That would be my Gov. Chris Christie.. BTW, how many times and in how many different ways does a man have to say NO, I am not ready, and I do NOT want to run for POTUS!... before the MSM and Conservatives, who are desperately seeking a viable candidate for a 2012 win, give up and accept the fact the phatty knows he could not beat President Obama?
So Christie spoke at the Reagan Library and just like most conservative/teabagger/republicans, he was rude, demeaning, and disrespectful of President Obama, while heaping on praise to dead man Ronald Reagan...
One of the big applause lines in Christies speech was when he attacked the president because of his proposal to raise taxes on the wealthy. Here's what Christie said: "Telling those who are scared and struggling that the only way their lives can get better is to diminish the success of others. Trying to cynically convince those who are suffering that the American economic pie is no longer a growing one that can provide more prosperity for all who work hard. Insisting that we must tax and take and demonize those who have already achieved the American dream. That may turn out to be a good re-election strategy for President Obama, but it is a demoralizing message for America."
BULL SHIT!! Polls show more than 80% of the country want taxes raised on the top earners. A 4% increase which would put their rates at the level they were in the 1990's, a time of great prosperity!!! Where is the logic Christie?? President Obama has never demonized the rich Mr. Christie, get your facts straight before you demonize the president of our USA!
This man, Chris Christie, is just more of the same in his illogical thinking, you can not tax the rich for they are the job creators...but he has absolutely NO PROBLEM with the working poor and the middle class sacrificing more and more to balance the Phat Phucks budget! With the rich paying less, the rest of us have the burden of having to
pay more- either in higher taxes or reduced services. Those at the top
who have never had it so good can easily afford to 'sacrifice' a bit
more, so the rest of us who haven't had it this bad in decades no longer
have to sacrifice so much. Can you imagine living on 13,000 or even 20,000 a year and have to hear the Republicans whine about the working poor not paying any income tax?? It's crazy! They say 50% of Americans pay no taxes, so where is the shared sacrifice....I don't know how they look themselves in the mirror every day!
The truth is the working poor do pay taxes, even if they
earn too little to qualify for the income tax, they pay payroll taxes
(which Republicans want to raise), gasoline excise taxes and state and
local taxes. Only 14 percent of households pay neither income nor
payroll taxes, according to the Tax Policy Center at the Brookings
Institution. The poorest fifth paid an average of 16.3 percent of income
in taxes in 2010.
Economically, reducing the earned income tax credit and the child tax
credit (which would be required if everyone paid income taxes) makes no
sense at a time of high unemployment. The credits, which only go to
working people, have always been a strong incentive to work and have
increased the labor force while reducing the welfare rolls.
The real problem is that so many Americans are
struggling on such a small income, not whether they pay taxes. The two
tax credits lifted 7.2 million people out of poverty in 2009, including
four million children. At a time when high-income households are paying
their lowest share of federal taxes in decades, when corporations
frequently avoid paying any tax, it is clear who should bear a larger
burden and who should not.
The two parties agree we need shared sacrifice, but it's the Republicans who want to leave the top 2% out of the equation. Makes total sense, huh? Yeah to them it does...
The top 1% pay taxes at the lowest rate in half a century. In 1981
the top marginal rate was over 70%- now it's half that. Most of the
wealthy take their income in capital gains, which are taxed at only 15%,
down from 35% in the 1980s. Our economy grew faster in the 30 years
after WWII, when taxes were higher, than since.
The ratio of corporate profits to wages is greater than since before the
Great Depression. Corporate salaries and percs keep rising, while the
median wage keeps dropping and jobs are shed. The CEO of Merck was
rewarded $17.9 million last year, while he fired 13,000 workers. The
top dog at BOA raked in $10 million, while he fired 30,000 workers.
