Thursday, March 17, 2011

What the Hell is Rick Snyder Doing to Michigan??

If you thought Scott Walker was a dictator out to destroy Wisconsin then you need to pay attention to Michigan and it's dictator, Rick Snyder! While the country was focused on Japan and Wisconsin, the Michigan state legislature quietly passed a bill giving Snyder martial control over the state!

From Extreme Liberal:
This governor  passed legislation that will give state government the power not only to break up unions, but to dissolve entire local governments and place appointed “Emergency Managers” in their stead. But that’s not all — whole cities could be eliminated if Emergency Managers and the governor choose to do so. And Snyder can fire elected officials unilaterally, without any input from voters. It doesn’t get much more anti-Democratic than that.

Except it does. The governor simply has to declare a financial emergency to invoke these powers — or he can hire a private company to declare financial emergency and take over oversight of the city. That’s right, a private corporation can declare your city in a state of financial emergency and send in its Emergency Manager, fire your elected officials, and reap the benefits of the ensuing state contracts.
Michigan’s new Republican governor is cutting funding to municipalities, and if they struggle financially as a consequence, he will have the power to simply take over those municipalities if he believes he should.
And once Snyder does take over these local governments, by virtue of his own whims, he can impose a local dictator — called an “Emergency Manager” — who will have the authority to undo collective bargaining agreements, scrap contracts, and even undo the results of elections.
And if that weren’t quite enough, the local dictator, at the behest of the new Republican governor or a designated corporate ally, can even “disincorporate or dissolve” an entire municipal government — effectively making a local government disappear — without any input from the public whatsoever.

 The Tea Party crowd — those folks who worry about excessive government overreach and power-grabs — thinks all of this is just great.
One of the Republican state lawmakers who supports this effort characterized the plan as “financial martial law” — and as far as he’s concerned, that’s not a criticism, that’s a defense for this little scheme.

All the stories are the same with these extremist governors. They ran as moderate republicans promising to put states on a fiscal path to recovery but what we're seeing is dictatorships destroying the middle class while handing the states over to multi-millionaires from Wall Street!

Look at Snyder's budget... This fraud is going after ordinary citizens pensions. He wants to tax these pensions, some are only $20,000 a year, and give the money to businesses by cutting corporate income taxes by 81%!  In order to do this thievery he has to increase taxes on the poor, elderly and middle class by 36%! See the pattern? These evil-doers(yes I said it!) CLAIM their states are broke yet they DO NOT propose raising corporate taxes, which would remedy their "situations".

 As David Sirota noted in a recent column, cities and states can never really go bankrupt as they always retain the ability to raise revenue by increasing taxes. By eschewing any discussion of this as an option, Snyder and his like attempt to disappear the concept from the publics mind, instead focusing on budget cuts as the only possible source of income for the state.

I didn't think anyone could be worse than Scott Walker, but Rick Snyder has surpassed Walker on the evil radar...
Snyder has said repeatedly that his budget plan represents "shared sacrifice" and puts Michigan on the path to a better future because it helps to solve the fiscal woes of the state, which is facing an estimated $1.4 billion shortfall. His $45.9 billion proposal includes spending cuts for schools and would eliminate many personal tax breaks while slashing business taxes. Among the proposals: ending exemptions from the state income tax for most pension income.
The governor reiterated Monday that his overall budget proposal, while containing some "difficult cuts," is necessary.
"Those are tough calls," he said. "But I'm making those decisions on the basis of what's good for all of us in the long run so we can all win together."

Look at the budget cuts, look who they hurt, look how these thugs refuse to raise taxes on the rich to balance their budgets but have no problem whatsoever raising taxes on poor and middle class! How can conservatives in their right minds turn a blind eye to this activity??  Rick Snyder is a liar, a fraud, a scumbag rethuglican and I believe the good people of Michigan will prevail in their recall efforts, just like Wisconsin!


TOM said...

From my post today:

Those whose policies would bankrupt America, are enemies of America. Those whose policies do not defend the vote, are enemies of America. Those whose policies would allow unelected people to dictate decisions that effect the people, are enemies of America. Those who are elected to office by the people, then lie to the people, are enemies of America. Those whose policies would launch military aggression against the World without just cause, are enemies of America.

Sue said...

awesome Tom!! I'll be right over!

Jolly Roger said...

