The fascists are here!
Many liberal bloggers have talked about the Republican Party and the similarities to fascism. It's really quite interesting especially when rightwingers call President Obama a fascist. With all this talk of debt and budget crises these past few months and with more Republicans in governorships, it's more obvious now how the republicans resemble the fascists from the 1920's and 30's. The European fascists used the poor economy to gain power, so goes the GOP. This is the reason we had a deluge of GOP governors elected and the GOP takeover of the House. This is afterall what the rethugs will tell you, it's the economy, stupid.
They CLAIM the people spoke and wanted them(the GOP) to DO SOMETHING about JOBS and the ECONOMY since Obama and the Dems were fucking up big time. BUT Mr. Bonehead where ARE the jobs? All we're hearing is talk of budget crises, so what's the first thing Republicans do?, give tax breaks to the rich so they WILL therefore hire. Well Mr. Bonehead, where are the jobs?
Here are some examples of how the Republicans are indeed fascists......
Fascism is the ultimate manifestation of social change and moral
Republicans are all about culture wars and preaching morality. Fascists, like Republicans today, reject democracy and
liberalism. Many Republicans called for violently overthrowing the
government if the 2010 midterm elections didn’t go their way and have
viciously attacked liberalism. Fascists also reject internationalism and
pacifism and support militarism and war. Republicans have been calling
for the United States to pull out of the United Nations since the 1950′s
and have since 2001, been the party of war as evidenced by the wars in
Iraq and Afghanistan and the calls to attack Iran, North Korea, and most
recently Libya. Fascists also promote heroism and violence.
Republicans claim to be the party of family values(cough,cough), this is what fascists believe too! Fascists believe a womans role is homemaker, Mother, wife....Fascists, I mean Republicans, killed any chance for equality in the workplace when it comes to wages. They like their women barefoot and pregnant...which brings us to birth control. Fascists banned literature on birth control and increased penalties for abortion in Italy1926, declaring both crimes against the state. Republicans will deny this but they want to ban birth control too, they think the pill is aborting a fetus. And we all know their stance on abortion and the justifiable murders of abortion doctors.
Fascists pushed policies designed to reduce the number
of women in the workforce. Republicans are assaulting unions that represent professions held by mostly women, like nurses and teachers, and are highly critical of single Mothers who work.
Republicans and fascists have education in common too.
Fascist states pursued policies of social indoctrination through
propaganda in education and the media and seek to regulate the
production of educational and media materials. We see Republicans doing
this every day. They have their own news network that uses blatant lies
and misinformation to paint liberalism as evil. The GOP's attempts to destroy
public education is nothing more than an effort to create private
schools designed to do their ideological bidding. Private schools can
deny an education to anyone and can discriminately hire any teacher they
wish which means an army of conservative teachers that will only teach
the Republican ideology and their view of history. Fascists created
their systems of education to glorify their movement and sought to
inform students of its historical and political importance to the
nation. In Texas and the South the Confederacy is being glorified and Joe McCarthy is portrayed as a hero!
Republicans cut millions from public education every chance they get. It's their number one priority, after abortion that is...They want to abolish the Department of Education! Republicans and fascists hate the well-educated, they want their followers to be stupid in order to manipulate them. Fascism tends to be
anti-intellectual and so does the Republican Party.
Another major aspect of fascism is its relationship with
corporations. In 1925 the Fascist regime in Italy created a Ministry of
Corporations that organized the Italian economy into 22 sectoral
corporations, banned workers’ strikes and lock-outs. Even Hitler banned
unions. Republicans are
attempting to reintroduce the idea that corporations should run states
and the government. Fascists dismantled working-class organizations,
significantly reduced wages in certain areas, abolished taxes on
inheritance and war profits. Republicans seek to do ALL of these things.
They have called for an end to the minimum wage, are ending union
rights state by state, most recently in Wisconsin where Republicans
slammed through an anti-union bill illegally, and seek to destroy any
and all corporate taxes and taxes on the wealthy.
