Wednesday, September 14, 2011

one last thing....

Out of my 85 Followers to this blog only TWO know me personally.  So when a blogger accuses me of something I would NEVER do, which is send hateful vulgar emails anonymously, how do I defend myself?? How do I convince my "friends" I am not the hateful person this blogger says I am? Or...why is it so important for me to clear my name, why do I care so much?  Because I am "aggressive"...because I am outspoken in my posts.... rant and rave about The Republicans... say Fuck freely... this makes me capable of sending  anonymous vulgar emails to someone who was a friend???  The only way I can move past this nightmare is to say, believe what you want, I can't make you believe me, but I can say with certainty I have never attacked a visitor to my blog just because he/she differed in political opinions. 



John Myste said...

Why do you have to spam anyone with vulgar emails? DO you have something to prove?

Also, using the term Anonymous is quite cowardly. Just spam them as who you are.

John Myste said...

I am just kidding. I hope you see the last comment before you see this one. I just thought you could use a rise in blood pressure.

It's good to be alive, isn't it?

I know you are innocent.

Well, I think you are :).

Am I one of the people you know personally? If so, then I know with absolute certainty.

If not, I still think you are innocent.

Actually, I know you are, as you have not been proven guilty.

I think that's how it works.

John Myste said...

That sucks! The punchline preceded the joke!

Sue said...

thanks John, I think...

I'm not in a laughing mood so I'll skip the first comment, ok?

I am, and I haven't, you're right on both counts. I gave him the chance to prove it and he deleted it...oh well.

So, does aggressive mean sexy??

Sue said...

fine, ya big baby...

John Myste said...

Remember, living well is the best revenge.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Wow.....I back off for a few months, come back.....and Sue's still raising hell!

Howya doin'?

Dave Miller said...

innocent? hardly...

Guilty? never...

Don't let 'em get you down Sue...

Sue said...

this is NOT about revenge John, just clearing my good name.

Awwww Hugh!!! So happy to see you, I have missed you! You shoulda been here to defend my honor LOL!! Yup, once a hell raiser always a hell raiser! Thanks for being my Jersey buddy! I'll be by to see ya tomorrow!

Thanks Dave, well said, I think LOL! Much appreciated.. Leslie and I got a kick outta your meds comment!

Jerry Critter said...

Does it really matter what others think about you? Those that know you, know whether it is true or not. Those of us who don't know you personally will form opinions about you based on what you write, not what others say about you. And at the end of the day, what is important is what you think of yourself, not what I or any other of your readers think.

Les Carpenter said...

Hey Sue... I know your innocent, I've seen nothing that would lead any rational person to think you guilty. Well... maybe quilty of potty mouth now and again. But WTF, everyone lets loose now and again. ;)

Leslie Parsley said...

I actually think it's kind of funny, if not a bit telling, when these big liberal guys get so angry at a couple of women who just won't keep their places! Worse, by God, they insist on making decisions about their own blogs! What is the world coming to? Shameful, I tell ya.

Sue said...

Jerry, sadly it does matter what others think about me, I guess it's my need to please personality. I know it shouldn't matter, but what can I say? :))

Thanks RN and Leslie!

Infidel753 said...

I left a comment over there asking how he knows who's sending these e-mails since they're anonymous -- looks like it got rejected in moderation. Odd.

Pamela Zydel said...

Sue: Those who know you personally and those of us who know you through the blogosphere and facebook know you to be honest, assertive, passionate, compassionate, and yes, even a little free with the “f” bomb. In knowing those attributes, we know you wouldn’t resort to malicious emails or spam. So you don’t have to waste precious time defending your honor, it goes without saying.

Flying Junior said...

Ya know... I would like to preface this rant by criticizing Obama's department of the interior, (tar sands oil pipeline, mountaintop removal) and aggressive war stance, however:

Considering what total dickheads the republicans have been these last three years, what a drag it is to hear ultra-lefties piss and moan about Obama selling out, caving or throwing such and such under the bus, worse yet PUMAs who still believe that Hillary would stab Obama in the back given half a chance, wacky libertarians with their mind-boggling takes on society, the conservative ideal that ordinary people should suffer and struggle to enrich the uber-wealthy and investor classes, tea party zoomheads, birthers, Limbaugh listeners, FOX and Friends etc., I would like to nominate Helloooo......Mr. President, Are You Listening? as the feel good blog of the year. Fuck republicans! Yay!

