Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A poll like no other in the history of America

This poll was conducted by Research 2000 for Markos Moulitsas, over at Daily Kos.
Today's Kos poll fielded an excellent set of queries to tease out the psyche of our brethren across the aisle, our teabagging birther friends whose recent behavior has raised so many psychiatric concerns. In fact today's poll shows the startling prevalence of mental illness among Republicans, at least one in five assenting to ALL the following propositions:

--Barack Obama was NOT born in the United States
--Barack Obama wants the terrorists to win
--Barack Obama is a racist who hates white people
--ACORN stole the 2008 presidential election

This is what we are up against in our country. Alot of the blogs are highlighting this poll and I believe it should be plastered on every single blog in the land of BLOGGER!

Sarah Palin more qualified than President Obama?? WTF!! Could it be because she was a governor, BUT quit? God Bless the USA, because she will be forever changed if we have a prez. sarah!

Just some of the questions self-proclaimed Republicans answered:

Do you believe Sarah Palin is more qualified to be President than Barack Obama?
Yes 53

No 14
Not Sure 33

Do you think Barack Obama is a socialist?
Yes 63

No 21 Not
Sure 16

Should Barack Obama be impeached, or not?
Yes 39

No 32
Not Sure 29

Impeached for what?? Fuckin' morons.... These people are your neighbors and some are even your relatives. Some might even be reading this blog!! :-)

Go to Daily Kos or copy mine and post this so nobody misses it!


Lisa said...

Do you believe Sarah Palin is more qualified to be President than Barack Obama?

Yes -She is realistic withuthaving that broad view of how things should be.

Do you think Barack Obama is a Progressive

Should Barack Obama be impeached, or not?
Not Sure
But we need to put on the brakes at best

Jerry Critter said...

God, these people are sooooo out of touch with reality. It's embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

Before President Obama was elected, Palin was more qualified than him to be president, but that's irrelevant now. He's prez, she isn't, so he is now more qualified.

The Daily Kos is the leftwing version of World Net Daily...

Avoid the extremes, it's weird out there...

TOM said...

It was interesting to see that almost 1/4 of the respondents want to secede from the Union.
Just another example, that they want to destroy America.

Annette said...

I am going to do something I normally don't do.. but I can't resist...

The Twitter Quitter, as per lisa: "She is realistic withuthaving that broad view of how things should be."

I think she is saying that she has no knowledge of the real world.. well that's probably true, but how does that make her more qualified to be president? Her and her husband supported a secessionist party in Alaska, she prays with witch doctors who believe evil spirits invade people's bodies and beat them out of people to the death if that's what it takes. She scams money from people in order to fill her coffers and live a luxurious lifestyle and build a million dollar home. But hey.. she's just a Wal-Mart mom.

Is Barack Obama being a Progressive supposed to be a slam... I wish in ways he was more progressive.. but I am proud of him as he is...

Should he be impeached... What the hell for.. He has done nothing, NOT ONE THING wrong.. If anyone should have been impeached it was the former occupant who tried to his best to destroy the Constitution of this United States in every way he could and even said it was nothing more than a "Damn piece of paper."

Leslie Parsley said...

Anon has been scamming other blogs with his crap.

Sue said...

yes it's a leftwing blog, and the poll was conducted with repubs, and we all know they don't lie, so the poll shows the true mentality of repubs. Silver the right extremists are real, theses words come straight from their mouths. Yes these are the fringe but they are out there and they do vote.

Sue said...

Jerry wouldn't you think the repubs would be too embarrassed to come here and defend their people? It's pitiful!

Tom they hate America as she stands for rights of ALL Americans. They like it to be privileges for SOME Americans.

Annette lisa has been deleted all evening but I just had to leave this absurd comment up! lol

Anonymous said...

I also agree with MOST of what you said here. And how about Ms Polosky!
It's a wonderful thing to have a Speaker of the house (Ms. Nanzy) from such a liberal area. The harder left she runs the more votes she gets, and the worse her party looks to the normal parts of the country.
She is an incredibly polarizing far left crazy, and I think if Obama was serious about change and bi partisanship the FIRST thing he would have done was gotten her out of the speaker of the house position! She is by no means a person that will work with the other side! And let me add that she's an idiot who has no value for this country and should be removed.

And I'll add that I also believe Sarah Palin is more qualified to be President than Barack Obama, yest that may not be saying much, but it don't take much to be more qualified than Barack Obama, who's qualifications are next to none.

Infidel753 said...

For years, surveys have been showing that large minorities of the public believe in stuff like astrology, ghosts, creationism, faith healing, flying saucers, bigfoot, etc., etc., etc. What you're looking at here is probably pretty much that same segment of the public.

Somebody's been buying all those millions of copies of the National Enquirer all these years. Why wouldn't they uncritically believe Beck and Limbaugh and Fox too?

Sue said...

Brooklyn guy wouldn't you agree just because Palin pretended to be a governor for half a term does not make her more qualified then Obama. I think the people put brains first and clearly she has NONE. Can you envision Palin leading the country?? Be serious!

Infidel hopefully they stay a minority!

Lisa said...

Annette the problem is is Progressiveness. America has rejected it. Haven't you been paying attention or are you using the same diversionary tactics as the White House who is so good at it?
And there is no reality to a 3.5 trillion dollar budget with a 14 trillion dollar ceiling.
People don't wish to be used as an experiment of ideologues.

Mycue23 said...

