At the first Rethuglican debate we sane Americans were horrified by the teabagger audience thunderous applause when Rick Perry talked about executing 200 people in Texas.....
Now tonight at the Tea Party Rethuglican debate Wolf Blitzer asked Ron Paul what people without health insurance should do, Paul said they should rely on charity, churches, etc...But when Wolf asked if people should just die in the streets the audience of teabaggers CHEERED and yelled out YEAH!! They CHEERED for the uninsured dying in the streets!! Are you kidding me? Who are these monsters who call themselves tea party patriots?? unfuckinbelieveable..
Confidence In Trump's Ability To Handle The Economy Collapses
We were all told that people voted for Trump based on the economy, but a
new poll shows that only 30% of Americans are very confident in his ability
to han...
1 hour ago
"unfuckinbelieveable" doesn't begin to describe it. Is this what the republican party has become?
we can only hope the teabaggers are a minority who have no effect on the election. The cheers were so disturbing, I'm amazed what has happened to our country.
Meanwhile they are wrapping themselves in the flag and slapping you across the face with their Bible...OH wait, AND collecting their Social Security.
I was watching that.
Yes folks, these are the mainstream GOP people who claim to represent middle America, and a loving God.
If they are representative of the values of America, I do not think I want to continue to live here...
I am officially disgusted...
Remember, the fans of this party also cheered last week when the Texas death penalty numbers came up.
Very compassionate these supposed God followers are Mr. Kotter...
I guess the best outcome would be for the teabaggers to pick the candidate. He/she will be unelectable.
I missed the debate, so I'll have to watch it online. That sounds horrible!
Is the debate available yet on you tube or some other sources?
What was the full context of the question?
If complete video's are available, and I will find them if they are... and use them quite appropriately.
Now tonight at the Tea Party Rethuglican debate Wolf Blitzer asked Ron Paul what people without health insurance should do, Paul said they should rely on charity, churches, etc.
This is not Ron Paul's idea. It is in the Libertarian playbook.
The fact that this method is not workable, is irrelevant. They hypocritically offer it as a solution to all entitlements.
When they do this, they are outright lying. The funny thing is, otherwise very intelligent people repeat it, as if it were a valid proposal.
There are plans that are wrong or will not work because the philosophy behind them is flawed, and then there are completely hypocritical lies by people with no integrity. Ron Paul and most libertarians I have known fall into the latter group.
I have far more respect for your average republican than I do for your average libertarian because your average republican on the street at least believes what he saying and is not necessarily trying to trick you.
Your average libertarian promoting this alternative to entitlements is simply a lying hypocrite.
I can tolerate the belief that we should not have entitlements, though I strenuously disagree. This is the position of many republicans. I cannot tolerate the lie that we don't need them because they solve a problem that is already solved without them, by the generosity of charitable organizations. A corrupt philosophy one embraces on misguided principles is far more forgivable than a corrupt philosophy one bases on intentional lies.
That cheering was mostly one or two agitators. I would think that mentality has more to do with adolescence or being willfully outrageous. To Paul's credit, he immediately said, "No..." even before he heard that ignorant lout. Problem is that Paul himself is so clueless about what kind of a society we are as the United States of America. His thinking is so archaic and impractical that he can offer no real solutions to the types of problems that truly drive the cost of care. Which is hard to believe, given his age and experience. He blames the problem on inflation and the shrinking dollar. He claims there is a medical monopoly!?! One can only conclude that he is indeed blinded by ideology. The truth is that indigent care is borne by the hospitals and passed along to all of us. Medicaid may step in and defray costs substantially, but that only depletes the pool for the entire nation. I personally knew a man who stayed 100 days in one of the best hospitals in the world after an accident. I would imagine that his care, surgeries and therapy could easily have cost over three hundred thousand dollars, or possibly as much as half a million. To say that the solution is to put people out in the street after only caring for their immediate needs or even more ridiculous, just refusing them admittance so that they die with certainty is preposterous. We need to hammer out the payouts and the coverage on an iron anvil. Sticking our heads in the sand or even accepting the status quo will not work out for anyone in the long run. So the King of Fantasyland, Paul invokes early 1960s Texas and proudly claims, "We never turned anyone away!" What a dreamer. Little, churches can barely keep their doors open these days and the big megachurches are only about money.
There's really no WTF about it. I'm not surprised at all. They are displaying the natural characteristics of lemmings. In this case, despicable lemmings, but lemmings nevertheless.
No wonder the TPers hate Mr. Obama so intensely. He doesn't share their view of what they believe America should be: A Hobbesian nightmare where violence abuse, and neglect thrive.
