read the speech here...this, AND the pictures, made me misty-eyed, gave me chills, and GIVES ME HOPE!
Go away Perry, Bachmann, Palin, Romney, Paul, Huntsman....there are not enough teabaggers to put one of those GOOPERS in the White House! GIVE IT UP, it's so embarrassing for ya'll! LOL!
thanks for the pictures Smartypants!
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
Obama rocks! I love the guy! I don't care what anyone says whether they be liberal or conservative. Our president is a good man and we're all very lucky to have him in office right now. FOUR MORE YEARS!!!!:)
Thanks Amy, I agree!
I've said it before, we don't deserve this president, he is a super great guy and will go down in history as a great president. I don't care who gags at my words either!
Imagine waking up on 11/7 with a Republican as president. The thought of that should scare the pants off of everyone. The Republicans of today are not the Republicans of yesterday. Today we have a mob of deranged thugs. Think 1930s Germany.
I've said it before, we don't deserve this president, he is a super great guy and will go down in history as a great president.
I deserve a good president. I've been a good boy. Smile.
The comparison of the GOP and the Nazis is stark. Fear of "the other" is an old tried and true method of contolling people. For President Obama to rise above this every day is just amazing!
The speech in Detroit was fantastic. We have to understand that we can't just sit around waiting for the President to change the country for us, we have to become active participants!
a question for my troll...Where is the evidence the rich provide jobs?? Where are the jobs oh wise one?? How bout those few hundred wealthiest Americans take their corporations and their billions we gave them in loop holes and give aways and get the fuck off American soil for good then we can start fresh with patriotic Americans who want to build plants and manufacture here in our country so our people can prosper! How bout that oh wise troll?!
The comparison of of current GOP to the 1930's Nazis is ludicrous. You are engaging the precise "fear factor" hyperbole you project on the GOP.
Hypocritical and nonsensical!
No RN, this time you are %100 wrong. I know this because I am a serious student of Germany in the 1930s (have been for over 50 years) and I have been closely monitoring the events of the last few decades in our own country. The parallels are too numerous to ignore:
- Disdain for human rights
- Use of perceived "enemies" and scapegoats for the sake of a unifying cause
- Militarism
- Sexism/anti-women's rights
- Obsession with National Security
- Combining religion with governing
- Corporate power protection
- Suppression of organized labor
- Disdain and suppression of intellectualism and the arts
- Obsession with crime and punishment (except when it comes to them, of course)
- Rampant cronyism and corruption
- Fraudulent elections and voter suppression
- Rampant nationalism
One would have to be blind, deaf and dumb not to see the similarities.
Excellent L! Right on the money...And the wingnuts say it is Liberalism causing the harm to our democracy LOLOL...
I think it was Robert Reich who asked anyone to show him one job created by a tax cut. He and I are still waiting for an answer.
Dudley, if you accept the job was created before the tax was cut,
It is the only "job" Grover Norquist has ever held.
Obama's too centrist for me. Yes, he's better than any Republican would be, so Yes, I'm going to vote for him again... but I'm ready for a genuinely liberal president. Unfortunately the people are too stupid to elect one (even given the Republican election fraud).
I suppose this opinion is why Sue has stopped visiting my blog... maybe I should pretend that I have regained my faith in president Obama's vision in order to get Sue back as a reader?
w, I appreciate that you have missed me. Don't think it's because of your politics, I'm not like that. My closest friends know what is going on in my personal life which makes it harder for me to spend endless hours here like I used to. I apologize to you and my regular readers, I will try harder to be a better blogger, I promise.
As for President Obama, I wish like hell the country would see the rethuglican party for who they really are and give Obama our support to fight those thugs!! We MUST stand with our party and rid Congress of those who are obstructionist just because of hatred for Obama! They are so full of hate, so partisan in their hate that they have turned their backs on the good people of this country!!
LP - I will grant you that the trend America has been following in general, and this includes both parties, has been movement towards fascism in. Speaking in economic terms.
I assume being a student of German history and understanding the similarities between Germany and America you have read The Ominous Parallels by Professor Leonard Peikoff. If you haven't you should.
"Ominous Parallels" like hippies being compared to Hitler Youth?
How about real Ominous Parallels like unprovoked war of agression based on lies, torture, warrantless surveillance, a security state apparatus, and detention without charge or counsel?
Times have changed from the antiquated quaint realities of Rand World. The corporatocracy has risen and is suffocating democracy. nationalism and militarism are perasive in the media and culture.
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