Saturday, February 20, 2010

The New Poor

Millions of Unemployed Face Years Without Jobs

 New York Times:
Even as the American economy shows tentative signs of a rebound, the human toll of the recession continues to mount, with millions of Americans remaining out of work, out of savings and nearing the end of their unemployment benefits.
Read the whole story: New York Times

I always read the comments from great posts like this one, here are a few....

 This is exactly what Reaganomics was designed to do; destroy the middle class with all it's attendent messiness and demands for attention by shifting the tax burden downward, then reduce collective bargaining to the point where only 7% of the private workforce is unionized, then control and manipulate the media so people are convinced this is all a good thing.
And, get this, the American voter is dumb enough to be on the verge of handing power back to these people. AT THE SAME TIME Republicans are insisting we need less regulation and further cuts in something called entitlements. They are salivating over shredding social security, medicare and medicaid.
Can unemployment insurance, workers comp, and the 40 hour work week be far behind?

(of course I'm entitled to it; I've PAID for it all my life!!)
Hey, maybe it's a good thing we give control back to conservatives; and for 8 years.
Maybe the NEXT great recession will be deep enough to affect better off angry white men so they can see how the rest of us live.

Love the Reaganomics comment! Conservatives want to raise Reagan from the grave. WHY???????

Here's another good one, this person has the right idea. 

This is the top 2% wet dream come true; to have millions of Americans poor, without work, desperate, having college tuition too expensive to keep the masses uneducated, trying to shove xtian religion back into public schools, deny that our loss of a manufacturing base for their greed has hurt this country greatly, and basically try to keep the bottom 98% of American society firmly under their foot to do their bidding as they perversely enjoy to see fit.
Good politicians such as Alan Grayson, Dennis Kucinich and Al Franken can't possibly do the work all by themselves amidst the majority of bought and paid for congress by the 2% elite.
Americans need to get OFF the internet and take to the streets in protest. The 2% need to have a relatively healthy fear of the other 98% of us, to remember if they let their greed go too unchecked then the days of the French Bastille can and will come to pass again in one form or another in this nation.
But of course I'm probably wrong as sadly as long as the majority of Americans have the likes of 'American Idol' and 'Survivor' to watch on their o' so precious i-pods. How very sad to see the beginning of the slow death of America. It's only a matter of time before China calls in our debt and we go completely third world, and the only two jobs left will be at either Walmart or McDonald's.

The trolls always amazes me. They complain and whine about Obama as if the Regressives and Bush had done the best job in the world. Why do they think Obama won in a landslide? BECAUSE THE COUNTRY WAS TIRED OF THE REPUBLICANS AND THEIR SPENDING ON THE ILLEGAL WAR AND THEIR ETERNAL TAX CUTS TO THE WEALTHY. That's why.
And if any of them has a little dignity instead of blaming the state of the country on Obama, they should start lecturing their own on the virtues of not creating deficits at the expense of the country.
Physician heal thyself. 

One more, these are good!


The New Deal’s three R’s of 1936 to Overcome the Greed of the Financial Aristocracy that caused the Market Crash and the Great Depression:

1. Relief - for unemployed and poor - Social Security
2. Recovery - of economy
3. Reform - of financial system to prevent another great depression

Republicans viewed the New Deal as an enemy of business and growth!

Produced a rebirth of liberal ideas and in the 1960's President Johnson expanded them to include equal rights and Medicare.

After 1974, libertarian views grew in support, calling for deregulation of the economy and ending New Deal regulation of transportation, banking and communications! Reagan’s V00D00 Economics brought this OUT OF CONTROL Ayn Rand Concepts of “Greed is Good” into government and deregulated Health Care and virtually every industry.
Finally, virtually all regulations on Wall Street were ignored and/or deregulated and the GREAT BUSH REPUBLICAN FINANCIAL CRISIS OF 2008 Happened with THEFT an accepted JOB #1 on Wall Street!

Reaganomics is the core of our economic mess (I know there are other factors as well). By dramatically lowering the taxes on the wealthy, all the money got sucked up to the top. This left the consumer class with a lot less money and, thus, unable to pay its bills or consume. (middle class wages have been stagnant and the gap between the rich and the poor has increased).

The same phenomena happened right before the Great Depression, which Marriner Eccles (Chairman of the Federal Reserve, 1932-1948 (and also a very successful banker)) pointed out.

Think about it: When taxes were much higher on the wealthy (1932 - 1980), America became an economic and military powerhouse. Conversely, our two worst economic periods were preceded by comparatively lower taxes on the wealthy.

See a historic tax rate chart here: Also, check out former conservative-darling economist (and former policy advisor to Reagan) Bruce Bartlett's new book, "The New American Economy: The Failure of Reaganomics and a New Way Forward."


Infidel753 said...

And this is why the Democrats now need to follow the example of those previous Democratic administrations and focus on job creation. With unemployment at 10%, millions of voters are jobless and millions more are abversely affected by the bad labor market. Whichever party is in power will be judged on tis ability to improve the situation.

Come November, if unemployment is still this high, it won't matter if the Democrats have a bunch of "reasons" for why they couldn't improve it, or how many arguments they have for why it's ultimately the Republicans fault. The voters will punish the party in power for not fixing the problem. Maybe they shouldn't, but they will.