Republicans and fascists share a hatred of gays and anyone different than themselves. Just as fascists banned
homosexuality in 1931 and hated certain groups like gypsies and Jews,
Republicans seek to make homosexuality illegal and have made it clear
that they intend to persecute those they feel are inferior such as
Muslims, African-Americans, Hispanics, and other ethnic groups. The
current hearings in Congress specifically targeting Muslims is
sufficient proof of that, not to mention their constant racial attacks
on President Obama and the laws being passed against Hispanics in
Fascists and Republicans share in an obsession with Christianity. The Republican party is one with the
Christian Right today. Their goal is to make Christianity the national
religion in order to create a Christian state. Republicans hate
separation of church and state and have vowed to destroy it.
Republicans have even gone so far as to make up quotes and falsely
attribute them to the Founding Fathers to make it seem like they
wholeheartedly agree with them. They actually do not agree. This
obsession with religion is very familiar, in fact its Hitleresque.
The time for compromise with Republicans is over. The time for
tolerance of them is also over. Republicans are fascists? Looks obvious to me.....
You can read the rest here...
Open Thread February 22 2025
Yesterday, The Conversation newsletter included an article titled “Making
sex deadly for insects could control pests that carry disease and harm
crops.” I ...
1 hour ago
They're worse, in a lot of ways, than even the Fascists were. Hell, even Hitler understood how important SOME kind of an education was. German kids may have been brainwashed, but they could wipe their own asses, in stark contrast to the homeskooled types.
Excllent analysis! I think you hit the nail on the head!
Sue always seems to exhibit a good understanding of the definition of fascism. But for those of you who may not really know exactly how it came into being or what it meant in the first half of the twentieth century, I have posted my transcription of the 1954 Encyclopedia Brittanica article on fascism, a classic and very concise treatise. This article has long since disappeared from the encyclopedia.
I would love to jump in as the conversation develops.
: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government
Boy&Howdy... youse gonna get a lott shit for this one!!! Buckle up and enjoy the ride!!
Rattle cages, not sabers! You go kiddo!
oh... and it is sunday funday....
Springtime for Hitler...
... just to show that fascism can be fun
Hmmmmm, Is the subject too extreme? Is the country paying attention to what those republican governors are doing to our democracy? Then I think this pretty mush says it all. The rightwingers are very sly and will sneak up on us, pay attention!
As for their claim that the people spoke and wanted them to do something, it is damning for Obama, even though the republicans have done nothing, well almost nothing. They did finally read the Constitution.
If Obama is a true politician, and I must believe he is, since he out-politic-ed all contenders, then he has a huge problem on his hands now. For the first two years of his reign, he focused on stopping the bleeding and reversing our descent into a black hole. Whether he earned the credit or not is debatable, but our condition, though critical, was stabilized.
His next two years, must be to solve the unemployment crisis. It is his job to do this the best way he know how. If he succeeds, the republican congress will claim they rushed in and saved the day, something Obama had shown himself unable to do without them, and he may be fired by the American people for solving the problem. If he fails, he fails, and will likely be fired by the American people for not solving the problem.
He has two virtually impossible challenges: 1. Solve the unemployment crisis he inherited. 2. Survive while doing it, which may be even more important, because it is not a good point in history to have another 4-8 years of republican leadership.
Had they been born in the US these guys would certainly have been Republicans:
"The National Government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation. It will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality, and the family as the basis of national life." - Adolph Hitler "My New World Order," - Proclamation to the German Nation, Berlin, February 1, 1933
“Our country has suffered the trauma... and indignity of a dark day. A day that has changed everything! We face a new kind of enemy now... one who will stop at nothing to destroy our sacred way of life! We must prepare ourselves for this gathering threat. We must take the fight to our enemies now. And we must strike them down pre-emptively! We must listen to their hidden conversations... without hindrance of our quaint laws! And we must capture these fiends... and interrogate them with new techniques... until they confess their despicable plans to us. These shall be our greatest weapons... in our war against evil.”