There is no way in hell that this is Constitutional. Unfortunately, we need a Federal Executive willing to enforce the Constitution on petty tyrants like Rick Snyder, and we don't have one.

Jerry Critter said...

Welcome to republican rule!

Anonymous said...

glad the governors are doing what they were elected to do!
Go Rick!

Shaw Kenawe said...

ANON: "glad the governors are doing what they were elected to do!
Go Rick!"

So, Anon, when President Obama passed the health care reform--which he promised to do when he was campaigning, and then THE PEOPLE ELECTED HIM--President Obama was doing what the people elected him to do.

Except Tea Baggers didn't look at it that way, did they. They called him Hitler!

So explain to us how the governors are doing what the people elected them to do, but Mr. Obama is not?


okjimm said...

Yupperz... I think the Republicans would just as soon sell the Midwest to Canada... or what is gonna be left of it.

Sue said...

I am so glad anon left us such a screamingly ridiculous comment that shows his absolutely idiotic brainless attitude about the dictators destroying their states and taking away the peoples rights. Its not just liberals who live in the towns being screwed with by Snyder you friggin ass, YOUR people live there too!!! What will the teabaggers say when it's their rights being taken away?? Will they FINALLY come forward and denounce these DICKtators??

Mary said...

I am sure Lil Scotty Walker is beating his head against a wall for not implementing the same total government takeover that Snyder did. Scotty did a lot of damage to municipalities because he cut funding then froze property taxes. Our Mayor is scrambling to try to figure out how to make up the short fall when you don't have the ability to raise revenue (taxes). You know how towns and cities can raise money to make up for what Lil Scotty took away? Sell off your parks and public services, which is exactly what Scotty tried to do here in Milwaukee Country when he was exec!

One of the signs from last weekend in Madison was "I want my Democracy Back". That should be our mantra!

Malcolm said...

Good job on getting the word out about this Sue. I can't speak for any of the other news outlets, but I know MSNBC is doing their part to expose what Snyder is doing to MI.

Shaw: Excellent comeback to Anon's comments. Those chirping noises are coming through loud and clear. Let me also add that Snyder didn't reveal what his plans really were during his campaign. Therefore, Anon is wrong when he says Snyder is doing what he was elected to do. In the campaign ad below, Snyder portrays himself as a moderate.

What Snyder did was a bait and switch of the worst kind.

Dave Dubya said...

Michigan has been locked into a Republican controlled House and Senate for decades. Even Jennifer Granholm could do little to mitigate their destruction.

This is nothing less than a struggle between the American Right and democracy. The totalitarians are winning because they are backed by Big Money.

People better wake up and vote, or soon democracy will be dead.

okjimm said...

New news ...Madison — Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi issued a temporary restraining order Friday, halting Gov. Scott Walker's law that would sharply curtail collective bargaining for public employees.

Some sense in the judicial branch... meanwhile Scott Walker does another power grab...

"Walker's separate 2011-'13 budget proposal would also make a political appointment out of another key civil service job - the top lawyer spot at the agency overseeing state labor law."

.... this is blatant bullshit...

Jolly Roger said...

Lis.... I mean anon, why didn't your Nazi heroes run on what they intended to do? Why did they try to make themselves seem reasonable? Even an inbred waste like you knows that they certainly were NOT elected to do this.

nonnie9999 said...

i have to disagree with okjimm. the rethugs want to keep the midwest and the south and sell the coasts to the highest bidder.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I wish I had something profound or witty to say about this Sue.

I can't think of anything. Half the electorate stays home on election day. As bad as this joker is, it may have to get even worse before the apathetic get off their asses and vote.

Flying Junior said...

Great yet Morally Challenged and somewhat Depraved Seeker of Truth,

When are we going to see that debut post on the venerable Swash Zone? I know those are some serious cats and you want to do your best. But it's time bro! Challenge yourself.

Thank God that nut Rational Nation finally came down off of his manic bender going around loving hippies and looking for classic liberals! Ah politics and cigars... Life's many pleasures! Labor and Capital hand-in-hand. Sensible government regulation that doesn't interfere with the free hand of the market forces. Ah... the self-correcting equilibrium. The Q continuum!

You'd think anybody that fucking crazy would love a guy like Obama!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

F.J.: If I told the real truth I'd lose half my friends and probably lose my job.

And what's wrong with a post about how David Cassidy wasted all the time he could have been debauching hot, nubile chicks because he was to busy being bitter at how his childhood was stolen?

