Saturday, February 6, 2010


How dare that woman go on TV and degrade our PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA during war time! Why is that person speaking on TV?? Does she not know you DO NOT slam our president and say he is weak on national security, does she not know that emboldens the enemy?? HOW DARE she pretend she cares about the troops, how dare she insinuate President Obama does not. Who the hell is this person to assault our president on every front!

Who does she think she is talking about our national security?? "We need a commander- in- chief not a law professor", What the hell does she know about President Obama and his national security policies? Who died and let her into the Oval Office??

Washington should take a page from the Alaska government??? She is bragging about how she ran Alaska! OMG, give me a barf bag please...

She is saying the same things she said on the campaign trail with McCain, I have a headache and I think I'm going to have an anxiety attack....WHO IN THE HELL IS LISTENING TO THIS STUPID BITCH? Certainly not me or you... I guess those who forked out 5,6,7 hundred dollars for the 3 day fuckfest are thrilled to hear that woman talk. Rally the base of morons you moron....


Sue said...

sorry if I went overboard... My blood was boiling, my heart was racing and I blew a gasket, sorry..

ANY conservative will say to any democrat, you do not degrade the president during war time. How dare her. I'm pissed MSNBC and CNN aired this moron. I guess they want to keep her out there so we don't forget how stupid she really is.

Annette said...

That's what I said over at Leslie's.. I can't believe they are giving her that much air time. They gave her wall to wall coverage like she was a public figure.. not a disgraced former governor.. and I bet it continues every time she opens her mouth in a public place.. they elevate her to a position she should not be in and I am disgusted with the entire bunch.

That's why I said we have to quit giving her air time... She is worthless trash, and the sooner they figure that out and ignore her the better we all will be.

Oso said...

nothing to be sorry about.I can't blame you for getting angry-fringe people on either end should be marginalized;sadly that isn't the case here.
I happened to land on C-Span while channel surfing and saw a brief portion. Pointless platitudes mumbled to a roomful of people who life experience tells me would love to see my brown ass deported.
So to hell with her and them.
You go Sue,got your back lady.

Leslie Parsley said...

I think we should gang up and each go to every print and TV site that covers her and leave a comment that says, "Enough about this woman already . . ."

Sue said...

Annette she is trash, and I was so mad I was literally shaking! She is a disgrace!

Thanks Oso, I hate to offend anyone with my rants but I just could not help it, she was bashing the president on national security issues like she actually knows what she's talking about! You are right, that convention was pure white (and maybe a little pointy!)

Leslie I was surprised with MSNBC, and to have Ed Schultz as a commenter?? He didn't stay on long after her hideous speech tho.

The CDM said...

Look, Palin has to say some outlandish shit, she's got books to sell. If she doesn't, she might have to do the only thing she's qualified to do...and it invloves a pole, stage and loud blaring music, rainin' ones. Feel me?

I'm just sayin'...

Jerry Critter said...

Sue, tell us what you really think.

I saw her on MSNBC but could only take about 5 minutes of such drivel. I had to change the channel.

Leslie Parsley said...

Palin doesn't have to say outlandish shit. She's just too dumb and ignorant to know any better.

Infidel753 said...

"We need a commander- in- chief not a law professor"

This kind of comment always annoys me. It is simply an example of the rightists' tendency to denigrate intellectuals. They, and Palin, fail to realize how many of our current problems are due to important decisions being made by people who lacked training in critical thinking and had no respect for expert knowledge.

When Bush decided to invade Iraq, as he has admitted, he acted on the basis of gut instinct and did not take advice from people who were experts on Islam or on Iraqi history, culture, and politics. As a result, there was no understanding of the contingencies likely to arise after the fall of Saddam, and no planning worthy of the name for them -- no one anticipated the outbreak of of a Sunni-Shiite conflict, something I myself could have told them would happen; no one foresaw how easily Iran would establish influence among Iraqi Shiites, again, something obvious to anyone who actually knew the region; there was no systematic effort to secure control of the massive stockpiles of military weapons which were in place all over Iraq, which were therefore looted by militants. Thousands of American soldiers and far more Iraqis have paid with their lives for Bush's gut-level decision-making and disdain for academic expertise.

The fact that Obama was a law professor means he is trained in critical thinking. If he decided for whatever reason to invade another country, he would be unlikely to make similar mistakes, but rather would make sure he had the best information available, avoiding such wastage of life and resources.

I'm sure I don't need to point out which of those styles of decision-making would likely be Palin's.

