Friday, February 5, 2010

We're having a blizzard and I have nothing better to do then watch teabaggers!

The Immoral Minority
has this video posted tonight. Like they say, after you watch this Fox News report that tries to explain who the teabaggers are, you will probably be more confused than ever. I know I am...

This video doesn't confuse me, it tells loud and clear who the teabaggers are! They love Sarah Palin and believe she could be PRESIDENT!


tnlib said...

Former Colo. Rep. Tancredo, in his speech before the Partiers, said that Obama got elected due to lack of a "civics literacy test" before voting. Jello Jim Crowe.

The CDM said...

Next stop, poll tax.

susan said...

crazy people are never the majority. They are however, the people who foxnews loves to spurt love juice upon.
Bundle up Sue, I pray the storm passes over quickly. Please keep us informed.

susan said...

oh, I am sooo bad! that was NOT fox, that was a cspan report...ick! see how narrow minded I have become?

nonnie9999 said...

isn't it amazing how the media is tripping over itself to cover anything having to do with teabaggers? funny how they never gave that much coverage to groups that were much, much, much larger but were more sympathetic to liberal ideas. i guess idiots are more exciting to cover and get them bigger ratings.

Lisa said...

The only meadia coverage that the Tea Parties got from the MSM was the same coverage they get from the left blogs. After all it's all the same isn't it?

I can't believe all the hate dripping over at that site.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Valentines Day is approaching and I just want to tell everyone how much I love them.

I love Lisa and Sarah Palin. Hugs to both of you.

Frodo, lookin' for love, said...

The Tea Party folks are meeting in Opryland? What's the matter, Disneyland isn't good enough for them? Frodo assumed that they'd head directly for Busch Gardens. Frankly, had they had this little club meeting at the Alligator Farm in St. Augustine, he'd have gone. Wouldn't that have been a hoot, 600lizards and a Hobbit, all wearing T-shirts bearing the wording "I'm With Stupid."

TOM said...

One should know the opposition. I watched some of the event on C-Span. What a waste of time.
I suggest a good Capra movie instead. "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town", or Mr. Smith Goes to Washington."
Sen. Smith fighting the Taylor machine. A 1939 movie still giving a current message for 2010.

Leslie Parsley said...

Nonnie: You're damn right about the media. I read on the Wash Post and heard on NPR (of all folks) that this is a meeting of Bagger "leaders." How's that for spin?

Up until now these people have been referred to as simply delegates. I'm sure the "convention" spokesmen (there seems to be several) have to save face on account of the lousy turnout.

During the campaign Pew Research, a non-partisan, independent media think tank did a study on media bias. Their statistics show a definate leaning to the right.

A few months back I started a similar project to find out why the media was giving the Baggers so much coverage and not more vital and in-depth analysis of not only them but the HC bill itself.

I found more than a couple of articles which said that the protests were "action" and the bill was boring. This suggests to me that the journalists are too stupid to discuss all but the rudimentary elements of the bill - usually in Bagger cliches.

One article reported that a media outlet went up to a Representative to ask if there were going to be any protests. When there weren't they left.

I worked in the media for years. My former colleagues and I are appalled at the lack of analysis. In short we are ashamed of a profession that once had courage, high standards and ethics.

Sue said...

Truth how sweet of you, Happy V day to you from all of us here!

Hi all, thanks for coming by. Frodo you are a hoot! I wish you coulda been there and got us some good video, Truthful video not seen by anyone else, good stuff! lol

Oh BTW, I saw some of the convention on C-Span today. A guy with lots of charts talking endlessly and people in the audience were falling asleep! I kid you not!

TomCat said...

I fail to see the rationale of objecting to a return to Jim Crow laws as hate. What's next, misogyny laws?