Friday, February 26, 2010

clueless repubs

Alot of people are talking about the ICY exchange between President Obama and John McCain, but for me a much more interesting conversation took place between Obama and Bore Barrasso.  in case you missed it,  Barrasso had been talking about a few millionaire types who came to our country for medical care because we have the "best in the world." And as the conversation went on about health savings accounts and Congressmen that's when Obama said but you make 176,000 compared to say someone who makes 40,000, they don't have disposable cash laying around for health savings accounts. He shut Barrasso right up, and also proved the jerk hasn't a clue what the working poor go through with the struggles of paying for insurance. You could tell Obama was perturbed with the lame talking points speeches from the jerks. It was pathetic to say the least. The president gets it, he knows the struggles, he will not drop this "and start over" like they all said. I was impressed with Obama, Reid, and Pelosi today, they stood up to the republicans and took no shit.


Anonymous said...

Hillary said the deficit is now a security issue.

Oh but the president is soooo smart he has a college eduaction.


Sue said...

shut up lisa. Green is NOT your color...

Anonymous said...

Amazing how much smarter Obama is than a M.D.
Maybe not smarter but definitely more manipulative.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Dick Cheney, and I quote:

"President Reagan proved deficits don't matter."

It's a Republican thing!

And yes, we agree with you, the president IS soooooooooooooooooo smart.

Glad to hear you say it.

Unfortunately, not everyone with a college education is smart. See: Palin, Sarah.

Shaw Kenawe said...


It's "manipulative" only when our guy outsmarts, outtalks, outwonks the Repubs.

I feel your pain.

PS. A medical degree is not the same as a law degree. Two different areas of knowledge.

Just thought you'd like to know that.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Very interesting exchange between Barrasso and the President. And once again, the GOP'ers -who Middle America love unconditionally like a child who broke their hearts- show they really do not get it regarding the real issues as they relate to main street America.

Right, give 'em lower taxes, just so they can keep spending exorbitant amounts on health care, and the health care industry can keep kiccking money back into GOP campaign coffers..."The Money-Go-Round".

One last thing....John McCain on this panel? Give me a break! Born in a naval hospital...government healthcare as a child, and then at Annapolis and on active duty in the Navy. More government healthcare as a member of the House and of the Senate. The only time McCain did not receive government healthcare in his entire life was during his time as a POW....and he got the care he richly deserved to heal him after that experience.

But for McCain to sit on a panel with his opinion of a government run health system as "socialistic" is one of the most disingenuous things I've seen in government in years. Is he entitled to it? Indeed he is. But his position equates to denying millions similar care....and that's wrong, and in my opinion un-American.

Anonymous said...

the republicans should have opened up with "We are representing 70% of the American people"
Although I am sure Obama would have figured out a way to twist that one too.
Problem is 70% of the people still aren't falling for the rhetoric.

Mauigirl said...

Sue, saw you over at Politics Plus and just added you to my blogroll. I have been meaning to come over here for awhile - we obviously are of like minds!

Anonymous, the GOP is only representing about 30%, max, of the American people - the nutjobs who like Sarah Palin and Tea Partyists. Where do you get 70%? Never mind, I don't really want to hear it.

Anonymous said...

And the teaparty people are just the ones coming out. There are many more who feel the same way but aren't that outspoken.But they will have their voices heard at the voting booth.

Sue said...

I just found this longer better video, watch it if you missed the summit.

Obama DOES care about the working class uninsured as opposed to rethugs and their plan which would cover 3 million when there are around 4o million who need help. Yea, thats change we can believe in..

Thanks Shaw, Hugh and Mauigirl. Mauigirl thank you and you'll be added to my BRoll too!

Leslie Parsley said...

"the president is soooo smart he has a college eduaction."

Yes he does and he can spell, too.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The tea baggers are going the way of the Dodo. Which by the way, is appropriatly ironic.

I love watching Obama toy intellectually with these republican clowns.

Sue said...

I love it too Truth, that's why the right hates it, it shows their stupidity in a bright light.

Leslie! LOLOL!

Anonymous said...

hahaha truth hurts huh Sue?
Admit it this admim is so corrupt but your love for it is not allowing you to have rational thought.

Tao Dao Man said...