Important stuff man.

Flying Junior said...

That guy had nothing on Davey Jones. The chicks melted in his arms!


Sue said...

FJ you did not just say Davy Jones did you???? MY LOVE, My One and ONLY LOVE!! I used to fantasize about our marriage, our apartment, our modern horseshoe shaped couch that we lounged on...

MDL, there really is nothing you could say with wit and humor about this Snyder dude. Pure, unadulterated evil....he is leader of the pack in my opinion.

finefroghair said...

michigan poor michigan
you mitten, like shaped state
embroiled, right in the middle
of this nation wide debate

unions poor unions
long beseiged and mostly gone
must awaken from their stupor
what the fuck is going on

citizens poor citizens
must you be, so damn confused
ever willing, always eager
the Plutocracy is so amused

democrats poor democrats
manhood shriveled mostly gone
need a pair of new cojones
or are they, part of the con

americans poor americans
blink twice and nod your head
remember, when I tell you this
Your democracy's fucking dead!

Silverfiddle said...

Here's a better question:

What the hell is Obama doing in Libya?

Sue said...

we are asking that SF, are you?? Is your party thrilled with this latest war, or are you worried how we're gonna pay for it? I'm furious about it but it is not the same as when Bush went into Iraq. We are not the nation leading this war, we are not alone like we were in Iraq.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Here's a better question:

What the hell is Obama doing in Libya?"

Same thing as the coalition is doing.

Guess what, SF. We're on to the fact that certain conservatives detest anything and everything that Mr. Obama does. Therefore, it renders your opinion as useless. No insult intended, but when people like you and your pal, "tha malcontent" ravage this presient and all liberals every day on every thing it gets old, and no one pays attention to it anymore.

A derangement syndrome renders people incapable of making a thoughtful pronouncement on important issues.

Have you noticed that no one gives a flying donut?


Silverfiddle said...

I don't care what "my party" thinks.

I am not incensed, but I am wondering if we are incapable of learning anything.

This was a perfect opportunity to tell the middle east and the euros to go to hell and fight their own damn wars, and Obama was just the man to do it, but as usual he blew it.

So instead, he follows in the Bush footsteps...

Sue said...

I was honest in my answer, you were not SF. If Obama didn't go in with the other nations, which BTW is an impressive list, then you righties would have slammed him unmercifully. He will never do the right thing in the eyes of his haters.

Silverfiddle said...

If "we are not alone" in this action is the criteria, then mob rules is justified

Jolly Roger said...

I may regret this, but I'm taking silverfiddle at his word this time.

I actually know a few conservative types who are now voicing open regret at the waste of lives, resources, and our future on these wars.

Once in awhile, something will happen that all sides should be able to open a dialogue up on, and this is one of them. If you drop by Plutocrap, you'll discover that Syrians have risen up against a regime that is far more brutal than Qadaffi ever was, and all we're hearing in the West is crickets.

And you know why.

Silverfiddle said...

I just think our track record is not that good when it comes to predicting outcomes of things like this.

I also think we need to learn to keep our powder dry.

I am not opposed to covert help, and I hope to hell that is what we are doing in Iran. An invasion or military action there would be a horrible mistake, but we should be giving other kinds of support to the people so they can bring down the regime themselves.

Sue said...

Isn't that what we should have done in Iraq? Those people should have overthrown Saddam without it turning into a never ending war. NEVER should we have gone there and certainly should have left as soon as Saddam was caught.

SF you have totally ignored the post subject and turned into an Obama discussion.

Silverfiddle said...

Yes, Sue. Hence my comment wondering if we are incapable of learning.

Malcolm said...

It's interesting that so far none of the conservatives who've commented in this thread have addressed the actual subject of this post. Where do you guys stand on what Gov. Snyder is doing in Michigan?! Inquiring minds want to know.

Sue said...

I guess it means they can't dispute the facts, Malcolm.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Is Snyder worse than Walker?

Walker's budget cuts $500 million from Medicare, and similarly large amounts from other programs that help the state's poor, except for one. Walker's budget increases funding for a program to "bury the destitute dead".

Obviously Governor Walker knows the result of his cuts will be that more poor people will die. It's the death panels the Republicans warned us about.

