Thursday, September 16, 2010

Conservatives are absolutely giddy over their teabagging candidates

  It's really quite amusing when conservative bloggers get all giddy over the prospect of having teabaggers represent us in Congress. Like this blogger....

"Folk's, I am as most of you must be, very excited about our prospect's this coming November as the news just gets better and better every single solitary day we get closer to 11/2/2010! 
The polls, the primaries, the very creative campaigns, the creative artistry of the bloggers"!

Isn't that cute?? This guy is so excited for November 2nd, God Bless his sweet heart...

Now for a bit of reality...
Tuesday nights primary win for the GOP brought you the lovely but highly unqualified Christine O'Donnell. Here's a little background on the teabagger Palin wanna-be, OH, and Palin friggin loves her and has given her great advice, RUN from the MSM and hide at FoxNoise, Talk to nobody but Fox!!
Anyway,,, she ran unsuccessfully for the Delaware Senate seat in 2006 getting just 4% of the vote. Then in 2008 she ran again and lost by 30% points to our wonderful Joe Biden (LOVE JOE!)

 Delaware Democrats,  you have been handed a gem, teabagger O'Donnell has all but guaranteed the Senate seat in Delaware will go to the democrat!  Proof positive, the rightwing teabagging republicans do not care if their candidate has the smarts to be a Senator, they don't give 2 shits if their candidate has experience, all they care about is defeating Barack Obama and stealing back some power no matter what its consequences are to our nation!

Another Tuesday night GOP victory for teabaggers, the nomination of Carl Paladino for Governor of the great state of New York.. This is an amazing win for the teabagger republicans, for you see this man is down right racist, something the baggers are drawn to....Remember his background, he was caught forwarding emails with racial messages about Pres. Obama, birther claims, pornography, and bestiality. Of course when he was confronted about the emails he blamed Democrats!

From Think Progress:  But perhaps what has made Paladino most loved among his base is his fervent, angry opposition to the Islamic center project near Ground Zero. He has called Park 51 an “affront to the American people” and claimed “it’s about the Islamists wanting to illustrate that they have conquered America by taking down the World Trade Center.” If elected governor, Paladino has pledged he would use the power of eminent domain to take the site.
Paladino’s radical, divisive, and disturbing record isn’t setting well with one of New York’s most famous Republicans — former Sen. Alfonse D’Amato. “He is dangerous, at the least, he is mean spirited and he tries to divide people,” D’Amato told WCBS 880′s Peter Haskell. Along with former New York City Mayor Ed Koch and former State Comptroller Carl McCall, D’Amato also signed his name to an open letter declaring Paladino unfit for office:
The victory of Carl Paladino in the Republican Primary was a disappointing day for all New Yorkers. This state has a long history of electing highly qualified, forward-looking statewide candidates — both Democrats and Republicans. Yesterday, however, anger overcame reason and enabled a fringe element to choose the Republican nominee. The end result was the selection of Mr. Paladino, a divisive figure simply not fit to lead this great state.
At a time when we need leaders who can bring New Yorkers together, Mr. Paladino practices a destructive brand of politics that will divide our state. […]
We need a governor who can take on the special interests, not one who is a special interest. We also need a governor who will bring New Yorkers together to take on our common challenges, not drive us apart. Through his own words and actions Carl Paladino has proven himself unfit to serve as Governor – he is exactly the wrong person to lead our state.
D’Amato is a hardcore Republican. His opposition to Paladino is just further evidence of the growing cleavage within the GOP among its right-wing fringe and its leadership.

There is no doubt about it, the republican party has moved so far right they are not recognizable anymore. They have morphed into the TeaParty radical fringe, a very scary radical fringe of the rightwing. Even today Karl Rove has done a complete reversal of his initial opinions about Christine O'Donnell. God forbid a rightie has an opinion that does not mesh with the wingnuts, Fox, and Rush Limbaugh. I'll bet he had to bend over and take a lashing like a Catholic schoolboy!!

Glenn Beck called himself a tea party outsider.....

Mitch McConnell said, "We can't let the people who've been hit hardest by this recession and who we need to create the jobs that will get us out of it foot the bill for the Democrats' two-year adventure in expanded government."  He said this on the Senate floor, by "the people", he means the billionaires..

