Friday, February 12, 2010

machine gun social, complete with barbecue!

Tim D'Annunzio, House GOP candidate for North Carolina's 8th Congressional district, held an unusual fundraiser on Thursday night.

A contribution of $25 came complete with a full North Carolina barbecue dinner, sweet tea, a semi-automatic machine gun magazine for use at Jim's Guns Indoor Shooting Range in Fayetteville, NC, the site of the fundraiser, and a raffle ticket for a chance to win an AR-15 assault rifle.

52-year old D'Annuzio is one of at least five Republicans hoping to win the nomination for North Carolina's 8th District. He is a staunch advocate of 2nd Amendment rights, a point that he seems to have gotten across with Thursday night's "machine gun social."

Democrat Larry Kissell and Libertarian Thomas Hill are also set to challenge the eventual winner of the Republican nomination.

D'Annunzio is also a professional skydiver and sponsors Paraclete XP skydiving team.

Looks like a bunch of gun-lovin' rednecks to me! I thought assault rifles were banned....


Leslie Parsley said...

The ten year ban on assault weapons came to an end in 2004.
This kook will probably win.

Oso said...

an AR15 is semi-automatic so legal.Pretty much an M16 without automatic fire.
I used to work with a crew of rightwing gun nuts. I say "nuts" because they felt they had a right to own machine guns. I'd point out there was no reason for them; you don't hunt with automatic weapons.A shotgun or handgun would be sufficient for home defense if you felt it was necessary.

Their response was-if the Red Chinese ever invaded we would need to defend ourselves.My followup response was-anyone who got past the United States military wouldn't have much trouble with a bunch of armed drunks in pickup trucks.

Annette said...

Sue, having trouble with your video loading.. not sure what the problem is but I tried 2 different browsers and had problems with both of them..

Oh Maybe it is on my end.. you never know anymore.

Good old rethugs and their gun loving bible thumping good times.

Infidel753 said...

a raffle ticket for a chance to win an AR-15 assault rifle.

How passé. Why not raffle off a real modern he-man's weapon like an IED, an underwear bomb, a vial of anthrax, or (please) a suicide-bomber vest.

I thought assault rifles were banned....

Kinda hard to enforce that once the winner's got his hands on the thing.....

magpie said...

The AR-15....

Banned nearly overnight in every state and territory of my country after a mentally-imbalanced man killed 35 people with one in the Port Arthur massacre of 1996, including children aged 3 and 6.

I know this comment will draw reactionary ideologue hostility from some: but if this gun culture of yours never gets confronted then eventually you will have an incident so sickening someone, somewhere, in US political life may just have the guts to say "enough is enough".

And yet even then there could be a failure of will.

Sue said...

the video says about 50 people showed up, maybe the Dem has a chance afterall! LOL

Our country does have a fascination with guns Magpie. We are a nation of guns and violence, I don't get it. Oh, and we have had incidents so horrifying you would think could change our thinking, Columbine is one and the recent Ft Hood, another. These kinds of things will happen more and more but it won't sway the gun-lovin' US of A!

The video works for me Annette, anyone else having trouble?

The CDM said...

Call me a redneck then. I am a big proponent for the 2nd amendment. HOWEVER, I do think that mental evaluations should be taken into consideration for assault rifles.

I do enjoy target shooting, just not hunting, not my thing. I don't see how you can shoot something that doesn't have a chance in hell against something that was built to eliminate it and call that "sport". Give 'em a sling and a rock, knife ,spear...NOW, your talking sport.

I got nothing against people wanting to own guns, but when they start that whole, "we might get invaded" shit, that changes things.

Sue said...

C, I have nothing against guns for hunting or even a teeny tiny handgun if you think you need it, but assault weapons on the streets of America? NO.

Sue said...

I'll be gone for a few hours, moderation has to stay on, still getting the lame "fuck you" comments.

Thanks for coming by, I'll be back.

Leslie Parsley said...

Yes Sue, but your blog is so much nicer without all those repulsive comments.

I worked at the paper in Denver when the Columbine shootings took place. If that incident, and the one at VA Tech and yesterday at the U of AL, didn't get the public outraged enough to support gun control, nothing will.