So, like Brewer of Arizona, here we have another Republican governor determined to murder poor people...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

This from a 3/9/2011 AP story... An amendment to [Snyder's budget bill] that would have capped an emergency manager's salary at the approved annual pay rate of Michigan's governor — currently about $159,000 — failed... Senators tied on a 19-19 vote, and Republican Lt. Gov. Brian Calley broke the tie with a "no" vote...

Tax breaks for corporations and exhorbiant pay for emergency manager dictators -- all paid for by busting unions, cutting social programs and taxing the middle class and the working poor...

I agree with you Sue -- they're evildoers.

Silverfiddle said...

Time will tell. Snyder is just cleaning up the mess the democrats have left. The people were tired of how unwashed leftists like Granholm had completely trashed the state, driving over 70,000 jobs south over the past 12 years.

Detroit is a city destroyed by liberalism. Corporate cronies colluded with union cronies and near-destruction of the US auto industry was the result.

The people voted for change and now they are getting it. We'll see how the voters of Wisconsin and Michigan react to all of this at the next election.

Silverfiddle said...

And this overheated rhetoric from the left is dangerous and it is inciting violence. Why haven't good liberals stood up and repudiated the violent elements within your own ranks?

Why isn't the mainstream media talking about the death threats against Republican politicians in Wisconsin?'s stunning to find out that the right wing media really isn't exaggerating -- proven death threats against politicians are being ignored by the supposedly honest media.

Lee Stranahan -- HuffPo

Lisa said...

Obama's health care bill is already cutting 500 billion form Medicare.
Too bad people don't know that well hidden fact.
Maybe if Unions weren't so corrupt confiscating millions of dollars in Union dues from hard working people we wouldn't be having this conversation.
It's OK for the admin to pay of big labor at the expense of the rest of the citizens. 2 wrongs don't make a right.
Why do you think Obama gutted the dept that oversees unions not to mention gave them positions in the government?
Corruption is bipartisan.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Why don't you want everyone to have health insurance Lisa? Your hatred for Working Americans is unAmerican.

You hate unions and the good they do for working people. Why do you want us to be serfs or worse Lisa?

You're not a nice lady.

And you eat boogers. Nya nya.

Lisa said...

Unions have worn out their purpose MDL.the Public trough is barron.
Let me ask you this why change a whole system for 15% of the population when it can just be tweaked?

Flying Junior said...

I'll stand up Silver Fiddle. Death threats, no matter how ridiculous, are always taken seriously by law enforcement. As a human being, U.S. citizen and member-in-good-standing of civilization, I unequivocally denounce this cowardly and dangerous ranting by an obviously disturbed and wayward individual. Honestly, I don't see this as a strictly liberal vs. conservative divide. However, as a card-carrying anti-war hippie, commie-pinko, I officially ban this loser from my ultra-liberal clique. You may consider him ex-communicated.

Isn't Huffington Post mainstream enough? She's as popular as a lot of television shows. You tell me if it's really important enough to publish as "All the news that's fit to print." Surely there are some limitations. We could probably have a daily journal of death threats to the president, but the FBI likes to keep that kind of information on the Q-T.

However, I do take exception to this statement:

And this overheated rhetoric from the left is dangerous and it is inciting violence.

We have a right to protest and vent our frustrations. We are not inciting violence. See "The Glenn Beck Show." But nice try.

Flying Junior said...


I love your avatar. That's so cute. I love dogs. They totally rule! When I'm old and frail and I can't wrestle big dogs anymore, I'm either going to get a Scottish Terrier or a Long-Haired Dachsund.

Sue said...

FJ said:

We have a right to protest and vent our frustrations. We are not inciting violence.

Thats exactly right. When is the last time you saw liberals protest? We are so damn proud of each other now for finally standing up and fighting back the rightwing evildoers, violence is the last thing you will hear coming from us! Sure there are a few extremists just like they have on the right, but it is not the story. The story is we liberals are peace loving, non violent, and are FINALLY speaking out.

Sue said...

very interesting w, republicans preparing for the dead because of their death panels!

This Snyder story, just like all the GOP governors is so mind boggling, but just like my brother refuses to read about it, the right is ignoring all of this, they believe these governors are doing this crap because the states are "broke". Right wing hypnosis, amazing!!

Flying Junior said...

The story is we liberals are peace loving, non violent, and are FINALLY speaking out.

And a loud "Amen!" to Sister Sue. Non-violent indeed! Just like Golden Retrievers.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Lisa said... Obama's health care bill is already cutting $500 billion from Medicare. Too bad people don't know that well hidden fact.

