Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground..Let their spirit ignite a fire within you to leave this world better than when you found it.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Newt wants to scare the pants off of you!
In a straight-to-DVD movie that will premiere tonight in D.C.,
Newt Gingrich and Citizens United warn Americans of the impending
threat of radical Islam. As one of their talking heads says in the
trailer, "This is the end of times. This is the final struggle."
The movie, called "America At Risk," paints the world as a dangerous place filled with radicalized Muslims who want to -- and, importantly, can -- destroy America.
"The war on terror, and the ideology behind it, have only just
begun," Gingrich's wife, Callista Gingrich, intones while she and
Gingrich stand in front of a green-screened New York skyline.
Sick bastards! These conservative fanatics like Newt really want Armageddon. They are the ones pouring fuel on the flames. They have been seeking out the perfect war to end all wars for decades. I swear if conservatives get back the slightest bit of power we will see a war, it'll be their dream come true war. A war that will destroy the earth. They want to destroy the earth, they want to see God appear in the heavens and swoop them up! Sounds like radical Islam and the virgins doesn't it? So that's what Newt wants, his very own harem!!
More rightwing scare tactics to get you to vote for them in the next 2 elections. If ya don't believe the liberals are destroying the economy then maybe you'll listen to Newt and believe the Muslims are gonna destroy America, and it's all happening right now, as we speak. Fearmongering at it's best. If you're scared vote for Newt, but he can't save you, nobody can.
Dubya scared Americans into voting for him with the 'ole terrorism line, Only the republicans can keep you safe bullshit, so I guess Newt is taking a page from the shrubs playbook. Oh well lets just hope America is smarter then they were 10 yrs ago...
We've got Newt et al, telling us to be scared of this, that and the other. American Physicians and surgeons group saying the only reason PO won, hypnosis, AYUP hypnosis. Apparently when we voted for PO he had us under some kind of hypnosis. Which would explain why Fox viewers did not vote for him, no minds to control there.
Know what this is, a cornered frightened little group that is throwing shit against the wall, to see how much of it sticks. Just mind numbingly crazy how some people vote for this.
I believe those (like Newt) on the Radical Right Right are more dangerous than the radical Muslims. Osama bin Laden wants Muslims to believe Christianity and Islam are at war. Newt also wants us to believe this. Newt and Osama may as well be working together.
The United States attacked (unprovoked) two Muslim countries. We killed hundreds of thousands, including many innocents. Then we tortured Muslims in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib (many of whom were innocent and later released). We "condemned" the torture but let the torturers go free. We continue to kill innocent Muslims and label their murders "collateral damage". Now we're ramping up the anti-Muslim rhetoric and burning Korans.
And we're demanding that they repudiate THEIR radicals!?
Terrorism has never required more than a serious international police action. Republicans have turned it into big business employing hatred and fear -- and made a bundle of money in the process.
Jess makes a good point about Newt and other conservatives throwing shit at the wall to see what will stick.
Message to Newt: I still have my pants on. I have a brain and I'm not afraid to use it. In other words, the opposite of the people who will swallow the message of Newt's DVD.
thanks for the great comments! I'm amazed just as all of you are at the lengths the fanatics in this country will go to paint other faiths/religions/people as terrorists and murderers and radicals when all along we are no better!! I'm so tired of American exceptionalism when surely it is not so. But we can get there again, we can be the worlds greatest country, but not by doing the things we are doing now.
these things pointed out by w-dervish can't be more clear why America is a hypocritical nation.....
[The United States attacked (unprovoked) two Muslim countries. We killed hundreds of thousands, including many innocents. Then we tortured Muslims in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib (many of whom were innocent and later released). We "condemned" the torture but let the torturers go free. We continue to kill innocent Muslims and label their murders "collateral damage". Now we're ramping up the anti-Muslim rhetoric and burning Korans.
And now, of all things.. Newt has gone full birther....Check this statement he made:
“What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]?” Gingrich asks. “That is the most accurate, predictive model for his behavior.”
“This is a person who is fundamentally out of touch with how the world works, who happened to have played a wonderful con, as a result of which he is now president,” Gingrich tells us.
@Annette, I looked further after I heard that high pitched dog whistle. The Luo tribe and being anti colonial, well Newtster we were kinda founded on that whole ant colonial thing or are ya forgetting that. I am convinced and no one, no one can tell me any different this is all about that "uppity N" in the White House. Why are you going to tie in Kenya and the rest, be a man and say it out loud you know you want to.
"out of touch with how the world works" meaning America HAS TO BE the worlds bully or we look weak. That's their fear, we must never look weak and always be at war to achieve that bully status. The thugs hate us peace lovin liberals, they hate peace.
“What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]?” Gingrich asks. “That is the most accurate, predictive model for his behavior.”
“This is a person who is fundamentally out of touch with how the world works, who happened to have played a wonderful con, as a result of which he is now president,” Gingrich tells us.
Where is the Left to answser this race-baiting?
