Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fox and Hell talk

from Think Progress...

Fox "News" had as guest today the Westboro Baptist "church" "attorney" margie phelps. This dreadful person is the daughter of "church" "leader" fred phelps. here's her analysis of the Supreme Court justices and President Obama.

QUESTION: Are the nine justices going to Hell?
PHELPS: I have no objective indicator otherwise. The default for mankind is Hell. [...]
 QUESTION: So the justices are going to Hell? The President is going to Hell?
PHELPS: Absolutely on the President. That’s a big ten-four. I already answered on the justices. The President is going to be king of the world before this is all said and done and he is most likely the Beast spoken of in the Revelation.

It’s telling that in a week which featured deeply manipulative anti-worker tactics by the Ohio GOP, growing unrest in the Middle East, a court decision allowing implementation of the Affordable Care Act to move forward, and the Main Street Movement’s first steps to recall eight anti-worker lawmakers in Wisconsin, Fox decided to ignore these stories in order to focus on the important question of whether President Obama is the Antichrist.

Fox likes to keep us informed on stories like the Anti-Christ and hateful church people. Why would a national "news" show put those hideous satanic people on for all to see? It's shameful, but everything Fox does is shameful. Just sowing some is Spring afterall


Commander Zaius said...

Well if they are ones running things in heaven I'd rather go downward, the company will be far more enjoyable.

Commander Zaius said...

Hey Sue, mind if I ask your readers to drop by Dutch Corner blog originating down around Christchurch, New Zealand?

The blog owner, Marja, and her family are catching the devil and probably would not mind people stopping by and saying hi.

Ligtstar said...

It is not a national news show, it is a national propaganda machine. Unfortunately, they are rather successful.

Sue said...

Sure BB, I'll go take a look too!

Ligtstar, yes propaganda is the correct word. Successful as in those who watch Fox watch ONLY Fox so the numbers are skewed, but Fox viewers like to think they watch the most popular network "news" ever. LOL

mommapolitico said...

Amazing, Sue, how people can take such propaganda seriously. What ever happened to "Judge not, lest ye be judged" and "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"? I guess Westboro has rewritten The Bible since my theology classes in Catholic school...

Great post, Sue, with some terrific links. You and Rachel must be doing something right, as it appears you're attracting the trolls...keep fighting the good fight, Girlfriend!

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Fox and MSNBC can both take a long walk off a short pier. These 2 rump organizations have done more to a) dumb down the dialogue and b) divide the electorate than literally anything that this fellow has seen IN A LONG, LONG, TIME.

Brian said...

MSNBC is to the left that Fox is to the right. MSNBC is no better than FOX with alot of the propaganda they spew.

Sue said...

I guess I'm a biased liberal, I LOVE MSNBC and although they lean left, they do not lie in their reporting. Lies are a specialty at Faux.

Sue said...

AND I will say this, Faux believes Obama is the AntiChrist too, that's why they showcase people with extreme views.

Brian said...

You say Faux as if everyone on the Fox Network believes Obama is the Antichrist. Maybe Beck and Hannity but thats about it. Oreilly, Greta, Kelly, Neil, Brett. I've heard them disagree with Obama and some of his policies but I have heard them defend him as well.

You say people who listen to Fox are uninformed or can't think for themselves. Sounds as if your just echoing what MSNBC says.

There are those on the far rigght but then you have those on the far left as well. No liberal, prgressive, moderate or conservatives view points or beliefs are better than the others.

Les Carpenter said...

Generalities of the left are just as offensive as generalities of the right.

FOX viewers AND MSNBC viewers are likely BOTH biased.

Whether FOX or MSNBC "lie" may in many cases just be a matter of a persons perceptions driven by their biases.

And that may or may not be a generality.Guess it would depend on ones bias and perception.

As they say, for most people PERCEPTION, whether it is correct of not is reality to them.

.... BIFF ....

Les Carpenter said...

Almost forgot.

As to the specific point cited in this post... Well,

The fiscal conservative, moderate Libertarian, classical liberal in me says.... These people are wacko's and really most of America knows it. Just sensationalism by a fringe group.

But hey, just my perception, right?

Dave Dubya said...

When half of all Republican voters believe Obama is a foreign born Marxist Muslim, the Big Lie is in effect. When Beck accuses Obama of being a racist who hates white people and still keeps his multimillion dollar job as propagandist and fear-monger, the Big Lie is in effect. When Limbaugh claims that the Left, not the Right is racist, the Big Lie is in effect. When a hundred thousand pro-union demonstrators peacefully protest a governor’s fascistic stripping of their rights, and are constantly called “union thugs” anyway, the Big Lie is in effect. When liberals must be portrayed as communists destroying America, this is fascist scapegoating, exactly in the pattern of early Nazi propaganda.

These perceptions are nurtured by FOX(R), not dispelled. As the Weeper of the House said, “It’s not my job,” to tell people the truth on Obama’s citizenship or religion.

Newt led the charge on impeaching Clinton over a private act of indiscretion, as he committed even worse acts of betrayal. Now he has a FOX(R) supported campaign for president. FOX (R) is not news; it is a political operation of the Right and is a platform for Republican politicians and Right Wing propaganda. They promoted and fawningly covered the anti-Obama “FNC Tea Parties”, but show contempt and opposition for the pro-union demonstrations. Has MSNBC promoted anti-Bush or pro-Obama rallies? How many Democratic presidential contenders have their own show on MSNBC?

Independent fact checking proves the preponderance of misinformation is from FOX(R) as well. False equivalency hardly describes this disparity.

Leslie Parsley said...