Lisa, this isn't a "well hidden fact", it's a blatant lie.

Or it's at least BARELY TRUE, according to Politifact, which says that "it's important to note that the law does not take $500 billion out of the current Medicare budget. Rather, the bill attempts to slow the program's future growth, curtailing just over $500 billion in future spending over the next 10 years. Medicare spending will still increase -- the nonpartisan CBO projects Medicare spending will reach $929 billion in 2020, up from $499 billion in actual spending in 2009".

Walker's budget cuts are achieved by throwing people off Medicare, killing some of them in the process. Obama's "cuts" are achieved mostly by slowing future growth and increasing efficiency.

The cuts the Democrat's health care legislation makes are to Medicare Advantage. Medicare Advantage is a Republican plan that handed off health insurance for seniors to the private sector. And, although they said this move would save money because the private sector is more efficient, it turns out that was a lie.

Medicare Advantage actually costs more than the same coverage purchased directly from the government. I think we should get rid of it altogether, but since that's not going to happen -- I think the cuts are the next best thing. What Republicans are objecting to here is less profits for private companies leaching off the government via Medicare Advantage. They don't give a damn about seniors.

TOM said...

Democratic protester violence?

Like the Republican protester violence at the Health Care Town Hall Meetings? Fist fights, shouting, pushing, and loaded guns just for a little extra intimidation.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The purpose of unions is to ensure workplace safety and fair remuneration for workers Lisa. How is workplace safety and fair remuneration out of date?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Truth, the public sector workers of Wisconsin are protected by OSHA, the National Safety Council, the Centers for Disease Control, the Department of Health Services, the Department of Workforce Development, and some of the strongest civil service laws in the country. These particular unions aren't about safety anymore. They're about power/the protection of incompetence.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

And unions fought to create these departments. Which have been gutted by republicans Will.

Workers need all the help they can get.

Too bad you're buying into Lisa's right wing nonsense Buddy.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I don't know Lisa from shinola, Truth.......Republicans have gutted OSHA and the Centers for Disease Control?......So, did Jimmy Carter, Mayor Laguardia, and George Meany also buy into Lisa's right-wing nonsense?

Silverfiddle said...

FJ: Thank you for standing up. Tommy could take a lesson from you if he could ever pull his head out of his msnbc. You're no more responsible than I am. I just enjoy the opportunity to turn it around.

Thanks for being a good sport.

Morally Depraved: Literally millions of hard working Americans have nothing to do with unions. We go in to the boss and negotiate wages and benefits, and all without corrupt union gansters picking our pockets

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

So the people at Walmart are negotiating their wages and benefits Silverfish? And McDonalds?

They are at will employees. They go in making demands and they are fired and no reason need be given.

Your naive faith in the benevolence of management is misguided my friend.

We had 21,000 FDA inspectors when Reagan took office. Now we have a third of that.

In my 15 years in manufacturing not once has OSHA ever performed an inspection. They tell us they're short staffed. Unless an incident is catastrophic with loss of life, don't expect anyone either.

Shaw Kenawe said...

It's amusing to read how SF, Lisa, and others paint unions with a broad brush--their leaders are thugs, and unions are corrupt.


Of course that's not true, but that doesn't stop anti-unions from repeating the lie. Because as the saying goes, if you repeat a lie often enough, you're probably a Republican.

Anyone else notice that when Lisa's ignorant comments are refuted that she quietly slinks away with no counter argument?

ANd have any commenters from the opposition come up with an explanation to Sue's question on what Snyder is doing in Michigan?

Where are the libertarians on this one? A governor is threatening to usurp the will of the people by fiat? Why aren't the libertarians and the Tea Baggers all up in arms over a GOP governor acting like a dictator???

Anonymous said...

Guess what, We're on to the fact that certain conservatives detest anything and everything that Mr. Bush does. Therefore, it renders your opinion as useless. No insult intended, but when people like you and your pal, "the Daily KOS" ravage this presdient and all conservatives every day on every thing it gets old, and no one pays attention to it anymore.

Sue said...

MDL, my husband worked in manufacturing plants and refineries his whole life and OSHA was there when there was an incident, especially at the refineries. Safety was first priority at the oil refineries, right down to the hard hats. I can't imagine the working conditions otherwise.

Sue said...

