Glenn Beck, fearmonger-in-chief, wants you to be afraid because violence is coming and it's coming from the left. I guess it's all because we have a president named Barack Hussein Obama...
Media Matters Eric Boehlert says Beck sounds like a storefront preacher....
This idiot has followers, and we all know his followers have mental issues. So yes be afraid, be very afraid of Glenn Beck when he says things like this...and please take it seriously, it really isn't very funny. The man is truly sick and is hypnotizing the wingnuts, he is calling for them to be violent against liberals and our president, Don't believe it? Then you must be one of the idiot followers.....
*I found the link to the article below over at Infidel753's blog.*
* Lemkin Institute Issues 'Red Flag Alert for Genocide' After Musk's Nazi
1 hour ago
Beck is worrisome because of his inflammatory, delusional rhetoric. Whether his rhetoric is all an act or the product of a scrambled mind, there are still plenty of gullible people who take him seriously -- and that's a chilling thought.
Beck may be an entertainer of dubious distinction, but his brain is also fried.
An aunt told me that my Tea Party cousins no longer watch Beck. I take this as a very good sign. I think he is beginning to lose his audience.
Beck, like Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter et al – is selling a product – himself. And getting wealthy in the process. To be honest, I pity the poor souls he is duping, some of whom are just too damn ignorant to know better. BJ
This is all anyone rational person needs to know about Glenn Beck:
''I'm a rodeo clown. It takes great skill.''
—Glenn Beck, New York Times interview, March 29, 2009
''I say on the air all time, 'if you take what I say as gospel, you're an idiot.''
—Glenn Beck, New York Times, March 29, 2009
''I could give a flying crap about the political process ... We're an entertainment company.''
—Glenn Beck, Forbes interview; April, 2010
Here's are questions I would ask anyone who is a follower of Beck:
Is he speaking the truth when he makes those statements? If so, why do you believe anything he says? If he's NOT speaking the truth when he makes those statements, then why do you believe anything he says?
BTW, Sue, I've cross-posted this on my blog.
It is important for everyone to understand what a mentally unstable person Beck is.
just the sound of his voice hypnotizing the weak is chilling Ahab. You are so right!
Well that's always a good sign Leslie when we have moved some people to think for themselves. I hope your cousins see the light and soon!
I pity the poor delusional souls too BJ, but to a point. These backwoods, backwards thinking people have more than one option, they really need to be educated.
Shaw thanks for the linky love!
Becks followers are too brainwashed to read those statements made by him. They'll just say the liberal media made them up. There really isn't anything we can say to a Beck follower, they need to come back to reality on their own. But maybe we can stop someone sane from going over a cliff and start listening to him...
no one has to watch Beck to know what's going on.
What does e say hat is so bad anyway? I never heard anyone quote him on saying anything hateful.
What exactly has he said that is fear mongering. Or do you just use that term loosely?
are you just saying this hideously stupid comment to get a rise out of us lisa?? It ain't gonna work.
So I guess you have no proof to back up your accusations. Thank you
None of you have watched Glenn Beck's show. If you have, you are lying through your teeth.
Every claim that Mr. Beck makes is verified with video, audio, or printed proof. He does this because leftists (like yourselves) don't see anything wrong with straight-up lying to advance your agenda. I don't know how you can accuse him of misleading or lying when he DOCUMENTS literally every claim he makes. The fact that so many lefties are sweating bullets and trying to disparage Beck proves how effective he is.
I don't get to watch him as much as I would like, but what you all are saying is simply incorrect...PERIOD!
Admit fear him because he is encouraging people to research his claims for themselves. He is not asking people to accept his words without investigation. He ENCOURAGES people to "question with boldness." You don't really have a leg to stand on in your claims against Beck. PROVE WHAT YOU SAY. (I won't hold my breath!)
You, who hold Alan Grayson up as a shining example of liberal integrity, haven't a clue as to how to recognize honesty and character in anyone. He is quite possibly the most insane member of Congress...and that's saying something.
Lisa and Linda are both woefully misinformed and blinded by their worship of a proven charlatan.
They admire a man who calls them idiots! What more can I say. That's about the biggest indictment of their judgement anyone can make. Glenn Beck, by his own words, dupes these women, and they defend his chicanery?
But you wanted facts? Here:
FOX News personality, Glenn Beck, has been using his airtime to broadcast a right-wing conspiracy theory about the Obama administration setting up 'concentration camps,' as part of a secret plot to establish totalitarian rule.
