Today President Barack Obama gave a speech in Ohio. The president did a superb job speaking mostly to his base, pointing out the differences in the parties. The question is..... do you want to move forward or do you want to lay down in defeat and let the GOP take us back to the way it was when our economy was in collapse because of rightwing policies? All you righties, and yes even some of my liberal readers who have become critical of Obama, will probably look at the speech as just a bunch of talk and no action, but I believe our president wanted this job because he truly cares about our country and cares about each one of you. You can make fun of Obama, you can make fun of me....I don't care, I thought the speech was terrific! First the speech in Milwaukee, now this one in Ohio where he let Boehner and the GOP have it. You can read the whole speech here if you missed it today, but I want to highlight some of my favorite parts.
Here's the full transcript of the speech as spoken....well you know what I mean. The link above is the prepared speech..
Pres. Obama...."Job growth between 2000 and 2008 was slower than it had been in any economic expansion since World War II -- even slower than it's been over the past year. The wages and incomes of middle-class families kept falling while the cost of everything from tuition to health care kept rising. Folks were forced to put more debt on their credit cards and borrow against homes that many couldn't afford in the first place. Meanwhile, a failure to pay for two wars and two tax cuts for the wealthy helped turn a record surplus into a record deficit.
I ran for president because I believed that this kind of economy was unsustainable -- for the middle-class and for our nation's future. I ran because I had a different idea about how America was built -- an idea rooted in my own family's story."
"Make no mistake: [Boehner] and his party believe we should also give a
permanent tax cut to the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans. With all
the other budgetary pressures we have - with all the Republicans' talk
about wanting to shrink the deficit - they would have us borrow $700
billion over the next 10 years to give a tax cut of about $100,000 each
to folks who are already millionaires."
President Obama vowed to end the tax cuts to the rich, the top 2%. All this will do is restore the tax rate to where it was under President Clinton. But the GOP would have you believe it will hurt small business. That is utter bullshit and a damn LIE!!
He also said this...."Instead of tax loopholes that incentivize investment in overseas jobs,
I'm proposing a more generous, permanent extension of the tax credit
that goes to companies for all the research and innovation they do right
here in America. And I'm proposing that all American businesses should
be allowed to write off all the investment they do in 2011. This will
help small businesses upgrade their plants and equipment, and will
encourage large corporations to get off the sidelines and start putting
their profits to work in places like Cleveland and Toledo and Dayton."
That's 100% write off. What will the republicans do with this proposal?? This will be proof positive the GOP doesn't care about businesses putting people back to work. They have voted NO on every small business legislation so far, why would they embrace this latest proposal? They don't want people getting back to work, it's not in the GOP's best interest...
"There are still thousands of miles of roads, railways, and runways left
to repair and improve. And engineers, economists, governors and mayors
of every political stripe believe that if we want to compete, we need to
rebuild this vital infrastructure. There's no reason Europe or China
should have the fastest trains or the most modern airports -- we want to
put people to work building them right here in America. So this week,
I've proposed a six year infrastructure plan that would start putting
Americans to work right away. But despite the fact that this has
traditionally been an issue with bipartisan support, Mr. Boehner has so
far said no to infrastructure. That's bad for America -- and that too is
what this election is about"
Look around, look at our cities, our schools, our bridges, our roads, our highways...They are ALL crumbling. But what does the GOP say, NO, NO, NO to infrastructure jobs. That's too easy, too positive a move for democrats and the voters come November..... Pres. Obama is correct, we are falling behind China,
Japan and Europe. We are the USA, lets get our act together for the good of our country. Who do you want working for you? I want the party who will move us forward, that's the Democratic Party!
Great job President Obama, I look forward to the next big speech!
"An Incendiary Emperor" Trump
*Claude Malhuret:*
*“Washington under Trump has become Nero's court, an incendiary emperor,
submissive courtiers, and a jester on ketamine in charge...
49 minutes ago
Sue, this is a great post. Don't let that loon ruin it.
And he did kick Boners ass around quite nicely.
Now-when they say no which they will,how hard will he fight and in particular against the extension of the tax cuts.
I have been pleasantly surprised with these last couple speeches. Seems to me sometimes we forget, meaning me, PO knows how to campaign. It's nice to see Barack Obama out there stumping when sometimes all we see is the President if that makes any sense. I'm hopeful he can fire up the base just a little more the way he did on the campaign trail.
thanks Leslie, yes I'll try and keep her under control today.
OF I believe Obama when he says he will end the tax cuts for the rich. Yes it was a kick ass speech! (:-)
Jess this has been a good week for Obama and for us who have been craving some excitement from him! He can fire up the base with more speeches like yesterdays!
Well said!
As long as these loonies deny the facts and the truth, their delusions will continue to unite their "hopeful" followers.
They will never reach their utopia, because there is no such world as their delusions, but they will screw up things seeking their unreal world, as they have for the last 30 years.
Why am I speaking so nice about these jerks today? Don't know.
Please forgive me for hijacking this post and thread, but I think you and your readers will want to know about THIS.