Shaw its because that dicktator is a rethuglican. Like my brother insists, "the states are broke", this is why the voters put those thugs in office, to clean up after the dems! LOLOLOLOL!!! idiots...

Anonymous said...

McCaskill has been answering questions about the plane since POLITICO recently reported that she billed taxpayers for a political trip around Missouri. POLITICO also reported that McCaskill spent $76,000 from her Senate budget on trips on the aircraft over the past four years, prompting the senator to refund the Treasury Department more than $88,000 for the cost of the trips plus pilot fees.
McCaskill’s announcement Monday is the latest twist in a political scandal that has dogged her for the past two weeks. The expensive fiasco clashes with her self-made image as a reformer and good-government advocate during her first term in the Senate. McCaskill has now shelled out more than $375,000 in payments to cover the cost the plane flights and back taxes, a series of events the senator herself has called “embarrassing.”
On top of this, McCaskill signed on in February as a co-sponsor of Senate legislation that would fire federal employees if they are “seriously delinquent” in paying their own federal taxes…
“There are people I could blame for this, but I know better. As an auditor, I know I should have checked for myself. I take full responsibility for the mistake,” added McCaskill, Missouri’s former state auditor from 1999 to 2007. “I should have checked the documentation. I should have been asking the questions. I shouldn’t have assumed that somebody was doing it.”

Sue said...

sorry anon you aren't gonna turn this into a GOP vs Dem catfight. Claire McCaskill is an upstanding Senator and the thugs fear her.

McCaskill, first elected in 2006, is a top GOP target in the 2012 elections.

They resort to dirty politics whenever they think it will benefit them in an election. I just wish the voters understood this about them. evildoers, every fuckin one of them....

Silverfiddle said...

Shaw: I did answer Sue's question earlier in the thread.

As usual, there are two sides to the story. The state is on the hook for the financial well-being of municipalities, and the legislation allows for legal receivership.

You rightly point out that this is anathema to libertarians, but this is just the latest brick in the statist wall.

Morally Depraved: The majority of jobs are at will. My job is at will employment. I don't want some slacker bum getting the same wages as me, and if somebody jacks something up on the job because of incompetence or stupidity, I'm not shedding tears when they bounce the guy.

This is how the real world works. Detroit was a union town. Look at it now.

Silverfiddle said...

Claire McCaskill is running from Obama like a scalded dog. She almost sounds like a republican now.

Sue said...

do you mean this SF

McCaskill is through with Obama. No, not to politically posture ahead of 2012. Because of his picks on his NCAA bracket.


If you mean something else then give me links...

Silverfiddle said...

You can call the sources biased (they are), but you can't argue with the facts. I have kinfolk in Missouri, and the lady is in a defensive crouch right now, cooperating with republicans on deficit reduction.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I have a proposal. How 'bout we use one less Tomahawk cruise missile in Libya and donate that $1,000,000 to Habitat for Humanity or Wounded Warriors? What do you think? It sounds like a pretty "progressive" suggestion to me.

Jerry Critter said...

I'll see your one Tomahawk cruise missile and raise you two more. That money is much better spend at home than blown up overseas.

Dave Dubya said...

"Snyder is just cleaning up the mess the democrats have left."

Ignorance speaks loudly. Three term Engler(R) had a GOP House and Senate that left the mess for Granholm. She was stuck with that GOP House and Senate and was hobbled in most of her efforts to do something.

"Detroit is a city destroyed by liberalism."

Michigan is a state suffering under Republican dominance for decades. Detroit's fate was also sealed by other ignored factors. Corporate written trade agreements, low tariff imports, and non-union foreign-owned plants in the South.

"Detroit was a union town. Look at it now."

The US was a union nation. Look at it now.

Anonymous said...

GM is in deep trouble mostly because the United Auto Workers have festooned the company with rigid work rules and extravagant costs. The 2007 collective-bargaining agreement, for example, required the automaker to pay up to $140,000 in severance to a worker whose position was eliminated. And that is nothing compared to the enormous health-care costs these companies are laden with. The average cost of employing a worker at the Big Three, including benefits, was nearly twice that of Japanese automakers. No wonder the automakers are hemorrhaging cash.

Jerry Critter said...

You are full of crap, Anon. Let's see some backup for your claims.

Dave Dubya said...

"And that is nothing compared to the enormous health-care costs these companies are laden with."

Well, duh. Japan has universal health care. It would benefit our auto companies and employees if we had the same. But that there's Commanism, right?