Christine O'Donnell said, "We took the Bible and prayer out of public schools, and now we're having weekly shootings practically. We had the 60's sexual revolution, and now people are dying of AIDS".

Christine O'Donnell said this about co-ed dorm rooms, ''What's next? Orgy rooms? Menage a trois rooms? ... [Coedness] is like a radical agenda forced on college students.''

Sharron Angle said this,  ''We needed to have the press be our friend ... We wanted them to ask the questions we want to answer so that they report the news the way we want it to be reported.''

Rand Paul said this about the future of North America, ''I guarantee it's one of their(liberals) long-term goals, to have one sort of borderless mass continent.''

Wake up Progressives!! These people are the face of the new Republican party, do not be fooled. These  radicals are not the true voice of the majority of Americans. Their voices and their votes will be of a minority of wackos who are hell bent on bringing America to its knees. They truely believe they can bring on "the rapture". Gods Army, remember?


Leslie Parsley said...

Things like that video I posted sure shocks a few folks, even a few conservatives.

To think they're running from the Lame Street Media is laughable given how much the media has been licking their asses. The Tea Partiers wure like to play the martyr role, especially the dames.

Regretably, there is no Republican party anymore. Either they've quietly slipped out the back door or they've prostituted themselves.

Sue said...

prostituted themselves, absolutely

Infidel753 said...

Right-wing blogger: the creative artistry of the bloggers"!

I wonder if he's referring to all that identity-stealing sock-puppetry that Shaw's been ferreting out? Creative artistry of a kind, I suppose.

the rightwing teabagging republicans do not care if their candidate has the smarts to be a Senator,

"Smarts" are at best a dispensable add-on in this context. The goal is to restore power to the kleptocracy and roll back whatever feeble efforts the Democrats have made to rein its power in. Members of a Republican Senate majority would not need to be able to think independently, when their paymasters would tell them how to vote on key questions.

I know nothing about Paladino, but don't forget that the Ground Zero mosque is opposed by an overwhelming majority of the public. The First Amendment puts it beyond the power of any government authority to stop, but opposing it is nevertheless a vote-winning position. That's the reality of the situation.

Christine O'Donnell said, "We took the Bible and prayer out of public schools, and now we're having weekly shootings practically. We had the 60's sexual revolution, and now people are dying of AIDS".

As opposed to the simpler and more moral time before the sixties, when women and minorities knew their place and black people were dying of lynchings.

Christine O'Donnell said this about co-ed dorm rooms, ''What's next? Orgy rooms? Menage a trois rooms? ...

This is an attitude worthy of the Taliban or the Wahhabis. Allow people of opposite genders to mix, and the inevitable result will be unlimited, out-of-control sexual activity. In fact, mixed-gender social environments for young people seem to be essential to their development into adults capable of mature and rational social interaction with each other.

Good picture of O'Donnell. Looks like she finally gave in to temptation and is having a really good one after going without for so long.

Infidel753 said...

Apologies for multiple posts -- comment system glitch, I think.

Sue said...

the guys post was about a race car all decorated with teabaggery(if I recall), but I left that out...

I think the media and liberals will have alot of fun with Christine, even more than they did with Sharron Angle. It's gonna be a great Fall!

Sue said...

blogger acting up tonight...I was thinking as I was deleting I hope we aren't doing it at the same time and ALL your comments get deleted!

Infidel753 said...

I think the media and liberals will have alot of fun with Christine, even more than they did with Sharron Angle. It's gonna be a great Fall!

You betcha. When I saw that reference to "growing cleavage within the GOP", I thought I was back in the comment thread of the previous post:-)

I hope we aren't doing it at the same time and ALL your comments get deleted!

Looks like one copy survived -- it can get the job done on its own, unlike Ms. O'Donnell.....

Jerry Critter said...

I don't want to be too tough on the Dems, but...if they can't even defeat candidates like O'Donnell, they don't deserve to rule.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

I wonder how many bloggers have boosted that pic?

The Adventures of New Christine...."Show me the list of questions, please".

Guys...I'm emotionally ready for what could happen in November. And all I'll say for now is that if it does happen the New and Not Improved Republican Party will have won major battles, but in doing so they'll sow seeds for their own fall. Once the public sees that it is possible to make a broken government worse by voting for more gridlock...which is what will happen....they'll come to their senses (somewhat) by 2012.

