Wednesday, February 3, 2010

GOP, thy name means HYPOCRISY

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Bernie Sanders speaking to Ed Schultz today says he's so tired of being on the defense. He said it's incomprehensible how the rightwing is lecturing them about the deficit crisis when it was the repubs who caused it! The war in Iraq that will eventually cost between 2 and 3 trillion, NOT paid for; Hundreds of Billions in tax cuts for the top 1%, NOT paid for; prescription drug bill written by the drug and insurance companies costing 400 billion over 10 years, NOT paid for; over 700 Billion TARP bailout by the Bush administration with NO strings attached, NEVER to see any of that money returned..... ALL under GW Bush. This my friends is the reality. It has to be time for democrats to go on the offense.

The rethugs have a strategy and that is to obstruct and make sure Obama has no successes. Sanders says time is long overdue for dems to realize that and start using reconciliation to go forward on jobs, healthcare reform, bank reform, etc. I say it's time to stop coming before the cameras and get to work doing these things you all complain about! Dems say the right things and have the right ideas but they are too friggin' SLOW!!

The video also has Ed talking about the rethug hypocrisy and the Christmas bomber talking to the FBI. The masterful job the FBI has done to bring the bombers parents here to convince their son to cooperate, plus the valuable and usable info they are getting from the bomber is practically being laughed at by the GOP. If it's not done their way, ya know torture, then it's not being done right! That's ok GOP, keep talking, keep saying Obama does nothing right. I pray to God it all backfires on you the way you pray to God Obama fails! The hypocrisy coming from the right wing is astounding!!


Anonymous said...

George Bush was fiscally irresponsible, and Obama is doubling down.

Sue said...

Obama reminded us today it was under a dem president when we had a budget surplus and he intends to follow suit. I believe he can and will, even with the GOP fighting every move he makes.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Just where do these republicans think we're going to find 11 trillion dollars which is the debt Bush left us. Not to mention the deficits from having to get us out of the mess that idiot left. Oh yeah. They'll raise money by cutting taxes. Then they'll create jobs by eliminating jobs and outsourcing to China.


Sue said...

I think you may be on to something Truth! Morons....

mommapolitico said...

Amen, that's all I can say. The hypocrisy is knee-deep, and they continue the GOP line of repeating something over and over until people think it's true. As Sue says, if The Prez can keep the heat on, keep calling them to the carpet and pointing out the obstructionism, I think we'll see some forward movement.

The CDM said...

Newest round of hypocrisy: Palin wanting Rahm to be fired because he said "retarded". Yet, rush limbaugh uses it on a regular basis, but she doesn't seem to have a problem with that. Perhaps, Rahm should use it more then?

Anonymous said...

New here so I hope you don't mind my commenting, but I would love for Obama to be successful. I would love to see him accomplish the things he actually promised in his campaign. I do however think that Pelosi needs to go. I also think it needs to be less of "party"ness and more of listening to the people on both sides. Both sides are good at blaming the other. Both sides are good at hypocrisy. I don't believe that any one side has all the answers. I do believe that making deals behind closed doors is wrong. I think that something like the healthcare bill that will affect all of us, should be voted on by all of us, not those that it wouldn't affect. I see a lot wrong in this country, but I see a lot right, and anyone that thinks their side is 100% right is foolish.

Jerry Critter said...

'd switch it around.


But then, when you have a track record like the GOP, all you have left is to lie about it.

Sue said...

Anon, I don't think any of us see our side as being 100% right. I'm all for bipartisanship but how do you explain the repubs voting NO on everything including bills they co-sponsored? It's an election year and evry move they make(or don't make) is purely political. That's so bad for our country and the voters need to show them how wrong they have been come November! We are fed up with the Congress getting nothing done, it's been all talk and no action, it's time for them to pass these big bills this year, without the support from the GOP. Nobody should complain about the right not getting heard, they have brought all this upon themselves. The dems know what Obama wants, they know how to go about doing it, so just friggin do it!!

TOM said...

Recently Republicans have been voting against ideas they voted for during the last administration.
Recently Republicans have been voting against legislation they wrote.
Recently Republicans have been saying they have been left out of the Congressional process, yet their amendments have become part of the Democratic bills.
Hypocrite is to nice. They are intentionally lying to Americans.
Questioning the intelligence of those who believe and support these hypocrite liars, is smart and responsible.

Sue said...

Tom you are right, hypocrite is TOOOO nice a word for those lying bastards!! Why can't the country see that???