While Beck claims he is not 100% certain that the camps exist, he has proclaimed repeatedly that the Obama administration's economic policies are pushing the country into "totalitarianism' and that he "cannot debunk" the existence of the camps, which are supposedly being set up under the auspice of the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), but which Beck claims will be used soon for mass imprisonment of American citizens with right-leaning political views.
from 7/27/10 Glenn promulgates and amplifies the lie told by Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday when Chris told Howard Dean “the video [Shirley Sherrod] had never played on the Fox News Channel before the White House fired Sherrod it was on Andrew Breitbart,, we’re not responsible for them, I agree with you that it was out of context but it wasn’t on Fox News.”
The claim “it wasn’t on Fox News” is the lie. On July 19th, BEFORE Sherrod resigned, Fox ran a story with a still shot from the Brietbart video under the headline “Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn’t Give ‘Full Force’ Of Help to White Farmer”.
Glenn Beck lied when he claimed at his Restore Honor rally that he went to the National Archives and held George Washington’s inaugural address in his hands. He didn’t. And he admitted he was lying when he claimed he held the document in his hands.
Here are more links to documented lies by Glenn Beck.
How can Linda and Lisa defend a man who thinks they're idiots? Only they can answer that interesting question.
In addition to being a shameless liar and charlatan, Beck manipulates the fears and prejudices of millions of weak-minded people, claiming millions of Americans are out to kill conservatives, and worse, demonizing our American president.
I have news for you Lisa and Linda:
No one in the history of this country or of ANY country ever became an American hero by turning Americans against each other.
That you think this man has any merit is more a reflection of the hatreds and prejudices you hold in your hearts than on we who see through his vile machinations.
You're championing of this worthless worm is appalling.
Considering the history of the right wing bloggers that infect this community, Lisa and Linda are probably the same person. Lise got lonely because 70 of Malcontent's personalities are mysteriously gone.
That being said, Linda/Lisa is an ignorant shrew. Unworthy of any intellectual respect because they are morons incapable of independent thought. Only repeating what they've been told by their reich wing propaganda sites.
If ignorance is truly bliss then Lisa/Linda must be the happiest woman on Earth.
Sorry, Linda,
I don't think like you and Lisa.
Barack Obama is my president, not my hero.
He's a man who has flaws like every human being.
But I'll tell you this: We are damn lucky to have a man who is rational and thoughtful, and does not give into cheap headline grabbing emotional outbursts in order to gain the admiration of his supporters.
Mr. Obama is just what we needed to lead this country at this time, and history will prove this true.
Why don't you want a strong, well funded security force to protect America Lisa?
Oh yeah. Two reasons you don't want that. Because President Obama does. The other reason is that your a deluded right wing fool.
You idiots loved it when Bush was wanting more stuff to fight "evil doers."
God you're stupid. Do you need ear plugs to keep the stench from the shit that is your brain from fouling your tea parties Lisa?
Why don't you want a strong, well funded security force to protect America Lisa?
You have got to be kidding right? If Bush did tis you would be the one crying foul. As a matter of fact Truth where is all you outcry about the FBI having more oversight of your Internet activities.
With mentors like Frank Davis Marshall,Marx and Rev Wright spewing all his anti white hate.
I don't share his philosophy and I don't like the way this congress is operating and the way he forced his agenda through.
Him and Pelosi and all their followers in congress has divided the country not the tea party people.
Oh yes people are so happy with all this debt he has accumulated and record high unemployment and spending.
Passing bills to find out what's in them and now people are finding out the lies and deceit and you still all in lock step like you are a robot.
Demonize all you want but Americans have already made up their minds.
I guess your business must be booming.
I kindly request that you no longer properly capitalize glenn beck anymore as he has lost the privilige as many gop'ers have.
Sinsuruly yuurz,
now I'm having a full blown anxiety attack. i knew it would be a mistake to let lisa comment...
I can assure you lisa/Mal is not Linda, but Linda is one of the dumbest sheeple Beck loving wingnuts in the blogosphere! It's not worth it my friends to debate these people. I will be damned if I would waste my breath and typing to try and convince them that GB is a hideous, lying, wanna-be prophet.
You're not only among the most ignorant right wing fool I've encountered Lisa, you're also among the most disingenuous.
It is republicans who obstruct and divide. Of course you won't admit this due to your blind devotion to the republicans and your vast ignorance.
You must know that 90% of the national debt was rung up under republican presidents. Oh. Well you wouldn't know that because you're an idiot. In fact, when the average idiot wants to insult someone's idiocy he calls her a "Lisa." The ultimate idiot.
