REMEMBER, tomorrow is the " GOP Legislative Agenda for 2010" unveiling!
The GOP leaders, well if that's what you call Boehner and Cantor, will unveil the masterful plan during a press conference and small business roundtable at a lumber yard in the boonies of Virginia.
Old dead lumber=rethuglicans....
The GOP plan is divided into five, distinct policy areas: 1) the
economy, 2) government spending, 3) health care, 4) government reform
and 5) national security.
FOX was granted the opportunity to view the document ahead of its scheduled release. You can read the plan here if you must....
Democrats responded to the plan,
"Congressional Republicans are pledging to ship jobs overseas; blow a
$700 billion hole in the deficit to give tax cuts to millionaires and
billionaires; turn Social Security
from a guaranteed benefit into a guaranteed gamble; once again, subject
American families to the recklessness of Wall Street; and take away
patients' rights," a spokesman for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
said in an email, adding Republicans will race back from the lumber
yard in suburban Virginia to vote against a bill Democrats say that very
lumber yard needs to get help.
HA!! It's a continuation of the Bush policies! They want to take us back to the vibrancy of the Bush era! It's all up to you, the voters.
My favorite progressive, Ed Schultz speaks....
Don't forget the rally on October 2nd!
ONE NATION shares the labor movement's policy agenda:
An economy that works for all; good jobs, fair jobs, safe jobs, and more
jobs; reforming Wall Street; repairing our immigration system; quality
education for every child; and ensuring that everyone in America has the
opportunity to contribute to and strengthen our country. Restoring
workers' rights to organize and bargain collectively is at the heart of
the policy agenda.
The ONE NATION march on
Washington on October 2, 2010 will charge up an army of tens of
thousands of activists who will return to their neighborhoods, churches,
schools and, especially, voting booths, with new energy to enact our
common agenda. And on the same day, the labor movement will walk
door-to-door in targeted states around the country, bringing the same
message to union members exactly one month before the fall elections.
march aims to bring working people, young people, retirees, civil
rights activists and many others together on the Mall to show the
obstructionists in Congress that we are many and diverse, strong and
that united-and we will fight together for the American Dream.
of our unions are already committed to work as a part of ONE NATION.
The unions of the AFL-CIO proudly join this coalition and pledge to work
collectively to add our support to this great effort.
people can make a difference when we rely on ourselves and act
collectively. We are America. And together we can make our voices heard.
Reagan Appointed Federal Judge Blocks Trump Executive Order Ending
Birthright Citizenship
A federal judge appointed by Ronald Reagan called Trump's executive order
ending birthright citizenship "blatantly unconstitutional" and said he
would issu...
3 hours ago
I just read their "plan", basically it is repeal whatever the Democrats have done, and then go back to more tax cuts for the rich and nothing for the middle class. Like you said it's the same old crap, in a pretty new package.
No wonder they were hesitant to release
Annette this is in the Fox posting....
"Some have likened this document to the "Contract With America" that Republicans wheeled-out on the steps of the Capitol in September, 1994 before the midterm elections. Republicans won 54 seats that year and secured control of the House for the first time since the 1950s.
The Contract With America was a list of ten specific bills that the GOP promised to pass in the first 100 days if they won control of the House.
The House eventually okayed all Contract With America items. But most of the 10 died in the Senate.
Todays GOP and the people who vote for them have no clue what Americans need to just get by in this country. They don't even care...
Your last sentence tells it all Sue, They don't care. They know.. but it doesn't matter.. all they think about is getting back in control.
It has been said over and over again. The republicans have no new ideas and history proves that their old ones are no good.
you would think at this point the GOP would be embarrassed of themselves and their lameass plans.. such drivel...they are so dumb.....I'm speechless...
GOP and embarrassed can't be used in the same sentence.
We need tax cuts to fuel small business growth. Small businesses like Koch Industries. The billionaire Tea Party funders the Koch Brothers are one of the "small businesses" which would be affected by the expiration of the bush tax cuts. How stupid are these Teabagger dupes?
According to Sam Stein, the staffer who is overseeing the "Pledge To America" was once a lobbyist for PFIZER.....and AIG......and it gets worse, EXXON!
The dirty SOB's.......
Read about it at The Huffington Post.
It is impossible to overestimate the stupidity of the rank and file tea bagger WD.
Most of these idiots are on Social Security and medicare. The very programs the people these shitheads are supporting at their tea bagger rallies want to gut.
You can't argue logically with blind, backward thinking idiots. I've been doing my best to behave but I may take the gloves off from now till the election. Win or lose, I'll have the satisfaction of telling morons the truth about themselves.
Where's Lisa? Where's her alter ego Malcontent?
Aya asks: Where's Lisa? Where's her alter ego Malcontent?
Shhhh. Don't ask. We don't want to wake up the dead.
Sue - good post, gal. To say the Tea Partiers are as dumb as a bucket of rocks would be redundant. But they are.
The Contract for America went no where. Don't these folks know their history? After all, it's their stupid ass party.
blow a $700 billion hole in the deficit to give tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires; turn Social Security from a guaranteed benefit into a guaranteed gamble
The Democrats need to harp on this at every opportunity. A lot of voters who don't support a liberal agenda do care about the deficit and Social Security.
I wish the Dems in my state would push the point of this as well as the fact that The douchebag billy long(after roy blunt's old seat) won't debate his Dem opponent that he's way ahead of in the polls, among other issues. A friend of mine has been ALL over this in Springfield:
Annette may get a kick out of these as well.
Was there ever any doubt as to what they were going to say? Their needle is stuck. They have absolutely NOTHING to offer.
Well, the hard-right wingnuts don't like the plan and the moderate conservatives don't like it either. Not a very effective platform for rallying the troops, apparently.
this from the "hard-right wingnuts" link from Infidel....
This document proves the GOP is more focused on the acquisition of power than the advocacy of long term sound public policy. All the good stuff in it is stuff we expect them to do. What is not in it is more than a little telling that the House GOP has not learned much of anything from 2006.
I will vote Republican in November of 2010. But I will not carry their stagnant water.
Why even vote for the good for nothing jerks?? Oh I see, they hate the stupid thugs but hate Obama even more. So that means they want us to go back to thug policies no matter what it does to the country... yea they care....
When is America gonna stop thinking Red or Blue and start thinking like Red, White, and Blue? It's so frustrating.
They will stop thinking red and blue when we get the corporate money out of politics. If elections were funded by the people, the government would operate for the people. Now it is funded by corporations, and, DUH, it operates for the corporations.
Why even vote for the good for nothing jerks??
Actually, Erickson has the right idea if you think about it. He's not happy with what his favored party is doing, but he intends to try to get as many of them into office as possible, then work on pushing the party more in the direction he wants later on.
I just wish more of our pout-pout-where's-my-unicorn Democrats who are threatening to stay home because the party hasn't delivered everything they want, had the same attitude.
When is America gonna stop thinking Red or Blue and start thinking like Red, White, and Blue?
What makes you think that people with a clear partisan leaning are not patriotically concerned about the direction of the country?
It's because I do think about the red-white-and-blue that I want to stop a party hijacked by theocrats and bigots from ramming their anti-freedom horseshit down the country's throat.
They would sell their souls to have W. back in office. Their pledge is nothing more than a plague on America.
Better late than never ... I just copied and pasted your post and the 20 comments to Word and am getting off to read. Some of the follow-up Repug quotes in today's articles made me laugh, cry and vomit, but not necessarily in that order. These people cannot take over our country! Keep on keeping on, Sue et al.
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