“Those who question our methods… are dangerous indeed. They pander to our enemies... and undermine our ability to protect the homeland. But we shall deal with them soon enough. Put your unquestioned faith in me. My people. I shall never abuse your trust. I shall never engage our country in unnecessary war or bloodshed! This I promise you... for I shall protect this nation and her people... until my dying breath!” - Adolph Hitler, September 11, 1938
"Naturally the common people don't want war...but after all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country." -Hermann Goring
“The war we are fighting until victory or the bitter end is in its deepest sense and war between Christ and Marx.”
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” - Joseph Goebbels
I hate to do it, but, since the other area where republicans are going to save us is the deficit:
But ...
Some old sayings:
Conservatism taken to extreme, is facism.
Liberalism taken to extreme, is Socialism.
Every once in a while Socialism has to step in to save Capitalism.
thanks for the great link John! heres a bit of it....
Reagan got elected by telling the country the debt was "out of control." Compared to national income, it was the lowest in 50 years. He probably didn't know. But his supply-side economists did. They lied to America.
In 1981 Reagan's supply siders wrote the tax cuts for the rich and his budgets. The Senate was Republican, and Reagan got the Southern Dems in the House to vote for him. All Republicans and a few Dems voted for the budget. The national debt had its worst year since 1945. The next year it got worse, and for 20 out of 20 years, the supply siders raised the debt relative to our ability to pay.
One more thing, the graphs that are included on the site show a direct correlation between national debt and supplied side economics.
It is a very good article, even if it is wrong (and I don't think that is is), because it is very pleasing to point conservatives who bring graphs out to this site. It solves the problem of me having to waste time pouring over statistics to refute each point they make. Instead I can point here and claim it as the source of my illusions and ask them what is wrong with the logic. So far, one has admitted that he agreed with the data presented there and none have come up with a refutation.
It saves me time. It is an effective weapon cherry picked stats some conservatives use.
Sue you said in part...
"Then I think this pretty mush says it all."
Yup, agreed. Mostly mush post.
As the liberal fascist's strike back.
.... BIFF ....
They have their own news network that uses blatant lies and misinformation to paint liberalism as evil.
Just for shits a giggles I listen to Limbaugh every once and a while just to see how much deeper into the slime that germ can get. The Fat One has always claimed he was in the realm of ideas and debate but the he sunk to new levels of good old Fascism recently when his screeners actually let a real caller through.
The liberal caller pretty much cleaned Limbaugh's clock and when he was finally cut off Limbaugh exclaimed something to the effect that there was no way for civil discourse with "those people" and that they had to be "utterly defeated." I guess civil discourse for Limbaugh is for everyone just to agree with him.
I took his statement of defeating "those people" as meaning a supression of active opposition not something I would expect from someone claiming to like debate, liberty, freedom, mom, and apple pie.
Sue, will you please fiz your avatar and show the flag hanging the proper way. Unless the backwards flag is to go along with your backwards thinking.
"Then I think this pretty mush says it all."
gees, RN... if you really like typographic errors.... anon has left some for you.
anonadumbass, when the flag is hanging on a pole off the porch pillar this is what it looks like when I am viewing it...duh
I'd say that Sue hit it out of the park with this one. The parallels are astonishing. Some of her main points as corroborated by my source:
~The European fascists used the poor economy to gain power, so goes the GOP.
The deep social unrest prevailing in Italy in 1920 gave Mussolini a chance, and though the danger of any bolshevist or socialist success had entirely faded by the end of the year, Mussolini and his squads of violent young men appeared to the frightened upper classes as a guarantee of security. Thus, with the army conniving, Mussolini’s followers set for themselves the task of “restoring order” and breaking up the socialist movements and organizations. With a boastful ruthlessness, with the proud sacrifice of all ethical scruples to success, the local squadristis ... set out for the conquest of power in the name of youth against what they called “the tottering parliamentarism” of the “senile” and undecided liberals.
~Fascism is the ultimate manifestation of social change and moral revolution, Republicans are all about culture wars and preaching morality... Many Republicans called for violently overthrowing the government if the 2010 midterm elections didn’t go their way and have viciously attacked liberalism. Fascists also reject internationalism and pacifism and support militarism and war.
Even before the war of 1914-1918, Enrico Corradini had propagated a doctrine of extreme and belligerent nationalism...It was not until the beginning of 1921 that Mussolini allied his group openly with the propertied classes, with the landowners and the industrialists. But whatever his sociological affiliations, he was moved throughout by a fierce nationalism and by the love of violence and adventure.
