Christine O'Donnell won the GOP nomination for Senate in Delaware. This teabagger win over Mike Castle is truly unfuckinbelieveable. OMG, I can't even look at the TV, I'm sick to my stomach....You better get your house in order because if she wins the Senate seat she will personally be installing cameras in ALL of Americas bedrooms so the government can be SURE you are NOT MASTURBATING! The teabaggers are for less government except for exposure of your sex life. They must know about your sex life!!
Is the Grand Old Party dead?? Is that a good thing? These EXTREME teabagger candidates can't possibly win in November, RIGHT????
Please tell me I'm right..
Here's a little update...FACT:
O'Donnell faces a numbers battle. She garnered less than 30,000
votes in a contest in which only Republicans could cast ballots. About
293,000 Democrats are registered in Delaware, compared with about
183,000 Republicans. YAHOO teabaggers, Delaware is a Democratic state, suck on that one Christine...
183, 000 registered republicans in DE and she got less than 30,000 to vote for her? That says alot about the turnout from the righties in this most important primary...I can't wait til November!
Hannity...I, I I um I I I.....
You guys are screwd and ya screwd yourselves! Immoral Minority has it right... Everything Sarah Palin touches turns to shit!!
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
I hope you're right... that they can't win. But, people are stupid, and anything can happen.
The republicans are truly going off the deep end.
As I responded to your comment on my blog, this is only the primary. It's the election that counts. The Dems had better get off of their butts and find some big fat cats with lots of money.
Steve- we see examples of stupid here all the time.
Hey Steve I was just going through my followers list and brought up your name. I don't remember seeing a comment from you til tonight, welcome!
Jerry its so true. The masturbator-hater is now talking, what a fruitloop! This type of person can't possibly win a Senate seat!!
Leslie I'm anxious but fearful for November... the baggers are so extreme they make me ill...
OK. I just went and googled O'Donnel and I get it...
The left has a real problem with good looking conservative women who don't know how to sit down and shut up. Even worse if they espouse traditional Christian values.
btw, I'll bet anyone $1,000 dollars that even if the GOP takes back congress, not one anti-masturbation bill gets passed.
I see that bet and match it with my own 1 grand, hell...make it 10.
I don't think the GOP is dead. Give 'em a bit and they'll find a way to infiltrate, manipulate and recirculate the tea party to a new beginning. Sit back and watch.
I'm just sayin'...
Her anti-masturbatiion/anti-porn stance was from 1996, does she still feel the same today? And if so, I don't think she'd be stupid enough to tackle something like that, because she'd never get it passed. It's human nature for Pete's sake!
Sue: I read this after I sent you the email about the Tea Party candidates. I wish I could tell you this country isn’t on the verge of insanity, but I’m just not sure enough to make that claim at this point. I’m just depressed. BJ
O'Donnell probably can't win the general election. A lot of establishment Republicans spoke out quite strongly against her during the primary, which will give the Democrats material for ads and make it awkward for those same Republicans to support her now.
The same can't be said for the teabagger insurgents in general, though. The Reid-Angle race in Nevada is a lot closer than it should be. Rand Paul, who is the most dangerous of them, may very well win in Kentucky, just by a smaller margin than a normal Republican would have. The only way we can win Alaska is if Murkowski's write-in campaign splits the conservative vote.
Let this be a lesson to all those who want someone like Palin to be the Republican nominee for President in 2012 on the grounds that it would ensure Obama's re-election. There is no such thing as someone so bad they can't win. Some voters don't pay much attention and just vote for their favored party no matter what. Some will automatically vote for the opposition because they're mad about the economy. And we all know about those liberals who keep threatening to not vote, or vote third-party, because the Democrats are unsatisfactory to them -- even if it means letting teabaggers into power.
Pamela: has she ever repudiated what she said? When a politician has taken a stand that weird and extreme, no matter how long ago, and has never explicitly renounced it, one is entitled to raise it.
I don't think anyone is seriously worried about anti-masturbation laws. What she said on that subject was bizarre and amusing and therefore memorable, and it serves as a shorthand way of referring to the whole of what she said at the time, which was an assertion of extremist, indeed crackpot, religious taboos in the most personal areas of human life, by a politician in a secular state.
I don't care very much what O'Donnell thinks about masturbation, as such. I care that she stinks of theocracy. She's the kind of person that Goldwater told you to kick the asses of.
"I don't think anyone is seriously worried about anti-masturbation laws."
So you disagree with Sue?