President Obama came out swinging and landed some good haymakers against the GOP. Some think these latest speeches may be too little, too late. Maybe for the November elections (and that's a big maybe). However, if Obama keeps hammering home the point that the GOP have done nothing to help him solve the nation's economic problems, he'll be in good shape for the 2012 campaign.
Tom good to see you here, don't be so nice next time! LOL
Shaw I'll check it out and i'll be by to read your post, I quicly glanced at it earlier.
Malcolm I think there is plenty of time to rile up the base and Obama can do that for November. Maybe not time to turn the economic numbers but we still have 6 yrs to work on that. Dems NEED TO VOTE!!
One of Obama's biggest downfalls is his inconsitency of pressing those that keep punk carding him. Like Malcolm said, it may be too little and too late. He needs to keep doing what he's doing. What's the worst that could happen? Seriously.
@Sue, I sure hope so, because here in California Meg Whitman and Brown are in a virtual tie and that should not be happening at all. We have Barbara Boxer fighting to keep her seat against Carly Failorina. That this should happen here, is really depressing.
@Shaw, why do people do that, not like they can't still be anonymous without resorting to stupid tactics. Kind of like the Rand Paul staffer that was found out to be over at Dailykos, telling people Conway was a bad candidate, they should vote for someone else in his diaries. Then when caught red handed, they go into lying/spin mode to cover their tracks. Even as far as scrubbing old comments from places that might have clues, only to be found out using Google cache.
The internetz is like a roach motel, facts go in and they don't get scrubbed away. I think the wingers, or at least many of them, forget these things.
hey C and Jess, I do think we have time to change the numbers. I can't fathom this country putting the thugs back in any kind of power position after what we've been through with Bush/Cheney. Obama needs to be out there talking about party differences. It won't change the crazies but it will move the country the way it was moved in '08. I believe it...
The latest Gallup generic-ballot poll shows Democrats and Republicans tied, down from a ten-point Republican advantage in the last one. It's too early to tell whether it's just an outlier or Obama's recent truth-telling speeches taking effect. Could be a bit of both.
Ed Schultz hit upon something tonight when he said the President needs to stay on message and not get distracted by brush fires like crazy ministers in Florida and Islamic centers that are too close to Ground Zero.
I don't think it's too late yet to minimize losses, but he has got to get his base fired up. I don't care who the President was the past two years; nobody was going to turn the economy around in that time frame. He succeeded in stopping the bleeding, but the American public wants a cure right now....and that isn't realistic. It will take time. The economy didn't turn in the Reagan era for nearly four years, and under FDR was was nearly eight (with an assist by WW2). The Great Recession of '08 lies somewhere in between, but might have been most catastrophic in what it did to the housing industry- no one ever lost money in real estate on this scale ever- and the ripple effect across the board.
Obama can only try to do what FDR did....give people hope and leadership, and keep working. And avoid addressing unnecessary BS.
I saw that poll Infidel, I did a happy dance! LOL. Maybe voters are coming out of their coma?
Hugh I saw Ed too, he always gets me fired up! I agree, this Jones story has me looking for Ashton Kutcher to jump from the bushes. It's insane for the whole country and even the world to be focusing on that insane fuckwit. Damn....But this is what the right does, they turn the focus away from them so the voters forget how useless and irrelevant they are. Yes I know the MSNBC shows are just as guilty talking endlessly about Jones, but he does represent the wingnuts whether they like it or not.
Thanks, Sue. I’m sending your post link to my Republican loved ones. Will they read it? No. Do they give a damn what Obama has to say? No. I’ll just tell them to SAVE it as something to read when they’re in the poor house – if they continue to vote Republican.
@Jess, I have no idea why people do devious things--steal someone else's identity. My only goal in uncovering this is to get that blog to take down that poor woman's photo.
Sue, I think the president has to be careful about too much exposure too soon before the elections.
I'm guessing he'll be out there more as we near election time.
We Americans tend to have a very short attention span. Perhaps that's why Pres. Obama is saving his rhetoric for closer to the elections.
I cannot believe this country would hand power back to the party that put us in this mess.
Good for you BJ! No the republican Obama haters do not listen to him or read anything because they think he is a liar and a Muslim:-), but the Independants are gonna be the deciders not the thugs. So we have to keep talking!
Attention span and memory loss, that's Americas problems Shaw! lol! I believe if Obama is in campaign mode its a positive for us and it scares the thugs because Obama is still very popular with all Americans. Giving speeches like he did this week can only help IMO.
@Sue, Oh I plan on getting out next weekend to do some canvassing. I have made a commitment to go to a couple of colleges in the area here also. I figure there, if I talk up the pot proposition, they will talk to me about the rest of it and I'm still in the young bracket so they'll talk to me :)
@HJFJ, I don't know who gave him the advice to go answer that question. Bad advice if you ask me, next one will want a call from PO because their panties ar ein a wad and next one. Gates actually calling him. Come on, who gives the crazy uncle at the party more attention. We tend to stick our crazy uncle with the kids, so they can entertain him.
It was an excellent speech, Sue. If only he had gone on offense almost two years ago.
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