This story by NPR proves that conservatives would rather see ordinary people lose their homes than vultures who are holding the mortgage bonds on the high interests loans lose a small amount of return.

"The question I have in my mind: A mortgage is one person's liability, it's somebody else's asset," Mark Calabria with the conservative-leaning Cato Institute said.

In other words, the homeowner would be saving money with a lower interest rate, but an investor in mortgage bonds somewhere was making money off that higher interest rate, so those bondholders would lose money.

"So you're increasing somebody's wealth by decreasing their monthly payment; your decreasing somebody else's wealth by reducing their bond payment," Calabria says. "It's not clear to me as an economist that the effect will be any less than zero."

But other analysts say the move would take billions of dollars from investors around the world and put that money in the pockets of middle-class Americans, who would go out and spend it. They say that would be stimulative.

"This plan would function like a long-term, middle-class tax cut without impacting the budget deficit," said Columbia Business School economist Chris Mayer, who has been proposing the idea for some time.

Some critics say the move still wouldn't be fair to those bond investors.

Case closed.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I feel sorry for the poor deluded Time, I mean Tom. To think someone would derive satisfaction from making up crap about anonymous hate mails is troubling and shows we must do more as a nation to help those with mental issues.

There are hundreds of thousands of left leaning blogs and communities. The poor guy should delete this blog. Take a few weeks off and start over in another community. Sue is a good person and doesn't deserve the torment that's been heaped on her. Neither does RN whom I regard as a good guy and worthy adversary.

Or any of the others whom have been subject to the deluded anger of Tom, or whatever moniker he's used.

Annette said...

Sue, No I don't know you personally, face to face, but I feel I know you well enough to say you would never send an email to anyone without signing your name to it. If you have something to say, you say it loud and proud. Nothing wrong with that at all. So for anyone to accuse you of sending anonymous emails ranting and cursing is just showing their stupidity. Ignore him, he is just trying to be relevant and is only showing how small he is.

Holte Ender said...

Sue - I read that post that gently and kindly attacked you and Leslie. Don't know that much about psychology, but wouldn't that be a classic case of passive/aggressive behavior. Anyway to hell with them. You and Leslie do just fine.

Flying Junior said...

How do you get richer when you're still the poor?

Sue said...

Infidel, of course he won't respond, I think he might be done and I can breathe now...

Pam I sure appreciate those kind words, Thanks!

FJ, my good buddy, thanks, and I would like to add Rand Paul's words to your comment...

"Yes the rich are getting richer, but the poor are getting richer too"

nuff said

Sue said...

Joe, Annette and Holte, thank you kindly for your kind words. My friends are the BEST!

I want to feel bad for Tom, after the vile words he called me it will take a little more time though. If it was me I would delete and come back as someone else like Joe said. He's done it before, wonder why he keeps having to do it?...

FJ, yup, that's what I thought. I saw it in a clip and haven't had time to research it though.

okjimm said...

I have never received vile, derogatory, hateful, spiteful, obscene comments on my blog.... ever...... and it makes me think, "what am I doing wrong?"

Shaw Kenawe said...

Sue, you know how I feel about this sort of harrassment.

You don't need to prove anything, sistah.

Leslie Parsley said...

Joe, there's no chance on God's green earth that I can have any empathy for an individual who has made my life and Sue's life hell for slightly over a month. This has not been mere delusion or trolling on this man's part. It goes way beyond that and moves into the realm of abuse, harassment, and stalking. It has been mean, vulgar and non-stop. I've been pretty quiet about it but no more.

It started about a month ago when I posted a piece on Mad Mike's American where he showed up and began a tirade against me and then Sue and which had nothing to do with the article. You can read his nonsensical rants here.

Not satisfied with that, he began leaving comments on our blogs on a daily basis with the most foul, vulgar and false, accusations and statements I've ever seen in my entire life. I'm talking daily here. To tell someone who has her elderly mother living with her that he hopes her mother dies is taking it beyond a mere blogging war. It culminated with this recent post of his which consists of vicious lies, defamation and is libelous as hell.

Sue put this post up, which frankly, I urged her not to do - worrying that it would just inflame an already mad man. Fortunately everyone has been gloriously supportive, but if you read the comments there, not everyone is smart enough to see through his b.s. I, in turn, posted a link to his piece, merely saying that it "is about hate," ironically enough, and turned off the comments.

It's like a migraine. Unless you've experienced this kind of thing, you simply cannot comprehend what it's like. Or to put it another way, it's like being married to an abusive husband. It never stops and you end up questioning your own sanity and your self-worth. So, no, I don't feel sorry for this maniac at all.

