Saturday, March 26, 2011

Palin in India, for WHAT???

I stole this youtube clip of Sarah Palin from Immoral Minority. Gryphen said it best, "I am amazed that this young woman continues to smile thorough this train wreck of an interview, and does not once turn to the camera to mouth the words, "What the fuck?"  In my opinion that shows almost super human restraint on her part."

You got that right Gryphen! Palin interviews worse than an 8 yr old! She can't answer a simple question asked of her like what sights have you seen in India? And Linda would vote Palin over Obama?? This shows the mentality of our wingnut citizens.  Linda, do you cringe when you watch that woman?

"However", Gryphen said, "Palin actually avoided the Indian people like the plague, or like they HAD the plague. Remember, " Sources confirmed that the Palins had no direct interaction even with room service and that for two whole days (the entire duration of her visit) Sarah Palin confined herself to her room." Clearly Palin was only in India for a paycheck, and hoped to have to interact with as few brown people as possible while she was tossing her word salad."

Palin/Bachmann 2012..... How much fun is this gonna be!!


Shaw Kenawe said...

Sarah Palin will never be president, but I've heard that the GOP has its hopes pinned on this dynamite stealth candidate that everyone's talking about:

Karab Amabo!


John Myste said...

I must believe they have a few stealth possibilities lined up, probably one for each direction the wind may blow. Our current president swooped in from nowhere, and if the GOP is smart, they will try to emulate that.

Obama has done enough that is questionable that it is conceivably possible he could be unseated, especially if the unemployment situation stays bad or if it gets better. If it stays bad, he did not fix the problem and if it gets better the he did not fix the problem until the republicans rushed in to save the day.

There is no outcome that the republicans cannot spin as favoring them.

Additionally, we have tons of democrats saying they will not vote at all if Obama is the candidate, which is another way of saying they will cast one half vote for the republican nominee.

Lisa said...
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Infidel753 said...

I hope the Indians realize that Palin isn't representative of most Americans.

they will present a formidable candidate


Sue said...

Shaw that is hilarious!!

Bill Maher said this...

“If the Republicans idea of governing is just being against everything the President is for, then they have to change their name to the I Know You Are But What Am I Party, and nominate for 2012 a man who is the exact opposite of Obama. A fat, white, small eared idiot, who angers quickly, overreacts to everything, and can bowl 300, and who carries only one form of ID, his original birth certificate, a man so the antithesis of our current president that even his name is Barack Obama spelled backwards, so say hello to GOP’s 2012 presidential candidate Karab Amabo.

He said Amaobo is based on real GOP behavior, “Now before I give you the details about Amabo please understand I ‘m not making this premise up. This week the Republican Party did a 180 on Libya so hard it drove the tears back into John Boehner’s face totally ruining the leather.”

Maher then described Karab Amabo, “But let me tell you about Karab Amabo. Amabo would be our first home schooled president, and the first in his family to ever not graduate high school. After flunking out of bartending school, he spent years disorganizing communities, and wrote two books. A memoir Dreams From My Food Court, and a policy book Thinking Is For Dummies. And what are his policies? Karab Amabo believes we should increase our dependency on foreign oil, and shrink the size of government until it only performs the most basic functions, killing Arabs, paying farmers to grow corn, and probing people at the airport.”

Sue said...

John I can't imagine the GOPPERS coming up with an equivalent to Barack Obama. As for the dems not voting if they feel they must vote for Obama, well then that is just unimaginable. They better take a hard look around them and the theatrics going on in the GOP held states like Wisconsin. This is insane, the voters will be responsible for our demise if a thuglican came back into office. I can't even bring myself to laugh at the thought of it. Obama does have his faults, there are things I am not happy about, but NEVER would I vote republiscum, NEVER.

Sue said...

I think the world has caught on with Palin. They know she is not representative of Americans.

lisa said
"they will present a formidable candidate"

sorry Infidel I must delete her...she rambles on so!

Brian said...

Palin won't run and if she did she couldn't win.
Sarin Palin has become what she has becasue of the lefts constant attacks on her and her family IMHO. I think if the media and the left would have just quietly wrote her off she would have faded away. The woman couldnt even go to the bathroom without some form of critisism and for that it seems people have rallied around her.

You can laugh and say all the things that have already been recycled and said about her but she's the one laughing all the way to the bank.

I do wish though she would just fade away.

Commander Zaius said...

I think Palin is running and this overseas trip is for her to claim some foreign policy experience. I want the crazy bitch to run as well as Bachmann.

The idiotic republicans think they can win alienating the entire electorate, the only problem with my opinion though is that the idiots I know already believe the "fix" was in during the mid-terms which cost them the senate.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Brian wrote: "Sarin Palin has become what she has becasue of the lefts constant attacks on her and her family IMHO."

No. Palin has been exactly what she is from the first time we saw her on the national stage--an under-educated, over-confident, vindictive air head.

She has never, never, never, never had the courage nor the ability to take questions in serious, unscripted interviews. The interview she gave to the Indian tv personality shows us again her appalling ineptitude on the most basic things. She couldn't name one thing she saw during her visit to India, and when asked what she liked the most about the country she said its diversity?

Diversity? India is a culturally homogenous country. And what could she have possibly learned about a country with a 5,000 year history in two days' time? I've read that she never left her hotel room to soak up the sights and culture.

She is an incurious woman who appears to care nothing about learning.

She and she alone is responsible for her falling poll numbers. People are tired of hearing her substantless noise.