Believe it or not, there are religions out there who believe this stuff is morally wrong. I don't think any of those people have advocated witch hunts or spy cameras to catch violators.
You should at least go see the context in which she said these things. It was during discussions of abstinence and fidelity in marriage. She didn't just go out and make speeches about it.
Context is everything.
I realize she is too extreme for many, but isn't it good to have a clear choice provided by people who say what they believe and not try to hide it?
So you disagree with Sue?
I hardly think Sue meant that stuff about wankercams seriously.
Believe it or not, there are religions out there who believe this stuff is morally wrong.
Reason number 314,159 why religion is stupid.
You should at least go see the context in which she said these things.
I did. That's what I was referring to by the phrase "the whole of what she said at the time". Frum Forum posted the whole thing -- I tried to find it again so I could link to it in my comment, but couldn't find it.
isn't it good to have a clear choice provided by people who say what they believe and not try to hide it?
I actually prefer theocrats who are open about what they want over those who try to pretend to be normal people -- that way it's easier to show what the danger is and rally opposition to it. Which was the point of my comment.
yes the post is tongue in cheek SF. But Infidel is right, these extreme candidates will make it extremely easy come November to differentiate between the 2 or 3 choices so we can make a very wise decision. Republicans should be afraid, be very afraid because these teabaggers are so far out of the mainstream to win in a general election. Remember how the right makes fun of far left candidates, well now they have their own EXTREME far righties to fear.
Remember also SF, we are not JUST a Christian nation so your evangelical christian radical candidates are gonna be in trouble come November. There is a small minority who would vote for a christian radical, thank God.
C I think the traditional republicans have alot to fear by the radical teabaggers, and rightly so. They are dividing the party in much more extreme ways then the progressives are doing to the democratic party.
Pam even if her views were from 1996, they are now out in the light and will be used against her. She is who she is and doesn't pretend otherwise, which will help democrats fight her. I don't believe her views will help her at all in a general election. Thanks for the visit Pam!
BJ I was depressed too but listened to some smart people last night and they are clearly upset about the turn the GOP is taking and how it's hurting them not helping in the least. I think we are gonna have a very interesting next few weeks.
Christine O'Donnell and others like her don't get it!
Check this out.
We have to do's like shaving! the elderly Mrs Costanza is now a Republican Committee Chair in Queens...and wears a tri-cornered hat with teabags hanging from it.
Well lookee there Silverfiddle plays the "pretty girl" card...
With Fox leading the way, the Right has debased itself (shockingly) by sending out women, usually deemed attractive by American standards. These women, Andrea Tantaros, SE Cupp, Sarah Palin, Megyn Kelly and several others who shall not be named then peddle the vile despicable anti-human Republican Party Line of Enslavement, Oppression and Death to the Poor.
That Republicans use women to push their Agenda of Oppression onto America. But what is so depressing about Conservatives is their violent stupidity. Instead of questioning this tactic conservatives are so actively ignorant that they reference the looks of Sarah Palin and the others as evidence of their rightness of their political positions.
Conservative woman are hotter YEAH! Whoooo! Ergo Good Looking equals Good Arguments. If a pretty girl is saying it, it must be the correct position! It's a demonstration of puerile adolescent hormones.
This is a strong current amongst conservatives, just like Racism...
Hugh that was a funny episode!
Gene it's probably because I'm a straight woman, but I find those conservative women ugly with stupidity. How can ya see the beauty with all that stupid in front of it??
Biased?? Hell yea...
Careful Hugh Jee, Christine's gonna get you next.
I'm out. Classic
From what I've heard the Tea Partiers have taken a sure win and turned it into a probable loss. I say GO TEA PARTY! Infidel753 makes some decent points, although I believe, in the case of Sharron Angle, while the race may be closer than it should be... Harry Reid would probably would have lost against the Chicken Lady... at least that's what they said on MSNBC last night.
This woman appears to be dumber and MORE unqualified than Sarah Palin. Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against women running for political office... In fact I think we need a lot more. Not this woman, however.
As for Lisa's comment... I say, what Socialism? I'd support it if there were any. I'm eager to vote for candidates who will support a socialist single payer system, lifting the taxation cap on our socialist social security system and a more progressive income tax (socialist redistribution of wealth).
Of those socialist ideas I mentioned, Obama is only for returning our income tax to the Clinton-era levels... not good enough, IMO. Obama socialist? I wish.
suck on that one Christine...
She'd.....nah, I'm not gonna bother. Too easy.
