Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Betsy, the true story

Betsy McCaughey, Liar

Everyone here knows the real Betsy except for a few of my visitors, so this is for them. Enjoy ladies!

Betsy McCaughey is a professional liar. She lies. The things she writes are untrue. They are not even "distortions." They are made-up. Everyone has known this for years and yet she was still allowed to derail the nation this year.

McCaughey's schtick, as described by James Fallows, is to pose as a disinterested, objective researcher who is just shocked and dismayed to find something insane and evil in a piece of legislation supported by a Democratic president.

And then she sits down to write a very serious and nonpartisan and concerned piece of analysis of this evil thing in the legislation that she made up. And then some respectable outlet publishes her serious analysis. And then, within minutes, partisan Republican columnists, talk radio hosts, politicians, and operatives are disseminating talking points taken directly from that serious piece of entirely made-up bullshit analysis.

Her first stab at derailing this year's health care debate came with a Bloomberg column about fictitious health care rationing hidden in the stimulus bill.

In a July 24 column for the New York Post, McCaughey smeared Ezekiel Emanuel (the nice Emanuel brother) as a murderous "deadly doctor."

In a radio interview with Fred Thompson, McCaughey got more explicit, wholly inventing mandatory death panel sessions American seniors would have to face every five years.

And, thus, "death panels." From Betsy to Rush to Sarah Palin to Chuck Grassley to your own old relatives forwarding you crazy shit, probably.

Of course, she's been at this forever. In 1994, McCaughey worked for the Manhattan Institute, a right-wing think tank. And then she wrote a piece for The New Republic about how the Clinton health care plan would not allow people to buy health care coverage outside the government-run plan. This, obviously, was false. George Will picked up on it, adding nonsense about jail terms.

(Andrew Sullivan edited The New Republic from 1991 through 1996. In 1994, Sullivan was on a roll, publishing both the objectively racist pseudoscience of The Bell Curve and Betsy McCaughey's No Exit. This was all before Ruth Shalit and Stephen Glass. Current editor Franklin Foer apologized for the McCaughey piece shortly after assuming his position. Sullivan never really has. McCaughey's story was really more the fault of owner/"editor-in-chief" Marty Peretz, of course, because he had a psychotic hatred of Bill Clinton.)

So. After that one lying story full of lies made her famous, Al D'Amato told George Pataki to make her Lietenant Governor of New York. She did not get along with Pataki, and she famously, weirdly, stood up for the entirety of Pataki's 1996 State of the State address. In 1997, Pataki dropped her from the ticket with a nasty public letter and she decided to become a Democrat in order to run against him. She ended up on the Liberal Party ticket, and lost, obviously, and then she moved to DC to work for the Hudson Institute, another right-wing think tank.

So she is a known liar and an elected Republican politician (her brief and bizarre stint as a vengeful Liberal party candidate aside), and here she is still forcing people to argue with chimerical fantasies instead of legitimate criticisms of progressive legislation.

We are hard pressed to come up with any equivalent figure on "the left," who openly and intentionally lies in the service of her partisan arguments, and who continues to do so with relative impunity, in major publications, long after the lies are exposed.


Lisa said...

She is also a patient advocate and probably the first person to actually read the entire bill when it first came out. The ones pushing for it hadn't even read it.
Yep that's how it is folks anyone who debates,scrutinizes or exposes this bill are nothing but liars and fear mongers. We should all just believe what Pelosi,Obama and Reid say and not disagree or question any of it.
Just say 'yes' like good little lemmongs.

Anonymous said...

Obama lied when he said he would not mandate insurance. He lied again when he said he would give all Americans the same choices Congress has. Yet here we he plans on requiring everyone to maintain insurance or fAce hefty fines. The house signed a bill on Saturday that exempts Congress! Apparently the coverage that will be mandated is good enough us but not good enough for Congress!

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

(pssst! that's LEMMINGS, not "lemmongs". And the the orthodox GOP really does know something about what is and what ain't a lemming, based on experience).

Getting back to Betsy...I think she just might be the biggest opportunist this side of the former governor of Alaska. Just reading her bio makes you shake your head, with more twists and turns than an average episode of THE SOPRANOS.

A Republican turned Democrat turned....(can it be true?) Liberal Party member turned right wing wonk.

No..she's credible.

And I'm the long lost heir to Howard Hughes.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The lady has found a way to make a good living. And her right wing puppet masters and their minions will pay her whatever she wants to continue spreading her lies and spin. But God forbid we raise minimum wage or help Americans afford health insurance.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ You really do need to go to the horse's mouth sometime and stop depending on bloggers and comments left on blogs and esp. the Huffington Post for your info. It's not very thorough of you. Try to dig a little deeper, and you may just stumble across a few actual facts to mix in with your misinformation.

B.J. said...

Plain and simple: profiting from ignorance. Two examples above.

Sue said...

Linda I did publish the TRUTH about Betsy, you really should be a big girl and admit when you are wrong. Even if I had dug all the way to China the results would be the same. Betsy is a liar. 90% of republicans are liars and deceivers and you are the sheep blindly following.

Lisa said...

"But God forbid we raise minimum wage or help Americans afford health insurance."

God forbid the democrats should focus on getting the economy strong so we wouldn't have to depend on them.
Oh wait, that's what they want.

Sue said...

lisa for once use your brain. 8 years of policies which brought down our economy, it will take more than 8 years to get back on the road to recovery, so either be patient or move to China...

Lisa said...

Sue I will be patient when they show they are truly concerned about the economy- not fulfilling their "wish" list of spend,spend,spend.

Lisa said...

Here's person who Pelosi should be listening to instead of the moveon morons:

I know it's difficult to take advice from someone who actually, oh my God.......has medical background.

Sue said...

lisa stop, you are making a fool of yourself!

Lisa said...

I think not Sue. Did you even boher to look ate her credentials or do you just parrot the leftists o "Liar,Liar,Liar" or Racist,Racist,Racist or fearmongers or Teabaggers and any other name you find from those crazy left wing hate America ,Obama ass-kissing sites?

Sue said...

lisa liberals don't hate America. Remember we are the ones fighting for YOU! Rethugs only fight for themselves and greedy corporate America. Thats why they are the party of NO, thats why they stand in the way of progress. They hate America

Lisa said...

Sue this damin is no different than any other. They aren't fighting for us they are fighting for themselves and their special interests.
They lie,decive and mianipulate to get what they want and this admin has proven to be quite the experts at doing just that.
No debate no, scrutiny, no follow up.