Sue said...

you're just lucky Jim :)

Thanks Shaw, and thanks Leslie for being with me through this whole sickening mess...I'm still getting comments from him and each time I'm called the c word. I thought I was pretty tough-skinned, but when I read them I get sick to my stomach...I just want it to end!!

I'm gonna put up a new post and turn off comments here. Thanks to all my friends for your kind words.

Leslie Parsley said...

John: Thanks for sticking your neck out over at Tom's. Trust me, you will be next.

John Myste said...

Leslie, you mean I will finally get the recognition I deserve? Thus far I have been too small to target as some others have.

Sue said...

John I sent Leslie an email telling her your comment to Tom was sarcasm...YES??

Leslie Parsley said...

The comment I'me referring to from John is very recent. It wasn't well received.

Ha, John. I've decided I must be doing "something" right. Both of the far-sides are pissed off at me. LOL.

John Myste said...

To be honesty, I am not even sure which comment you are referring to. I made several comments. I think one may have been sarcasm. One was a gentle objection and one was snotty.

I am not sure which one Leslie noticed.

None of my comments on that site have been warmly embraced, I think, but I tend to rub people the wrong way in general.

Sue said...

this one, sarcasm, Tom misunderstood...

John Myste

After much research on the matter, it would seem Sue is not responsible for this email.

If feel the need to apologize, fine.

Leslie Parsley said...

It was this one:

"After much research on the matter, it would seem Sue is not responsible for this email.

If feel the need to apologize, fine."

John Myste said...

What is the link to that one? I forgot all about it. I don't really think I am capable of leaving a comment that does not involve sarcasm unless someone speaks of the national debt or taxes. Those two topics, I have learned, set me off.

Can you post the link to that comment. I want to re-read the thread. If you don't want to advertize Tom's site, post it in an obscure comment I have made somewhere, and I will get an email about the comment and see it that way.

Sue said...

John, it's on Toms HATE posting, it's just a day old! Wake up! LOL!! I think you spend way tooo much time blogging...


Sue said...

infact you wrote it just today!

John Myste said...

Sue, I worked 88 hours last week. I probably blogged an addition twelve. I had too much to drink one of the days, but no hours get used for that, as it was combined.

I sleep for a few hours at a time and that's it.

People keep asking me when things happened and I tell them the whole period since before labor day until tonight is just one gigantic day for me, so stop trying to act like there was more than one. You are just trying to make me think I am crazy and I will have none of it.

John Myste said...

Oh, and one more thing:

You are being simultaneous attached on multiple blogs and it's not my fault I was looking in the wrong spot :).

Sue said...

LMAO!! You are just trying to get me to say I love you and your sarcastic sense of humor...bad boy, go to bed...

Who is attacking me and where?? You better be defending my honor!! Damn it..

mommapolitico said...

Sue, my Dear, no convincing necessary. Your reputation and credibility precede you to all of us who have been your readers for so long. I'm sorry you're going through this...but it means you're doing something right! ;)
I just found out that some of my gun-related posts have had links posted on Democratic Underground, The Liberal Gun Club (they were surprised to see I am a member!) and get this: Ruger Forum - amazing comments there! And I didn't even place the links on the sites. Ah, well. You and I will just need to keep fighting the good fight, GF. Keep the faith, and know we have faith in you. :)

John Myste said...

Sue, you and Dusty are famous. "Who is attacking me," should not be the question you ask. "Who isn't?" is a smaller list. Ask that and I will try to scrounge up a list when I have time to do the research.

Hmm. I know Papamoka never attacks you. Papamoka!!! And there may be others!

I don't bookmark the sites where you are attacked, so I cannot readily pull them up. I cannot even pull up a site I just posted on earlier the same day without assistance. Sometimes I agree with the attacks, depending on what they are; other times I defend your honor and end up getting cussed out. When I am not being a traitor, I am very loyal, and you just don't find loyalty like that anymore.

Sue said...

MommaP thanks for the kind words! This has been quite an experience, but seems to be settling down thanks to my support. I think he finally gets it.

Keep fighting GF, looks like your great writing is spreading all over the place! Thanks for the visit, I appreciate it!

Sue said...

John, when I go lurking around the dark side I see my name popping up here and there. Lisa's friend Radical Redneck who is a scumbag dirtball talked dirt on me, and Heathen Republican has talked about me, and YOU, you have talked about me so I guess that means I'm popular :-)