Sue said...

Infidel, your expertise and intelligence such a turn-on (blush) Can you see why I'm so proud you stop to read my, ummmm, posts? Thanks as always Infidel! And yes Obama definitly outshines the likes of a Palin in the smarts department. But her kind likes that sort of stupidity and president bashing, afterall they are the true patriots.

C, what can I say, you always stoop to my level of thinking! But you are always spot on! lol

Jerry after 10 minutes I headed to the computer and typed as I listened, can ya tell!? LOL. I had to turn the volume down too, the speech was so demeaning it made me furious. Then the question part, I guess she was trying to sound presidential with a Q and A. Sorry the TV went off at that point. The whole thing was making me ill.

Leslie as we will soon find out, the first dude ran the whole schmiel in Alaska, he just used her as the prop. I hope they both go to jail for something, Anything, just get them off my TV!!

Sue said...

go to Immoral Minority(its on my bloglist) and see his clips of her reading notes off HER HAND during the Q and A!! GAG!

This was in their comments, it's here for lisa and Linda:

I'm a conservative Christian that woman drove out of the Republican party after 35 years with her hate speech. I read the so-called liberal blogs because it's the only way I can get actual facts about political news.

I think a lot of people posting on the various blogs forget that there's millions of people like me that will NEVER vote for this hypocritical harleton. I seriously doubt that all the conservatives/independents who voted against her specifically will change their minds about her just because some time has passed and we're not seen screaming in public.

With that being said, I do think it's very important to continue to get the facts out about her stunning lack of character coupled with her obvious lack of critical thinking skills.

If any mrs. palin supporters care to look up her record on fighting for the unborn, go to the site Prolife Profiles. The site dissects the actions of politicians who claim to be prolife and provides documentation. She's listed on Tier 4; basically it's a myth she's prolife.

Are they lying too?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Perhaps Palin is correct Sue. Maybe we need a part time weather girl/sportscaster sa commander in chief. Maybe we need a person that took five years to get a four year degree.

The president doesn't have to deal with laws and all that egghead stuff. He just has to cut ribbons and do whatever Cheney tells him to do. Right?

Sue said...

well Truth, I guess her followers believe a smile and nice legs are what our country needs as a leader. She could even bring Cheney back as her secretary of state, Beck as her VP, Bachmann as her chief of staff, and the first dude will actually be the president. OMG, it's friggin funny farm and there are people in this country who would cheer and PRAY for this to happen...

jadedj said...

Sue I don't understand how you could possibly watch this fool and keep audio on at the same time. Her voice alone incites me to do violence.

Frodo, with a bottle of Sly Fox, said...

Frodo, in his younger days, when he had had too much to cloud his better judgment, and had neglected to get a date, often drove to a nearby trailer park to find someone just like Sarah. It concerned him, at first, that she may have been in that number. He is relieved to report that their paths never crossed.

Thank you, Lord. Frodo will do better from now on.

Sue said...

Jaded I did turn it off, just in the nick of time, my heart started racing and I thought I would have a full blown stroke. But thank God I did not so I could be here today to educate you on Sarah...


Sue said...

Jerry has the close-ups of the notes on her hand, take a look. I got this comment from Huffington Post:

hey fellow liberals, be careful how you frame this argument.

If you want to be more effective in destroying the Right Wing spin on this, don't only point out the hypocrisy/childness of using palm notes.. or don't bother to mention them at all

More important is the fact that she wrote down her CORE VALUES on her hand. It goes to show that if she needed to remind herself of her own CORE VALUES (which are the same core values that her fans have) then she doesn't really believe in them and is pandering!

Annette said...

One of the commenters at Cesca's place has a new name for her.. She will be forever called from this day forward the:


Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Wow Sue!!! What do you really think? LOL

Isn't it amazing that when Bush was President talk like that was regarded as TREASON by the far right when the nation was engaged in two wars?

And what about these clowns who forked over $500 + for the convention, and the 500 people who paid $349 for Caribou Barbie's speech alone...her price to whip the Tea Baggers into a flagwaving frenzy was 100K.

Patriotism for profit.

And these fools believe the left are elitists....and even bigger fools believe them!

Its all about $$$ to those people calling the shots in Nashville.

Have a beer...enjoy the game...shovel some snow...get ready for more.

jadedj said...

telepalmer...har har har...good one.

Jerry Critter said...

Thanks for the acknowledgment. I agree. Anyone who has to write their core values on their hand, or even a note card, doesn't believe them very strongly. Hell, if you can't remember your core values, maybe they don't really mean much to you.

