Have you been to the Republican website, the one where they are asking Americans for advice on what to put in their "A Pledge to America" plan?.........they call it a new governing agenda built by listening to you and focusing on your top priorities. OH REALLY??? First, the top two ideas are legalize marijuana, and end tax breaks for companies who ship jobs overseas, neither of which they used as great American ideas in their "Plan".
so, if the Republican leaders really didn't care enough about average Americans ideas to put them in the "Plan" then who did have input in the "Plan"?
As the Huffington Post’s Sam Stein reports,
the GOP’s new “Pledge to America” was directed by a staffer named Brian
Wild, who until early this year, was a lobbyist at a prominent DC firm
that lobbied on behalf of corporate giants like Exxon. Moreover, the
insurance industry is the leading contributor
to Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), the Republican who led the effort.
Consistent with its desire to placate lobbyists, the 21-page “Pledge”
omits any mention of a key Republican mantra: a ban on earmarks.
Okay, so the "Plan" is a farcical idiotic failure. It's nothing new...
What is really in the Rethuglicans plan for America? What are they so stupidly hiding between the lines? Simply this, this is their plan for you......
Repeal the healthcare bill
Privatize Social Security
Privatize Medicare
Privatize the VA!!
Make Bush's tax cuts permanent... for the rich!!
What an embarrassment. Go ahead Republicans.....make our day!!
"An Incendiary Emperor" Trump
*Claude Malhuret:*
*“Washington under Trump has become Nero's court, an incendiary emperor,
submissive courtiers, and a jester on ketamine in charge...
34 minutes ago
The New GOP plan.. just like the OLD GOP
Sounds like billy long's campaign, ay Annette?
Jeez, I just finished reading your last post and 20 comments. I was going to leave this comment on that post, but it works just as well on this one:
Jerry Critter summed it all up nicely:
“It has been said over and over again. The republicans have no new ideas and history proves that their old ones are no good.”
So, when are we going to stop talking about these bastards and start talking about the great things Democratic administrations have accomplished FOR THE PEOPLE?
And, what about the 93 accomplishments of Obama’s first year?
And we wonder why we are in such a mess, when we voted these idiots to have power in the last 30 years?
The only question to ask, is why Americans keep voting for them?
TOM: Excellent point. Why do people continue voting democrat?
SF: Sorry. You've got it wrong.
28 of the last 41 years have seen Republicans in the WH and 6 years of GWBush's administration the GOP had control of both houses as well.
TOM is exactly right. Why do people keep voting for GOPers who have nothing new to offer the American people except tax cuts for the rich and further impoverishment of the middle class.
Your comment is nothing more than a taunt. If you had something of substance to say to counter TOM, why didn't you say it?
Not only do they have nothing new to offer, they want to take away what progress has been made - squeak by squeak.
The Democrats did not take back the Congress until 2006. The Republicans are to blame for the mess we have now.
It's a cute political lie to try and blame Obama for this mess, but polls show Americans do not blame Obama for the mess, they were looking for faster change which could happen if the Republicans were not so obstructionists.
I'm looking forward to this election, I can't wait til it's over and our elected can get to work for America. If the thugs take control it will only serve us better in 2012 because the country will get a first hand look at what they will do, or I should say won't do for the middleclass. It will be a good thing I think for the country. The GOP and their plans for the country could not be more damaging, so by 2012 the voters will be ready to put the last nail in the GOP coffin...
Hi Tom, good to see you, it's been too long!
SF people vote for democrats because they actually care about working Americans. Did you see Mals latest comments, he makes over $250.000 a year, no wonder he hates Obama! LOL
BJ the wingnuts drown out everything good this president has done, so that's why I must talk about the right and their horrific same 'ole, same 'ole agenda for America. Maybe if just one wingnut sees the light, it'll all be worth it. SF??
"Americans do not blame Obama for the mess, they were looking for faster change which could happen if the Republicans were not so obstructionists."
Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winnah!
That is the GOP plan: Do NOT cooperate to make America better and thereby allowing Mr. Obama to get any credit for the improvement.
The GOP wants failure for Mr. Obama. They called for him to fail even before he took office.
I can't think of a sorrier bunch of malcontents and sore losers.
They lost the election in Nov. of 2008, and by April of 2009, I heard a tea bagger woman slobbering on teevee that she wanted her country back.
Let them have the House. Then the GOP will bear responsibility for whatever happens from January 2011 until the elections in 2012.
We have already seen that they are the party of know-nothings [Palin, Paladino, O'Donnell] and NO! And this latest "lemon" of a Pledge proves it again.
If memory serves, the top two items at their Americas speaks website were to legalize marijuanna and end taxd preaks for companies who export jobs overseas.
Although I gave up weed over thirty years ago and have no desitre to return to using it, I favor legalization, because it can be regulated and taxed.
I durely favor ending tax breaks for corporations that export jobs.
So that makes me a supporter of the top two Republican ideas. :-(
Of course, the Republicans are not.
Flawed as the Democrats are, they try to represent everyone. But Republicans govern exdclusively on behalf of criminal corporations and the richest 1%. That is America's choice.
that's exactly right Shaw, and boy did they slobber! Fools! This was the beginning of the hideous teabaggers crying and whining when all along Obama cut their taxes. But alas, the economy is taking longer to spring back and thats the wingnuts mantra, "we can do it faster and better" The hell they can, M F'ers. I say give them the House too, lets see what they are made of...
TC, I went to that website yesterday and read 4 pages of ideas, you know most all of them sounded like they were liberal ideas. So how the thugs can say the plan was written with Americas ideas from the site is ludicrous! I think liberals were hijacking the site! Those top 2 ideas surely did not come from wingnuts! :-)
Check out last night's The Daily Show. Stewart played clips of Republicans talking about "The Pledge To America" with the "Contract With America" from 1994 right after each point....and in most cases the wording is exactly the same.
Crikey! They're plagiarizing THEMSELVES!
It's in the 2nd segment....segment 3 with King Abdullah II of Jordan gets unusually serious, and pessimistic about the prospect of peace in the Middle East.
thanks Hugh I'll look at it. I'll be by later to see you too, well not in person, even tho I did tell my husband I was going to the rally with you since you drive right by my house on the way to DC.....
Did ya see Ed tonight calling Christie a big fat pig?? AWESOME!!!
Silverfiddle immediately and irrevocably removed himself from rational discussion months ago. Everything wrong with America is the fault of Liberalism, including the NeoCons like Bill Kristol and Frank Gaffney who are Liberals to him.
And with this lovely blog post Silverfiddle had a banner with FDR and Hitler together. because according to SF: Chinese and Russian Communism, Italian and German Fascism, and the US Progressive movement embodied in FDR's new deal and Johnson's great society.
President Obama was pictured standing next to Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler
So, when ball swallowing Tea Baggers like SF declare I've never seen Obama =Hitler signs you know he is lying for he has used the imagery himself.
Another interesting point is that the same afternoon their pledge promised transparence, every single Republican Senator voted against cloture on the DISCLOSE Act. The bill would require transparency in corporate campaign advertising.
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