Sunday, September 19, 2010

They are scared of our Elizabeth Warren, wonder why! ;-)

President Obama appointed Elizabeth Warren to head up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

The appointment will allow Ms.Warren to effectively get the agency up and running without having to go through a contentious confirmation battle in the Senate. So what's all the hoopla about?

This is from our friends blog, who shall remain anonymous for our protection....
he writes this before he posts the Wall Street Journal rant....
"His (Obama's)total disdain for America, and it's laws, and it's processes is despicable.
If Dick Cheney had tried this, he'd have been accused of staging a Coup.


The Wall Street Journal says it best!
Whatever else can be said about this White House, it isn't afraid to poke a stick in the eye of its critics. How else
to explain President Obama's decision Friday to put Elizabeth Warren in charge of the new Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau while avoiding Senate confirmation and, for that matter, any political supervision.
The chutzpah here is something to behold. The pride of Harvard Law School, Ms. Warren is a hero to the
political left for proposing a new bureaucracy to micromanage the services that banks can offer consumers. But
she is also so politically controversial that no less a liberal lion than Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd has warned
the White House that she probably isn't confirmable. A President with more political and Constitutional scruple
would have nominated someone else. Mr. Obama's choice is to appoint her anyway and dare the Senate to do
something about it.
The plan is for Ms. Warren to run the new bureau from an office at the Treasury Department. Instead of calling
her the "Director" of the bureau—the statutory title for the organization's boss—Mr. Obama has appointed her an
"assistant" to him and a special adviser to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.
Mr. Geithner's supervision will be pro forma, however, because
Ms. Warren rolled over him during the financial reform debate
and has her own pipeline to the Oval Office. The President
emphasized that Ms. Warren will enjoy "direct access" to him
and said she would oversee all aspects of the creation of the new
agency, including staffing and policy planning. For all intents
and purposes, Ms. Warren will be Treasury Secretary for all
consumer lending.
We would have thought a Harvard law professor would object to
the extra-legality of this arrangement, but then this is also the
crew that gave us ObamaCare via budget reconciliation and put
Donald Berwick in charge of Medicare without a Senate debate.
Remind us again why the tea party critique of Obama
governance is crazy.
The new bureau was already destined to be a bureaucratic rogue. When Members of Congress objected to it
being "independent" in the way Ms. Warren hoped, Mr. Dodd and the Administration cooked up a plan to make
it part of the Federal Reserve without actually answering to anyone there. The bureau has independent
rule-making authority and can grant itself an annual budget up to $646 million. It will draw this money from the
operations of the Fed, so the bureau needn't deal with the messy intrusions of Congressional appropriators and
will therefore receive limited Congressional oversight.
Ms. Warren's bureau will dictate how credit is allocated throughout the American economy—by banks and
financial firms, and also by many small businesses that extend credit to consumers. The bureau's mandate under
the new Dodd-Frank law is to ensure that "consumers are protected from unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts and practices and from discrimination." If those terms sound vague and overbroad now, wait until Ms. Warren's
hand-picked staff begins interpreting existing laws on fair lending and writes new rules.
In a blog posting Friday on the White House website, Ms. Warren made her intentions clear enough: "President
Obama understands the importance of leveling the playing field again for families and creating protections that
work not just for the wealthy or connected, but for every American." Given the economic growth and jobless
figures, maybe we should start calling this the "leveling" Administration.
Though her mandate goes beyond banks, the banking system is likely to suffer the most damage. Ms. Warren was
a vociferous opponent of allowing regulators charged with maintaining the safety and soundness of banks to
control this new bureau. No matter how destructive its new rules may be, they can only be rescinded by a
two-thirds vote of the Administration's new Financial Stability Oversight Council.
And the bureau will now be staffed and shaped by an "assistant" with no obligation to appear before the Senate.
The possibility that an appointed official could hold significant authority is why the framers wrote the Senate into
the process of approving the President's senior hires. Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution says the President
"shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint . . . Officers of the United
Article II, Section 2 also says "Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think
proper, in the President alone," but Congress explicitly did not view the head of the financial consumer bureau as
an inferior officer. On July 21, Mr. Obama signed a bill passed by both Houses stating that the "Director shall be
appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate."
We have here another end-run around Constitutional niceties so Team Obama can invest huge authority in an
unelected official who is unable to withstand a public vetting. So a bureau inside an agency (the Fed) that it
doesn't report to, with a budget not subject to Congressional control, now gets a leader not subject to Senate confirmation.

What a bunch of cry baby hypocrites! 
I took this next paragraph from TC at Politics Plus, he has been a tireless advocate for Elizabeth getting this appointment.
 And the brilliant part of this idea — as explained by Shahien Nasiripour at the Huffington Post (see also David Dayen’s Thursday coverage) — is that the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation allows the person charged with setting up this new agency to be an outright appointment, rather than a nomination subject to Senate confirmation.

from a NY Times editorial:
The banks don’t oppose Elizabeth Warren to head the new Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection because she doesn’t get it. They oppose her because she does.



Jerry Critter said...

The appointment of Warren is perfectly legal. It is no more a "total disdain for America" or "despicable" than a recess appointment.

What's the beef?

Annette said...

JC only because the commie marxist kenyan did

Jerry Critter said...

Oh, that's right. What's good for the goose, is not for the gander. :)

Leslie Parsley said...

Chalk one up for Obama.