Palin -- Core values? I ain't got no stinkin' core values. That's elitist liberal talk. You betcha! All my values have dollar signs in from of them. Keep those donations comin'.

Karen said...

"My blood was boiling, my heart was racing and I blew a gasket"

LOL!!! That's exactly why I love coming here!!! You Go Girl!!!

Sue said...

Annette, Jaded, Hugh, Jerry, Karen,

What you read is me, all me, and nothing but me! I pull no punches and put on no airs, its who I am. I was so pissed last night and Hugh you are right about TREASON, that is exactly what the right would say if the tables were turned. I can't believe that woman has the audacity to talk about national security like she has some knowledge on the subject. It's utterly insane, and the insane applauded her!

Jerry Critter said...

She was literally talking to the insane asylum. Stupid is as stupid does.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Tell us how you really feel, Sue! It's called free speech, just like when Bush was vilified and castigated while we were at war...

Jerry Critter said...

Yes, "Bush was vilified and castigated while we were at war" he should have been.

The problem here is the hypocrisy of the right. THEY are the ones who said that we ALL should support the president in time of war and now THEY are doing the vilifying and castigating.

That's one reason why what the right says means nothing. The only thing consistent about them is their inconsistency.

Oso said...

difference being the only castigating of Bush was from the liberal blogs.

MSM had nothing critical to say.

And Republicans called us traitors and questioned our patriotism for expressing ourselves in that way.

Anonymous said...

Someone please find a quote of a conservative questioning the patriotism of lefties who criticized Bush. I'm sure a few nuts did, but it was not the widespread phenomenon you portray.

Hypocrisy? Oh My!

So you are all hypocrites now since you thought such activity was OK earlier but now it's not.

Ahhh... The Age of Outrage...

Sue said...

silver I said some nice things about you over at Infidels, So I will continue to be polite. Jerry and Oso said it so well. Its true bloggers were hard on Bush, of course he deserved it. (I wasn't blogging then BTW). But the media and Washington leaders, were they saying unpatriotic and treasonous things about Bush during wartime? Did they go out of their way to make Bush look weak on national security like the right is doing to Obama? The right says you NEVER speak like that during war time, they are hypocrites and Palin is the most unpatriotic moron on earth! This is had me the most furious, her bashing of Obamas NS was beyond treasonous!

Sue said...

silver you can find those conservative quotes on Fox News archives. Every single one of them said it.

Anonymous said...

Not that I would disbelieve anyone... But some direct links would be nice.

The disparity between what we perceive and what was actually said is an amazing phenomenon experienced by everyone regardless of ideology.

That explains why both sides thinks the MSM gives the other a pass.

Anonymous said...

Oh! I said nice things at Infidel's about you, too.

Sue said...

I saw that silver, thank you! :-)

I'll find those quotes for ya, alot of them were Hannity I'm sure

Sue said...

this came from NEWSHOUNDS:

So just to correct the record, here are just a few of the things that have been said about Bush critics on Hannity's show, either by him or by a guest he never rebutted:

"Why don’t you liberals just admit it? You don’t like the military. It’s all phony when you say you support the troops," Mark Levin (Hannity calls him "The Great One"), 11/2/06

“The left has a disdain for the military... They’re dangerous... trying to undermine the will of the American people." Tom DeLay, 10/31/06

"It’s clear that the Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry wing of the Democratic Party has a visceral loathing for the American military and for, frankly, America as a country in the world. Their whole approach is to blame us for what, in fact, our enemies do... I think it tells you how deep the sickness is in the left wing of the Democratic Party.” Newt Gingrich, 11/1/06

"That’s your Party that undermines our troop morale and emboldens our enemies," Sean Hannity, 2/1/08.

"When you have Democrats saying it's time to get out, artificial timetables and saying that the Commander-in-Chief lied, distorted, hyped and misled the troops. Is that the thing to do during a time of war?" Sean Hannity, 12/2/05

By the way, last I checked, this is still a time of war. Or is calling our president a radical socialist better than calling him a liar?

TOM said...

Blow, baby blow!
(get your minds out of the gutter)

You should be incensed. I don't understand why more than 0.1% (number of proven American dolts-HaHa) of people listen to this bimbo.
Can anyone verify a report I heard, that she is using her PAC money to buy her own books, to boost sales?

Infidel is so correct.

It's not the worst thing in the World to get rid of a violent tyrant like Saddam, but it was a war of opportunity, not necessity.

