Dervish Sanders Seeks The Assistance of Hasan The Carpet Merchant
Dervish Sanders: Bing Copilot AI, what was the deal with that last story
you told me? I regret to say it was very boring. I was waiting for
something exc...
11 hours ago
Or stay home or vote for a third party, which is virtually the same thing.
Indeed the longest trail of hyperbolic class warfare bullshit I think I have ever seen.
The true died in the blue FASCISTS...???
PROGRESSIVES!!!!! The ultimate in power lust and control freaks.
Hahaha. Maybe one day RN will say something half-way intelligent.
RN, the Dems are not the party that boos a soldier because he is gay, says let him die to someone without healthcare, or cheers people being executed...
That is the party with which you most closely identify.
The Dems are not the party that wants to control women's reproductive rights, force democracy on other countries, and always expand military spending, the ultimate example of power lust.
That is the party with which you most closely identify.
So give Sue a little slack.
Is she over the top occasionally, certainly, but your focus should be on how the GOP is leaving its sane side behind and becoming more and more extremist everyday.
Unless in so doing, you are worried that your GOP buddies will not be reading your blog...
Despite your moniker, you are no more rational than the rest of them...
Hyperbole? Perhaps to a certain extent. Let's take apart a couple of warnings to see if they really add up.
What are republicans doing to promote oil conservation or alternative energy resources? They resist higher mpg standards for cars and trucks. They resist subsidies for solar energy. They resist using public funds to promote green energy building retrofits.
Billionaires pay little or no tax? I think Romney wanted to repeal the capital gains tax altogether? N'est ce pas?
Trickle down? Sure, if we all want to work as chambermaids, chauffeurs, gardeners, housekeepers and cooks. I'm sure they will tip us generously every now and then.
Abolish ADA? Well, it hampers business, right? Rand Paul would like to appeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964 because he is not comfortable telling anybody how to run their business.
A country with no religious freedom? I'll give you that one RN. I smell bullshit. But who knows if Bachmann or Perry are elected?
Dying planet? Well, in this instance even our president has supported nuclear power, mountaintop removal and tar sands pipeline. Call it a draw.
Privatize SS and let Wall Street move in with their lovely stock tips and portfolios? You tell me. Can you say GWB? Rick Perry?
Abolish the minimum wage? I think that's the core of the Bachmann jobs program if I'm not mistaken!
I could go on....
"Want to eliminate all social progress gained in the 20th century," why yes, they tell us, that is the crux of the biscuit.
If a Republican wins office and one more conservative Supreme Court justice is added in place of a one of "our," it is a whole new country.
That could easily happen.
I'm going to have to admonish and chastise myself before somebody else does. Clearly I was still waking up this morning. In regards to scorched earth policy, there is no comparison between the policies of the current administration and the broader republican environmental destruction of the last ten years beyond the egregious examples I cited above. The republicans win this category hands down. From the reckless Department of the Interior under GWB, the novel idea of loading the FERC with energy industry execs to the pollution permit variances of Governor Perry, from relaxing arsenic levels allowable in groundwater to accomodate mining interests, to fighting efforts to clean the air, we all know where we stand.
it is the same thing L, but some just have to make a stand...
RN, you are full of it. How can you look at Wisconsin and their Fascist governor and say progressives are the control freaks?? That is friggin hilarious! The progressives/liberals are the passive party and we all know that.
thanks Dave. And yes I do get emotional, someone has to! LOL
Good job FJ. And yes, it is reasonable to believe in the next decade or 2 religious freedom is at stake if the teabaggers/Religious Reich has any power and say so...
yes it could John and it ain't no science fiction movie either. Those people have let it be known their plans to change America and how they will do it. If they had complete control in Congress and the WH, look out, That is when Civil War will come to America again.
thanks for clearing that up FJ
and to add to FJ's comment this was in my small town paper today...
Not surprisingly, a state Senate panel has moved to block a proposed waiver that would allow certain developers to flat out ignore environmental rules and do whatever they please in NJ. This sweeping exemption, proposed by the Christie administration is a blatant invitation to corruption. It gives the head of the State department of Environmental Protection total power to decide who gets a free pass to float rules and protect our state's air, land and water. Essentially, the environment we all live in would be governed by the say so of an appointed bureaucrat. Any rule could be dubbed unduly burdensome for a pal of the current administration, Senate Majority Leader Barbara Buono (D) noted. A resolution sponsored by Buono, declaring this waiver rule inconsistent with our environmental laws, recently passed the Senate's Environmental and Energy Committee. We hope it glides through the full Senate and State Assembly, too, and the DEP thinks better of this treacherous rule.
Hard-hitting stuff! I love these.
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