Saturday, September 17, 2011

Republican Position....

No you can't have a JOBS BILL - No You can't have TAX CUTS - No you can't have HEALTH CARE RELIEF - No you can't have IMPROVED ROADS and BRIDGES - No you can't have EDUCATION IMPROVEMENTS - No you can't have UNIONS - No you can't THINK FOR YOURSELVES without Conservative input. Yes you can suffer at our hands - Yes you can let us rob you of money, hope, and spirit - yes we can, yes we can!

Facebook friends are so clever!!


John Myste said...

That's OK. We'll take care of the Republican problem.

Some Anonymous Green Candidate 2012!

Jerry Critter said...

Don't forget, when in power, make it bigger.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

We got to stick together to stick it to them before they stick it to us workin folk anymore.

Go read my blog, then Whirling Dervishes, then come back here and read Sue's again.

John Myste said...

Working, just paste the relevant excerpts in. Do not give people reading assignments.

Sue said...

John, Workin Man is obsessed with Dervish's blog, ya gotta cut him some slack...he means well though

Yes Jerry, the thugs love big government as long as it is they who get to make it big...

Jolly Roger said...

The Rushpubliscum Party is only a part of the problem. Somehow, we must begin the process of weeding out "Blue Dick" Democrats as well.

If we get the numbers underneath, we can force ANY Presidential Administration to come over to our way of thinking.

John Myste said...


One of the most common criticisms of the current GOP made by liberals is that they weed out anyone is not a part of the radical right. Many, like Burr Deming, argue that this will end in the GOP's demise.

Do you agree with this analysis?