Do you remember these quotes from our First Lady, Michelle Obama??
Speaking in Milwaukee, would-be First Lady Michelle
Obama said, "for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my
country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback."
Then in Madison, she said, "For the first time in my adult lifetime,
I'm really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done
well, but because I think people are hungry for change."
Well today, and for the past 2 years I have been humiliated, embarrassed, sick to my stomach, and certainly NOT proud of the hateful, racist bigots in the rightwing of this country for the way they have reacted to our half black President Barack Hussein Obama!! There, don't like it? Tough shit! You are liars when you say it's not about race when you make a big deal about the president talking to school children for THE SECOND TIME since his presidency! I am NOT PROUD of my country! People around the globe are watching you disgusting bigots, they are just amazed that the people of the greatest country on earth could be so hateful, so demeaning to their president. It's shameful and I am ashamed to call myself an American when I have to live side by side with these rightwingers. I don't know how they can call themselves Americans.
"An Incendiary Emperor" Trump
*Claude Malhuret:*
*“Washington under Trump has become Nero's court, an incendiary emperor,
submissive courtiers, and a jester on ketamine in charge...
46 minutes ago
You're getin' all riled up there, Ms. Sue.
Do you REALLY want to get pissed off?
Check out this article and the video.
Anybody who says their isn't a racial aspect to some of the anti-Obamaism....well, I'm sorry...they're either delusional, on massive doses of drugs, or are just dumber than a mud fence...and I'm pulling my punches.
Hugh I was even more pissed when I first wrote the post, I calmed down and took out the F words tho, Your Mama would be proud of me!
That article is disgusting example of the racist teabaggers, but of course they will deny and just say it was all in fun.
These RWNJs really know how to get to a person's last nerve. And yes, we know they're racist no matter what they say. All this upheaval didn't just start in November 2008, but for some reason they seem to think it did. I, too, get so angry I could scream........and my Repub "friends" ( I use that term loosely) thinks it's strange; "well, you voted for that *&^$) guy", as they drink their Tea......
Hi Judi, It's been a bad night, the Delaware primary has ended with a teabagger win and I'm feeling ill. We dems need some really inspiring good news this week, I hate feeling so down!
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