Eight years of the Bush Crime Family, and rethugs dare speak about corruption.
Oh my, oh my.
I only have a high school education. But at least i did not get kicked out of the 4th grade for refusing to shave.
One question for anon, and her tea bagging fellow travelers.
Were all of you held back several years in elementary school for refusing to shave.

Anonymous said...

Okay then RZ I guess that legitimizes it then.
Here's one back at ya. 8 years of you guys crying about Bush's corruption and you rationalize this admin's corruption by saying "Bush did it" wah,wah!
As usual your argument hold no water.

Sue said...

No Not quite lisa. What we are saying is 8 plus years of rethug rule has destroyed our countries middle class and economy and it will take more than 1 year, which is all you righties plan on giving our president, to FIX IT!

None of you can answer the question, where have your freedoms been taken away, where is the corruption?? All this president is trying to do is FIX THE WRONGS.

Leslie Parsley said...

Well golley. I thinc we shuld have an Englesh only law. That way we woodnt haf to listin to peeple who kant speek the language.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous wrote:

"Admit it this admim is so corrupt..."

I've read this from other anonymous trolls on other rightwing blogs. But never do the trolls give any evidence or facts to back up the allegation of corruption.

And this anonymous troll has done the same thing. Made an allegation of corruption with absolutely no facts to back it up.

IOW, the anonymous troll is full of troll S**T. Okay. If you can't back up your allegation with facts and evidence, please don't bore us with your uninteresting opinions.


Anonymous said...

The working poor don't just have problems paying for health insurance, they have problems paying for everything.

The root cause is a poor economy. Why don't Obama and the Pelosicrats just shut up and Rahm it through?

The CDM said...

Here's an added question for RZ's question: Where were all these teabaggers 2 years into the G.W regime?

Sue said...

Silver they are gonna pass the HC reform and there will be dancing in the streets. This talk about repubs winning back so many seats I believe is very premature talking. The country will be so grateful dems have finally done what they have wanted for the past year and they will thank them come November.

C, repubs didn't dare revolt against their president, remember we were at war and God-forbid the country rocked the boat.

Tao Dao Man said...

CDM: Thanks, that has always been the real question, has it not. It just shows that it is totally political and race driven. The last 8 years took the tea out of their bags, so now they are tealess, and clueless LOL.

Anonymous said...

"HC reform and there will be dancing in the streets".

People will be in the street but they won't be dancing.

Anonymous said...

"Where were all these teabaggers 2 years into the G.W regime?"

They were there carrying the Nazi signs CD,don't you remember?

Anonymous said...

The working poor don't just have problems paying for health insurance, they have problems paying for everything

There you go SF. May as well pay for all of their living expenses then.
Cable,internet,car insurance,gas,electric,food.
Why stop at health insurance?

The CDM said...

"They were there carrying the Nazi signs CD,don't you remember?"

lisa, if you are referring to your new friends and allies in the militias and other white supremacy groups, they were always there.

Where were those misspelled signs and marches on D.C. from those same exact individuals then?

Anonymous said...

@Anon: "There you go SF. May as well pay for all of their living expenses then. Cable,internet,car insurance,gas,electric,food.
Why stop at health insurance?"

Yes indeed. Food and shelter are even more critical to life than health care, so why don't we provide these necessities to everyone?

Sue said...

this notion that poor people want hand-outs is so lame. Sure we have a slice of our population who are lazy and don't want to work and take care of themselves, but you on the right are the most mean-spirited when it comes to accusing poor people of these things. Its unfair and it untrue. It really makes you look small and petty. You either don't see how poor people struggle or you simply don't give a damn!

Leslie Parsley said...

Anon, aka Lisa: "May as well pay for all of their living expenses then. Cable,Internet, car insurance,gas,electric,food.
Why stop at health insurance?"

I live in an apartment complex that is a microcosm of America - except there are no rich, thank God. There are people here who have no cars and not enough food. They have no TV or Internet. While some of these people are lazy, most have been looking for a job on a daily basis for months. Ones who are lucky enough to find work barely make enough to pay the rent and buy food for their families. All too often people have to move because they don't have the money to pay rent - some end up homeless.

Do they want handouts? No. They want a job. But, when this kind of thing goes on long enough, people get discouraged. Depression sets in and ignorant people like you dismiss it as laziness.