Lisa may be right but she isn't correct.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"His (Obama's)total disdain for America, and it's laws, and it's processes is despicable.
If Dick Cheney had tried this, he'd have been accused of staging a Coup.

This person should be arrested for the unauthorized use of the apostrophe. I demand he take down his blog! Also could the blogger mean that Cheney would have been accused of staging Coupé?

That would be a felonious attempt at taking over a small part of the automobile industry.

No wonder this blogger is spitting nails over this!

Infidel753 said...

Well, what do they expect when the Republicans have spent the last year and a half obstructing everything? If they want to play that game, Obama's going to play hardball right back.

I love how the WSJ instinctively assumes that effective re-regulation of the financial companies will cause "damage". When they were de-regulated in the first place, they went berserk and screwed up the economy of the entire planet. I think we can do without that kind of laissez-faire.

Malcolm said...

When the conservatives/Republicans are upset over something like the Elizabeth Warren appointment, it's usually a sign that Obama made the right move. I saw Ms. Warren's appearance on Rachel Maddow the other night and I like what she had to say.

Sue said...

Hi guys!

Shaw is the apostrophe really wrong, because I inserted the (Obama's), or do you mean all his it's?? LOL. I have to admit my part incase anyone goes to Mals and sees the post....ooooops....

It's true, when Obama makes a move that sends the right into a frenzy it's because he is correct, and much more intelligent then they are, so that infuriates them!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

From a religious standpoint Mrs. Warren's appointment is perfectly just and moral.

I would rate 8 virgins out of 10.

The CDM said...

Ayatollah, I believe you meant to say this gets a 58/72 virgin score for total lunacy, given the 80%.

Scale: 1 - nonbelieving infidel that should die -all the way to-72 - Total believer and Allah himself whispers in my ear.

The CDM said...

You know the more I hear from these alleged "christians" about every single goddam issue that concerns our president, the more they are starting to sound a LOT like the Jews that turned on Christ.

I'm just sayin'...

Oh, and since Truth is now an Ayatollah, I am now an ordained minister. Hey, it worked for "Mr." al sharpton

Sue said...

thank you Ayatollah....

C they sound very much like Nazis. Yet they accuse Obama and the liberals of taking over the country thru evil ways and means.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'm an ayatollah Complaint Dept. Mgr. Not a fucking mathmetician.

Now stop your complaining or me and Reverend Wright will initiate prayers to take away your virgins.

The CDM said...

Okay, that was funny.

Ayatollah, I don't need you to believe me....just 12 will do.

Jolly Roger said...

Hopefully, a few people who intended to sit on their hands in November will decide otherwise now.

As for me, I'm voting early, and I'm using a paper ballot. As always.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...


You'd think Elizabeth Warren was practicing witchcraft or something!

Sue said...

me too JR. I have to believe the people will start to see the seriousness of this election, SOON!!

Hugh, lol! The rightwing will say and do anything, they're so jealous of the liberals and our intelligent president. We are way too smart for them and they hate us for it!

Shaw Kenawe said...


A blogging friend of mine tipped me off that a certain unhinged apostrophe abuser apparently never misses your blog posts.

The Apostrophe Abuser read my comment here and became so utterly distraught over it that the A.A. wrote a blog about moi with a photo of a old lady accompanying the post, which refers to me as an "old hag."

How adorable. I remember pre-teens employing the very same juvenile tactic when they were angry at their teachers. LOL!

Sue said...

I saw that Shaw! I have a habit of going there too and must break it somehow, I need HELP!! LOL

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

They never pick on me anymore. Even Donald Douglas of American Power is being nice to me.

What have I done to deserve all this civility from the right? I'm an Ayatollah dammit!

Sue said...

Ayatollah I have been commenting at Mals all week and he hasn't once yelled at me! I don't know whats going on, maybe guilt? Maybe they are finally seeing the light and want to join us??

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Mal has always been respectful of me as well. Respect is born out of fear. Righties fear me Sue.

Even those times I slammed Lisa she hid.

Righties fear me. I welcome their fear as well as their hate.

Sue said...

"I welcome their fear as well as their hate".

Ayatollah, you're words are salacious....

Jerry Critter said...

You now have the power of god on your side. Before it was just Truth. Nobody fears truth. They just ignore it. But they fear god -- god-fearing people, right?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The Lord has always been on my side Jerry. He speaks to me although sometimes the message isn't always clear. The last He spoke was a couple days ago. Something about Christine O'Donnell and "facial"?. Any idea what it means Jerry?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'm both honored and humbled that you find me salacious Sue.

You're not teasing me again are you?

Jerry Critter said...

Well, far be it for me to interpret what god says, but she may be talking about some sort of special cream that sweet Christine could put on her face to maybe keep the wrinkles away. Or maybe have a "partner" put on her face?

Sue said...

ME? Tease? Oh no, not at my age, I mean every word I speak....

maybe God got 'facial' mixed up with 'pubic', He was probably talking about some stray pubic hairs somewhere on Christine. Maybe her hand...

Oh God I am a sick person.....I'm sorry people that was the worse thing I have ever said on my blog...

B.J. said...

Suddenly the WSJ gets jerked off over “extra-legality” after eight years of the Bush administration. The article doesn’t happen to mention an industry without scruples which offered credit cards at low introductory rates and then hiked the interest to 39.9 perenct. In other words, usary.

Shaw, the use of “it’s” to show possession AND the “apostrophe s” instead of just the “s” for plurals – i.e., boy’s instead of boys - drives me nuts, too.