~Fascist states pursued policies of social indoctrination through propaganda in education and the media and seek to regulate the production of educational and media materials. We see Republicans doing this every day. They have their own news network that uses blatant lies and misinformation to paint liberalism as evil.
I'll just jump in here. A good public education, a free press, the dissemination of good information by public broadcasting as a balance to for-profit news and media conglomerates are all essential to a functioning democracy. Yet republicans across the country routinely vote down the taxes needed to fund our schools while simultaneously decrying their sorrowful conditions. Only six republican reps voted against defunding the Corporation for Public Broadcasting! Propaganda has always been the tool of every authoritarian form of government, whether marxist, fascist or a good, old-fashioned benevolent [sic] dictatorship. Like Bush said, "This would be a lot easier if it was a dictatorship!"
I liked what you said Beach Bum. I really can't stand to listen to Rush very often. You can bet I tuned in the morning of November 5, 2008 just to hear him lick his wounds and bellyache. I was fortunate to hear his famous, "I hope Obama fails." speech. Never mind that's the same thing as saying, "I would rather see millions of people stay out of work and the economy just completely tank than Obama ever get any credit for bailing us out or even doing one single thing right. That's pretty much the FOX News mantra. Every story is framed by how much Obama is fucking things up.
Crawl back in your holes republican bastards!
Sue said ~ "They CLAIM the people spoke and wanted them(the GOP) to DO SOMETHING about JOBS and the ECONOMY since Obama and the Dems were fucking up big time. BUT Mr. Bonehead where ARE the jobs? All we're hearing is talk of budget crises, so what's the first thing Republicans do?, give tax breaks to the rich so they WILL therefore hire. Well Mr. Bonehead, where are the jobs?"
For someone who still wants to give Obama the benefit of the doubt about creating jobs (two years later), aren't you being a teeny bit impatient with republicans for not having created all the needed jobs in the two and a half months they've had a little more influence?
The facism accusation is just ridiculous. When you can't find something to pin on republicans, you invent things.
Jolly Roger ~ You, obviously, aren't familiar with home schooled children...
Independent Evaluations of Homeschooling
"In 1997, a study of 5,402 homeschool students from 1,657 families was released. It was entitled, "Strengths of Their Own: Home Schoolers Across America." The study demonstrated that homeschoolers, on the average, out-performed their counterparts in the public schools by 30 to 37 percentile points in all subjects. A significant finding when analyzing the data for 8th graders was the evidence that homeschoolers who are homeschooled two or more years score substantially higher than students who have been homeschooled one year or less. The new homeschoolers were scoring on the average in the 59th percentile compared to students homeschooled the last two or more years who scored between 86th and 92nd percentile.
This was confirmed in another study by Dr. Lawrence Rudner of 20,760 homeschooled students which found the homeschoolers who have homeschooled all their school aged years had the highest academic achievement. This was especially apparent in the higher grades.
Another important finding of Strengths of Their Own was that the race of the student does not make any difference. There was no significant difference between minority and white homeschooled students. For example, in grades K-12, both white and minority students scored, on the average, in the 87th percentile. In math, whites scored in the 82nd percentile while minorities scored in the 77th percentile. In the public schools, however, there is a sharp contrast. White public school eighth grade students, nationally scored the 58th percentile in math and the 57th percentile in reading. Black eighth grade students, on the other hand, scored on the average at the 24th percentile in math and the 28th percentile in reading. Hispanics scored at the 29th percentile in math and the 28th percentile in reading.
These findings show that when parents, regardless of race, commit themselves to make the necessary sacrifices and tutor their children at home, almost all obstacles present in other school systems disappear."
A little research might have been a good thing.
President Obama spoke in Virginia yesterday at a middle school, he said,
"Teachers are doing a heroic job for their kids," "In South Korea, teachers are known as nation builders. I think it's time we treated our teachers with the same level of respect right here in the United States of America."
The president acknowledged that improving America's school system would require money, but argued that America couldn't afford to skimp on education.