I just have a hard time with man's inhumanity to man, with such naked cruelty and with such nose-up-the-butt self-righteousness. What goes around comes around. When your day comes and you fall on your ass, you will change your tune when no one's there to give you a helping hand just so you can get on your feet.

Of course, if you're born with a silver spoon in your mouth and a golden rod up your ass, you don't have much to worry about.

Tao Dao Man said...

Anonymous said...

Touchy, touchy...
I accused no one of laziness or wanting a handout. Please rebut what I actually say, not the stereotype of what you think I said.

Here is what I said:

"Yes indeed. Food and shelter are even more critical to life than health care, so why don't we provide these necessities to everyone?"

I am accusing the feral government of wrecking the economy and causing poverty with it's politburo-style policies (Obama looks a lot like Bush).

Free people and businesses from the oppressive tangle of red tape and businesses will hire people who can then take care of themselves.

Wanna see where our road ends? Look at Greece.

Tao Dao Man said...

SF: YUou do not have to look at Greece.Just look at our own country. We are bankrupt, and a failed state. We use our military to show our control. Financially we are a basket case. The IMF has now noted that the Dollar should no longer be the Global reserve currency. What does that tell you. This did not start on 1/20/08. This has been in the works for decades.

Sue said...

how then to you explain the disappearance of the middle class? Starting back with Reaganomics. Trickle down does not work, never did. That old saying the rich get richer while the poor get poorer is fact. We had welfare reform, people don't get enough money from welfare to raise a family, they WANT JOBS. Businesses that stop hiring because they want one person to do the work of 3 people, it's about the big guy and his profits. There is no reason why businesses aren't hiring today, it's causing a ripple effect of unemployment which leads to poverty. Until businesses decide to hire we need to be able to get our unemployment checks, which BTW we pay into so it's OUR MONEY. We have assholes from the GOP who want to play fuckin games while people continue to suffer. Its all a game to them.

Sue said...

the GOP has fabricated the notion HC reform is a government takeover, Its not and has been said repeatedly, IT'S NOT. Give us insurance at affordable prices you greedy money grabbing ins. companies. That's what this country is asking for, not free insurance coverage. AFFORDABLE COVERAGE.

Tao Dao Man said...

Sue; Businesses, what businesses? We rank second to last out of rich countries where workers have their own business. Is this Capitalism? NO, it is corporatism.

Jerry Critter said...

Actually, SF, food and shelter is available to those that can't afford it, unlike health care.

Anonymous said...

"This did not start on 1/20/08. This has been in the works for decades."

I agree. It's time to stop digging.

The Reagan/Bush I/Clinton years constituted an unprecedented era of economic growth and low unemployment.

Why? Because taxes and regulations were slashed, allowing ma and pa to start their own business without having to hire an army of lawyers to pay bureaucratic bribes.

If somebody sat on their ass during those years and failed to take advantage of the bounty, it ain't Reagan's fault.

"A government big enough to give you everything is also big enough to take it all away"

The answer is to take it all away from the government and demand they retire within the bounds of the constitution.

Big government big spending is what has caused this calamity. federal borrowing and spending is crowding out productive economic activity.

You ask for a government check?
You should demand that the government slash itself by 50% so that economic activity can resume and you can go out and earn your own check!

Big government is dehumanizing.

Tao Dao Man said...

SF: There is nothing wrong with an "efficient" big government. I am sure the people that complain about [big govt.] also collect Soc. Sec. and medi-care. You send your kids to PUBLIC schools. You call the police or the fire dept. in times of need. The term Socialism and big govt. is a bait and switch. During the W/Cheney regime the tea baggers never cam out. Why? Bush never vetoed one spending bill. Cheney ran around screaming deficits do not matter. W was the first president that did not tax a WAR. This re-depression started in 2007 yet W told the American sheep to go shopping. They did nothing. Greenspan said the markets would regulate themselves. NOW WHAT?? The IMF now wants to take away the dollar as the global reserve currency. Once that happens it is a whole new ball game. We are bankrupt, a failed state.

Jerry Critter said...

Actually the Reagan/Bush years were times of unprecedented debt growth. Only Clinton managed to bring it under control.