Dave D: "Independent fact checking proves the preponderance of misinformation is from FOX(R) as well."

Time and time again. "False equivalency" is correct.

Fox is nothing more than a propaganda arm for the Tea Party and today's dishonorable Republican Party. And like most propaganda, tell a lie often enough . . .

Les Carpenter said...

Dave you said...

"Newt led the charge on impeaching Clinton over a private act of indiscretion,..."

Well, certainly there have been many who have committed acts of indiscretion. Both republicans and democrats.

Since you brought it up... As I see it the issue the real problem lies in the fact his indiscretion occurred in the {peoples house} house, The White House.

No had I have committed such indiscretion as a manager on the property of the company I would have been summarily fired. Even though the indiscretion was consensual.

I believe the point is a leader ought to set the example and live by standards they may not necessarily hold others to. That is called leadership. That is what people respect and usually follow.

Clinton showed not only a lack of judgement but a lack of leadership in this issue. As evidenced by his legalese "it depends on what the meaning of the word is, is." He should have just acknowledged the truth and his error, openly and honestly.

As to the FOX, MSNBC, and the rest of the lame stream media, they all have their day in the ever increasing number of journalists and news organizations that push an agenda rather than reporting the news.

Read a good book, study philosophy and ethics, watch a good movie, read information from many sources, then decide for oneself.

Just the perception of a fiscal conservative, moderate Libertarian, Classical Liberal.

.... BIFF ....

Flying Junior said...

As I see it the issue the real problem lies in the fact his indiscretion occurred in the {peoples house} house, The White House.

No had I have committed such indiscretion as a manager on the property of the company I would have been summarily fired. Even though the indiscretion was consensual.

That's the funniest thing I ever saw. You're alright! I'm sorry I said all that about you on the last thread. If you say you don't hate Obama. I'll take you at your word. You publicly disavowed birtherism on this very blog. God bless you sir! The best of luck. FOX News is tops! Huh? Right on! Anybody who is into Washington is okay by me. Just remember this little gem.


Let me warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party generally. The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissension, is in itself a frightful despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns his disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty.

Now there's a right-winger's dream chance to burn Obama's lights royally. But I would argue that as far as executives, it was Cheney and Bush who put their self-elevation ahead of the public liberty. But as for who truly is the chief of the conservative faction? Maybe it's not Rush after all. Maybe it's Murdoch himself. Sort of a right-wing, illuminati George Soros.

Dave Dubya said...

I agree Willie should have admitted his affair after the jackals of the Starr Chamber of Inquisition hounded him to the point of intruding on a private act.

Clinton's "offense" was not a crime. The public had no business knowing what he did with a consenting adult. It was merely political leverage by his hypocritical opposition. Justice was never part of the equation.

But the inquisition pressed on. Imagine what would have happened if Bush had a permanent special prosecutor on his ass every day of his administration. Do you think lying to Congress and the American people about reasons for war is as serious as a small "tension relief service"? How about authorizing torture, warrantless surveillance of Americans, and incarceration without charge or counsel as in the case of Padilla?

Clinton violated his marriage vows. Shame on him. He lied about it and was impeached. He at least paid a price. Bush violated the Constitution he swore upon oath to defend, in the peoples’ house. Now he gloats about waterboarding and his illegal war, as a free man peddling his revisionist book defending his crimes.

Newt betrayed more wives and with more cruelty, culminating in presenting divorce papers in his wife’s hospital room. Now he’s a FOX(R) darling and “valid” Republican presidential contender. That’s the “party of family values” with full hypocrisy on display. And it works. Vitter was re-elected. Their voters either have no memories or simply have double standards in their self-righteous Right Wing world. I would suppose ignorance is also a factor.

And when has any politician "set the example" for the rest of us in the past thirty years? I'll be damned if I can think of one. On the whole, their greatest accomplishment is they have succeeded in redistributing our wealth to their sponsors and owners, the top one percent.

You are right that corporate media have an agenda. However the agenda is corporate profits, not advancing liberal causes. We all know the FOX(R)agenda. "liberal media" was the Right's first successful "Big Lie" enabling them to catapult their propaganda. Journalism is the enemy of the Right, just as truth itself is.

As Stephen Colbert says, "Reality has a well-known liberal bias."

These are the perceptions of a free thinking independent American.

Les Carpenter said...

As Les Carpenter of Rational Nation says,

Reality has a well known classical liberal bias and an independent modern conservative one as well.

Les Carpenter said...

Try this one on for size...

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ I think you should go back and watch the interview again. Chris Wallace interviewed Ms. Phelps with an obvious negative opinion of her and her odious father's "church." Those people from Westboro are not behaving in any sort of Christian manner. They spew their hatred of anyone whom they judge to be against their beliefs or in support of the sins that they have set forth to be "hated" by God.

If they would read the Bibles they carry around, they would discover that God loves the sinner, but cannot accept the sin, and is willing that none should perish in their sin but that all come to Him to receive his forgiveness. The really troubling part of the interview was when Ms. Phelps suggested that the nine year old girl who died in the Gifford's shooting deserved to die in that manner and that it was God's will. No one who watches those people picketing at soldiers' funerals with those despicable signs could possibly believe that they speak for God.

I think Chris Wallace clearly pointed out the disparity between a loving Christian attitude and the image presented by those deluded people.

Mordechai said...

Those people from Westboro are not behaving in any sort of Christian manner.

Nor does Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, David Koch, Charles Koch, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Rielly, Rupert Murdoch Roger Ailes, George W Bush, Richard Cheney, etc....

juss sayin'