Meanwhile, the war of necessity (killing the terrorists in Afghanistan and the mountains of Pakistan) went unfinished. Ever since, we have had to see Bin Laden in his "kill America" videos and more attacks on us.

Bush does "shock and awe" on Iraq, then spearheads to Baghdad leaving the enemy and their weapons in our rear, for them to turn around and start killing Americans. What a military rookie (Rumsfeld) mistake.

We should have known (and did know) about the characteristics of the people of Iraq. Bush ignored that information. He ignored the information about WMDs, then lied about it and tried to bury a good diplomat during the cover up.

The first General (Schinzecky-sp) told Bush he needed 300-400 thousand troops to efficiently invade Iraq, but instead of Bush listening to him, he fired him.

It doesn't matter if we leave Iraq now, 2 years ago, or 2 years from now, the Iraqis will have war among themselves.

We should have known (probably did) that the Soviet Union was destroying itself, and it was not necessary to spend ourselves (militarily) into deep debt, to try and defeat them.

We hire all these people for their expertise, then we ignore their advice. How dumb is that?

Americans have come to believe that their country can do nothing right. We have to change that attitude. A good way to do that, is to have a smart President making decisions.

jadedj said...

Sue, how about we add a few of Ann Coulter's quotes to the equation:

"...(A)fter World War II, the Democratic Party suffered from the same sort of pusillanimous psychosis that seized all of France after World War I. The entire party began to lose its nerve for sacrifice, heroism, and bravery. Beginning in the fifties, there was a real fight for the soul of the Democratic Party. By the late sixties, the contest was over. The anti-Communist Democrats had lost. -- Ann Coulter

"Whether they are defending the Soviet Union or bleating for Saddam Hussein, liberals are always against America. They are either traitors or idiots, and on the matter of America's self-preservation, the difference is irrelevant." -- Ann Coulter

"While the form of treachery varies slightly from case to case, liberals always manage to take the position that most undermines American security." -- Ann Coulter

Liberals promote the right of Islamic fanatics for the same reason they promote the rights of adulterers, pornographers, abortionists, criminals, and Communists. They instinctively root for anarchy against civilization. The inevitable logic of the liberal position is to be for treason." -- Ann Coulter

Sue said...

I heard that too Tom, Palin buying her own books What a loser!

Jaded all I can say when I read the filth that comes out of Coulters mouth is OH MY GOD...People actually like this woman, amazing

Anonymous said...

Those quotes are rebuttals to people attacking the military, not Bush.

Anyway, other than Coulter, nobody is questioning anyone's patriotism.

I think we're in the age of outrage and everybody needs to get over it.

Sue said...


If anyone read my comment to Frodo and thought I was mad, I WAS NOT!!

I am so sorry for the misreading of my words, I HATE when that happens!!! Love you my friend Hobbit!!

Jerry Critter said...

Here is a link for you from ABC News. She spent over $60,000 of her PAC money to buy copies of her book.

TOM said...


Thanks for the link.

WOW, I call that unfair advantage for book sales. I wonder if she uses a bazooka on Moose hunts?

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the issue with Palin's PAC buying her books. The PAC reported it in their statement as a reward for donors (she bought the copies from the publisher, signed them and sent them to donors)

It's not like they got caught doing something sneaky or illegal. They reported it. This is actually pretty common among political types, according to the article.

She's sold over 2 million copies, so "thousands" is a drop in the bucket...

Annette said...

Since SilverFiddle says everything you have quoted so far is not correct.. here's one he should say is correct..

For example, when asked about Democrats who vocally oppose the President at a time of war, Lieberman said, "in matters of war we undermine Presidential credibility at our nation's peril."

Is Lieberman really saying, Harold Meyerson asks, "[that] to criticize Bush on the war is partisan, while refusing to criticize Bush on the war affirms the national interest?" And this wasn't just a disagreement on the war with many Democrats � Lieberman actually gave Bush cover for the idea that those who dare to criticize his handling of the war are un-American. (That would include a majority of independents, by the way.)

And, at the end of June, when Republicans scheduled Senate votes aimed at depicting Democrats in an election year as "cut and run" cowards, Lieberman was the first to speak during the Republicans' time. What did the Democratic Senator from Connecticut do? Lieberman dumped on the Democrats, showing that he was willing to be used to depict his fellow Democrats as weak.

From good old Traitor Joe... of all people, as used by David Brooks to defend him.

Thats one source.. published in the NY Times on 07/09/2006

I am sure I can find more if you want me to.. this was just a simple search to find that one.