Whether you like him or not Ron Paul also tried to dispell the jingoistic myths about why 9/11 happened, and got booed because some people don't want to hear that not all Muslim people - nearly a quarter of the world - are terrorists.
Just googol ron paul cheers
The longer version I found with Paul's complete response was about two minutes long on Huffpo.
Yes RN, we will await your appropriate use of these...
And good luck with that.
Who are you going to call out? Not one candidate for the GOP nomination said the view of the people there was wrong.
Not even the normally more centrist Huntsman or Romney.
What are you going to say? That every GOP candidate has no compassion? That they all believe if you cannot pay for treatment, you deserve to die?
The Tea Party/GOP mantra is rugged individualism and personal responsibility. But what happens when the rugged individualist loses his job and insurance?
If he gets really sick, in the view of the people in the audience, and the candidates on the forum, he dies.
And that's just too bad. the world is not fair, and we should not worry about trying to redress that.
Last week they cheered the death penalty. Last night they cheered letting them die and even yelled YES! when the question was posed.
What is appropriate in your eyes?
Tell me... I really want to hear a GOP leaning person explain this...
Magpie, not only was there derision when Paul brought this up, there was also jeers when Perry said the wall was wrong and he argued for states rights on giving aid to illegal immigrant children.
The GOP... A World of Compassion... Just like Jesus...
RN: "If complete video's are available, and I will find them if they are... and use them quite appropriately."
Shaking in my boots.,b=facebook
Actually. Ron Paul did not get to answer the question because he was interrupted by the cheers - which, however, were smattering. Not the entire audience and more than "one or two."
Whatever, the fact that even "one or two" would cheer is unacceptable and shores up the belief that there is a goon quality or thug element on the far-right. It also speaks to the issue of "pro-life" vs. "pro-birth." IOW, Republicans want to bring those babies into the world but after that, they're on their own and to hell with 'em.
the 'Tea Party' what a fun bunch of folks.
I'd like to hear what a GOP-TPer or Libertarian would say that would dispute the benefit of the ACA in this letter about the extension of coverage for children up to 26 years old: [via fb, and Leslie's post there.]
"I am writing to personally thank you for your work for health care reform. I am writing mainly as a parent, who has been personally impacted by the bill. Incidentally, I am also a primary care physician.
My daughter, at 16 years old (six years ago), was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis (UC), a type of inflammatory bowel disease only affecting the colon. The cause of UC is unknown. Doctors tested for a genetic disposition for the illness, which was not present.
Over the last six years, my daughter has had multiple hospitalizations, surgeries, procedures and received many expensive medications. During this time, she finished high school and somehow managed to graduate magna cum laude from college. Within a month after graduating in December, she traveled to Cleveland Clinic for a final (and hopefully) curative surgery.
The [Affordable Care Act] allowed my daughter to stay on my insurance to receive this expensive and curative procedure. Otherwise, after graduating from college, my daughter would be uninsurable due to a pre-existing condition. I was incredibly grateful for this law. Without it my daughter would [be] unlikely [to have] coverage. She is now applying to teaching programs and graduate school. Thank you so much for your work to allow my daughter to continue to receive health care.
During the course of things, when I mentioned my concerns about getting my daughter insurance, numerous people suggested she be put on disability after graduating from college. I was appalled at this idea! Neither she nor I wanted government assistance, just the opportunity to receive medical insurance as most persons do. Because of the [Affordable Care Act], she can transition to a working person without fear of losing her coverage. Prior to getting sick at 16 years old, she had minimal encounters with the health care system.
Health and access to health care is not a Democratic or Republican issue, it is a human issue. Most health care providers did not go into this field to treat persons of one party or religion or color, just to provide a skilled service to their patients. Illness and disease don’t discriminate by wealth.
Thank you so much for your work to make health care accessible to more Americans."
Today's Republican Party: They cheer for death--no matter if you're innocent or sick!
Put that on a poster and spread it around.
The more accurate word for those cheering tea cultists is "fascists".
They are monsters, and their evil influece is poisoning our government and our culture.
Today's republican party is not interested in "human issues".
LP - No need to shake. That is of course unless you have done something unethical.
Really, you again fail to understand me, and the values of real libertarian conservatism.
A shame really, but of course that is just my opinion.
The actions of a couple, or a few, does not define the man who spoke. Words are often interpreted incorrectly and therefor are a reflection upon the individual who misinterpreted the speakers words.
I might add that progressives are often guilty of this. As are the far right fringes of the spectrum as well.
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