The other day, during the GOP House get together with the president, did you notice anything kinda weird at the end of the Q and A?? Well I did, the House members started towards the president to shake his hand, there was so much excitement in the room! Lots of hugging and laughing, picture taking, and someone even bragged she got his autograph! Virginia Foxx! Can you believe this? Here's her tweet:
"Pres gave us another lecture. Our guys asked great questions. Need independent fact checker for his comments. Got autograph,
This is my humble opinion... Republican House and Senate members, the leaders of the Conservative party, actually LIKE OBAMA!! What they are doing in private and what they do for the amusement of their constituents, is totally different. See, when you rightwingers say you want government out of your life and out of your healthcare etc. then these leaders have to pretend they are listening to you but in actuality they think you are friggin bonkers! But of course it's all about the reelection, the "Taking back of your country from the evil Democrats". So they have to pretend they think Obama is a Kenyan, a socialist out to destroy America. He's gonna kill your grandma, he's, heaven forbid... THE Anti-Christ!
That's also what Fox news and Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Huckabee, Palin, Bachmann, and Foxx are doing too! They really admire Obama, they lunch with him and Michelle, they exchanged Christmas gifts. Ailes and Beck sit in the Penthouse suite counting their money and plan the weeks shows. Beck has his chalkboards and charts all ready for ya! See, it's all about the money and the ratings. That's why these guys and gals talk like morons, because the more insane they act the more you support them. Which in turn means they make tons and tons of MONEY! It's pure genius!!
Remember when the tea party gang first appeared? Tea bags decorated their hats, signs all decorated with images of Obama with face paint and bones in his nose, "Obama's a socialist", "Take your grubby hands off my Medicare", "NO PUBIC OPTION"! Beck was laughing up a storm while he and Limpy riled up the base of idiots, the most far right fringe of the party known as the nutfucks. All fuming, foaming at the mouth like rabid raccoons, with hate for our country, liberals, and President Obama....
So, the next time one of your leaders tries to tell you something really sinister about President Obama, check it out and see if they are telling the truth. You never can tell these days, your favorite trusted Congressman or Senator just might be pulling your leg! Scary isn't it!
(:p lol)
Open Thread February 22 2025
Yesterday, The Conversation newsletter included an article titled “Making
sex deadly for insects could control pests that carry disease and harm
crops.” I ...
1 hour ago
You just now figured this out? Our political class is a chummy oligarchy. Partisanship is just bread and circuses for the proles.
While dems and repubs backslap one another while feasting upon the US treasury and using the constitution as a napkin, ordinary people like us scream "Hitler!" at each other.
My solution? Trust no one. Time to take away their toys and the money and return to the republic our founders envisioned. (I know, good luck with that...)
this is tongue in cheek...
silverfiddle I guess you are saying dems and repubs are just alike
I think the question is not so much when we figured this out, but rather when the teabaggers will figure it out.
The ongoing disintegration of the money-grubbing Tea Party Convention, and the difficulty it's having selling tickets, suggests that they're catching on.
We poke fun at "NO PUBIC OPTION" and so forth, but ordinary people are never quite as dumb as the political establishment (and cynical bloggers) think.
There is far too much of what Silverfiddle points out going on, but that does not make the two parties identical. Most Democrat pols are sold out to Wall Street, but at least they try to strike some balance to benefit Main Street. Most Republican pols are sold out to Wall Street lock, stock and barrel, because Wall Street has the cash to buy the power they crave. That's why I see taking our country back as a two step process. First, we need to get rid of the GOP alligators. Only then will it be possible to drain the Democratic swamp.
I guess my sense of humor isn't what I thought it was, I expected laughter not an examination of the parties. LOL! I was laughing at the rightwing fringe and the GOP but you all are taking this much more serious then it was intended to be. But I appreciate you reading and commenting! :-)
The president is the president. The office itself is held in awe. I caught the tongue-in-cheek aspect of the post Sue, but factually I just had to add the coincidental celebrity worship aspect.... :-)
I do appreciate you adding the celebrity worship aspect, we do tend to put Obama on a pedestal don't we Mike, of course he deserves it! ;)
See Sue, most of us are very respectful. We can respect the office while disagreeing with decisions. We don't have to name call, and when people visit our blogs to leave differing opinions, we don't tell them to fuck off. Wow huh?
Oh, and now I'll probably get yelled at...
just me, if someone visits my blog and is respectful, I don't delete. But if you come here to insult me or my guests then I have the right to say fuck off and then delete. What's the point??
you are a damn liar JM, if you wanna debate here then come clean as to who you are.
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