Dave Dubya said...

There's no question management has more money, therefore more political power than labor. Along with the crushing of unions we see more of this:

Signing Away Our Rights:

Increasingly, corporations trick workers and consumers into giving up their legal rights by forcing arbitration of disputes -- and they are getting help from friendly courts.

The scales are waaaay out of balance towards Big Money. This is obvious.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I explained how contracts work and how management has the right to manage at Democracy Central Silverfiddle. That you choose to continue spouting right wing lies about unions is a testament to your closed mind and backward thinking, deluded right wing sheepness.

I can't do anything about lazy, ineffectual managers Silverfiddle. And they're not union. Your problem is with them. Take off your blinders for a moment and perhaps you will understand who the real enemies of America are.

Shaw Kenawe said...

ANONYMOUS wrote: "GM is in deep trouble mostly because the United Auto Workers have festooned the company with rigid work rules and extravagant costs."

We don't know who Anonymous is, but whoever s/he is, s/he is woefully uninformed, so that means s/he is probably a conservative and watches FAUX NOOZ:

DETROIT, Feb 24 (Reuters) - General Motors Co posted fourth-quarter results that topped Wall Street expectations, but its shares fell below their IPO price as investor concerns shifted to the pressure from rising oil prices and higher costs of launching and selling new cars.

GM posted a profit of $4.7 billion for all of 2010, its first full year after a landmark bankruptcy that scoured costs and debt from its balance sheet.

That marked the automaker's first full-year profit since 2004 and its largest profit since 1999, when it earned $6 billion on booming sales of trucks and SUVs.

Analysts said the results showed GM's success in completing the first stage of a turnaround funded by the U.S. government even as investor attention shifts to a range of new risks, including the prospect that higher oil prices drives consumers away from more profitable trucks, crossovers and SUVs.


Anonymous, come back here and tell us how GM is in deep trouble.

[I'm betting s/he won't, now that the facts have destroyed her/his stupid comment.]

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

About that link from Anon:

AccessDeniedAccess Denied28A7693F3E9733CA1Au0sDIVExfKF7TBW3oFCLASNA+peweNB/Ad/6ZGhHPNOT0L6ZVzSvq7QNIGsJvE

... plus a virus warning.

This is exactly why I advised you not to respond to anonymous trolls: They are malicious.

Silverfiddle said...

Dave W: Michigan lost 70000 jobs over the past 12 years. Not to China or Mexico, but to the non-union, jobs-friendly south.

You can blather all day about this or that, but nothing works like success.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

You're right Silverfiddle, the Republican sponsored Right to Work legislation has been a success for corporations who wish to pay their workers less.

From the AFL-CIO website...
Right to work laws lower wages for everyone. The average worker in a right to work state makes about $5,333 a year less than workers in other states ($35,500 compared with $30,167). Weekly wages are $72 greater in free-bargaining states than in right to work states ($621 versus $549). Working families in states without right to work laws have higher wages and benefit from healthier tax bases that improve their quality of life.

Sue said...

thank you w. I love it when a rightie gets debunked...

Dave Dubya said...

Blather on yourself. You still ignore a significant reality. This household, among thousands of others in Michigan, lost a job to India. Who the hell are you to tell me different??

Under Ahnold(R) California lost 123,400 manufacturing jobs last year. Texas lost 80,000 manufacturing jobs last year. I suppose that's somehow the Democrats' "mess" too, eh?

In all but three of her 12 years as governor, the Republicans controlled the MI house. The Republicans have controlled the MI Senate for 27 years! Tell us something we don't know for a change, like how a governor as handicapped as Granholm could be responsible for a "mess the democrats have left". In fact, she left no greater debt than Engler(R)did. She was forced to clean up after him by cutting even more state services for the public in order to make up for all Engler's giveaways to his economic elite cronies. Engler left us the worst roads in memory. The public interests always suffer under Republicans, yet the rich get richer. THAT is the primary reality you choose to ignore.

"And this overheated rhetoric from the left is dangerous and it is inciting violence."

Anybody who pays a minimum amount of attention knows the great preponderance of violence comes from the Right; much of it inspired by Beck, Limbaugh, and FOX(R).

If I were less polite, I'd say you are full of...

Sue said...

he is full of shit Dave, as are MOST rethuglicans. They can't see the truth or hate liberals so much they choose not to see the truth about the rethuglican party and how they have destroyed our democracy. And that my friend is the fuckin truth...