W-Dervish: This woman appears to be dumber and MORE unqualified than Sarah Palin.
That's exactly it. She's like Palin but without the experience and wisdom (snicker).
I don't know why the righties keep saying the left has something against conservative women. We've given conservative male politicians plenty of criticism too.
When I saw that "more unqualified", at first I read it as "more unsatisfied". I really need to get away from reading about teabaggers -- I think it's starting to affect my brain!
Ah, the lunacy of liberalism. Our corrupt government is flushing our country down the toilet and you guys obsess over a non-existent threat to the right to play with yourself.
Gene: Conservatives don't "send the women out," they think and act for themselves, we're not muslims...
Anyway, there's a Democratic congressman from Minnesota who believes Mohammad flew on a winged horse to Jerusalem. That's way funnier than O'Donnell's comments on mastery of ones domain.
SF our government is not flushing the country down the toilet, get real....Your side already did that and my side is trying to bring it back from the sewer..
Yeah, Bush spent too much, so the Obama gang spends 4 times as much...
SF: "Anyway, there's a Democratic congressman from Minnesota who believes Mohammad flew on a winged horse to Jerusalem."
A MAJORITY of conservatives believe that a snake spoke to a woman in a garden and told her to eat a fruit that would educate her--something a god said was forbidden.
This same god became his own son by magically impregnating a virgin teenager, and as an adult this god killed himself and came back from the dead, all this to cleanse us for things we ourselves never did, and then at the end, he and his mother floated, bodily, up into the sky and went somewhere in the great vast universe to what people call "heaven."
I wouldn't make fun of other people's religion until you look closely at ALL religious stories.
Exactly Shaw. Same with making fun of the religious beliefs of others.
Yes, it sounds strange to the ears of unbelievers, but they are not dragging people out of their homes and demanding they stop playing with themselves, so this is a ridiculous issue.
I am glad you can spot religious intolerance.
SF, The post is all in jest!!!
Did you see my comment to you at Mals??
And as I said above, we are not seriously worried that O'Donnell is going to get an anti-wanking law through the Senate. Her statements on that score are (a) hilarious and therefore deserving of ridicule as an example of the over-the-top absurdity of fundamentalist religion, and (b) symbolic of the theocratic tendencies of the Christian Right which is so powerful within the Republican party, and which millions of people (many of them also Christians) quite legitimately are worried about.
The concept of flying horses obviously has no connection with reality (thank goodness -- pigeons are bad enough!), but Shaw's point is well taken: people who believe in a talking snake are not well positioned to make fun of people who believe in a flying horse.
And I wouldn't take advice about sex from either group.
Actually she was misquoted...
What she actually said was "Vote for ME and you will never HAVE to masturbate again!"
She clarified that at each and every campaign stop she made...
Actually, if she was running in Kentucky I would vote for her....I would rather look at her cute face talking stupid shit than having to watch and listen to Mitch McConnell or Rand Paul...
With the platform the Republicans have and the history they are stuck with...they need to run every hot chick they can find in 2012...
Palin/O'Donnell in 2012!
They then need to move their convention to the Playboy mansion....
Yeah, Bush spent too much, so the Obama gang spends 4 times as much...
That very neatly encapsulates the FOX point-of-view. Thank you for that valuable public service. If you wanna throw around unsubstantiated figures, here's my thumbnail of the Iraq war. Starting the war and continuing it through the end of Bush's presidency? $2.4 Trillion. The cost of continuing it through summer 2010? $600 Billion. A huge waste of money granted, particularly if one does not believe in solving problems by killing people.
So after Bush caused the worldwide depression, the best course of action would have been to cut unemployment benefits, avoid any stimulus package, let the U.S. auto industry and the world banking system collapse, just let the chips fly where they may and generally just hunker down and trim our belts???
That truly is what you believe, is it not? Shit. Those of us who still have jobs today would probably be unemployed by now. Britain and Europe would still be reeling from the shock. The entire third world would have lost all their support systems.
Even McCain and Palin aren't that stupid.
More to the point, I thought it was kinda sexy the way she demeaned male masturbators. Hot! Provocative!
SF, islam is just a cult of christanity which is cult of judaism...
And conservatives most definitely find women who won't talk back to conservative men and will tow the Republican party line of Oppression, Theft and Murder...
Gotta bring more than that, Junior. What I said is true. Bush was just advancing the progressive agenda here at home, just like Obama is advancing the neocon agenda by bombing the brown people in Pakistan. Go big or go home, this is the big leagues, junior!
