Sunday, September 19, 2010

Where's THE PLAN? Did I miss something?

 “I have six children, and five grandchildren and I’m scared to death, absolutely scared to death what’s going on in our country.” this came from an Eric Cantor supporter at his book signing.

What are these people scared of?? What has President Obama and this administration done that is so scary? It boggles my mind, and not because I'm a partisan democrat, I really want someone to tell us in plain English exactly what Obama has done to scare you.
There's got to be a cut in spending they say, there's got to be a cut in taxes they say. But when the GOP is asked what they will do to cut spending they have no answers. I thought their plan was coming out this month. Where is their plan? Did I miss that press release?

Sen. Judd Gregg is one of the outspoken who is calling for extending the Bush tax cuts for the rich, all the while complaining about the deficit and spending. They do not look at these billions needed for tax cuts as spending. On ABC's Top Line, Sen. Gregg was asked where the spending cuts would come from to pay for the billions to be added to the deficit through the tax cut extension... (And remember, the GOP wants to make these tax cuts permanent)...

Gregg said, " We’re building the deficit because of the spending, that’s where the deficit is coming from…that massive explosion of spending is where the problem is. It’s not on the revenue side, it’s on the spending side. So why put in all this additional spending. Why don’t you just start cutting spending first because that is where the problem is".

 WHAT?? Is that his answer? YES!

A CNBC host asked Rep. Eric Cantor what he would cut and all he could come up with is.....  “We’ve got spending to cut in the short term what we’ve got is a huge problem in the long term,”

WHAT?? These answers make no sense. Either they have no answers or they really don't want to turn off the voters with the truth of what their plans are. Cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, repeal healthcare reform.....

One by one, GOP after GOP has offered the same rhetoric....Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) said in July that he  “would rescind the unspent stimulus funds,” which at the time, meant that he would do away with $55 billion in middle class tax cuts. Rep. Roy Blunt (R-MO) suggested eliminating the Affordable Care Act, thinking it would save $1 trillion, but it would actually increase the deficit by $143 billion.

When Mitch McConnell was asked about the GOP's plans all he would say was, “I won’t scoop myself,
and six weeks later he still had nothing to offer....If and when the GOP finally comes forward it will be the same 'ole same 'ole, less spending and cut taxes. This is the change America wants?? I don't get it....

Mike Pence won the straw poll at the "Republican get-together" this week,  so even this man, who the rightwingers pick to be their candidate for 2012, had nothing more to offer than this...When asked what he would do besides cut taxes to help the economy he said tax cuts.

They have no answers, no real plans to help our economy recover, and especially no plans to bring jobs back to America. They want our government to simply turn away from America, to let this country and it's people regulate themselves. They want to repeal finance reform, and we all know what happens when there is no regulations in place. But some of the people in this country seem to like it that way.


Annette said...

Great post Sue, however one correction... Blunt is from my state... MO not MI.. just an fyi.

You are so correct though, they have nothing to offer.. to them tax cuts seem to pay for themselves even when it has been shown over and over how they add to the debt.

Thanks for continuing to expose these frauds for what they are. NOTHING.

Sue said...

thanks Annette, that was Think Progress's mistake ;-)

Why are we the only ones who see these frauds for what they are? I don't get it...

mommapolitico said...

Well, Sue, as always, you hit the nail on the head. Love your style, Girl. Don't hold your breath waiting for the Rethugs to put forth a plan. If they put anything out there, it'll be after November, if then. Their plan is to criticize and try to discredit with lies, hoping against hope that they'll get back in and continue to feed the piggish rich. And build corporate wealth. Don't forget that.

They have no answers. That's why their only goal is to block, obstruct and lie about progress. Great post, Girlie. You always get my hackles up when you call out the GOP on their bullpuckey! :)

mommapolitico said...

...and what's this clickjacking business? Email me...I want to try to protect my blog - sounds dreadful!

Malcolm said...

When you ask them what they are scared of, all they can do is give you vague answers like, "I'm afraid we're losing our freedom" and nonsense like that. I can't remember Colin Powell's exact words, but he basically treated the scared feelings people have about Obama as silliness. He was on one of the Sunday morning shows in 2009 or 2010 and he said that this country is too strong for any one person to destroy it. Colin Powell is sadly becoming a rarity, a conservative public figure who talks with some sense and discusses issues in a calm, rational manner.

If the GOP had worthwhile answers for solving the nation's problems, they would have laid them out already. When you get these clowns on non-conservative media outlets, all they give you is a lot of double talk and non-answers.

Sue said...

hey MP, it's gonna be the same 'ole GOP come November and afterwards if they win anything. They pretend to be concerned about Americans but you NEVER, ever hear the words middleclass come from their mouths! Just like that post of McConnell all hysterical about the tax cuts for the rich, he cracks me up!!

Sue said...

Malcolm, Powell was on one of the morning shows today but this damn computer just will not let me focus on my shows! Every Sunday I tell myself to sit down, have my coffee and watch the talk shows, but halfway through I find myself at the computer and I miss all the good stuff! I missed a good interview from Clinton too cuz I was half listening!