It'll be a rewind of the mid '90's all over again....doesn't that thought just warm your heart?

Speaking of the 90's....time for SEINFELD.

I need a laugh....or maybe several dozen yucks.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Do you think there is any correlation between the 500% increase in bed bug infestation and the ascendancy of conservatives like Paladino and O'Donnell in the US of A?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Jerry Critter said...

Both are infestations?

Both can bit you in the ass?

Infidel753 said...

Hugh Jee: if it does happen the New and Not Improved Republican Party will have won major battles, but in doing so they'll sow seeds for their own fall.

Andrew Pavelyev, a conservative, agrees with you. Many of the more intelligent conservatives are in despair about what all this mindless teabagging means for the future of their ideology beyond this year's elections.

Sue said...

Jerry the voters have to see the seriousness of these elections, Biden spoke on that with Rachel the other night. The White House has to STOP being so pussified and get in attack mode. They have to get the message across loud and clear, these baggers are dangerous!

I don't put much trust in the public seeing their mistakes Hugh. That's probably wrong of me but so far they are showing their blind loyalty for the GOP/Teabaggers and their stupidity! Even democrats are saying the country is on the wrong track, our leaders have to get busy with their message!

Yes Shaw I do believe that's true!

Infidel the old school GOP is worried and rightly so, but this is a runaway train driven by idiots like Beck, Limbaugh and Palin and the public is hypnotized by them. We are doomed...

Sue said...

Wow, not a single troll over night, how refreshing!

Leslie Parsley said...

Speak for yoourself but she was sent to Spam. Heh, heh, heh - luv this feature. Kind ofdisappointed because I'm dying to ask her if she masturbates in private.

Did you get my email? If not, please send one to me. You can leave it blank.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Leslie- My fave "Tweet of the Day" about...that, know.

Roger Ebert(ebertchicago)

"If Christine O'Donnell is correct and masturbation equals adultery, does it deserve death by stoning?"

Infidel- Howard Fineman more or less said the same thing yesterday on Olbermann. Newt and his gang took over the House in '94; after their Glorious First 100 Daze and after a government shutdown they began to lose credibility with many voters.....and the Tea Party is much more extreme than that bunch was.

These guys who keep screaming about how we have to get things back to the where the Founding Fathers wanted it....well Jefferson, Franklin, Madison, and the rest had no real concept of political parties and that factor in government, and of the special interests that would attach themselves to those parties. Add in a technology that allows every word our elected officials say subject to instant scrutiny and a "won-lost" scorecard mentality and the bottomline is it's a different universe. You cannot go back to a world where people didn't travel 20 miles from their homes in their lifetimes and who had no idea what their President or congressmen even looked like.

It is a brave new world- it's foolish to believe what worked in 1789 will ALWAYS work in the 21st century. If they succeed in getting elected these Tea Party candidates will cause governmental paralysis we haven't seen in two decades at a time we can afford it

Mauigirl said...

I hope the Democrats can beat these idiots - at least sane people should be voting Democratic this year...we'll see what percentage of the country is sane.

Leslie Parsley said...

Hugh Jee: LOL! I just saw a header that Sarah Baby "might" make an appearance on Dancing with the Stars - beyond just observing her equally dum daughter. If she does, do you think she'll pole dance or lap dance?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The republicans will treat O'Donnell just as they did PaLin. Put her on a stage and cheer her for talking about family values and abstinence. All the while peeking up her dress.

Why do you think they're all so damn giddy? The Gay Log Cabiners aren't as giddy because if O'Donnell takes over for Palin as the alpha female they won't get as many peeks at Todd Palin though.

That my Brothers and Sisters is our edge. Of course the way things are going for Dems these days our pundit crew will probably send out Pelosi in a mini skirt and Phil Hare in a speedo to counter.

Tim Kaine needs to step aside and let Ayatollah Truthmeni take over.

TomCat said...

The craziest thing of all is that all the fools being suckered by this show are backing a party that govern on behalf of 1% of the people.

Lisa G. said...

I wish they'd just rapture themselves and get the hell off the planet so we don't have to listen to their insane rants and stupid comments. Go already, God's calling you!

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