And come up with something original you ignorant shrew. Just repeating a variation of what I just posted only further exposes you for the lame, intellectually bankrupt clown you are.
yes C, I agree!
My favorite beck pants-on-fire lie is the one about the Lincoln Memorial being closed to large gatherings. Then there's, the government is offering insurance to dogs in the new HC bill.
And, "John Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, "has proposed forcing abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population."
And these are the ones that are simply false:
-Labor union president Andy Stern is "the most frequent visitor" at the White House.
-Less than 10 percent of Obama's Cabinet appointees "have any experience in the private sector."
-"Mitt Romney ... gave you government health care that is now bankrupting the state" of Massachusetts.
-Forty-five percent of doctors "say they'll quit" if health care reform passes.
-"Why do we have automatic citizenship upon birth? We're the only country in the world that has it."
These all came from
L&L: Ten to one, you were in this crowd - something you should watch since both of you just love to verify with videos.
Research Glenn Beck's "facts" get real....
Anyone who graduated from high school would KNOW that half of what Beck says is wrong without having to look up or research a damn thing...
I like the day he had the chess set and he made George Soros the King on the liberal side...
Then when he came to the conservative side, he couldn't think of a King...
Hmmm....The Koch Brothers? considering that they pump 10 times more money into right wing political interests every year than what George Soros pumps in a decade...
Nope, on the right side the King was THE PEOPLE!
Had to laugh at that one....
While I was laughing Lisa and Linda were saying.....Yeah we are the kings!
Ed Schultz is a blowhard. A real man would have followed through on his threat to burn down MSNBC.
Of course, the 10 people who watch it would have been upset...
"90% of the national debt was rung up under republican presidents"
Go read the constitution and educate yourself on how federal budgets are passed and money is spent.
Media Mutters is a lying liberal smear joint. has the truth.
And just how many spending bills did the fiscally prudent republican George W. Bush veto Silverfish?
They cut taxes and did this supply side crap ringing up huge deficits in obedience to republican Reagan. They cut taxes and rang up crippling deficits in obedience to W.
Go have another cup of that tea your right wing puppet masters are serving up Silverfish.
The Newsbusters chick has nice boobs.
Truth must be a government employee. Typical liberal who thinks they are so much smarter than the rest of us but they only have themselves convinced.
If republicans are so divisive why is the country so much more divided the last 2 years? Oh never mind it must be all those racists who don't like the president because he's brown.
Lisa must be a paid whore of the GOP. They like their women bitchy and stupid.
Nice name-calling, tnlib. The Democratic party politburo is proud of you.
Yeah, George Bush spent too much. No tell us something new.
" has the truth."
Uh, no. NPR, politifact, factcheck, snopes, yes.
Any outlet that has a tagline of "Exposing Liberal Media Bias" without inserting "AND conservative media bias" doesn't qualify as "truth".
SF: I don't see where I called the whore a name.
Although I appreciate the point of view of the members of the anti-Beck crowd who think it's best to ignore him, I feel it's vital that every lie and distortion that pours from his mouth gets exposed! If we keep chipping away, hopefully the Lollipop Guild (aka suckers) who think he's the beacon of truth will realize they are being played. Sadly with some of his flock, the more evidence that exposes Beck for the fraud he is, the more they will support him.
thanks for commenting everyone!
I won't go thru each comment to save time but you know I enjoy your visits!
C, I agree, if it doesn't say exposing BOTH sides then we take it for what it is. I am a Media Matters and Think Progress fan, and for what I have seen in the past if they get something wrong they always update and edit.
As for Ed Schultz SF, he's an advocate for the left and he may get a little fired up at times, but the left needs that fire under them. I love him and his show and will highlight it every chance I get. At least I'm not embarrassed to. For those righties who have Hannity, Beck, and Limpy, oh well sorry about that and good luck to ya!
Malcolm I absolutely agree, we have to expose the wingnuts, it's our job!
How can we ignore such idiotic statement coming from the rightwingnuts? All these teabagger candidates are so unqualified to even be a dogcatcher let alone a Senator. I will never stop exposing these morons! And then there's Beck, he's just way too much fun to ignore!
I actually agree with Malcolm, big time. Sue, you know how much I hate to see a certain ignoramus's posts deleted, mainly because they can be exposed for the thoughtless troglodytes they are.
Besides, when they make stupid posts, everyone gets to make the same face as my profile picture. (My Canadian photo ID)
Glenn Beck is undoubtably racist. His whole show is predicated on playing on the racist ignorance of christian fascists. And worst of all, he routinely claims to be personally guided by a Higher Power and is still taken seriously.