"Fixing our failing schools costs money," he said. "We cannot cut education. We can't cut the things that will make America more competitive."
"A budget that sacrifices our commitment to education would be a budget that's sacrificing our country's future," he added. "And I will not let it happen."
"Yes, I am determined to cut our deficits - but I refuse to do it by telling the students here who are so full of promise that we were not willing to invest in your future," said Mr. Obama.
Thank You Mr. President! It feels good to have a president FINALLY who cares about education. Republicans in my state have cut more than 8oo million from education and it's happening in the GOP states across America. They cry poor, but only after giving tax breaks to businesses and the rich. This is exactly what fascists do....
the speech can be read here...;contentBody
thats all well and good Linda, but how many parents have the skills to home school? How many families have both parents working full time? Republicans and fascists hate public education, well thank God we have a democrat in office who will fight the outrageous budget cuts to our childrens education! Why don't you look up the percentage of kids going to public school compared to those going to private school or home school. You righties don't have a clue what goes on in the real world.
If only it was republicans alone that voted to underfund public education. Then we democrats could all pat our neighbor's back and decry the thoughtless republicans and wishy-washy independents. There seems to be plenty of blame to spread around in my state. The citizens of California voted down a half-cent sales tax increase for five years to stave off catastrophic cuts to state funding of K-12, colleges and universities, while simultaneously electing democrats to the eight highest offices. This funding was needed to prevent even more drastic cuts than have been enacted for the last two years. Locally, San Diegans, (can you say Reagan Country!) voted down a parcel tax that would have saved thousands of teachers and staff positions. It had the potential to actually restore funding of public education to a semblance of normalcy. It would have cost me $490 over a period of five years. You can bet I voted for it! As it is, the layoff notices are going out this month and they are probably for real this year.
you're right FJ, its all politics and no one party has perfect attendance records when it comes to putting the people first. I still have to blame the right for education woes... that's why I'm here :-)
Wowzers... Linda did research.... but in regards to Rudner.... his was not a was results of a survey.... while not disputing.... the caveat by an independant group cautioned...//Because this was not a controlled experiment, the study does not demonstrate that home schooling is superior to public or private schools and the results must be interpreted with caution.//
... my nephew was home schooled as well, for a year, mostly because he was bored. The difference was.. both parents had master's degrees in education... his father three years of law school. WHO is homeschooling the pupil is paramount... not merely the event.
anonymous you are a sick bastard. I don't need Pam Geller and her disgusting blog pictures here! That woman and YOU are scum...
@ Sue... You said:
"anonymous you are a sick bastard. I don't need Pam Geller and her disgusting blog pictures here! That woman and YOU are scum..."
Did you delete the disgusting and scum material?
Are you that insecure of your own positions you need to censor opposing views?
I thought it was the conservatives that are into that sort of activities.
Hm, interesting.
Just saying.
it was not an opposing view RN. This anon has been badgering me for 2 days and today put up a link with pictures of a murdered family, horrific bloody pictures of children just to make a point of how evil Muslims are. Like Pam Geller these bastards BLAME ALL Muslims for the murder.
I had it with all them baggin on home schooled children. I’az home schooled from the fifth grade to I dropped out and I aint no stupider than them that went to high school in public.
Besides, theirs communication skills and mine to boot.
So there.
LMAO!! Youz stil a gud riter John even without an edumacashun!
Sue - I understand. Perhaps you were right in deleting. I will visit Atlas and see what the entire scoop is.
If in fact he blames all Muslims for the actions of the extremist element in the Islamic faith then he is wrong. There are millions of extremists Muslims. However you are correct it is not all Muslims that are responsible. It is not even the majority.
Islam, as Maher has said, is a violent religion when fully practiced by the extreme element of the faith. Those folks are still in the 7'th century with Muhammad.
Of course not everyone could or should home school their children, but it should still be a right if parents so choose.
My comment was in response to the completely crude remark by Jolly Roger against home schooled children. I don't care where you look, the vast majority of home schooled children do far better scholastically than their public educated counterparts.
In education, the problem is not the lack of money...most Christian schools manage to turn out well educated children on a fraction of the cost of public education.