Annette said...

On the book sales.. no it is not kosher to do that.. only conservative authors do it.... I heard Tweety and Mark Halperin and John Heilman talking about it on Hardball and they all 3 said they wished they had thought of it... and that it was one way to make sure your book became a best seller..

Also I have seen other authors now coming out saying they wish they had done it too.. I have several on my FaceBook page and they have all said it is a disgusting way to do business.. You are given so many books by the Publisher to give away if you want to as rewards or what ever you want to call them... but to buy them yourself and then give them away is not good PR. It shows you are trying to skew the numbers.

By the way... which of the find upstanding organizations is going to jump up and fact check that woman... you know.. there is always someone running to fact check the President after he speaks... so who, just who is going to fact check this bitch.

Jerry Critter said...

I've also heard the accusation made that using PAC money to buy her books is a way of laundering PAC money for her own personal use because she gets royalties from the book sales.

Of course, I would never accuse her of such a thing. I'm just sayin'...

The CDM said...

Jerry - As a sales rep, that type of transaction is called commision fraud.

Why don't they just put the woman on the stage with the pole and be done with it. They can start a strip tour of the red states(which are the most repressed states and highest consumers of porn) and charge $500 lap dances. Here's the best part, once the money has exchanged hands, she really is not obligated to finish the job. Something she's already acustomed to doing.

Tea party just became the T&A party. Problem solved.

Jerry Critter said...

T&A Party! I like that. That's a party teabaggers can get into -- in the VIP private rooms only, of course.

nonnie9999 said...

silverfiddle might want to read this to refresh his memory.

Oso said...

per your request.took about 10 mins to find.,2933,80205,00.html

Jerry Critter said...

Isn't google wonderful! It is much harder to lie these days.

The CDM said...

...and yet, they still do.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Not to beat a dead horse TOOOO much, but you don't have to search very hard to come up with at least three people who were pilloried by the right for criticizing Bush.

Natalie Maines, Martie McGuire, and Emily Robison- aka, The Dixie Chicks. Vilified by conservative talking heads; blacklisted by many country music radio stations, primarily in the South and West; shunned by many of their country music brethren.

And of course, the death threats. They spent a good deal of time in the early 2000's having security with them 24/7 so some brave patriot wouldn't blow away one of these three musicians.

Criticize Bush and your livelihood and life are threatened. But its OK for right wingers to wear guns at town halls where the current President is going to attend. class hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

Once again, you've strayed off the path. We're talking about criticizing the president in time of war.

Lefties did it to Bush and now Rightwingers are doing it to Obama, and nobody got thrown in the gulag.

Our freedoms (including the right to carry a gun) are wonderful. Thank God you live in America

Annette said...

Finally the Dixie Chicks had to leave the country and went to England for a while waiting for things to cool down here in the USA..

But SilverFiddle is like so many Conservatives... no matter how many examples you show him or point him at, none are good enough he is firm in his support of the Liar in Chief and firm in his disapproval of Pres. Obama.

Sue said...

Looks like you might be out numbered silver. I'd like to add Cindy Sheehan to the list. She was vilified by the right. She is a hero in my eyes, if I was in her shoes I would have done the exact same things!

Anonymous said...

I think the criticism from the right directed at the left was specifically that they criticized the war while we had troops in the field. You have generalized it out to criticizing Obama's foreign policy. Two distinct issues.

Anyway, I believe the president is never above criticism. He's not a king.

Grung_e_Gene said...

And here's a little ELO to play Palin out...

It's as if they knew she was coming...

The Right declared anyone who questioned "The Decider" was against the Troops and explicitly stated Supporting the Troops=Supporting the War. A false dichotomy of either you are with the Decider and his Stay the Course Idiocy or you are with Al Qaeda...

Grung_e_Gene said...

Absolutely criticize the President as long as he's a Democrat, the mantra of the bigoted hypocrites who comprise the Republican Party and Conservative movement.

Joe said...

"degrade our PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA during war time!"

Sure am glad the left never did this to Bush.

Anonymous said...

they degrade anyone who doesn't agree with them during war or not.
being they are the smart ones and everyone else is just stupid and uneducated.


Grung_e_Gene said...

Lisa and Joe, it is okay to denigrate the President during wartime yes or no?

Or as I expect is it only okay to Dissent when the government is controlled by the Democratic Party but when the Government is in the hands of the Republicans it is tantamount to treason and aids the Tear-Oh-Wrists?