SF: "Nice name-calling, tnlib. The Democratic party politburo is proud of you."
"Alan Grayson: Unbalanced Liberal Liar
Florida Congressman Alan Grayson (D-ing Dong), is bat guano crazy...
Sicko libtards are gleefully clicking their heels..."
All from SF's blog. He's a funny one to come here and scold people for name-calling.
Oh the humanity!
But this is the best that I found over at his "Western Hero" site.
"I don't get a chance to see Glenn Beck's TV show, and I only catch snippets of his radio show on the way home from work, but I admire him. I admire him for pulling himself out of a self-made gutter of materialism and alcoholism."
He "admires" a man who calls people who believe what he says idiots! He admires a self-identified rodeo clown, but the best is this, SF's admiration of Beck for taking himself out of the gutter of materialsim.
Glenn Beck in his own words:
''I could give a flying crap about the political process ... We're an entertainment company.''
—Glenn Beck, Forbes interview; April, 2010
Yes. Mr. Beck cares very much about earning many, many millions of materialistic dollars by "entertaining" his dupes.
Like the recent Pew survey that revealed atheists know more about religion than do believers, it appears we liberals know more about fake rightwing "heros" and their chicanery than do their "admirers."
But shhhhhh. Don't tell them they're being had. That'll spoil all the fun.
Ed Schultz, "Fired Up," I like it Sue I wonder if MSNBC makes him leave all flammables at the door?
Say what you want about Glenn, he's caused millions to delve into the constitution and our history. Remember the US Constitution? You guys used to at least give lip service to it.
Shaw: Personally, I draw a distinction between calling a public person like Alan Grayson a lying ass wart in the third person, and calling an interlocutor names.
You can call it a distinction without a difference, but just so you know where I'm coming from.
I love Ed Schultz and his show gets me fired up every night. Glenn Beck, self-righteous rodeo clown is putrid, just like the teapublicans..
Of course, Silverfiddle posts photoshopped images of President Obama and FDR alongside Hitler. So yeah he's a real winner!
From his blog Western Hero: Chinese and Russian Communism, Italian and German Fascism, and the US Progressive movement embodied in FDR's new deal and Johnson's great society.
And you can throw both George Bushes in there as well, Gene.
It's probably too much to ask you to consider the commonality in the philosophical underpinnings.
And you mean that picture is photoshopped? You mean Obama, FDR, Hitler, Mussolini, Peron and Franco didn't all pose together for that picture?
See Gene? You learned something. You had no idea who the other people in that picture were, did you?
***"Media Matters for America is a Web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.
Launched in May 2004, Media Matters for America put in place, for the first time, the means to systematically monitor a cross section of print, broadcast, cable, radio, and Internet media outlets for conservative misinformation — news or commentary that is not accurate, reliable, or credible and that forwards the conservative agenda — every day, in real time."***
Shaw K ~ Perhaps you should use sources other than partisan left-leaning hatchet men to verify what is or is not truth.
In defense of Glenn Beck, I WATCH or LISTEN to his program as much as time will allow, and I know first hand that he offers up front video proof and/or audio recordings and public information records to prove his claims. Many times he shows quotes from the very books written by those in question. You may choose to disagree with his politics, but you have no credibility in calling him a liar, because he VERIFIES his statements using the very words (in context) of those whom he is exposing...not chopped up sentence parts (such as Alan Grayson does) played as a "quote."
You know what he says is true, but since you share ideology with the likes of those exposed by Beck, your accusations lack integrity. Go to the source and watch Glenn Beck. You can't, in honesty, argue with the verified proof of his claims.
Oh Linda you poor deluded right wing fool.
Are you so blind and deaf to Beck's nonsense that you refuse to hear his caveats every fourth sentence about how he is only giving his "opinion." He's looking for deniability becausew he understands the bigots, homophobes and idiots that hang on his words might do something stupid.
He's even said he's in the entertainment business. For you to quote or use him as an academic example is truly assinine. You may as well quote The Three Stooges as evidence supporting your backward views.
Unlike the goose-stepping msnbc crowd (all 8 of you) people who listen to Glenn Beck think, and go read the material he mentions.
No one is right 100% of the time, and it is true that much of what is said by anybody is that person's interpretation. That is why it is so important to not just mindlessly ingest anything anyone says.
SF I highly doubt Becks hypnotized followers read anything he talks about. They follow every word like the blind sheeple they are. Do you actually think they get out their Bibles, Founding Fathers paperwork, and the Constitution?? LOL!
Beck is laughing all the way to the bank and KNOWS his followers are mindless dimwits...