The problem is disinterested parents and children who are not motivated. Children from low socio-economic backgrounds can excel and achieve a great education when the parents are active and participate in their school studies and activities. We also need to be able to get rid of bad teachers, not keep them in a room watching tv(with pay)because they have union protection from being fired!
Mr. Jolly,
I often have a negative view of the desire to home school children because I think the most common reason is to avoid exposing your child to ideas, or in other words, to thoroughly brainwash him. I have only known two home schooled children in my life. In each of their cases, they wiped themselves.
I will one day tell the story, but for now, I will you this: home schooled children, at least where I grew up, had to do better than public school averages or they were denied their right to continue home-schooling. I was only home-schooled for one year, the fifth grade. In that time, I was tested by the state to ensure that I was academically achieving as well as my “public peers.” My sister was the other student, who was given the same test. We were allowed to continue, only because we out-performed children in public schools.
If this is not the standard everywhere, then perhaps it should be; and if it is the standard, then your argument is moot.
//The problem is disinterested parents and children who are not motivated//
ya, no shit.... you spend three hours at parent-teacher and only have four...four parents show up!!! ALL public schools ARE home schooled!!! The teacher gets the kid for a few hours..... but gets all the blame.... HOME WORK means HOME WORK....
He is rarely Jolly, but he means well.
There are millions of extremists Muslims. However you are correct it is not all Muslims that are responsible. It is not even the majority.
That's the most insanely xenophobic and prejudicial thing I've ever read in my life. Why don't you go over to Pam Geller's blog for a while and check back with us later? Look for labels like: RIGHT WING HATRED, RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE, HYPOCRISY, FOOLISH AND DAMAGING ASSUMPTIONS, RACISM
Pam Geller knows first hand the hate that is spewed in the mosques and they laugh at you for kissing up to them. They know they have liberals where they want them playing them for the fools that they are.
Both WTC bombings had ties to Mosques. See how liberalism was played for the fool in Europe.
So much so that the new PM of Germany had to say that there is no place in the West for Islam.
@ FJ....
"If in fact he blames all Muslims for the actions of the extremist element in the Islamic faith then he is wrong."
That statement is bigoted, racist, religious intolerant, etc.?
How so?
And this:
"Islam, as Maher has said, is a violent religion when fully practiced by the extreme element of the faith. Those folks are still in the 7'th century with Muhammad."
Notice I CLEARLY SAID (as did Maher)... "the extreme elements of the faith."
Again I ask, how is that racist, bigoted, religious intolerant,etc.
I am very tolerant of all those who practice their religion peacefully, whatever faith it may be. As I am sure you are.
However, there are those that practice Islam and are clear exceptions to the above standard. They should be considered extremists. They should be viewed realistically. And they should be brought to justice.
This in no way states or implies all individuals that are of the Muslim faith are extremist. However, given the worldwide Muslim population even a small percentage will run into significant numbers. Easily in the million plus. It is the extremists the rest of us should be concerned with.
Or we can stick our heads in the sand and refuse to acknowledge that such extremism and evil actually exists... just because we want to be politically correct and sensitive.
Because I am a realist, and state the full picture does not mean I am what you claim.
But you are entitled to your opinion. Even when it is wrong.
.... BIFF ,,,,
RN, if we are to pay close attention to Muslim extremists in our country and prosecute those who do violent acts against innocent Americans, then we need to also prosecute the American extremists who ignore our laws and show violent aggression. We have some in this country who turn a blind eye when it comes to murderous acts in the name of God. Peaceful Islam is being dirtied because of a small number of extremists just like "good" Christians are suffering because of their extreme wingnuts.
Pam Geller is an extremist and a bigot, a disgrace to our nation.
I think if you have to resort to calling Republicans fascists, you're basically admitting you've lost the argument.
If we're using okjimm's definition, Republicans, with their advocacy of the power of the individual over the power of the state, are about as far from fascism as you can get.
I have a counter-post up describing your other fallacies, but please keep the hateful comments over here.
HR: "I have a counter-post ..."
I believe the more accurate term is blog whoring.
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