Economic growth, particularly for the middle class, was greatest during the 50's, 60's, and 70's when the top incremental tax rate was over 50%. In fact, it was 91% during part of that time.

Tao Dao Man said...

Why are people so afraid of taxes? The Globalized Corps do not pay taxes. They do not reinvest that money back into jobs for America. 1% own or control 70% of the wealth in the U.S.A.. Is that Capitalism, or is it Corporatism?

Anonymous said...

Show me an efficient big government. I'd love to see it. One that pays its employees 25% more than the private sector ain't it.

Social Security is the reason we are so far in debt. These two programs, along with medicaid consume around 50% of the annual budget.

There is nothing in the constitution about public schools, especially with the Federal Government involved. The Dept of Education never existed until the 1970's. Our students have fallen farther and farther behind ever since.

Police and fire department are two legitimate functions of local government, so are roads, sewers, water and other public infrastructure.

Homeland Security and Thousands Standing around watching scanner porn and wanding old ladies's crotches? No.

Bush and Cheney were part of the problem, just as Obama is. They blew too much and now Obama is doing it times four bigger. I also blame Bush for purposely weakening the dollar.

This is not socialism, it is statism. It is not free market capitalism, it is crony capitalism. It is bipartisan.

Critter: The Reagan years were years of debt growth, but hardly unprecedented. The debt had been growing ever since Andrew Jackson snuffed it out and it came back to life.

And let's give some credit to the Congressional Republicans during the Clinton years. That was a cooperative effort (made possible by Reaganomics and Clinton's wise decision to stay the course.)

Time for us all to grow up and stop parroting Rush and Olbermann and seriously study this issue.

I highly recommend this article. The man has no political agenda that I can ascertain:

Anonymous said...

"Why are people so afraid of taxes?"

You could tax "the rich" or even the top 50% of us who still pay taxes at a 100% level and still not pay this off.

There is no easy way out of this.

Tao Dao Man said...

SF: LOL, BINGO. You got it right. "This can never be paid off".
This is the little hidden secret. [It was never suppose to be paid off]. We are destined to become a third world Globocop. This is now our only viable contribution to the world. Our military presence and threat is all we have left. This is China's century. The only one, or thing that can stop China, is China.
We will just be along for the ride on the ChiMeriKa carousel.

Jerry Critter said...

Social Security is still paying for itself. Any future Social Security debt can easily be erased by having everyone pay the same rate rather than capping it on the first $100,000 or so. If fact, if everyone paid the same rate, the rate could be reduced.

Tao Dao Man said...

JC; What ever happened to that [LOCK BOX]? I guess some one got the key? LOL.

Anonymous said...

Our politics are very different, RealityZone, but at least you can see reality as it really is.

Critter: Total unfunded liabilities are between 50 and 75 trillion. You don't erase that with a few extra taxes or upping the rates.

Tao Dao Man said...

SF: Yes our politics are from the opposite spectrum. But unlike the D.C. critters, I do believe there is a happy middle. These are all America's problems.
Not the right -or-the-left. The electorate has been massaged [bull shitted] to believe there is a difference between the two. IN the big panoramic picture of the two parties, there is no difference.

Anonymous said...

"Not the right -or-the-left. The electorate has been massaged [bull shitted] to believe there is a difference between the two. IN the big panoramic picture of the two parties, there is no difference."

Oh yeah. The repub dem game is bread and circuses to distract the little people while the looting continues

Anonymous said...

Leslie I was not born with a silver spoon by no means. I bought my first car,paid my own car insurance and worked since I was 14 If I wanted extra money I had to work for it. I paid my own college as did my siblings. I never didn't work...ever even when going to school. Nice try though. I know what it's like to struggle and be depressed with no money and no job.
But it is Amazing how you assume things about people without knowing anything about them.
Oka I never became homelss but for a long time we were one mortgage payment form becoming homeless. Amazing though I never blamed the government for it. What I do blame them for is creating a climate where there aren't enough jobs.

Oso said...

Jerry's right.SS is fully funded. Treasuries don't all expire at the same time. Removing the cap would extend coverage indefinitely.

The Trust Fund "worthless IOU" thing is gold standard thinking. All fiat currency is an IOU.FICA is mandated to be invested in T's to earn interest.