I have finally declared beck as an off-shoot of the WWE as his intent and target is undereducated and high-drama-loving, poor trailer park crackers(I can't say "trash" anymore due to the conflict with my human geographer side).
It's fake, highly manipulaitive and a financial gold mine for the phony outrage lovers.
I watch every once in a while for a good laugh. I always expect someone from WWE could come out and smack beck or one of his guests with a chair.
You're not only incredibly stupid Lisa. You're also pathetic. What happened girlfriend? Your right wing pupper masters forget to send you today's talking point so you use the truths I and the left post about your ignorant beliefs as your ammo?
You and your ilk are the mindless sheep. The only good thing about that is now that Christine O'Donnell reminded you that you can't masturbate maybe your husband is getting some more action from you.
On the other hand, you're probably as sour and miserable a piece of ass as you are a human being. If your old man wants to keep locking the bathroom door I'd understand.
The following post is just one example of Glenn Beck being a race-baiting liar.
For the Beck supporters who've commented in this thread, I have two questions for you:
1. Do you think Beck was being dishonest by only playing the “white executives” portion of Obama’s comments?
2. Do you feel Beck was race baiting by saying President Obama didn't want to talk to Hayward because he's white?
If your answers to both questions are "no", I'd love to hear your arguments.
Of course, the people who feel the same way I do about Beck are welcome to chime in too.
Ha ha ha. Old Silverfiddle having abandoned the 'Liberals are ugly and hate pretty women' Argument now relies on the 'If lots of people like it, it must be true' conservative mantra. I guess this explains why Silverfiddle hates those of the Jewish Faith and Minorities. According to Silverfiddle if they were Right there would be more of them...
@Aymatoilet Hootenanny:
I don't waste my time on leftwing propaganda.
Was it racist for Obama to sit in that church of hate for 20 years?
Was it racist for the Justice Department to not prosecute suspected violations by African American groups?
See how questions like this avoid addressing the issue at hand?
Of course Beck is not right all the time. Not even The Obamessiah can claim that.
Lisa: You go Girl! When they start hurling insults at you that means you're landing punches and they are unable to respond coherently. heeheehee!
And Gene, are you on drugs? No rational person could reach the conclusion you just espoused.
My defense of Beck is that he has people reading and thinking.
The left deals in truth. Not propaganda, lies and misleading nonsense like your pals Lisa and Glenn Beck Silverfish.
And while it's touching that you come to the phony Lisa's defense (Hint SF: she's not a real person) your devotion to the puppet masters and willingness to be one of their dupes is troubling.
Same to ya, troof... You guys bought the biggest fairy tale of all back in 2008. How's that empty suit hope and change workin' for ya?
SF, the whole messiah bullshit is rightwing talk. NOBODY here ever called Obama a miracle worker! After 8 yrs of hideous Bush policies that brought this country to it's knees, 90% of the country looked forward to a refreshing change, and that change just happened to be Barack Obama. You righties just need to get over your jealousy! It's just a fact, rightwing nuts cling to their evangelicals and their guns, they thrive on fear and hate, what a sorry assed way to live.
You took it all on faith, Sue. Tell me what in his background qualified him to run the most powerful country in the world? What? Running a college paper? Writing two narcissistic books? Spreadin' it around on the South Side?
To be fair, I did not vote for Bush in the primaries in 1992, because, although way more qualified than Obama was, I saw him as not ready.
Bush policies?
Flushing money down the toilet by rewarding the teachers unions that destroyed our education system? Throwing more money at the intelligence agencies who had their thumbs us their asses as 3000 people died?
Growing government at a rate Jimmy Carter could only dream of?
Smells like big government, statist progressivism to me.
So what's your answer to government failure? More Government!
The socialists of all parties are financially, morally and intellectually bankrupt.
And another thing... What is it about liberals who fixate on how conservatives live? If I want to cap off rounds, clinging to a bible with a bottle of Jack tucked under my arm what business is it of yours?
I don't see hate among by redneck friends, I see joy of family and hard work. You guys and Obama must be snooping around in the wrong places.
Truth is truth no matter the source, and lies are lies regardless of who spews them. Glenn Beck does repeatedly tell people that he is giving his opinion, BUT he backs up all accusations with his undeniable forms of PROOF. Those who destroy the messenger because they hate the message are truly heinous and foolish. Just as foolish are those who BELIEVE the message because they love the messenger. That is why the truly informed investigate for themselves.
I am not surprised that most of the "proof" that you all have offered in condemnation of Beck's statements are liberal bloggers giving their "opinions" of Glenn Beck. Typical.
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