Unemployment should now be the Democrats' top priority. This is the best way to show a broad range of voters that there's an important difference between the parties that affects them.

Anonymous said...

I read this too, it was just scary. I also read many of the comments. Just keep convincing the masses to be worried about the deficit and forget about the rest. How they buy into this crap is beyond me. People need good jobs and fixing our infrastructure would put so many to work. Instead, we spend it on wars. Just Ridiculous! Our roads our crumbling and we go fix the roads in Iraq. Just stupid. If we have Republicans in charge again, we're doomed.

Anonymous said...

And you want to go back to the good old days of the Carter Admin.
Do you really believe Obama wants to put people back to work?
All he wants is government jobs just like the great state of California.
Democrats don't want people to succeed,they "need" them to be dependent. All their policies keep people poor. You can't only soak up so much water with a sponge.

Sue said...

lisa, who succeeds under rethug rule? I remember the Bush Jr reign when they said jobs were coming back, sure but they were McDonalds jobs! Wages fell, high paying jobs went overseas.

Lisa G. said...

Sue, you are exactly on point with this post - nice job!

Oso said...

Well put, your entire post.I couldn't agree more. re: Republicans wanting to bring Reagan back, don't know if you'd seen this from the Onion?

Anonymous said...

Democrats want people to stay poor! Yah, right. That is such a big piece of bolognie! The 10% of the country that control 90% of the wealth would like to keep the masses poor. Cheap labor, more profits for them. It all gets down to greed, greed and more greed. They ship our good jobs overseas and they are still importing foreign workers. Get real. The democrats would like a strong middle class. The republicans may pay lip service to this but they really don't give a rats behind. That's why they like to change the subject to guns, or abortion or gays in the military. Anything to fire up the base and make them forget about good jobs! Or healthcare or strong public schools anything but the real issues most of us face day to day.

Sue said...

Oso that's hilarious!!! Ain't it a bitch when all you have is a dead guy to head up your party! lol

Lisa G, the comments were really well thought out, we have some terrific smart people in our party, we need to band together so rethugs don't have the chance to come back and cause further damage. We need to go forward not backwards to the horrendous days of Reaganomics!

Sue said...

thats exactly right anon! BTW, why anonymous??

tnlib said...

Right, these people think Medicare is socialistic. Try taking it away from them.

TomCat said...

Sue, this is an excellent post. Job creation will reduce the defecit by increasing revenue receipts. Cutting taxes for the very rich reduces revenue receipts and does not grow jobs.

Papamoka said...

It always amazes me when Republicans claim that they are the only ones that know how to fix the economy. I suppose that would be a correct statement if they could actually remember how reverse engineer the damage that they did to begin with.

As for bringing back Reagan, Ummmm, don't anybody tell this to the birthers, tea partiers, and Palin love festerers but the guy is dead. And much like the long ago Saturday Night Live Chevy Chase Weekend Update reports, General Alisimo Franco is still DEAD! ROFLMFAO!

Hugs to ya Sue. :)

Sue said...

TC, Mat and Leslie, thanks! Mat you need to come by more often, I miss ya!!

The repubs think they are taking back the House this year. The voters sure have a problem with their short term memory! The GOP says they have learned from their mistakes and we should trust them! ROFLMFAO!!!! When pigs fly...

The CDM said...

"It always amazes me when Republicans claim that they are the only ones that know how to fix the economy. I suppose that would be a correct statement if they could actually remember how reverse engineer the damage that they did to begin with."

That does seem to be the case, doesn't it? At the top of their game plan: Start a war! Phase 2: Start another one. Phase 3: refer to Phase 2.

"Right, these people think Medicare is socialistic. Try taking it away from them."

They also forgot that Tricare is also socialist. Socialism is socialism, no matter how you want to split hairs. The solution, according to their own standards is to eliminate BOTH. Let our military buy their own healthcare. With as many personnel we have serving, that'll keep their good friends in the health insurance racket living easy. Of course, we should trust that they'll in turn offer U.S. citizens jobs with the extra cash they'll be raking in. (Yes, this is most absurd, but the point is there.)

S.W. Anderson said...

When it comes to millions going for years without jobs, I'd like to see the Obama administration take a page from FDR's playbook and just hire 30,000 or 40,000 to do some things that need doing.

For example, as you can see here, here, here and here, there's a big need for more and better inspection of food, including the increasing amounts of it being imported (national security angle there, BTW).

That, and we need a lot more people to patrol our borders, not only to turn illegal immigrants around but to keep out those who might want to fly planes into skyscrapers, poison the food and/or water supply, or some such.

Your analysis of what the radical right is all about is right on target.

TOM said...

Since I wrote basically the same thing months ago in my post "Mondale Was Right" of course I agree.

It continues to puzzle me why some cannot learn from the lessons of our past.

Reagan was an admirer of President Coolidge who also used supply side economics, which helped bring on the great depression.

But hey, when greed is the basis of your ideology, the reality of History disappears.

TomCat said...

YVW, Sue. I guess it comes down to who they want to benefit. Democrats are centrist, too far to the right, in my opinion. Republicans are strict plutocrats.