And yet I've read on many conservative blogs that conservatives don't believe Mr. Obama is a "real" Christian.

Why the doubt? And why does it continue?

And name one other president who has had people doubt that he was born in this country and that the birth certificate that he provided, THAT THE STATE OF HAWAII HAS UNEQUIVOCALLY SAID IS LEGAL has still to this day been considered fake by certain conservatives.

And why do people like Huckabee and other conservatives keep alive the lie that Mr. Obama was not born here?

No. Other. President. Has. Had. To. Endure. This. Infamy.

Is it a coincidence that Mr. Obama is the first bi-racial president at the same time that he is the first president whose citizenship is still questioned by a majority of the opposition party???

I'll put the burden on, not necessarily you, Les, but people like Linda and Lisa, Huckabee and his ilk to explain that amazing coincidence.

Flying Junior said...


You're wasting your time with this right-wing maniac. Sure, he tries to behave himself at Sue's place, but he's a total shithead on his own blog. There's no such thing as a reasonable Obama-hater. They're all fucking useless, unpatriotic punks.

And cigars cause cancer. The BIG C baby.

Shaw Kenawe said...


I will continue to put pressure on people who continue to doubt Mr. Obama's citizenship until they can produce evidence that says he is NOT an American.

The state of Hawaii has said Mr. Obama is a US citizen. That's the end of it.

That this continues to be an issue with the GOP--51% of them do not believe Mr. Obama is a citizen!--only enforces my suspicion that there is a deep-seated racial bias that accounts for their inability to move beyond their false accusations.

Les Carpenter said...

Shaw - I first want to express that I do not question your intellectual honesty. One of my favorite bloggers is Pamela. I value her insight and she has told me on more than one occasion you are a fine liberal with great integrity. I now now this to be so.

I cannot answer as to why Huckabee or Palin, or anyone else who professes a conservatism I find repulsive act as they do. I can onlt state I shall not support them.

I am an independent conservative that has black friends as well as black people working for me. You can choose to believe this or not... One of the greatest honors I have ever had the privilege to experience is when a family of a black man who worked for me asked me to speak at his retirement. I was among the group of 3 other "white" people in attendance. What does that say about me? You be the judge. When Lee Andrews Johnson gave me a huge bear hug following my remarks I was honored. I had nothing to gain by my agreeing to speak other than to honor a fellow employee of the company we both worked for. That and his exemplary and unselfish military service he had given this country for 25 years of his VALUABLE life. Shaw, you be the judge. I stand proud. Please never lecture me on racism. I shall find it my duty henceforth to turn the tables on you. Nuff said?

I am a PROUD independent conservative, classical liberal, Libertarian, and American. Now please go look in the mirror.

Nuff said.

.... BIFF ....

Les Carpenter said...

Flying Shithead - You said...

"You're wasting your time with this right-wing maniac. Sure, he tries to behave himself at Sue's place, but he's a total shithead on his own blog. There's no such thing as a reasonable Obama-hater. They're all fucking useless, unpatriotic punks."

"And cigars cause cancer. The BIG C baby."

#1) You are the maniac

#2 The fact I have a mind and therefor think, and you lack a mind and choose not to think means only what? See if your scripted liberal Alina handbook gives you the answer. Because it is likely you sure as h*ll lack one of your own.

3) At 59 years of age please explain how that classifies me as a punk. Is it because I disagree with your sh*thead lunacy?

4) Please point out to me were I ever said I hated Obama.

5) You my fine uneducated and uncouth individual are the POOREST excuse foe a REAL liberal I have ever come across.

6) And you have a problem with free individuals making a free choice to smoke cigars? Or Mary Jame? Ya sound like the typical LIBERAL big government, I know what's best for ya all statist.

Get a life Junior.

Les Carpenter said...

Shaw - You said...

"The state of Hawaii has said Mr. Obama is a US citizen. That's the end of it."

Thank you. I agree.

Flying Junior said...

But I see your true colors shining through;
I see your true colors;
And that's why I love you.
So don't be afraid to let them show.
Your true colors;
True colors are beautiful,
Like a rainbow.

Sue said...

I love that song FJ!

mommapolitico said...

It's all about the almighty dollar with these folks. Money buys power, and they have the lobbyists to prove it. The book'll be available on Amazon soon for .99 plus the cost of shipping. Great post, Sue, as always!

Sue said...

LOL 99 cents! Good one MP! Thanks for the visit, always good to see you here!

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN-USA, I've never called you a racist, nor do I believe you are one.

It is, however, my opinion that the continuing assault on Mr. Obama's citizenship by certain elements in the GOP (51%!!!) is the result of racial biases, since NO OTHER PRESIDENT IN OUR HISTORY has had to deal with continuous attacks on his origins such as those Mr. Obama has endured.

As you and I have stated, the state of Hawaii has unequivocally said that Mr. Obama was born there, and that is unassailable. Yet...YET, 51% of the GOP either do not believe the state of Hawaii, or has doubts.

Why? Can anyone answer that simple question.

Dave Dubya said...

I provide my answer to your question in the thread following the "FOX Hell" piece.

Short annswer, the Big Lie.

Rational Nation USA said...

Shaw - I can not answer your question. I'm just an independent fiscal conservative, moderate Libertarian,and Classical Liberal. Without religion to create guilt.

I suspect those in the Republican Party that have chosen to take that position do so because, well, perhaps they either have no real ideas and don't think all that hard about it. Following the crowd so to speak.