My last post on Shariah law brought some good comments and I thank you for them, but that is a rightwing argument just to distract their base from real debate over the jobs situation and how we will grow the economy here in America as opposed to China or India or Mexico. The GOP wants to distract you from the truth of their do-nothing agenda if they should take back some of the power. But the liberals are here to set things straight and I intend to do just that!
President Obama spoke today at Milwaukee's Laborfest. He talked about jobs, the economy and infrastructure. He outlined a $50 billion dollar plan he intends on presenting to Congress for investing in roads, railways and runways. But just as you imagined the GOP has already began an assault on this plan. Their plan?? TO SAY NO!
"Over the
next six years, we are going to rebuild 150,000 miles of our roads -
enough to circle the world six times," Obama told audience of
rank-and-file labor union members.
"We're going
to lay and maintain 4,000 miles of our railways - enough to stretch
coast-to-coast. We're going to restore 150 miles of runways and advance a
next generation air-traffic control system to reduce travel time and
delays for American travelers."
Obama called
for the creation of a permanent infrastructure bank "to leverage federal
dollars and focus on the smartest investments."
He said the
bank will continue the "strategy to build a national high-speed rail
network that reduces congestion, travel times, and harmful emissions."
He added that
the bank will consolidate more than 100 different programs and "change
the way Washington spends your tax dollars."
Earlier, Ray LaHood, the U.S. Secretary of Transportation, told the crowd that "high-speed rail is coming to Wisconsin.""Nobody can
stop this train," LaHood said of the proposed Milwaukee-to-Madison
route, which will be built with $810 million in federal stimulus money.
Former U.S.
Rep Mark Neumann and Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker, the
Republican candidates for governor, have vowed to stop the project.
WHY?? Why have these republicans vowed to stop infrastructure jobs? Could it be because they fear America getting back to work, proving Democratic leaders can work for Americas interest? They want things to go downhill before November elections, they don't want to see people going back to work, that would ruin their chances to win back the power. This is their agenda, POWER for themselves, NOT jobs for you!
President Obama said this today... "Some powerful interests who had been dominating the agenda in Washington for a very long time are not very happy with me. They talk about me like a dog." Wow....I thought he did a great job with the speech today in Wisconsin. He laid out a plan to put people to work. Why the right and some on the left want to fight this is outrageous. Putting people to work is the most important thing right now, once this country is moving again then we can work on the deficit. Democrats know how to pay down debt, don't you worry your pretty little heads about that. We DO have a proven track record. What track record do the republicans have??
You can read the speech here incase you missed it. I thought it was a great speech!
"An Incendiary Emperor" Trump
*Claude Malhuret:*
*“Washington under Trump has become Nero's court, an incendiary emperor,
submissive courtiers, and a jester on ketamine in charge...
54 minutes ago
Sue: As well as your post was, it still doesn't present the gravity of the situation America's Working Families are up against.
Corporate America's interests are not a strong middle class. It is a world of free trade. They don't gie a rat's ass about a living wage in America when there are billions in Asia and hundreds of millions in South America to sell the products the workers manufacture.
Corporate America, despite their bullshit, loves high unemployment. It means a steady stream of desperate people willing to work as scabs to cut wages and benefits for fellow Americans.
both political parties have become corporate whores. The Fox network is perhaps the largest and most dangerous propaganda machine that ever exsisted. The religious community has whored itself to the republican party in the name of unborn children despite 40 years of republican talk and no real action.
Less than 14% of the American workforce is unionized and if my local numbers transfer nationally, half of them are anti union thanks to Fox and management propaganda. Not that the union does much anymore since the Dept. of Labor was transformed into the Dept. of Suck off management under Reagan. Management was given Viagra under Bush.
Obama is fighting the republicans and many in his own party. We're on our way to becoming a feudal society Tea Baggers think this is honorable because Glenn Beck told them so.
You and Truth are correct. The republicans have no interest in the American people. They are only interested in power. And their way to power is by not allowing the Democrats to go forward with any program to help the American people and the American economy.
And if they get power, all you have to do is look back at the last decade to see what they will do.
Ask yourself this -- are you better off now than you were at the end of the Clinton presidency. If you are not, you can thank the republicans. If you are, congratulations. You must be one of the top 2%.
Truth and Jerry, thanks, you have added to my post and it makes it better. There's always much to say on a subject like this, so I let my visitors fill in where needed!
I still don't believe dems will lose the House in Nov. but if they do executive orders can be our future, NO?? I was reading that somewhere yesterday, maybe it was a commentary at HP. He said there is MUCH Obama can be doing now on the jobs problem with executive orders.
It's a good plan, but I fear it is too little, too late, both for the economy and for the election.
As for the Republicans, they will undoubtedly claim they oppose the spending on the grounds of curbing the deficit, while also opposing any tax increases which would be more effective in addressing that problem, and so on round and round the usual rhetorical choo-choo train.
In reality, prioritizing deficit reduction over economic stimulus while unemployment is still so high would risk disaster. Whether the Republicans want a disaster to discredit the Democrats, or are simply ignorant of economic reality, who can say? (People who reject evolution and anthropogenic global warming are perfectly capable of rejecting Keynesian economics.)
It's also true, as Truth says, that high unemployment benefits business. They're in a stronger bargaining position.
In any case, why should the Republicans stop saying "no" to everything? It's working. Polls show them with a sizable lead. They would probably vote to stop the sunrise if they could.
I fear that Obama and the Democrats are about to pay a high price for not focusing on jobs and stimulus spending much more and much earlier than this.
Or you can see the vid at : it was a great speech.
Thanks Lisa G. The speech was a good one and it reads well in the transcript too. There is a part where he said reading our letters at night from all the people in desperate need is why he got into politics, so he can help people. I believe him. Even tho things are so slow to recover we are still moving forward not backwards.
You make great points Infidel. I have to think the GOP is doing the NO thing because of politics but I also believe they know nothing about building up the middleclass. Their focus on the deficit and tax cutting for the rich is ass backwards, just like they are!
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