Mr. Obama is very much within America's comprehension. A sizable majority voted for him, and he's actually as popular now as was Ronald Reagan at this point in his presidency.
We know exactly what Gingrich and his "values" are all about:
Racism and an anti-American attempt to portray our president as an enemy of state.
Gingrich appeals to the frightened and the stupid in our culture.
Shaw they did a segment on morning Joe about this hideous comment from Gingrich. He was blasted from the left and the right. Some said his comment will soon be forgotten and won't hurt republicans in the coming election, but I disagree. He has been running his big fat mouth for months now and the sane ones who will vote this year better read and watch what's coming from the idiot wingnuts!
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Newt! Newt! Newt!
Isn't that a small lizard of some kind?
Sick bastards and wanting the mother of all wars about sums it up Sue.
The only thing that Beck's fear mongering does for me is scare the hell out of me of HIM.
We've got Newt et al, telling us to be scared of this, that and the other. American Physicians and surgeons group saying the only reason PO won, hypnosis, AYUP hypnosis. Apparently when we voted for PO he had us under some kind of hypnosis. Which would explain why Fox viewers did not vote for him, no minds to control there.
Know what this is, a cornered frightened little group that is throwing shit against the wall, to see how much of it sticks. Just mind numbingly crazy how some people vote for this.
I believe those (like Newt) on the Radical Right Right are more dangerous than the radical Muslims. Osama bin Laden wants Muslims to believe Christianity and Islam are at war. Newt also wants us to believe this. Newt and Osama may as well be working together.
The United States attacked (unprovoked) two Muslim countries. We killed hundreds of thousands, including many innocents. Then we tortured Muslims in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib (many of whom were innocent and later released). We "condemned" the torture but let the torturers go free. We continue to kill innocent Muslims and label their murders "collateral damage". Now we're ramping up the anti-Muslim rhetoric and burning Korans.
And we're demanding that they repudiate THEIR radicals!?
Terrorism has never required more than a serious international police action. Republicans have turned it into big business employing hatred and fear -- and made a bundle of money in the process.
They are a bunch of sick bastards!
Jess makes a good point about Newt and other conservatives throwing shit at the wall to see what will stick.
Message to Newt: I still have my pants on. I have a brain and I'm not afraid to use it. In other words, the opposite of the people who will swallow the message of Newt's DVD.
thanks for the great comments! I'm amazed just as all of you are at the lengths the fanatics in this country will go to paint other faiths/religions/people as terrorists and murderers and radicals when all along we are no better!! I'm so tired of American exceptionalism when surely it is not so. But we can get there again, we can be the worlds greatest country, but not by doing the things we are doing now.
these things pointed out by w-dervish can't be more clear why America is a hypocritical nation.....
[The United States attacked (unprovoked) two Muslim countries. We killed hundreds of thousands, including many innocents. Then we tortured Muslims in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib (many of whom were innocent and later released). We "condemned" the torture but let the torturers go free. We continue to kill innocent Muslims and label their murders "collateral damage". Now we're ramping up the anti-Muslim rhetoric and burning Korans.
And now, of all things.. Newt has gone full birther....Check this statement he made:
“What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]?” Gingrich asks. “That is the most accurate, predictive model for his behavior.”
“This is a person who is fundamentally out of touch with how the world works, who happened to have played a wonderful con, as a result of which he is now president,” Gingrich tells us.
@Annette, I looked further after I heard that high pitched dog whistle. The Luo tribe and being anti colonial, well Newtster we were kinda founded on that whole ant colonial thing or are ya forgetting that. I am convinced and no one, no one can tell me any different this is all about that "uppity N" in the White House. Why are you going to tie in Kenya and the rest, be a man and say it out loud you know you want to.
"out of touch with how the world works" meaning America HAS TO BE the worlds bully or we look weak. That's their fear, we must never look weak and always be at war to achieve that bully status. The thugs hate us peace lovin liberals, they hate peace.
So right, the Repuglickers hate America and peace, they are crazy and are trying to start Amageddon!
Tee I don't want to believe it but if we bury our heads in the sand and become complacent the thugs will take over and it will BE OVER!!
“What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]?” Gingrich asks. “That is the most accurate, predictive model for his behavior.”
“This is a person who is fundamentally out of touch with how the world works, who happened to have played a wonderful con, as a result of which he is now president,” Gingrich tells us.
Where is the Left to answser this race-baiting?
Mr. Obama is very much within America's comprehension. A sizable majority voted for him, and he's actually as popular now as was Ronald Reagan at this point in his presidency.
We know exactly what Gingrich and his "values" are all about:
Racism and an anti-American attempt to portray our president as an enemy of state.
Gingrich appeals to the frightened and the stupid in our culture.
He's a disgrace to America.
Shaw they did a segment on morning Joe about this hideous comment from Gingrich. He was blasted from the left and the right. Some said his comment will soon be forgotten and won't hurt republicans in the coming election, but I disagree. He has been running his big fat mouth for months now and the sane ones who will vote this year better read and watch what's coming from the idiot wingnuts!
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