In my mind guns kill - whether 22s or assault weapons. I'd shoot myself before shooting an animal but wouldn't want to deny hunters their "sport." If we weren't allowed to have guns, there would be no need for one for "protection." Over 40% of gun-related deaths are family affairs.

Annette said...

Sue, I think it was on my end.. it seems to be working fine this morning.. I was having trouble with everything flash related last night.. I finally just shut down and said the hell with

I have always been in favor of the 2nd amendment, and think people should be able to have guns if they want them... however, I don't think automatic weapons should be included in that. They are nothing but killing machines. There is no reason a sane person needs a weapon that shoots multiple projectiles into an animal or a target or a person under a minute or second or whatever. That's just unfathomable to me.

As I said, they are just killing machines... military weapons ONLY.. I think.. not for the public to have... of course once the military has them, then it isn't long before they are available on the open market..... that's what happened, they were started by the Israeli's and the Chinese and then they were smuggled and sold on the black market here. After that the rest is history.

Oso said...

Complaint Dept Mgr,

Point taken, I shouldn't infer gun owners are rednecks or rightwingers.
Sorry man!

I own a 12 gauge for home protection but long ago misplaced the shells. I'd have to rely on a burglars sense of fair play to have time to locate them.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Of all the issues that would affect the lives of people in this dudes district, this one will probably win him the election.

Health insurance companies continue to rob his constituents. Textile jobs have left. But dangit. At least they can buy a machine gun to protect themselves from invading Chinese.

Sue said...

I'm back.

Leslie, Annette, Oso and Truth, thanks for the comments. I believe as you all do, but keep the assualt weapons out of the hands of rednecks! :-). I can say that, I have a redneck brother-in-law! lol

Sue said...


The CDM said...

Oso - I didn't take offense from your words...just Sue. Sue you're a fucking asshole!

Love, CDM

P.S. I'm an authority on rednecks. Even if you flat out called me one, Oso, I wouldn't be pissed. I might actually laugh, ask Sue.

TomCat said...

Hmmmm.... I wonder os 2nd ammendment rights extend to a small howitzer. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I am a right-wing gun nut who says God bless the 2nd Amendment!

An infinitesimal percentage going crazy is not justification for violating everyone's rights.

Reminds me of a saying from my military days: One guy shits his pants and we all gotta wear diapers.

Oso: If your 12 gauge is a pump you probably can get by without shells. If you were breaking into a darkened house and suddenly heard the sound of a shotgun being jacked, wouldn't you run like hell? I know I would man!

Sue said...

C I take offense to that kind of language!

silver you may be right about the sound of a shotgun cock (is that the right phrase??)

BTW silver, this is how well I know you... I can publish your comment without even reading the whole thing because I know it is not gonna be rude.

Hi TC, I need to get over and see you, it's been a few days! Thanks for coming by!

Oso said...

Excellent point!

Leslie Parsley said...

"An infinitesimal percentage . . ."

That's all it takes.

The TN legislature - in all its infinite wisdom - passed a law permitting guns in parks and bars.
Need I say more?

Annette said...

Sue and CDM, thanks for passing that link to me.. I read them quite frequently .. I also read ShowMe Progress.. it is great for my area too... you might like it too CDM..

Anonymous said...

Well Sue... My language was a little rude... But I try to only use profanity when it makes a point.

Sue said...

silver my blog allows the word shit LOL.

Annette you're welcome.

leslie I don't get it. Guns in parks and bars, for what?? It's insane! Do you live in an area of the country where a person will shoot you while you are just minding your own business walking down the street? I do, I'm 40 minutes from Philadelphia. You won't catch me there after dark. There are sick people in this country who have no feelings, no understanding of human life, they will shoot you in cold blood for no reason.

Leslie Parsley said...

They shoot cats, dogs and people here in TN. In a bar? Where people drink and get drunk and get mad?
In a park where children are playing? How dumb can you get.

Sue said...

It's a sick sick world, as my Mom always says...

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Hey, you never can tell when you'll need that semi-automatic weapon- flesh eating zombies could attack, there could be an apocalyptic scenario with Mad Max running around looking for gas, a squadron of 80 year old Japanese soldiers who don't know "The War" is over could invade Chapel Hill during the Duke-North Carolina game...that's just for starters.

Its best to be safe the sorry.