While I think that there certainly are a lot of wacky ideas coming from the far right, I think the poll is simply a reflection of partisan views. I can imagine that the results of a poll taken 4 years ago among Democrats in regards to George Bush would have gotten a similar reaction from the right leaning blogosphere. Imagine a poll that asked:
1) Should GWB be impeached?
The numbers from Dems would have been fairly high. Now I thought he should have been impeached for cause, but those on the right would certainly not agree.
2) Is John Edwards more qualified to be President than GWB?
I'm using John Kerry's VP candidate as a substitute for Palin, but you get the point. Once again the numbers would probably have matched the numbers in the current poll.
3)Do you think that GWB is trying to a establish a plutocracy?
Not quite the same as the socialist question and actually requires some intelligence, but once again you can see my point on what the Dems would have said.
4)Do you believe that the Republicans stole the election by using dirty tricks in Ohio?
Much like the ACORN question, I think that the numbers would reflect the frustration of losing an election and trying to find someone or something to blame it on.

So, I'm not quite ready to write off the people who answered the poll as nuts. I think we have to be able to look at the poll in some context. Once again I think it's a reflection of partisan feelings at the loss of an election. I would like to think that liberals and progressives would take a more measured view of such things (and they probably would), but in the eyes of the opposition, those views would probably be viewed as crazy as well.

Leslie Parsley said...

Brooklyn: " it don't take much to be more qualified than Barack Obama, "

It don't? Why can't you righties learn proper English? One can't expect much intellectual thought from folks who don't even know their own language.

Lisa said...

Leslie I think Brooklyn wrote "it don't" as a figurative.
Your tactics ain't working no more.

Mycue23 said...

that was very interesting that you used the Progressive question rather than the Socialist question from the poll. Of course Glen Beck has made it very clear that Progressive is just a code word for socialist/communist. Those who worship at the altar of that self labeled "entertainer" enter any debate armed only with the slings and arrows of discontent.

Sue said...

Mycue you do make some sense, I can imagine the leftwing bloggers while Bush was president though I wasn't blogging then. Partisan politics sure plays a role in this poll but damn, the right and their hate for Obama seems to be different from the lefts hate for Bush. We had valid reasons, they have ONE, RACE. There is not one thing he has done in his first year for the right to be screaming socialist for. They are letting their insane leaders fill their heads with lies, fear, and distortions. That is scarier than anything the left ever did. There were no lies told about Bush, everything he did was boasted by him, he thought he was king of the hill and proud of every stupid thing he did. Because he got his orders from a higher source. I just don't see the similarities.
Thanks for commenting Mycue, nice to have you here!

Lisa said...

Okay then what would you call him then Mycue?
His spending policies are that of a progressive. And people here have said he isn't progressive enough which to me means he is but not enough.
I don't need Glenn Beck to tell me that. He is not the only source of information out there although as much as you hate it he does provide info that people would otherwise not know.

Mycue23 said...

you said, "as much as you hate it he does provide info that people would otherwise not know." Glen Beck has stated many times that he is not a journalist. He is in fact a comedian and is very proud of that fact. Now clearly that does not disqualify him from talking about politics. Jon Stewart talks about polics every night and has a huge following, but just imagine if he was the only or main source of political information for millions as Glen Beck is. Stewart's show is satire, Beck's should be looked on as such as well. Jounalists provide information, Beck says he asks questions that no one else is asking. My question to you is, what are Glen Beck's qualifications to ask those questions? He's not a journalist (his own admission), he's mainly an entertainer (his own admission) and his goal is to get as many people as possible to watch his TV show and buy his books. Demagoguery is the easiest way to achieve those goals and Beck excels at it, but let's not confuse satire, comedy and demagoguery as real political commentary. That is the problem with the Beck crowd. They take his word as gospel, when he's only preaching the gospel of his wallet.

Sue said...

gag me with a ten ft pole! lisa, Beck says NOTHING sane people need to hear!

Sue said...

Mycue you will come to realize, lisa says nothing sane people need or even want, to hear.

Karen said...

"Sarah Palin more qualified than President Obama?? WTF!! Could it be because she was a governor, BUT quit?"

No... it's because she can see Russia from her house!!!

The Wool Cupboard said...

Annette ~ I honestly thought your comment was some sort of joke, but judging from your past comments, it probably was not. You cannot be serious. How about offering some PROOF of your insane statements?


The CDM said...

Hey Sue, post the video of Sarah Palin addressing the AIP. Linda doesn't believe that the wacky broad ever associated with known traitors.

Sue said...

Linda believes only what Beck tells her to believe, sad...

I'll look for the video C

The CDM said...

Oh, don't forget that video of her and that crackpot Thomas Muthee giving her the "laying on of the hands" to cast out the demons.

We could all use a bit of a refresher on the history of that ding bat and some of the crazy shit she got herself into and couldn't run fast or far enough from.

Sue said...

what is even more interesting right now is Susan Collins, she is soooooo wrong on sooooo many things. OMG.... its such bullshit coming from her mouth, it's enough to gag a maggot!

Grung_e_Gene said...

Sarah Palin associates with known Secessionists but this is okay because she's so damn hot!

Sarah Palin doesn't read but this is okay because she's so damn hot!

Sarah Palin quit being Governor because ??? but this is okay because she's so damn hot!

Sarah Palin can't name a single Founding Father of America but this is okay because she's so damn hot!

Sarah Palin had Nigeria Witch Hunters lay hands on her to cast out demons but this is okay because she's so damn hot!

The CDM said...

Grung e, Just what exactly are you trying to say? I think there's something there, but I can't put my finger on it.

Sue said...

I like it Gene! Shows the true mentality of right-wingers.

Jerry Critter said...

I don't think it is his finger that G_e_G is trying to put on Sarah.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Sarah does have one qualification which I wouldn't mind tapping into...

Sue said...

Gene you would not dare!