Sue said...

it's what we do Brian, it's why we are here. We must showcase the nutcases and embarrass the airheads who love them.
She's not fading away cuz her handlers think she is a viable candidate for the GOP nomination. I think her base truly believes she can win on Gods love alone. Maybe SHE would like to fade away, you can see the fear and self doubt in her face, the way she smiles when she tries to answer questions. Did you watch the video? She was so scared when the girl asked her about the flirting situation, she said she just wanted to get on with the interview and the hard questioning. LOL! I don't know why she embarrasses herself on camera, but it sure as hell isn't the lefts fault she is so stupid.

Sue said...

BB if she does run then we are doing a service here by showing her skills, right??

Sue said...

thats what they are saying Shaw, she didn't leave the hotel, too scared of the brown people. Like Dubya, she was afraid to shake hands with them!

Jerry Critter said...

I don't know how anybody who supports Palin can be taken seriously.

TOM said...

I thought Palin was the biggest bimbo ever in politics; until M. Bachmann came along.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Palin's an idiot? Gee, stop the presses.

Sue said...

thanks Will, we just love rubbing it in...

I know Tom, 2 bimbos and the wingnuts just love 'em!

Jerry we don't take Linda seriously(she's a teabagger,shhhhh)

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I can tell, Sue. LOL

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Before the cock crows Sarah will say three stupid things.

I know this didn't really add anything. I just wanted to piss off Google by typing the word "cock."

Jerry Critter said...

Has Sarah even said an intelligent thing?

okjimm said...

Sarah Palin in India doesn't surprise me.....

Word is she always wanted to see the Indy 500

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

Has Sarah even said an intelligent thing?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Lisa doesn't know the difference between a gaffe and having no fekkin' idea about domestic and foreign policy.

She thinks Obama's mistaking Auschwitz for Buchenwald while talking about his uncle's WWII experience during the 2008 camplaign is the same thing as Palin saying that the decades long crisis on the West Bank is an Israeli "zoning" problem.

She really thinks those two things are alike.

And that's why she admires Palin.


Jerry Critter said...

Also, in response to a comment about Palin saying anything intelligent, she puts up a video of Obama. That has nothing to do with Palin.

Come on, Lisa. Stick to the topic!

Brian said...

While I am not an Obama supporter nor do i agree with alot of his policies I do get tired of the constant criticism of him from some on the right.

Palin, Newt, Hannity, Rush just really turn me off with the non stop attacks. Anybody can be an arm chair QB after the fact and say this or that should have been done. When the left constantly critisized Bush I felt the same way. Some criticism is/was warranted on both but not as much as was laid out.

Lisa said...

"Also, in response to a comment about Palin saying anything intelligent, she puts up a video of Obama. That has nothing to do with Palin.'

Yes it has alot to do with it Jerry because regardless of what Obama says you A-Either disregard it or B-Spin it to make it sound like it was actually intelligent ,in other words in your eyes he can do no wrong.....ever!

Oh wow Obama's foreign policy knowledge pretty much amounts to disdain for Israel.

Anyway isn't that why he ran with Biden so he could "have someone who knows a bunch of stuff that he doesn't know?"

Every president has to get briefed on matters. You can't be a foreign policy expert by reading cliff notes.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Lisa is correct. To be a certified republican expert on foreign policy you have to be able to see Russia from your home state. Stay in a hotel in India without leaving the room for two days. And the ability to write and read crib notes from the palm of your hand.

I misunderestimated you Lisa.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Oh wow Obama's foreign policy knowledge pretty much amounts to disdain for Israel.+--Lisa

Wrong again, Lisa. On March 1 of this year, the Israeli Embassy issued a statement on its website citing the fact that Mr. Obama unconditionally supports the state of Israel.

Look it up yourself, lisa. I'm tired of rebutting you and your ignorant statements.

That's #1.

#2. Palin was not "joking" when she stated in an interview with Couric that because Russia is near Alaska, that somehow gives her foreign policy creds.

She did not actually say she could see Russia from her house.

But she did offer up that idiocy.

Take the time and have the courage to listen to her and understand that she is NOT joking.

"It certainly does..."

Barack Obama, in your wildest imagining, lisa, would never utter such foolishness.

Sue said...

Jerry you made it! Tha Malcontent talked about you in his latest blog post. This is where lisa gets her info from.

Jerry Critter said...

Thanks for the heads up, Sue. Notice that while he quotes me, he does not dispute what I say. I guess he is in agreement.

Sue said...

Mal never disputes the expertise of a liberal, he can't seem to find the words!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Jerry and Sue,

When we counter mal's lies with facts he either calls us names or deletes our comments, thus proving to us all that he and his fans can't handle the truth. LOL!

Lisa G. said...

Oh, Dear God, please, please, someone revoke her passport. She's more embarrassing than Bush, which I didn't think was possible.

$10 says she packed her own food so she wouldn't have to eat that yucky Indian food.

I'm not in the mood for you today lisa, so just keep spouting shit that makes you sound more stupid than we all know you are. You have the IQ of a pear.

Les Carpenter said...

Sarah is sexy, attractive, and quite hot.

What more is needed for a residential candidate?

Oh, I almost forget, today you need community organizing experience.

But don't tell Octy or he will delete my comment!

Les Carpenter said...

Sarah is sexy, attractive, and quite hot.

What more is needed for a residential candidate?

Oh, I almost forget, today you need community organizing experience.

But don't tell Octy or he will delete my comment!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

...we have tons of democrats saying they will not vote at all if Obama is the candidate, which is another way of saying they will cast one half vote for the republican nominee.

How astonishingly stupid is that?

Jolly Roger said...

Brian doesn't seem to understand that if "the left" didn't constantly expose Mama Grifter, the MSM would sure as hell rehabilitate her. Hell, they tried to get us to do a month of "no Palin" just after she went on her "blood libel" rant.

There's no f'ing way, with the tools that we have, that we shouldn't go right on highlighting her. If we'd had these tools in 2000, we might have prevented Chimpy.

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