We are entering a period of national sacrifice and MOST agree, we need to pull together, ALL of us and that MUST include the top earners. There's even been word coming from the top, calling on the administration to raise their taxes. So no, we can't say the top 2% are not stepping up, because some are. It's just that the GOP are not paying attention..weird huh?? Thank god President Obama IS paying attention. He has drawn a line in the sand saying he'd veto big cuts in Medicare and middle class programs unless the Republicans get on board with these shared sacrifices...
President Obama's modest proposals to raise taxes on the wealthy by 4% won't hurt a hair on their pretty heads. This is all hysterics ramped up by the Conservatives. We all get it, we all know the TRUTH...The top 2% can afford to pay more in taxes, it won't stifle job growth, we are NOT STUPID, GOP! If you keep trying to block the presidents proposals the people will reward you in the next election. You will see what it feels like to stand in an unemployment line....
Gov. Chris Christie criticized President Barack Obama for being what he
called a “bystander in the Oval Office,” and painted Washington politics
as ineffective and embarrassing to the rest of the country. Yes, he is right on one thing, Washington partisans/obstructionists/do-nothing leaders ARE an embarrassment, but our president IS NOT!
Chris Christie as POTUS... that's a scary thought. He is just more of the
same...amazingly, still protecting those at the top of the pyramid while
America is dying a slow death. They just turn a blind eye...
Trump Inauguration To Feature The Smallest Crowd In Decades
Donald Trump will not have a big crowd for his inauguration as an Artic
blast will move the event inside and his supporters won't be able to attend.
1 hour ago
'Vote Green, Perry needs you. While putting Perry in office, will certainly “show” Obama, consider this:
Once Perry takes an office, he does not leave it. After eight years of Perry rule, the Supreme Court will be a Tea Party body.
Roe V. Wade will be overturned. You are putting God in the White House, and not the moderate God who mostly stones disrespectful virgins and smites babies, but otherwise stays out of our lives, no not Him. You are putting the God who wants to monitor every aspect of our lives in office and on the Supreme Court. This God even rejects His native language of Elizebethan English in favor of Tongues.
He babbles in Tongues. Perry listens and responds.
Obama is NOT completely conservative. He extended unemployment, tried to take us closer to Universal Healthcare, Rejected the AZ immigration laws, Extended START, Removed the stem cell research restrictions Bush had in place with an Executive Order, no less, rejected DOMA and repealed DADT.
Perry would have done none of these things. Obama is not the most effective liberal in history. He tries to compromise with those who will not compromise and he acts as if he is dealing with opponents who will. It is illogical.
Obama is making the exact same mistake Spock made. I am sure you already thought of that. While in command on some planet, this backward alien species was rocking his shuttlecraft back and forth and pounding on it or something. Even though the craft was built to withstand the pressure of reentry into the atmosphere of different planets, apparently, this could not be tolerated. It would destroy the craft. The species was dumber than a pack of wild dogs. They were virtually mindless. Spock reasoned that a mild show of force should be enough to stop them because it would be “illogical to stand against a superior enemy.” Of course, his show of force had no effect because wild dogs do not make decisions based on logic. Though we had to believe Spock was logical because he told us he was several times, his strategy was not logical. I think Obama is a fan of Star Trek.
So vote Green; vote Perry. Perry 2012 and beyond!'
I just came from reading a post from Shaw's blog, Progressive Eruptions and am sick to my stomach at the thought of a Republican win in 2012. Today's Republicans are not the Republicans your parents or grandparents voted for. The thought of one of the tea party candidates winning the White House should scare the shit out of every single Democrat in this country. Take a look at the conservative blogs and read the hate, it's beyond school yard hate, it's dangerous and is eating away the fabric of our nation! I've never seen anything like it, and NO, nothing the Left said about G W Bush compares, not by a long shot!! Calling Bush Chimpy DOES NOT COMPARE! We have another year to convince our liberal friends to stick by President Obama, we have a year to watch and listen to the GOP candidates... staying home or voting Green is not gonna stick it to Obama, it's gonna doom America....