Sunday, September 26, 2010

Congressional Black Caucus, is it racist?

Our friend Malcontent has an interesting post up this week asking us why there is a Black Caucus in Congress and why do they feel the need to have such a group.

he wrote this......

"I my self have often wondered why they get away with something like this, and the whites don't dare form a White anything ! If someone in Congress suggested excluding African-Americans from an organization called the Congressional White Caucus, what would be the response from the media and the liberals in Congress? Why is it only termed racism when the bias is against African-Americans? I as a White person do not know all of what the Black community requires and I am quite certain that other races do not as well. So it may be exclusive to Blacks but I am not offended nor do I feel the need to call it racist.. And while we are at it, why is there a Hispanic Caucus also?"

notice how I underlined the part where he doesn't feel the need to call the caucus racist......

 he added this.....

"So tell me, what the hell do we need a Black or a Hispanic Caucus for? What do they do besides spread racism? And why does our so called president of “All the People” attend these Caucus’s for? Until I see the Black Caucus go to war or go the head of Congress and fight for “All the People” I say, What In Hell Do We Need These Racist Organizations For?
All while we are on the subject, why in hell do we need a NAACP for, if that isn’t a RACIST Organization, then I don’t know what one is!"

He goes on and on after that in a full blown rant that was about as racist a rant I've read in a long time. 
I have invited my friend Malcolm from Diversity Ink to do a guest post about the Black Caucus. We should stand up to people like Mal and confront their idiotic stance whenever possible. Do not cower to these people, confront them with the truth!  Stay tuned for Malcolms post!


Leslie Parsley said...

There's also a Black Caucus of State Legislatures, and horrors, there's even a Black Caucus of the American Library Association.

If there was true equality in this country, there might not be a need for a black caucus of anthing, but we haven't reached that point yet. I'm sure there are caucuses that are for white men only, if not in the title, by implication. If they meet at Boehner's country club, blacks . . . Well we know how that works.

Sue said...

you're right Leslie. And of course we can name lots of organizations for whites, it's just that they don't put WHITES only in their titles because they don't want their true colors to come shining through, that's all. Anytime a minority does something just for their race the whities get all bent out of shape. I don't see the point, who cares if a group of any race wants to organize and do good works. I'm looking forward to Malcolms post.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

An explanation as to why there are groups that promote and discuss the problems that face Black Americans would require the listener to be intelligent and empathetic to a group that to this day still faces racism on a daily basis.

Intelligence and empathy are two qualities our friend malcontent do not possess.

Sue said...

Ayatollah such eloquent words. You are still my number one Truth teller...

Shaw Kenawe said...

This entire country was a White Men's Caucus for centuries. When women and other minorities wanted to share in it, a lot of white guys felt threatened and scared.

The malcontent is an example of an angry old white man who can't deal with the changes that have come to this country.

He deals with his frustrations and fears by attacking people and and lying about what they say. He adds nothing to the blogsphere, except possibly unintentional comedy.

He regulary reads my blog and craps large green bricks over what I write, which never has anything to do with him personally. He then posts funny looking images that are supposed to represent me, and, of course, engages in name-calling--his favorite for me is "hag" and "bag." LOL!

Really, he never matured beyond the mentality of a grade school bully.

And what Ayatollah Truthmeni 101 said is on point.

Shaw Kenawe said...

from you know who's blog: "Z said...
"White Caucus" seems only fair to me...although neither appeal to me.
My husband and I'd hear about the GAY PARADE in West HOllywood every year and he'd say "think we'd get arrested if we had a STRAIGHT PARADE?" Yup, we probably would.
It's okay when liberals do these things because they own the media, but don't let Conservatives stand up for ALL AMERICANS or there's hell to pay."

They really, really, really are so dense they don't understand what a Gay Pride parade is about. It's astounding these people even know how to breathe and walk at the same time.

They are hopeless. You can't educate the closed minded.

Sue said...

Shaw it is hopeless. I again got myself in a bit of trouble over there, I need serious help! LOL. But what I'm doing here with Malcolms upcoming post on the BC is to show awareness where it's desperately needed and to show classless people like Mal and friends that blacks are not scary and trying to push an agenda that is against whites, it's about equal. Whites DO have their groups, they just don't advertise them as such, therefore they can hide behind the veil of racism.

Leslie Parsley said...

Sue: It's your blog and of course you can have anyone write a guest article that you care to have. But as for me, I'm not going to waste my time and energy reading anything by an ignorant dirt bag such as Mal. I'm sorry.

Sue said...

Leslie, what do you mean? Malcolm is doing the guest post not Malcontent. Or do you mean the words here in this post, which are Malcontents? I'm confused!

Leslie Parsley said...

Oh gosh. This addled brain of mine got confused. I'm sorry.

Sue said...

I thought it had to be some kind of confusion, afterall you did comment when I first published this post! LOL!

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Lets see ... hmm ... all these dates on my calendar:

Columbus Day
Saint Patricks Day
Valentine's Day
Good Friday
Lincoln's Birthday
Washington's Birthday
Memorial Day
Mother's Day
Father's Day
Independence Day
Veteran's Day
Yom Kippur
Rosh Hashanah

Perhaps the Malcontent has nothing to celebrate, not one person to honor, and no cause worthy of support ... except perhaps Happy Sociopathy Day.

Sue said...

Octopus, I'm trying real hard to stay away from the malcontent. The only good thing to come from my visit to his hideous racist blog is a guest post coming from Malcolm. I hope you'll come back and read it!

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Sue, as the Governator says, "I'll be back" (spoken with a thick cephalopod accent).

Earlier today, I picked up a memory resident virus. I was reading unmoderated comments stashed in my 'troll' folder, the one that had a Malcontent link in it. Minutes after I opened this comment to read and moderate it, I returned to a document I was working on and performed a routine copy/ paste function. Instead, I got an email address (not the line I copied). Immediately, I shut down my computer and rebooted. No damage done; it was memory resident only.

Bottom line: Malcontent is not safe to be around. Avoid him at all cost, everything about him, including all email, comments, and blog.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Truth you're absolutely correct. If you try to explain that reality to a Right-winger, however, they will call you and whatever black person or group you're defending racist.

I recently made the very same point on a Right-wing blog and that's what happened. In his last comment the Right-winger I was conversing with said "thanks for demonstrating that there is far less racism in the Tea Party movement than is found in the NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus, or Jeremiah Wright's congregation".

The Malcontent blog is, I believe, typical of the ignorant racism of the Right. In the alternate reality they inhabit it's African Americans who are the racists!