Sunday, September 12, 2010

What's up with Boehner??

I just read this on Comcast news...

WASHINGTON — House Republican leader John Boehner says he would support extending tax cuts only for middle-class earners even though he considers it "bad policy" to exclude the highest-earning Americans from tax relief during a recession.
One of President Barack Obama's chief economic advisers said Sunday he was happy that Boehner, R-Ohio, isn't willing to hold hostage an extension of tax cuts for those earning under $250,000 a year, or more than 97 percent of earners, to try to gain a continuation of breaks enjoyed by the wealthiest.

This to me smells like the republicans are scared, they are scared the voters are starting to see them for the obstructionist, middle-class hating, millionaire loving thugs they really are! This falls into what Obama said last year... he'll be damned if Romney gets elected in 2012 and takes credit for all the hard work the democrats have done since taking over. (not his exact words but you get the jist!)

So now all of a sudden the GOP is gonna start working for the middleclass? First we had Sen.Voinovich saying he will break the filibuster on the bill that will help small business, now we have Boehner coming out agreeing with Obama??  How about you Mitch McConnell, have anything to add??

Wow, something stinks in Washington....


JUDI M. said...

i believe you're right in that the Repubs may be switching strategy, sensing that their Party of No tactics can only work so long, and with only so many people....those of Tea Party ilk. they want to "win this midterm election" so that they will even "agree" with the president just enough to benefit that end. Then, of course, they will "investigate and repeal"all that he has done. Yeah...this does stink........

Silverfiddle said...

Wow, something stinks in Washington....

You just now noticed?

Unknown said...

Nah, there is something stinky going on here. They want to be all moderate for the midterms then the claws will come out.

Here's what I see happening and so you all know, my crystal ball is broken, I'm relying on previous experience with these people. Ok, so they go to the center for the midterms, once they get back we will hear about some of the Blue Dogs helping them get through the tax cut for those of us that don't need it.

Nancy should call his bluff, get to working on that this week and get the vote next week. Oh by the way, Oompa Loompa can do that because he knows it won't pass through the senate with the conservative bent that is there. Just another, being able to have their cake and eating it, like the stimulus. You know being all against it, then showing up for cake and ice cream at ribbon cutting ceremonies. Man, I am way too young to be so cynical about politics.

Silverfiddle said...

"Man, I am way too young to be so cynical about politics.

Cynicism is the beginning of understanding, Jess. If more voters were more cynical this country would be better off than the competitive hero worship we have now.

Sue said...

you're so right Judi. We are smarter than they think, we can also smell them from miles away! lol

SF your side stinks, not mine!

You have 'em all figured out Jess! And SF, nobody is talking hero on this blog, thats just your imagination working overtime

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I wanted you to be the first to know that I am now an Ayatollah Sue.

It was with great joy I saw Boehner's comments about tax relief for the middle class. Allah Akbar!

Leslie Parsley said...

The Orange Man giveth and the Orange Man taketh away. Like most alcoholics his word means nothing.

Sue said...

OMG ROFLMFAO!!! Goodfrigginlord Truth you are hilarious!!

Leslie LOLOL!!!

Shaw Kenawe said...


That link you gave me on my blog turned out to be ANOTHER FRAUDULENT RIGHTWING BLOGGER.

Whomever it was--and we do suspect the malcontent, the writing is just like his--stole a woman's photo from the internet and made up a bunch of lies about her, then blogged with it.

Cowardly creep.

Where are the decent rightwing bloggers? They need to join us in stopping this disgusting deceit.

This is not about shutting down those blogs. This is about telling the idiots who start them up to use non-human avatars or their OWN photos, and to stop stealing other people's identities.

Every decent person can agree with that whether you're a conservative or a liberal.

Sue, go to my blog and look at my last comment that refers to the link you found.

And thank you for that!


mommapolitico said...

I think you're right - they're running scared toward November, or else Boner-boy was just over his 3 martini lunch quota...or maybe the tanning bed finally affecting his brain?
This middle class family got no relief from the Bush tax cuts for the rich. I did have to pay more for my home and my student loans. Remind me to thank him for that lovely bonus.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Every time I look at John Boehner I remember to check how much orange juice is in the freezer.

And for that, oh Lord, i am thankful.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Or orange jello....which I'm eating now.


Teeluck said...

Sue, it's all been said before...these Repuglickers hate America and they want a second swipe so they can finish the job, we got work to do!

Lisa said...
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Sue said...

MP, yes I do believe we are right! Not only do they stink, they need to be fumigated!

Orange jello??? Eeeew, does it have veggies in it? I think my mom used to make orange jello with carrot slivers and something green, but I can't remember what the green stuff was. Cabbage maybe?? I guess it's more healthy then the ice cream I just ate...

Sue said...

Hi Tee sweetie, long time no see! Tee, we gotta work hard, I'm up to it, I hope the rest of the country is too!

Infidel753 said...

This to me smells like the republicans are scared,

That's probably it, or at least less confident than they seem. A solid majority of people are against keeping the tax cuts for the wealthiest, and if the Republicans doggedly cling to that, they'll be handing the Democrats an issue.

Off to Shaw's place to see what the latest sock-puppet story is. Maybe there's actually only one right-wing blogger on the whole internet, using a vast number of fake identities?:-)

Lisa said...
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Lisa said...
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Lisa said...
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Lisa said...
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Lisa said...
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Lisa said...
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Sue said...

you see why I delete you lisa?? Now be quiet and go back to your blog!

Unknown said...

See, didn't even last past Sunday for my non crystal ball fortune telling to come true. We have the post turtle, Mcconnell saying it's not going to happen.

A spokesman for Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell says the Kentucky Republican has pledges from every Senate Republican to filibuster President Barack Obama's plan to allow the top income tax rate to rise back to almost 40 percent on family or small business income over $250,000.

If Republicans stand together, that would deny Democrats the 60 votes they would need to push the measure through the Senate.

Just Sunday, House GOP Leader John Boehner said he would support renewing tax cuts for the middle class but not the wealthy if that was his only choice.

Sue said...

thanks for the heads up Jess!

TomCat said...

Sue, thanks for the linkey love.

On topic, this is a hoax. Knowing that tax cuts for the middle class will be blocked in the Senate, where a single Senator (one not facing voters in November) can place a hold on it, Agent Orange and his minions in the House can pretend cooperation, knowing that they will never have to actually deliver on it.

Unknown said...

@Sue, it's almost as if they are doing that good cop bad cop routine we see in the movies. Difference being, this is real life for many, many Americans and their lives they are playing with. doesn't go away when the credits of the movie roll away.