Friday, September 2, 2011

Congress doesn't want to work with President Obama and they don't want to work for YOU either......

Sooooo, the president has asked federal agencies to find solutions on their own. His message to lawmakers: We can do this without you.

In a week the president will speak before Congress to lay out a BOLD (hopefully) plan for America, and he won't say it but I will...Fuck Congress and their do-nothing attitude, he can do plenty without any help from them thank you! The President wants Congress to know he is moving forward without them by directing several federal agencies to identify high impact, job creating infrastructure projects  that can be expedited now without the approval of Congress. President Obama is showing leadership by moving forward....  Channel FDR, President Obama!! Channel FDR!!  Damn I just LOVE those 1936 speeches, they give me chills.....

I know we aren't supposed to use comparisons, but when you look at the videos of FDR and see the leadership, the compassion, you just knew he was not gonna let those Republicans destroy what he had accomplished. This man put the country at ease, he took away their fears, the people trusted him, he was their leader and they loved him. This is what the country wanted from Barack Obama in 2008. If it wasn't for the hate, the obstruction, the racism, the media, the GOP...I think we could have that same hope FDR gave Americans.

Booman Tribune:
 FDR was vilified in his day as a Socialist, a Communist and a traitor. He didn't back down from that fight, calling the large moneyed interests who fought against him what they were: economic royalists who sought greed over simple human decency. They hated the New Deal with a passion because there wasn't enough in it for them, and too much for the "little people."
It's time more of our current Democrats learned the lesson he did: that when you help the vast majority of Americans get good jobs to pay their rent and mortgages, buy groceries for their kids and get health care when they need it at an affordable price, while reining in the worst excesses of the obscenely wealthy "corporate royalists" (or as an earlier era labeled them "robber barons") you strengthen not only your country but you grow your party as well.

 Roosevelt created demand by creating jobs. He strengthened unions and labor. He gave us the first programs to provide a social safety net in this country so the elderly, the unemployed and the disabled didn't die because they were too poor to afford food and shelter. Did everything he did turn out perfect? Of course not. But in the long run, the New Deal radically changed America for the better.
You can't say that about the policies promoted by Republicans and conservative Democrats over the last 30 years. Those polices led to government and corporate corruption, fraud, and an economic implosion on a massive scale unknown since the Great Depression. They have also set Americans against fellow Americans and put a heavy anchor on our ability as a nation to compete and succeed in the world.

CREATING DEMAND...This is where President Obama must begin. Next week, we shall see...

I'm still proud to be a Liberal, proud to support President Obama too.


Mordechai said...

Things are just about the same as when JKG made this comment.

"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."--John Kenneth Galbraith.

Silverfiddle said...

God forbid they work with Obama.

His jobs machine is stuck in reverse.

Jerry Critter said...

Gee, I always thought the just felt superior.

Shaw Kenawe said...

But, when the GOP was campaigning in 2010, they said the only thing that was important was JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! And the first thing they did when they got into office was try to defund Planned Parenthood, thus, eliminating jobs!

Jerry Critter said...

JOBS JOBS JOBS are still the most important thing to republicans. You just thought they meant job creation, while they really meant to destroy jobs.