The GOP even goes as far as to say they aren't talking about their plans cuz the media will bash them! LOL. They are so lame and think the people are just as dumb as they are. Well actually some are! lol

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Colin Powell is a career dupe. He was tricked into joining the republican party after he retired to keep him from running in 1996. It was Dole's turn that year.

He was duped into the who WMD crap and invasion of Iraq.

Nothing he says is worthy of trust.

Just like republicans.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

They want to cut the social safety net. I would say "eliminate" but then they couldn't privatize SS and funnel billions to Wall Street. They've clearly indicated they want to raise the SS retirement age to 70, so I just don't get it why an average person would vote Republican. Medicare and Social Security are POPULAR programs!

On Friday I saw (on Keith Olbermann's program) a clip of Mike Huckabee speaking out against the "no discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions" component of "Obamacare". He likened it to a requirement to provide homeowner's insurance to people whose houses had already burned down.

This from a former minister? The "morals" of those on the Right churn my stomach. It boggles my mind how they can claim to be Christian.

BTW Sue, the comment you left on my blog was in response to a post that was not yet complete. I wanted to see how my images would be displayed and posted them first, made adjustments, and then published my commentary. The post is ready now if you want to take a second first look.

Jolly Roger said...

What you have to understand is that the Rushpubliscum voter (specifically the Klanbagger) doesn't give a damn what his or her hero-leaders are saying. There';s a damn n____r in the WHITE House, AND he's a DEMOCRAT, and that's pretty much all the Klanservatives care about. We've seen, time after time, how this President is actually a pretty committed corporatist, but his skin color and party affiliation makes him a pariah among people who you'd think would be happy to see how right wing he actually is.

Sue said...

But Ayatollah, I think Powell is a sincere RINO, he's one of our smarter
rightwingers and I enjoy him! :-)

I don't get it either w, how can anyone vote R?? I saw that Huckabee clip, unbelievable! But this is what the teabaggers want in a candidate, one who hates America as much as they do...

It's so true JR. Look at the things Obama has done that the righties would be praising if it was a republican president in office. Tax cuts being one of them!

Infidel753 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Infidel753 said...

I have six children, and five grandchildren and I’m scared to death, absolutely scared to death what’s going on in our country.”

When it's put that way, it makes sense. I too sometimes feel a bit scared at how prolifically these people reproduce:-)

Gregg: Why don’t you just start cutting spending first because that is where the problem is

Because, you flaming nitwit, we are still suffering from high unemployment and the economy still needs the kind of counter-cyclical stimulus which only the government can provide. Had it not been for the earlier stimulus and bail-outs under both Bush (who is starting to look almost responsible compared to these dingbats) and Obama, the country would have slid into a full-blown depression.

If they were really concerned about the deficit, they would support Obama's plan to cancel the Bush tax cuts for incomes over $250,000, which have little stimulative effect.

Sue said...

LMAO!!! You scared me there for a minute Infidel, I thought you were gonna agree with the whiny woman!

Of course you and the rest of us sane lefties are correct. You can't cut spending in a recession. The people will be sorry when they vote in the teabaggers, that's all I can say. They have to learn by their mistakes but sadly the whole country will suffer right along with them...

Silverfiddle said...

It's the spending. Blame Bush, blame whoever, but it will eventually sink us.

Sue said...

No it won't SF. Don't be such a scaredy cat. We've lived thru worse times and always came back on top, the dems can do it brother, yes we can!!

Sue said...

did ya see my list?? YAY!!

ExpressoSelf said...

OMGosh...I'm so glad I found your blog! Thanks for writing in plain english as I can't understand the mumble jumble of the GOP!

Infidel753 said...

The time to cut spending is after unemployment goes down and the economy is running smoothly on its own. You stop the expensive medication after the patient has recovered his health, not before. The same Keynesian prescription that requires deficit spending now, also calls for the government to run a surplus when the economy is strong -- something which Clinton did, and which Bush very conspicuously failed to do.

We don't know yet what Obama will do when the economy is fully recovered. I hope he will follow Clinton's responsible example rather than Bush's irresponsible one. But at any rate, we have not yet reached that point.

In the meantime, since cutting spending would be inappropriate, we can still make a start on the deficit by letting the Bush tax cuts on the highest incomes expire while leaving them in place for middle incomes -- as Obama has proposed.

My comment about fundamentalists over-breeding was, of course, tongue-in-cheek. Having as I do the history of technology as a special interest, I know very well that there is no such thing as over-population in an absolute sense. And we atheists are expanding our share of the population quite well by [de]conversion, without any need to try to out-multiply the opposition.

Sue said...

well thank you very much Expresso! I'll come by and see you tomorrow, it's been a LONG DAY!

Sue said...

I sure do love your visits Infidel but sometimes I say, HUH?? LOL!

You are so right on everything, and I do hope Obama followers Clintons lead. I have no doubt he will.

Jerry Critter said...

You can't really say that the problem with the deficit is spending.

Deficit = Revenue - Spending

The deficit is a function of revenue and spending. They are of equal weight. If you want to decrease the deficit you need to either increase revenue relative to spending or decrease spending relative to revenue.

They are both equally the problem.

The question really is, should we be running a deficit or a surplus at this time? Which is more beneficial to the economy at this time?