TAO: Rachel Maddow is the #1 anti-masturbation program on tv.
Infidel: LOL! flying horses, flying pigeons. Oh crap! I ducked reflexively!
I gotta give you credit. This was a good post. I've been taking you too seriously (literally). You are truly a good blogger. I don't agree with you politically, but I enjoy this blog.
bla bla bla, Gene. Verbal masturbation. Got any actual facts to back what you're saying?
Damn, such great comments AND a compliment from silverfish to boot! You guys are great, thanks all of you for adding to the masturbating debate! :-)
Good to see you here TAO and Junior!
SF, yes "Second Amendment Remedies" from Angle. A call for political murder.
Republican Extremist Catherine Crabill of Virginia explicitly stated that if Republicans continue to lose at the Ballot Box they will resort to the "Bullet Box" to settle elections.
Two Conservative women Two calls for murder...
Well, I just have one question. If we can't masturbate in private, can we do it in public?
SF: You're comment about the Republicans having beautiful women simply demonstrates the superficiality of their members and it isn't true. I'm a straight woman but I fail to see beauty in these women. I prefer seeing intelligence and character in the faces. These women are blanks of stupidity.
Pam: I'd be willing to forgive her 1996 comment if Republicans hadn't made such a big deal out of things Dems might have said 20 years before and criticized them for their associations ad infinitum. Can't have it both ways.
Gene these people petrify me.
Leslie, No you can not masturbate in public! :-)
Are we on the "Muslim vs. Christianity" again?
Great a debate on who has the better imaginary friend.
"The left has a real problem with good looking conservative women..." SF
Actually, no. The Left does not have a problem with what does not exist.
TNLib: I just have one question. If we can't masturbate in private, can we do it in public?.....You're comment about the Republicans having beautiful women simply demonstrates the superficiality of their members
Yes, that's what this discussion has degenerated into -- right-wing trolls wagging their superficial members at us in public. It's painfully obvious why they're so enthralled with the vapid but pretty O'Donnell. There must be legions of pimply college Republicans silverfiddling themselves over their pictures of her even as I type. They'd be positively intimidated by a woman with a brain.
O'Donnell's sound spanking of the GOP establishment monkeys may have sent shivers of excitement through the blogosphere, but teabaggers who hope for a final satisfying thrust into the corridors of power are doomed to a wilting disappointment. If she won't let voters bash the bishop, then they won't let her win the general. Sane Americans will beat off this threat to secular democracy, and eventually rub it out altogether.
Hoping for flocks of flying horses over the Republican convention.....
C, that's another post for another day! LOL
Shaw great comeback and oh so true! LOL!
Infidel you are quite the writer, you have me envisioning all sorts of yukky stuff! LOL
I'm sorry I had to put moderation on, the New Yorkers are trying to highjack this thread. I'm not having it....
See ya in the morning!
There is nothing like sex, even self-sex, to bring out the commenters. I once put the word "porn" in a title and I still get hits (no comments) on it every day.
If Obama is bombing our staunchest ally in all of this bullshit,Pakistan... I for one, wish to know. I hate aerial bombardment. I consider it a crime against humanity.
You were referring to drones? I haven't heard the accounts of Pakistani civilian deaths. There is no use in killing any of these people.
@ Junior:
""I for one, wish to know.
I haven't heard the accounts of Pakistani civilian deaths."
Pull your head out and open your eyes! How did the modern day know nothings end up in the Democratic party.
Those drones only killed civilians when Bush was directing them, right?
Obama Widens Drone Attacks
That comment was a work of art.
Shaw -- thanks -- the credit goes to the righties for providing the inspiration that they do:-)
Oh no, not the Spanky-cams! If Christine O'Donnell gets elected (and that's a big "if"), I wonder if I should fast forward through the scene in "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" where Phoebe Cates catches Judge Reinhold servicing himself.
By the way, Hannity's interview with Karl Rove was an instant classic. I couldn't believe Karl went off the Fox script and actually told the truth about O'Donnell. I'll bet Hannity and Rove had an interesting exchange after that segment.
Silverfiddle says:
"The left has a real problem with good looking conservative women who don't know how to sit down and shut up. Even worse if they espouse traditional Christian values."
Sorry, but that's a tired right-wing talking point. The left has a problem with people like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann because they spout lies and inflammatory rhetoric regardless of the consequences. If Palin and company were atheists who looked like Nanny McPhee, I'd feel the same way about them.
OK, this thread has really gone whack job...
I like cheese.
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