Tuesday, September 13, 2011

More WTF?....

Damn, just look at this slimy jerk, a Christian telling a man it's okay to divorce his sick wife cuz she can't suck his dick anymore!! (I got that from one of the youtube comments, don't blame me, I just thought it was appropriate) Pat Robertson, what a hypocrite! ewwwwww...


Jerry Critter said...

I wonder if he thinks it is OK for a wife to divorce her husband if he gets Alzheimers. Anyone want to place bets?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Sue, my wife died 12 years ago from neuofibromatosis and brain cancer. She eventually had to go into a convalescent home and was seriously compromised intellectually. I stayed faithful to her to the bitter end but, I gotta tell you here, I wouldn't necessarily judge somebody who took a different route (especially if the person stayed involved in the love one's care plan). It's hell. I'm telling you, it's hell.

Flying Junior said...

It's always a mistake. A woman would never do this to a man.

Cirze said...

The more I listened to him, the more I realized what a perv he was, and exactly what he expected of the "Christian" women he said he respected.



Les Carpenter said...

Sue - Perhaps I am wrong here, but I must say that my wife and I have discussed this exact situation... And we have agreed that should this ever happen to either one of use we want the other to have as normal a life as is possible.

This means we give our blessings if you will to the other should they find a person that gives them fulfillment.

This not to say divorce would be an option as I, as well as my wife would do whatever is necessary to provide for the one suffering with this horrible affliction. And in the process stand by the other until the end.

But life must go on, and finding companionship with another in a case such as described in the video is perfectly okay. At least for myself and my very special lady and wife of almost 25 years.

This is another dimension of how love can, and should be defined.

Sue said...

I'm sorry for your loss and what your wife suffered with, Will. As hard as it was I'm sure you feel proud of your decision to stay faithful.

Robertson has no problem criticizing men who do far less unethical things, therefore he is slimy, and yes Suzan, doesn't he seem pervy!?

TOM said...

What a sick cunt you are Hate, hate, hate which you choose to print
Hope your mother dies soon

TOM said...

RN , murder suicide
Do it now!

TOM said...

RN sick people like you deserve death in your family so says your buddy pat r.

okjimm said...

What RN said.... I knew a elderly couple... He was a RAF pilot during WWII. 25 years ago he became totally incapacitated mentally and physically... they never divorced... she continued to take care of him... and so did her boyfriend of 20 years.

takes a lotta kindness to be human... and Robertson is and always has been and idiot.

Leslie Parsley said...

The arrangement between RN and his wife is one that most couples should agree to, because it's the only one that really makes any sense. And it isn't all about sex; it is about "companionship" when a person needs it so desperately.

As a little aside and apropos of nothing: Several years ago, in another matter I was researching, I came across a study which concluded - with stats - that women will most often stick in such situations while men will most often split.

Anyway, Pat is a stupid, senile old fart demonstrating beautifully the belief among his ilk that women are second class citizens.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

While she's taking a nap go downstairs and jerk yourself off if you're in that bad a shape for a climax you asshole.

I think the guy is dick and Pat Robertson is comforting his balls.

Dave Miller said...

Tom, are you off your meds?