Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Stand STRONG Mr. President!!

This is one of the best clips I have seen in months. It really does say so much about the country and how we feel about Congress, why they aren't getting the work done, and what we want from our president. Joe says how important it is for us to see a STRONG president and he is exactly right. If Congress would get their act together and pass the HC bill with a public option, the dems in Congress and the president will see their numbers soar! It is the only way voters will believe democrats and our ability to govern. The only reason they are turning from the left and voting for those do-nothing rethugs is because they want to send a message to Congressional Democrats to get off their friggin pussy asses and get something accomplished this year! Surely you don't believe the voters want MORE do-nothing republicans in Congress! Damn, I hope our country has more brains then that!

Hello......Mr. President are you listening???? YOU HAVE TO!!!!

Today marks the one year anniversary of the stimulus bill passage, below are some facts and if you go here you can find out county by county how the money is being spent.

Facts about the stimulus:
A year later and halfway through the implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Americans are weighing the plan's impact. Here are some facts:
More than $8 billion from the plan has been spent on increased food stamps, as the assistance program for the hungry recently reached a record enrollment of 38 million people.

So far, $179 billion in the plan has been spent and $93 billion in tax cuts have been issued. Another $154 billion is in the process of being sent out, and $247 billion is left to spend. The remainder comes in tax cuts yet to be granted.

Nearly $280 billion of the spending will be directed through state governments, including a $48 billion stabilization fund to help states balance their budgets.

By the end of December, the Department of Transportation approved 10,000 highway projects. Of the $34.1 billion the department has made available to states, it has only paid out $8.63 billion.

And now for the lovely Republican criticism:
House Minority Leader John Boehner released a statement calling the package a "trillion dollar 'stimulus'" and slammed the administration and Democrats in Congress for failing to hold down the unemployment rate and for adding to the deficit.
"The majority promised that under their 'stimulus' unemployment would not exceed eight percent and job creation would begin 'almost immediately," Boehner's statement read. "But since President Obama signed it into law, more than three million Americans have lost their jobs, unemployment is near 10 percent, and the deficit is set to hit a record $1.6 trillion."

What don't the GOP'ers get about a recession so deep, so broad like none we have seen in decades? Do they think a recession starts the month a new dem president is sworn in and should be fixed by that new dem president after his first few months in office? Bonehead sounds like a friggin whiny 3 year old, what a disgrace he is. What in Gods name has he done to spur job growth? Fucktard....

From the Washington Post:
News Alert: Housing construction up 2.8 percent in January
08:35 AM EST Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Housing construction posted a better-than-expected increase in January which pushed activity to the highest level in six months. The solid gain raised hopes that the construction industry is beginning to mount a sustained rebound from its worst slump in decades.
For more information, visit


Tao Dao Man said...

Could Dean run for President in 2012?
I hope so.

Infidel753 said...

The county-by-county site is interesting. There are 493 projects in the county I live in, including road surfacing which certain parts of this city could certainly use.

Sue said...

I don't know RZ, I do like his attitude.

Infidel I haven't had a chance to look at NJ, but I will tonight.

Anonymous said...

America is rejecting Obama's policies get it? The republicans are just representing what "the people" want(or don't want)
He can claim anything he wants in regards to the stimulus. If Bush laid claims like that the media would be all over it trying to debunk it,not to mention what those White house press conferences would be like,unlike the controlled enviroment it is now.
Nov 2 can't get here fast enough.

Kentucky Rain said...

All the while the Republicans are condemning the stimulus they are cutting ribbons at ceremonies designed to thank them for getting the stimulus money for their districts. The pres gave a pretty good speech this morning. Now I want to see some ACTION!!

Annette said...

Did you forget Dean ran for president and never made it past New Hampshire 2 times...

Are you again suggesting someone to Primary against President Obama. in 2012.. Way to support the President, guys.. way to go..

Anonymous said...

Howard Dean -- my man too.

I think we know already the answer to the question in your blog title, Sue. The White House needs to wake up and notice that it's five minutes (or less) to doomsday.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

One thing this interview illuminates yet again....the Congressional leadership of Reid and Pelosi leaves a lot to be desired, and that's putting it mildly. They need an arm twister in the mold of a Lyndon Johnson to push legislation through.

In an interview today Joe Biden has called Washington (meaning Congress) "broken" and "dysfunctional", and its the worst he's seen it in his 36 years in DC. Its hard to argue with him.

Yes, the GOP is full of hypocrisy, but its time for the Dems to really show some spine...this situation of needing a super majority to get anything done is not working for the people....and country deserves better.

Sue said...

Annette I am not saying Dean 2012. The post is about Congress mainly but also like the video says, the country likes a strong president no matter which party, so if Obama wants 2 terms he better toughen up. Some are already saying maybe he only wants one term. You are way too sensitive. :-)

Sue said...

Anonymous thats a fuckin joke. The rethugs could care less what the people want, all they care about is their sorry asses! The people want Obama to get tough and strong, they want a public option, affordable insurance with the gouging to STOP! LISTEN to something besides FOX NOISE!!!

Tao Dao Man said...

Hugh: re: "and its the worst he's seen it in his 36 years in DC."
BINGO, there is part of the problem. 36 years. These clowns have all been there too long, too fat, and corrupted. Real term limits is what is needed.

TOM said...

After all the screaming, lies, fear and hate mongering by the Republicans, they cannot deny the facts.
Are we better off now, than when Bush left office? Yes, a Hell of a lot better off.
I would like to see President Obama be a stronger leader on Congress, but he is determined (worthy but useless) to be bipartisan.
I say, start passing law with a simple majority, and lets get busy doing something.

Infidel753 said...

Are we better off now, than when Bush left office?

Oliver Willis (good blog in general, by the way) has some telling data here.

Leslie Parsley said...

Dean running for office again would be a no win, no win. And why in hell's name would anyone even think about such a thing - other than an all-consuming hatred for Obama? He couldn't do right if he stood on his head and stacked greasy bee bees.

Sue, I hope you'll forgive me but this is pretty important. I just posted a copy of a letter from Democracy for America. There is a link to a petition to support Sen. Bennett's call for a public option via reconciliation.

If you don't want this on here, feel free to delete.

Tao Dao Man said...

If the O Team can not pull this economy out within the next year, the dems had better start thinking about a challenger.
Or else the Rethugs will squeeze in. Obama might be a lame duck after this mid-term.
Then what?
The question must now be asked.
Do the dems even have a strong 51 vote to pass anything?
Could they even enforce a nuclear option?
Bayh must have also heard foot steps coming in Nov. and wanted to go out as a winner.

Sue said...

thanks for the link Infidel, and Leslie too, go see her if you want to sign the petition guys!

Sue said...

RZ, I DO believe the economy will pick up this year. I DON'T believe the rethugs will take the majority in House OR Senate. I DON'T believe Obama will be a lame duck president. I DO believe there will be 51 votes and I also believe the public option will be included in the bill passing through reconciliation. Yup, It's me, your friend the optimist!!

I would not say Bayh is leaving a winner either. He's a fraud.