Silverfiddle said...

You've all proven the lengths liberals will go to in order to justify failed policies.

People down south are working, those in the rust belt are not.

Dave Dubya said...

Someone is proving the Right pulls crap out of their...Now, now. I must try to be polite.

People down south are working, those in the rust belt are not.

This is truly meaningless drivel.

Turns out "people in the Rust Belt are working, those down South are not" is also true.

The fact is double digit unemployment has hit all over the country. A few southern states are luckier than others.

From: Southern Political Report:

The unemployment rate declined in eight of the 13 Southern states over the past year. The declines were only slight in some states, however, and joblessness remains unacceptably high throughout much of the region. In two states – Georgia and Florida – there was no change and in three, the jobless rate inched upward a notch or so. The changes mirror the national unemployment rate, which, seasonally adjusted, as are the state figures, was 9.7 percent for January 2010, but declined to 9.0 in January 2011.

Any sane person knows the job situation is most affected by the actions of the economic elite and their bought and paid for politicians. Corporate written trade agreements and off-shoring jobs are not the work of liberals. But stupid people will blame liberals because Rush and Beck tell them to.

So goes Detroit, so goes America.

Silverfiddle said...

Nice snapshot, but first of all Arnold is not conservative and California is a very liberal state.

Secondly, Texas has been growing faster than any other state (people are fleeing the failed liberal states), and it still has maintained an unemployment rate lower than the national average.

Detroit and the rust belt was in trouble long before the 2008 crash.

Finally, how would you solve the offshoring problem?

How do you think mandating higher wages for everyone will bring jobs back?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

how would you solve the offshoring problem?


How do you think mandating higher wages for everyone will bring jobs back?

How will allowing corporations to get away with paying as little as possible do anything other than create a nation where most of us are the working poor and a small minority are super rich?

You seem to think there is nothing we can do to stop this from happening.

Sue said...

SF thinks we should duct tape our mouths while bending over for the corporate pigs. This is just what they want, to bring slave wages to America and expect us to fall for it cuz we are so desperate. They also want to end child labor laws. Pigs, they are stinkin dirty pigs...

Silverfiddle said...

So Dervish, you'd raise the price of all imported goods? That will really help working people who are already struggling to get by.

There is something we can do: Create a business-friendly climate. We have multiple examples right here in the USA to compare and contrast:

Progressive statist sinkholes like California, New Jersey, Illinois, and NY rack up unprecedented debt and have nothing but high unemployment and poverty to show for it.

Conservative, job-friendly states have lower unemployment and lower costs of living.

I do agree with you that we need to snuff out crony crapitalism, but what you fail to realize is that it is a bipartisan sport.

Dave Dubya said...

Good news! The Obama recovery is finally taking us out of the Republican Recession.

Detroit News:
State jobless rate falls below 11% for first time since 2008
Decline comes as Michigan adds 16,000 jobs in January

Silverfiddle said...

Dave: You just answered Sue's question. What is Rick Snyder doing? Creating jobs!

Dave Dubya said...

So Snyder created those jobs? Really?

How about you give us the stupid explanation before I tell the real reason?

Silverfiddle said...

Dave: You started the silliness by talking of a fictitious "Obama Recovery."

Sue said...

Thanks Dave! I look forward to SF's comment too!

Dave Dubya said...

I knew that would push a button.

How would one know the "Obama Recovery" is fictitious? If it were real, the FOX(R) Right Wing media complex would lie and deny it anyway, like they did about the "Stimulus that didn't save or create one job". It paved my road and many others to help make up for Engler's indifference. And guess what? That money went to people working real jobs. Thank God the entire Stimulus wasn't wasted on tax cuts that the Right ignores, or denies were in it.

What if maybe the auto bailouts saved us from a severe domino effect? It quite possibly may have done just that.

In the Right's mind, Snyder created those jobs in his first month just like Obama took away all the jobs in his first month, or should I say last 11 days of January 2009.

It's magic, you know.

Silverfiddle said...

You didn't push any buttons, other than the laugh track.

"Jobs saved" is a bogus statistic, since there is no way to quantify it.

And I hate to inform you of this, but John Engler left office eight years ago.

It's all Engler's fault! LOL!

Dave Dubya said...

I'm done correcting wrong statements. When I do it only invites more wrong statements.